The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

You are right Charlie it only takes one.. Thousands of them would have been released anyway a lil bit escaping i'm sure is nothing...

I'm glad you don't take offence Brandy. I would be scared too hun if i were you too. Over 8 years trying and nothing.... It is less sad than having a Ms.. Massive :hug:

Hunni can i ask you a question about your MS's?

You will get your :bfp: soon

I see you Amy & Emma & Naomi.. The 3 pregnant Ladies....... How are you all lol ?

sure ask away hun if u was talkin to me still dont know everyone here lol.....

Awe you will soon pick up with everyone.

bfp aug 09 mc sep 09 ..... bfp Dec 10 mc jan 11 .... bfp Feb 11 mc April 11

I don't like to tal about these things bcos i see it is a very hard subject.
I have never experienced a ms, but know many people who have.

Has your doctor said anything about them, and why they keep happening? I see a pattern going on! I'm sorry hunni, i just wanted to ask you.. Have you got any Children hun? :flower:

no they still dont know why!! it really errrckks me they dont know but they r gonna run tests on me more this month to see what it could be it is freaking me out i may be pg already n they wont get to findout if something is wrong n yea i have 3 boys but i was married before n now i am remarried and we have one lil boy together but he wants a lil brother or sister for himalso besides my 2 ... anyway i have 3 boys i dunno what is wrong with me i wish they could tell me.... the one i found out i was pg in aug i was 7 weeks mc naterally then the one for december to jan was 6 wks pg then this last one i was almost 11 weeks pg n the baby jus stopped growing and its heart stopped they said around 8 weeks ... im fine to talk about it it makes me feel better knowing that most ladies on here know what i am going through ....

Oh i get you now! So you already have 3 kids... I know there is many cases of continuous ms where there is a problem with your womb. But you have carried 3 babies full term so could be something deeper than that..

What test have your Doc/Hospital done? You really need to give your body a rest to fully recover from the trauma its been though.. :hugs:

yea they have done some kind of tests to make sure me n hubby dont have some gene problems n make sure we r a match make sure i dont have an rh problem and some kinda test to make sure i can carry a baby witch they said everything looks fine the only thing they found with the last mc was that she had a heart problem her heart didnt develop right so it jus stopped beating ....
Hi guys, just a quick post from me to let you know how it went at hospital. My head is spinning a bit right now so i'm just going to have a relaxing night.

Well I had my scan, man how desperate I was for the toilet it was unreal! She said I am certainly showing the characteristics of PCOS. She said she didn't even need to do the internal camera as she could diagnose just from what she could see on the scan screen. She said not to worry as she has scanned so many pregnant ladies with PCOS so in her opinion it doesn't necessarily cause problems with conceiving. She said the good thing was she could see a nice juicy follicle on the screen so from that I take it i've got an egg ripening. My only concern is i thought from my temps i'd already ovulated?? So maybe I haven't but I will soon. Either that or it's the next one getting ready. Who knows, i'm confused! She says she will send the results off to my doctor who should get them in seven days so I'm going to have to wait a week or two and then go and have a chat with my own doctor, see where to go from there.

Right i'm off for some food and a relax. Talk to you all later :flower: x
Hi guys, just a quick post from me to let you know how it went at hospital. My head is spinning a bit right now so i'm just going to have a relaxing night.

Well I had my scan, man how desperate I was for the toilet it was unreal! She said I am certainly showing the characteristics of PCOS. She said she didn't even need to do the internal camera as she could diagnose just from what she could see on the scan screen. She said not to worry as she has scanned so many pregnant ladies with PCOS so in her opinion it doesn't necessarily cause problems with conceiving. She said the good thing was she could see a nice juicy follicle on the screen so from that I take it i've got an egg ripening. My only concern is i thought from my temps i'd already ovulated?? So maybe I haven't but I will soon. Either that or it's the next one getting ready. Who knows, i'm confused! She says she will send the results off to my doctor who should get them in seven days so I'm going to have to wait a week or two and then go and have a chat with my own doctor, see where to go from there.

Right i'm off for some food and a relax. Talk to you all later :flower: x

hopefully u will get your results soon i hope everything goes well for you .....
Congrats Naomi healthy and happy 9 months. These past few weeks have been quite exciting.

Arlene hope you're doing well.

Lea hang in there girl. I know you're having a tough time with everything, but you will come out on top because you are a very strong woman.

Wendy I'm glad you're starting to get some answers, and the week will go back quick and you'll have even more answers.

Sophie glad to hear from you. Hope things are going well for you.

Brandy hang in there. I know it's tough, but time will go by before you know it.

And to all the other ladies I hope things are going well.

