The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Hey Ladies.... Catch up time lol.... oooh yeh happy 100th page ladies, we have done well :rofl:

Arlene I hope you are having a fab holiday.. Thanks for your kind words hunni..:hugs: :haha: When i worked in vodafone, i hated setting up the new blackberrys, them silly fiddly keys :growlmad: lol It's all about iphone 4....:happydance:
Yeh i used OPK's i think they are great for pinpointing Ov, they are really easy too.

Emma Hey Hun.. Thx for the text, its nice to be thought about lol.. Yes, you should have a ticker up there, It's lovely to see it hun. :happydance: It's so relieving to hear your going nowhere... Hummm, as long as us girls allow you to be here.. HELLO!!!! Your the host :rofl: Me, You and Wendy decided to make this new thread. It's going to be here for as long as bnb will let it...:flower: Awe, you will love a belly now, just make sure you take weekly bump pics, and show us... I still can't believe it... Bet your still on :cloud9: I hope the Docs go well On Thursday hun...Gavin sounds like he is well in tune hun, you have a good en there hun.. Get ginger biscuits if you feel sick hunni, they will help ya.. Lucky for me, i never had any sickness at all, well, i say no sickness until 2 mins after giving birth i did, it was uncontrollable for 5 mins... I wish you all the luck in the world hunni...

Hun, i think once you have had your doc confirm everything, i'd sit down with your manager and tell him/her. Its best they do know about :baby: so they can go easy on the work load! I know pregnancy isn't an illness, but the first 12 weeks are to important, so them knowing may give you that little heads up. Plus they can understand when your tired and running to the loo every 5 mins throwing up lol.. You never know, they may be really good about :baby:
and get you help and support with work.

Hun i was terrible for eating when i was pregnant. You couldn't get anything good for me down my throat. I loved milk, yoghurt's.. But i was crap at eating Give me chocolate and chips, id eat them... I was mad on noodles too, but where food was concerned i picked at it. The last 2 months kebabs at 3 in the morning.. I kept telling my midwife i was worried about baby not getting enough vitamins, she said not to worry too much, as long as i am eating something, obviously not things that were bad for a pregnant lady.. How the hell my son came out 9lb 4oz only god knows!

Its hall hype with eating and pregnancy.. Obviously now id be different, but even now i'm a terrible eater.

I hope you had a mask on while you was sanding lady!!!!

Charlie Hey hun.. I agree, :sex: every other day throughout your cycle ( except when :witch: is with you) is best. You can ovulate any time in your cycle. They even say you can ov more than once!! It is amazing what our body does.

Wendy Hey Hunni... Awe the weather was that bad there too. The wind blew all our wheelie bins all over the place lol.
:nope: don't say that, i couldn't deal with a tornado, i'm scared when we have thunder. I'd have a panic attack if we have tornado's! I never heard about them in America. Just the ones going though my life at the mo. I hope everything is ok over there.

Oh you are terrible, your poor hubby. How can you leave him to do it! I love gardening, i'm gutted my big garden is all flagged.. I'd love an excuse to buy a lawnmower and be out there every week doing my garden. I bet it will be beautiful when it all blooms... I wish we'd get some hot weather again. I'm sick of this cold, wind, rain... Its May and the weather is awful...

My PCOS symptoms.... Hummm a couple of hairs on my chin :rofl: My mum had 2 hairs under her chin like this too...... None hun.. I don't understand it..... I have af every month. I'm 5ft 4in and 9st like i said... The diagnosis was from seeing loads of cysts on both my ovaries, and my blood results....
I remember seeing all them on my blood form too. I have no idea what the others were. To be honest, i cnt be bothered with all the technical stuff...
As for my FS appt i just posted a post about that. It is still in July, but don't know whether ill be going. Ill see how this month and next pans out. :happydance: for appt next week...
:happydance: For Zumba, you are sooo right hun it is hard, but its fantastic for making you sweat.. i love the calypso routine. I love the moves, especially the wining :rofl: you have to shake them hips hard!!!!! I wish i had time to do my workouts.. i miss my kinect..
This water blood sounds dodgy now, it is really struggling to do what it is suppose too. Hun When was your last smear? Soz for the personal question!

