The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Huge Congrats Amy. Hope you have a healthy and happy 9 months. This has been a good month for BFPs. There were 7 for May on the over 35 thread that I'm on. This is great. Let's hope the BFP's keep rolling in.
Evening ladies,

Sorry I haven't been about but I have had a bit of a hectic weekend.

Amy- :yipee: :yipee: :yipee: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: I am soo happy for you. There is definitely a lot of good luck flowing through this thread now :hugs: :hugs:

Adrienne- Hope you are ok and not working too har hun :hugs:

Nat- How are you and your little pixel. Hope you are all doing ok. Is your house sorted yet? :flower:

Wendy- How are you hun? Hope you have had a lovely weekend and thanks for your text :hugs: Sorry to hear your body is still messing you about but fingers crossed for your appointment this week :hugs:

Sabrina- Sorry to hear the :witch: turned up for you. Hope you are ok :hugs:

Arlene- I hope you are having a fab holiday and I really hope that the horrible :witch: stays away for you. :hugs:

Lea- Thank you for your message hun :hugs: Hope things have got better for you x

Rachael- Hope your ok hun. Are the little kitties keeping you busy. How is Holly with the kitties?

Naomi- Only 3 days left until testing for you. Fingers crossed :hugs:

Well ladies, I haven't really stopped this weekend which isn't great but the glossing is all done in Pippins room and carpet ripped out ready for a new one next month. I still have no morning sickness but I am eating every few hours. We told all our close family in the last few days so thats all done. Gavins mum has gone on overdrive as she wants a granddaughter and already has loads of baby clothes. Lets hope she doesn't get worse!!

Anyway, time to relax and put my feet up. Speak to you all later :flower:
first i will start off saying hello to everyone i am brandy . and i am very confused right now i had a d&c done on the 30th of april but i started bleeding on my own on the 29th does that count as af or not ? and i was also wondering ifi could be pg now because i had unprotected sex on may 13th 14th and 15 th and like the 24th anyway i have been urinating alot and very hungry all the time ... im jus nervouse /scared i guess because i almost died when i had the misscarriage because i bled to much .. n it scares me because my dr. wanted me to atleast wait until my first af to start after the d&c so i dunno what to do n i dunno when i could take a pg testand it be accurate plse help any advise would be greatly apprieciated... me n my hubby have been ttc since jan of 2010and we have had 2 misscarriges already this year we have both been tested n we r both healthy n fine ... so i dont know what is wrong but we r a lil eager to start ttc again but also scared ... the last misc. in april was a lil girl we named her jayden i lost her at 11 weeks pg....anyway hope i explained enpugh bout myself for now .. jus want a lil help now plse....
oh i hope somepne answers me soon dont wanna spound mean n impatient im just nervouse.n scared dont knpow what to do ...
:wave: LilHotMommA- I am not sure if it will class as an af, I know some people have af really early after a mc. I understand the pain you went through with the mc hun and you are bound to be scared. It took me 5 months to decide to ttc again after mine. All I can say hun ios stop worrying about it and I am sure you will find out pretty soon. The more stressed you are the more your body gets out of sync.

A friend of mine got an early period after her last miscarriage and then fell pregnant, so anything is possible hun. Have you tried doing your temp or anything??
i have not done temps it kinda confuses me dont know where to start lol.... i been ttc for a long time n i did the ovu;lation charting and tests but i never done the temps ....
Hi all! That's me done my wii workout so i'm sitting relaxing now watching Britains Got Talent. Got a lovely card and box of chocolates from ex-hubby and his fiancee tonight for looking after their cat while they were on holiday, that was nice. We are all going round there for a bbq on Saturday so that should be good. Hubby is pretty convinced i'm pregnant from symptoms i'm having, i'm so scared he gets let down again :( I had that two wipes of blood last night but nothing since, another high temp this morning, some more very light cramps and sore hips today. I don't know what to think but I guess I will know one way or another in a week cause if I have ovulated I should get a BFP or AF. Anyway, on to you ladies:

Nat I meant to say I read about the bug problem you's were having, is it all sorted now? I hate creepy crawlies, it would freak me out! Hope you's got it sorted and are getting all settled in the new house x