AFM had my knee appointment today and the doctor was great. Going to have physical therapy and have some xrays done of my right knee. So it looks like I have a DR. who is committed to getting me to be pain free. FS appointment is one day away can't wait to meet with the DR. and here what she has to say. Other than that not much else to report. I'll check in later.
Hope everyone's doing well! Just a quick update, as I'm about to head to bed. I slept horribly last night, as DH wasn't home. I probably won't sleep well till he's home tonight, as we're having severe storms. Not as much here as in Massachusetts where he is right now.

Doing pretty well. I basically don't even feel pregnant. Except for the tiredness and the always hungry feeling. I felt a little sick today while eating my fruit salad. I managed to finish it, and then was hungry not even an hour later. I seriously am craving vegetables though. Like cucumbers and carrots with ranch dressing. I will be getting some to bring to our hotel this weekend. All my cramping stopped. It's worrying because I had cramping from 4 weeks all the way up to when we found out about the m/c last time. I just can't wait for Tuesday so I can get the confirmation from the doctor.

Hope everyone had a good night!

Naomi - Congrats on the BFP! What's your est. due date?? This is def turning into a lucky thread!! Much more to come that's for sure!!
Morning Ladies lol.... Jus a quick one from me, im going bed its 04.34 am

I knew it Wendy.. You are just like me now.. Many people do get preg with Pcos but some find it very hard to get preg.. Silly womens comment...

I'm be on to post proper tomoz.. Nyt Nyt ladies..
O Wendy, at least you are starting to get some answers now and in a week will be able to talk things through with your dr.

Amy, my est due date is 5th February according to the internet but going to the doctors tomorrow so will get a confirmed date then! I'm not sleeping very well either, keep cramping and woke up at half 6 wide awake, which is so not like me lol!!

Thanks adrienne, I'm trying not to get too excited as it is still so very early but do feel on :cloud9:.

Really feel for you Rachael, my ex husband was a bit of a psycho too and I had many financial and other issues when he left me, it doesn't follow you round forever though, hopefully they will see past all that, I do hope you get on ok!

This really has turned out to be a lucky thread, sending out lots of :dust: to you all :flower:
Hello everyone..Congrats to Amy and Naomi! :happydance:

Thanks for asking after me ladies :hugs: unfortunately AF showed the following day. So 3 days late, in a way i'm glad that she waited till after we'd done the sea things as I dont think I would have been very confident going into the water then. Holiday was absolutely fantastic, really missed Kyle though! Very glad we're away with him a week on monday as I feel guilty as! :blush: Anyone been to the Green Caves in Lanzarote? I'll post a pic I took there, beautiful!

Wendy sorry for the confusion..I flew with Ryanair and you've got to check in before you get to the airport anywhere up to 15 days beforehand, so I didnt actually leave till yesterday.

Anyway, going to make up for lost time with Kyle and we're going swimming, emptying the suitcases will just have to wait! :haha:

Hopefully get on tonight to do a proper post while Kyles in bed and OH is at cadets. :hugs: to everyone, missed yous!!

Morning ladies,

Arlene- Glad to see you back and sorry to hear about the horrible :witch: At least you got to enjoy your holiday more though. Hope you have fun swimming today :hugs:

Wendypops- Huge :hugs: hun. As I said in my text, at least you know now. What is going on is still a mystery but I am sure the docs will be able to help out in the next few weeks :hugs:

- I wasn't sleeping well either, I have had a few nights decent sleep but I kept on waking up at 4am and couldn't get back to sleep and would lay there for hours with cramps. Luckily they have now gone but morning sickness has now kicked in which was a lovely wake up call this morning!! Best of luck for the next 8 months hun :flower:

Amy- I didnt feel pregnant until the last few days. The past few weeks all I have done is feel tired and run down and want to eat every few hours. I found that the more I ate the more energy it gave me to go on with my day to day events. Hope you start sleeping better soon :hugs:

Adrienne- Hope you fs appointment goes well tomorrow and glad your getting something done with your knee. There is nothing worse when doctors dont listen to you. :happydance: for a pain free knee :hugs:

Well I am still feeling crappy this morning as nausea has well and truely kicked in. I have only been sick once but spent quite some time wretching with no effect. There is plenty of food in me so I don't know why mu body wretches and doesn't actually be sick!! Oh well, I suppose its more real now!! Time to get to work :hugs:
Morning all! Thanks so much for all the messages, they meant a lot and Emma thanks for the texts hun, they were greatly appreciated :flower: I had a wee cry last night and told my hubby he had married a dud :cry: Of course he snapped me out of it. It just happened to be when I get told I have pcos he gets a text from a good friend saying he was going to be a Daddy. Great way to make me feel worse! Hubby is still convinced I could be pregnant now as yet again my temp shot up this morning but I think if I was she would have seen something on the scan. Who knows. I went round and told my Dad last night and he was gutted, said our family had been through enough without this :cry: I know he would love a grandchild so I wont give up. I feel a lot better today and have a more positive outlook. What is the point in letting it get me down, I just need to tackle it head on and do what I have to do to get my BFP! x