Amy Hey Hun, awe Thx hun! I hope you are feeling ok and your symptoms are a :bfp:... We need another one now!!!! when will you be testing hun?.. I have everything crossed for you ..:hugs: I'm sending you lots of :dust: your way Mrs.. You get some :sleep: hun...

Rachael Hello Hun, Thanks hun, I'm still breathing, i have my health, my home and son, so i guess i'm lucky. Life may be confusing and hard at the moment, but there is always someone else out there in a worse situation, so i guess i am lucky..

I'm sorry your feeling rotten. Sinusitis is not nice at all. My son had it a few months ago and it was awful. He had a really bad case of it, the doc put him on a 4 week course of antibiotics. I hope it goes soon hun..:hugs:

Lol @ ya bed.... Have ya never heard of da floor, sofa or washing machine :rofl: I have gone through beds like i don't know what, its only this last year my bad has lasted (only cos i spent over £400 quid) too many broken beds lol... :blush:
Fx you get the job hun.. It's so hard at the moment work wise with all these cut backs. I have to admit, i'm the same hun. I hate role playing, You feel so on the spot. Awe hun please don't be away all sad, come on here and rant at us, it mite make you feel better.. what are friends for...:winkwink:

Adrienne Hey Hun, I'm getting through somehow lol. Hope you are well, and getting plenty of :sex: in lol...:flower:
Road works outside you home cannot be easy. Hope they are gone soon..

Sabrina Hello Stranger... How are you doing? Its nice to see you on here. As our Mummy to be Emma said, we are all fantastic lol and a great support network. We welcome all ladies, and support all.. We don't have any bad vibez on here at all.. The past is the past hun...

I also know what you mean hun, Life always seems to get in the way.. Mine is doing just that. In a way for me its good, gives me time to work out where i am going with mine.. I guess it also gives me time to do college, and the rest of my work... :happydance: for booking your wedding venue.. Its really is Nice to see you on here, please come back...:flower:

Sorry I don't have time for a big post ladies cause i'm getting ready for work but I will post properly later.

I just wanted to say Fertility Friend has just shown me crosshairs for the first time! Have I seriously actually ovulated!! :huh::yipee::happydance::wohoo:

I'm scared to believe its true in case its not. Especially with all the spotting of blood i've had. It's so darn confusing!

Anyway talk to you lovely ladies later :flower: x
Morning ladies :happydance:

Wendypops- Glad to see something is happening on that scale. I looked at your chart and it could be possible that you ovulated :happydance: . What day is your appointment next week?? Hope it all goes well for you x

Lea- Hiya hun. Aw your welcome hun, just wanted you to know we were still thinking of you :hugs: I have got a little belly at the minute but thats from over eating these past few weeks, my body isn't used to so much food but if I don't eat I feel sick :sick: The doctors did go well, I think I am the only person happy on this horrible rainy day :haha:
I have a meeting with my manager next Thursday for my appraisal so I will be telling him then. I have already told my assistant as it just made things easier since he sits across from me.
No I didn't have a mask on :blush: but didn't do much of it and say in the hallway telling Gavin what to do :haha: he wouldn't let me help :growlmad:
Glad to see you you are popping in although ttc is on hold for a bit. Hope things improve for you soon :hugs:

Amy- them symptoms do sound good. Lets hope it is a good sign :hugs:

Hope everyone else is ok.

I went to the doctors this morning and went through things with the doctors and she said there is a midwife service based at my docs so I just have to make an appointment with them and can come and see them there which is good. I went to reception to make my appointment and got one for 3.30pm today :happydance: so I am really happy. The doctor was lovely so I am sure the midwife will be. She laughed when I said I did 5 texts and she said dont worry I did 8 when I found out :haha:

Anyway, lets try and focus on work!! Bye x
Wendy -- woohoo!!! good luck!! I really hope it's you OVing!!

Emma - good luck at your appointment!!