Naomi When you going to test hun? Really hope this is your month too! :flower: x

Adrienne Hey hunnie! how you doing? What date is your fertility appointment in June? Can't be far away now. Hope it brings you some answers hun :flower: x

Emma Glad to see you back on hun :hugs: I do worry about you! Ooh what was the reaction of the parents? I bet it was so exciting to tell them! Have you had your talk with your boss as well? Aww I know it's hard, you want to relax but you can't put your life on hold either. Just rest up when you can :flower: x

Brandy Hi hun! I'm really sorry to hear about your miscarriage :hugs: To be honest I don't think that was your proper AF in April but you could still very well be pregnant this month. It seems to be the case that people can fall pregnant again very quickly after a miscarriage. The doctors do recommend you wait a cycle before trying to conceive again however I do know of people who didn't wait, got their bfp the next month and had healthy babies so try not to worry :flower: Do you know when you ovulated? x

Lea I spyed you on here earlier today, get posting lady! We miss you :flower: x

Well i'm going to head off for a shower before the Britains got talent results. Hope you are all well :hugs: x
LilHotMommA- Temping is easy when you know what you are looking for. I never got on wit the ovulation sticks at all!! If you had a d&c at the end of april then I would wait a week or so and see what happens and then maybe test. Your cycle may be different now as well, mine changed from a 26 day to a 30 day cycle. Just take it easy, try not to stress and wait for something to happen. The more you stress the more likely it is that your stress may be putting af off.

Sorry I cant be more help :hugs:
i have no idea wendyj when i would have ovulated ...... lol im so confused bahhahaha what a mess im in ,,....:p
Brandy Just post this into your signature box hun:

[ IMG][/IMG]

Delete any spaces if it puts any in. I would deffo recommend temping or using opks, it's so much easier when you know where you are in your cycle. You can stick a ticker up too like mine that way we can all track where you are in your cycle too :) x

Arlene I keep checking in to see if you've been on! I'm dying to know if you've tested or not! :flower: x

Amy Come on then, what was hubby's reaction? I can't wait to hear how you told him! It's so exciting :happydance: x
Thanks so much ladies!! I do believe this is turning into a lucky thread! I know you all will get your BFP soon!!

Hubby's reaction was .. well, his reaction. He doesn't like react well to things. Like get all happy and surprised. He doesn't show his emotions like that. When he got home, I let him change and stuff. And when he went into the computer room, I followed him and said "I have a question for you - how would you like to share your birthday?" .. and as soon as I said that, he knew. I should him the test, and he said "Nice." with a smile on his face. He's happy - he just doesn't show it.

With last pregnancy, I had to bring them a urine sample so they could test it, and confirm the pregnancy. So I'll do that next Tuesday, on our way back from our anniversary trip. It took them a week last time, to even recognize I was pregnant. I brought them a sample, said it was faint, and to do another a week later. So, what's the point of me doing the same thing this time. I will be requesting an early ultrasound this time - right around 8-9 weeks would be good. I won't take no for an answer. After what I've been through, they BETTER give me an early ultrasound.

Had some sharp shooting pains in my left breast today, while laying down. Besides that and the tiredness and the dull cramping, not much else is goin' on symptom wise. But I'll be in bed early tonight!
Wendy j im not even sure where my cycle is to make a ticker .... where i had the D&C done i still havent had af yet do i count the day i started bleeding the misscarriage as cd1 ? or what or jus wait until af shows ... i kinda think im pg though even though i would only be like 3 or 4 weeks pg i jus feel it but it could be where im nrevous about it ......
Hello Ladies,
Hope everyone is doing well. It's been nice to see BFPs in our group let's keep em coming ladies.
AFM trying to enjoy my extended time off (don't have to go back to work until the 8th) and get somethings done around the house. Also I have 2 appoinments to prepare for this week. My knee appointment is on Wednesday and my FS appointment is this Friday. I'm really looking forward to hearing what the FS has to say. Plus I think I ovulated on Sunday (I think my ticker is a little off) so now I'm in the tww. I hope some of that baby dust that has been going around falls on me and the rest of us. So that's what's going on with me. I'll check in with you lovely ladies later.
Hey everyone