Emma Aww hun, morning sickness must be the pits but at least you are believing you are pregnant now :haha: Did you tell your director? x

Arlene Lovely to have you back hunnie and so glad you had a fab holiday. That sucks that the witch showed up but on to a new cycle and fingers crossed we can both do it this time round :flower: Have a fab time swimming with Kyle, i'm sure you will x

Naomi In no way are you allowed to leave us lady! We are a wee family here and we will stick together through it all :flower: Let us know how it goes at the doctors. What was your hubby's reaction to the news? x

Lea I know we have a lot in common hun but did I really need to have your PCOS too :haha: I don't care what it takes I will get my BFP as will you! We are fighters and deserve it :flower: x

Amy Glad your keeping well hun, just make sure you get enough rest. I don't envy you living their with all the storms, as much as I like watching them I couldn't live in America where you get them so extreme all the time. Hope it's calmed down now :flower: x

Adrienne So glad your knee appointment went well, sounds like you have a good doctor! Can't wait to hear how you get on tommorow at your FS appointment x

Brandy Thanks hun, hopefully I will find out more in a week or two. Well only one more day to hold out until you test! Keep us posted! x

Rachael Have you heard anything back about the job? Why would they check your credit report? It's none of their damn business! Whether you or your ex had a good or bad report it doesn't effect whether you can do a job well or not. Hope it's good news for you hun x

Well I best get on. Talk to all you lovely ladies later :flower: x
Wendy :hugs:

You're not a dud and there are plenty of people with PCOS that get pregnant so please don't despair! If you were pregnant already then it wouldn't necessarily have shown on the scan, in fact I think it would be unlikely it would!

I've not heard anything about the job yet, no. They do a credit background check as it's insurance, and I guess they need to check that someone isn't going to commit fraud. I just wish they would hurry up and let me know. If I've not got it then fine, I can look for something else. If I have, then I need to go shopping as it's business dress Mon-Thurs and I only own jeans! Oh and one pair of black trousers :dohh:
Aw Wendypops- :hugs: your definitely not a dud Mrs!! Your welcome hunni, what are friends for. I wanted you to know we are all behind you :hugs: Now that they know what it is they are able to help you overcome it. I have a friend who has PCOS and she has had a child so it WILL happen for you!!

I don't feel too bad with the ms at the minute but I have had 4 glasses of water, a banana, 2 slices of wholemeal bread, a cherry scone and an apple already! Hopefully it will stay down! It definitely feels real, I was scared yesterday that it wasn't going to come back today and now I wish it hadn't :haha: I was meant to be seeing my director today but he has had to reschedule as he is too busy for me again. I will be seeing him next Tuesday now.... well we will see :haha:

Rachael- I really hope you get the job hun. You would be surprised at credit checks, I thought my dad would have one when he came into financial trouble when his own business went under, they closed his bank account and everything and he can still get credit now. Hope you hear soon :hugs: I saw a beautiful husky this morning and it reminded me of you :haha:
Thanks for your optimism, but I just checked my emails and there was an email saying that I was unsuccessful as there were other applicants that better met their criteria. Guess I keep looking then.
Rachael Thanks hun, hubby said the same that nothing would show as early as 9dpo in a scan. We shall see I guess, I do love seeing my high temps though lol. Aww i'm sorry about the job hun but there will be others! With every interview you gain a bit more experience of how to handle them.You will get one soon i've no doubt about it x

Emma Yeah you're right, there is loads of folk get pregnant with it, I just need to continue with my weightloss and keep a PMA! I wish I could eat as healthily as you Mrs! I love pasta and cheese etc too much, probably why i'm heavier than I should be! x
o rachael :hugs: :hugs: im gutted for you hun. at least you know now and can start looking for something else. The right job is out there for youxx

Wendy, you are not a dud goodness me, I have a friend with pcos and she now has a 1 year old daughter so pregnancy is not out the question at all!:hugs: and like rachael said if your temps are high and it is the very early stages it may not have shown up, and if your not you know you have got an egg on it's way :thumbup: it's good to cry sometimes tho, it helps get it out your system!
Thanks for letting me stay lol. told mum first who screamed and jumped round the room, hubby had the opposite reaction lol, I couldn't wait so told him over the phone and he went very quiet and was shocked but is really pleased now!!