AFM - I woke up to bad stomach pains again, and nausea. The nausea has died down, as I'm drinking a Pepsi and eating a donut right now. Yeahhh, totally not good for my diet. But I still have on and off cramps. I was in bed at 7 p.m. last night. Had no energy to really do anything around the apartment, so I figured I'd just go lay in bed. Ended up falling asleep around 8 or so. I may go home on my lunch break and lay down, depending on how tired I am.
Hello ladies just stopped on quickly to say we got away on time and having a great time. 41 degrees here earlier! Hope all you ladies are doing well. Good to see sabrina here :) I'm on my phone so can't post properly x
Hi all! Finally I can sit down and do a proper post. Been a hectic day! Finished work and went round to visit my Dad for a couple of hours, then it was round to ex hubby's to feed the cat (they are away on holiday) then home for dinner and a work out on the wii, then a shower and now finally in bed. Phew! How's everyone doing?

Sabrina There's no way i'll forget your wedding day, it's the day after my birthday :) How exciting! You're doing the right thing, pay for little things as you go along and then by the time the wedding comes around you shouldn't have much left to pay. I am full of wisdom but this is coming from me who planned my wedding in 8 months! :haha: That was only cause we had help financially from our parents though. I take it you wont be getting your dress till much nearer the time when you're losing weight? x

Emma How you feeling hun? How did it go at the midwife? Bet it seems all so real now! I'm so thrilled for you! :happydance: Oh I know, I feel like i'm on a :sex: marathon!! :haha: When I get too tired I just make sure hubby gets extra worked up so he doesn't last long :rofl: I couldn't manage all those months if it went on for ages at a time! Oh and hospital appointment is on Wednesday but I doubt I will get the results till a week or so later. Can't wait to find out what's going on x

Rachael I did Avon for years and I loved it! I met some really nice people, half of them I am still in touch with. Deffo give it a bash if you have no joy with this job (still keeping my fingers crossed for you tho!) My only prob was whatever I earned I ended up spending on my own Avon orders :dohh: :haha: x

Lea :wave: hunnie! Aww your life is such a rollercoaster at the mo, wish I could sort it all out for you :hugs: That's a shame you didn't go to FS appointment, even if you weren't trying right now they may have been able to help with where to go if you decided to try again. Still your original appointment is only a couple of months away so hopefully things will be back on track then and more settled. I actually hunted out my last smear test result to check date and I am due one this year. Might suggest booking in for one when I get my scan result from the docs. Really hoping there's nothing seriously wrong though :wacko: x

Amy Hmm you certainly are having the symptoms lady! I wish you temped cause I would have had a better idea of how you're getting on that way lol. Will keep everything crossed for you tho hun, you deserve your BFP :hugs: x

Arlene So glad you're having a fab time hunnie! I'm major jealous but you so deserve your break away hun :flower: x

Right I suppose I best get some sleep. Hope everyone is well, talk to you all tomorrow :flower: x
Fertility friend took my lines away this morning. Gutted :cry: x
I don't know what to do, the first temp I took was 35.66.I wasn't sure I held it in my mouth right cause I am shattered so I did it again and got 36.02 :shrug: If I put that second one in it brings my lines back. I'm so confused. I tried a 3rd time and got a reading of 35.99 :dohh: This was all while I was still lying in bed and hadn't been up and about. How can they change so much. Might buy a different thermometer. Don't know what temp to use today though x
:hugs: Wendy, sorry to hear that. I don't know what to suggest apart from tp get more rest Mrs. Your not going to be doing yourself any good if your stressed and working too hard. :hugs: Make sure you relax this weekend :flower x
Thanks Wendy - It's 3 days after ym birthday so going to be a hectic time. Yes, I won't be getting a dress until closer to the date as I've no idea what size I'll be. I've lost a stone so far but I intend to lose a lot more than that before the big day.
Wendy, use the highest, I would!

My old thermometer used to be like that, and then the display started acting up too, so I bought a new one. And this one gives me the same reading twice (I checked) :rofl:

Arlene, I'm glad you flew out ok and are having a great holiday!

Lea, things sound so hectic for you hun :hugs: Hang in there.

Emma, how did the MW go?