In answer to your question wendy and emma I'm going to be very brave and not test unless I am late, I have for the last 6 months regularly started on the 2nd of each month so if my body is going to stick to that I have another 2 days to wait :dohh: :wacko: If nothing has happened by then I will try and hold out until the weekend but to be honest, I have had no symptoms really, had some nasty cramping last night and through the night too but that could be af about to make an appearance.:cry:

ooo wendy and LittleHotMommA I hope it is a :bfp: for you :flower:

How are all the lovely ladies on here then??
I'm currently feeling sorry for myself whilst co-ordinating having an aerial put on the roof and sorting out plumbers to move our washng machine, o and plan for next hlf term...and time is still dragging even with all that going on!!
Morning Girls,

Feeling very unwell today so probably won't be on much. AF has made me feel very ill and I get stomach pains every time I eat (no matter how little it is). Ended up going home early yesterday as the pain was unbearable but unfortunately no cover today so had to come in. I'm exhausted but af isn't heavy so don't know what's going on.

Congrats on the new BFP's and fingers crossed for those in waiting.
Just a quick one from me. Huge :hugs: Sabrina, hope you start feeling better soon. I know how you feel with it, I have gone home many times as a result of my period :(

Have a huge virtual hug from all of us here :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Naomi, I think you are doing the rght thing. I never tested until I was late and never even thought about it as it would just get my hopes up. It's best to hang on and wait and will save you a fortune :haha:

Adriene, Good luck for both of your appointments this week. Bet you cant wait until Friday :happydance:

Brandy, No you dont class the first day of bleeding as cd1, you have to wait until your official period comes and then start from there. If you are right and it is 3-4 weeks then hang on for a week or two and you should know where you stand. I know it is hard waiting but you dont know what your body is doing. Hopefully in the next week things will become clearer for you :hugs:

Amy- :haha: bless your hubby! Gavin looked and me and said "aw, aren't you my clever litte oven" I am so excited that this thread is finally getting some good luck running through it. The doctors haven't even done a test for me to confirm it so it still doesn't feel real. I am sure it will do soon enough! :happydance: Here's to kicking off the 2012 babies :happydance: :happydance:

Wendypops, Hope your appointment goes well this week. Fingers crossed for you hun :hugs: Hope your not stressing too much at work :flower:

Lea.......... :growlmad:.... where are you missy??

Arlene should be back tomorrow as well, can't wait to find out f the :witch: stayed away. Fingers crossed for you hunni :hugs:

I hope everyone else is having a fun day a work.... :nope: I'm not :haha:
Morning all! It's been a busy wee thread this morning, i'm just skiving at work seen as no one is around the now lol.

Amy Aww that was still a nice reaction though, bless him! Where are you going on your anniversary trip? That'll be nice to get away. Now the same applies for you as it does to Emma, your not allowed to leave us now you've got your BFP! We are here for your journey not just until you get your BFP :hugs: x

Brandy No you'll need to wait until you have a proper AF and then count first day of normal flow as CD1. You can stick a ticker up then. It's so hard when you don't know where you are. Like Emma has said, give it a week or two and if no AF i'd take a test and go from there :flower: x

Adrienne Hope everything goes well at your two appointments hun, let us know how they go. Try and do something fun while your off too, there's nothing worse than being stuck in doing chores all throughout your time off :hugs: x

Naomi You've got the right idea hun, stick it out till Friday and then test if no AF. Hey, I know loads of people who didn't have any symptoms and got their BFP, a very close friend being one of them! She found out she was pregnant at almost 3 months and had no symptoms whatsoever until then when she started having pain in her sides so don't count yourself out missy! Sounds like you are one busy lady right now, but your kitchen will be so worth it when it's finished :hugs: x

Sabrina Aww hun there's nothing worse than being stuck in work when you are feeling rough. Is your AF usually light and this painful? If not I would test hun, Emma thought she was having her AF but it turned out she was preggers! Her AF was lighter than normal. Hope you get a good rest tonight :hugs: x

Emma Thanks hun, can't wait to get my appointment out the way tomorrow. Temp rose again this morning, hope it stays high for me! Did you miss Arlene's post the other day? She was checking in for her flight home and said AF was two days late. Really hope she is the next BFP :thumbup: x

Right I best get back to work, nothing much to report for me, FF says I am 8dpo, hope the rest of the week flies by! Talk to you all later x

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