Hope everyone I've missed is ok? Just a quick post this morning from me as I have a house full of husky fur to clean up :dohh:

AFM - The sinusitis is clearing up thanks to the antibiotics :dance:

As for the job - I had a phone call on Wednesday afternoon saying I'd been successful on the assessment, and I've got an interview on Wednesday at 11.15am :happydance: Wish me luck, I'm going to need it!!!
Hi ladies,

Hope you are all ok. I have been in a bit of a wierd mood today as I still dont think its real. I woke up at 4am this morning after getting really bad stomach pains like period pains and was panicing it was a mc. I have had no blood so its classed as being "normal" but still freaked me out a little.

The midwifes appointment was an anti climax. She just talked to me about things I already new and she took a urine sample to make sure I had no protein etc in it but I have to wait for some forms to come through before I have my first proper appointment.

So overall nothing happening here and paranoia has set in that something is going to go wrong :cry:
Emma, I'm sure everything is fine. I know it's hard, but please try not to stress out too much :hugs:
Emma Thanks hun I know, hubby thinks i'm overdoing it with the exercising too cause I can hardly walk my legs are so sore from it. It's just gutting cause the weight isn't coming off very fast at all even though i'm eating so much better and exercising for an hour to an hour and a half every night :( Will just have to stick at it and hope I start seeing the rewards soon. Ooh happy sweetpea hun! That wee beanie of yours is getting bigger :) Listen missy, you need to take your own advice! No stressing!! You're wee beanie is just getting comfortable and you are bound to feel all different sensations, doesn't mean there is anything wrong hun :hugs: x

Sabrina Wow that's fab hun! :happydance: Wish the weight would come off me quicker. I'm working my butt off on the wii fit plus, just dance and zumba and eating more fruit etc but it just wont shift! :dohh: Not going to give up though! Where are you in your cycle hun? I'm lost when there's no ticker up lol x

Rachael Woohoo for the interview! :happydance: That's brilliant hun, really hope it goes well for you. Yeah i'm going to take your advice and stick with the second temp, thanks for advising. What kind of thermometer do you have? I don't know what the best kind is to use but i'm not convinced with the one I have. With the 1st temp I took this morning it beeped really fast and hubby was like there's no way you can have a definite temperature that quick! Hence why I thought I had done it wrong and did it again and got a much higher temp. Will just have to see what it says tomorrow. So glad the antibiotics have kicked in for you too! Hopefully it will be all cleared up in no time :flower: x

How's everyone else doing this morning? x
My thermometer now is a BabyMad one that I got off Amazon hun.
Wendy - AF is due today but hasn't showed up yet. I'll put up a ticker once a new cycle starts then I can be sure that it's right. Don't know if it will be available to you but NHS Tayside do a scheme called the winning weigh and it's with the help of the ladies that run it along with exercise that has got the weight off for me. The scheme is free and it doesn't concentrate on low-carbs, high protein etc but more about portion control. I'm not denied anything but it teaches you to make healthier choices which in the end helps get rid of the extra pounds. I'd suggest you look it up and see if it's available in your area.
Wendy - Just checked diary and I'm on day 30 (af usual comes between day 27 and 31). Noticed that on day 20 I added that I had nausea and dizzyness but nothing since then. Only time will tell but I'm not getting hopes up
Rachael Mines is a BabyMad one :dohh: lol. I'll stick with it and see how it goes the rest of the week. Will make sure i'm holding it in my mouth properly tomorrow :haha: x

Emma How you feeling now hun? Hope your having a well earned rest. You got anything nice on this weekend? x

Sabrina Ooh that sounds a bit promising! Hope the ugly witch stays away hun. I take it there's no sign of her coming? Keep me posted! x

What's everyone else got planned for this weekend? x
Hey ladies!!

I'm back, the wait is much easier this month as have been sooo busy!! Took my reception class on their first class trip, madness!!
How is everyone??
Don't be worried Emma, what will be will be and I'm sure everything will work out fine! Sorry the appointment wasn't as fun as you wanted it to be, hopefully they will get more exciting once all the paperwork is sorted!!
Well done Rachael with the interview, got everything crossed for you!!
Sending hugs to everyone else on here, I've managed to bugger this up and needing to edit it lol so I'll catch up with everyone else later!

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