afm i can't keep off this site lol and not feeling a little sick although think that is because I am hungry lol:haha:
Wendypops- Believe me I never used to eat healthy, its something that little Pippin must be doing to me as I never even used to drink water!! My diet was never awful but it wasn't great either. I also thought with me eating so much I may aswell snack on fruit, although I am making some cakes later :haha:

Rachael- Sorry to hear hun. I got unofficailly told over the weekend I had a job with a company once and 5 days later I recieved a letter saying I had been unsuccesful with the job. I found out that the md of the company told everyone 2 days after my interview they had to make cut backs so they dropped the position I went for. What a kick in the face!! Hope you find something else soon :hugs:
Good Afternoon Ladies... :flower:

Emma - Awe bless u hunni... Now its all real... hopefully it will pass. My friend who was staying with me when she was pregnant was terrible with her sickness, but at the same time she would just wrench allot.. Just keep doing what you are doing hunni you will be fine, and hopefully it will pass.. Keep eating small amount of food, stock up on ginger!!!:hugs:

Brandy - I hope you get answers soon.. You are obviously one strong lady. :flower:

Adrienne - Thx Hun, your so nice... Glad your Knee appt went well tomoz is FS appt.. Cant wait to hear what they say too.. Your :bfp: will be here in no time...:hugs:

Amy - Awe hun, I hope your ok!.. I used to be like that, not be able to sleep without my OH... Not everyone feels pregnant hence the reason people can go half or full term without knowing.. You will do soon once you see your bump...
I believe most of our symptoms are in our head tbh we pick at every little thing.. I never had any sickness throughout my pregnancy.. As for hunger lol its just an excuse to eat :rofl:

Wendy - Awe hunni...:hugs: don't say things like that... Pcos isnt that bad, it is very popular... I know how you feel though hun... There are different stages to pcos hun... They can help you now.... The thing with me hun, my dr asked me if i wanted help with the pcos or Fertility, they are not going to do anything about my pcos bcos i wanted help with fertility... Just wait and see what your doc says... dont you dare say your a dud... :flower: I never want to hear that agn!!!! Your temp is way tooo high not to be a good sign... wow!

The lady wouldnt have seen anything on the scan hun, its wayyyyyyyy toooo soon.. they can just about see something at 6 weeks...
:haha: Are you sure your not my secret sister.... We are way to alike... Remember having pcos is not the end of the world... There is so much they can do now. at lease you know, you could have gone another year hun, but you pushed and got answers... They can regulate your cycle now and help with ov if thats what may be the prob.. Or you may be preg already.......:hugs:

Naomi - Hey Girl... Awe bless.. all you lovely ladies with baby cramping and i have :witch: cramping lol.. Do ya want to swap!!!!!! :winkwink:
I hope you feel at ease soon hun...:hugs:

Arlene - :wave: Glad u had a fab holiday.. I'm sorry the ugly :witch: came.. Awe i didn't know Kyle didn't go with you. Bet you missed him like mad.. At lease you get to spend time with him now..:flower:

Rachael - Hey Hun.. I'm sorry you didn't get the job hun, but keep your chin up and keep smiling.. Think positive hun. There is a job out there just for you...:flower:

Afm.. I'm not too bad, CD2 and what a cow she is today, sorry for tmi..... but passed a massive clot that freaked me out yet agn!!! Omg i hate being a women sometimes... I called college to make arrangements for the course in Sept.. On to completing my English now... Wow the weather is a scorcher..

How is everyone today?
Morning all! Thanks so much for all the messages, they meant a lot and Emma thanks for the texts hun, they were greatly appreciated :flower: I had a wee cry last night and told my hubby he had married a dud :cry: Of course he snapped me out of it. It just happened to be when I get told I have pcos he gets a text from a good friend saying he was going to be a Daddy. Great way to make me feel worse! Hubby is still convinced I could be pregnant now as yet again my temp shot up this morning but I think if I was she would have seen something on the scan. Who knows. I went round and told my Dad last night and he was gutted, said our family had been through enough without this :cry: I know he would love a grandchild so I wont give up. I feel a lot better today and have a more positive outlook. What is the point in letting it get me down, I just need to tackle it head on and do what I have to do to get my BFP! x

Emma Aww hun, morning sickness must be the pits but at least you are believing you are pregnant now :haha: Did you tell your director? x

Arlene Lovely to have you back hunnie and so glad you had a fab holiday. That sucks that the witch showed up but on to a new cycle and fingers crossed we can both do it this time round :flower: Have a fab time swimming with Kyle, i'm sure you will x

Naomi In no way are you allowed to leave us lady! We are a wee family here and we will stick together through it all :flower: Let us know how it goes at the doctors. What was your hubby's reaction to the news? x

Lea I know we have a lot in common hun but did I really need to have your PCOS too :haha: I don't care what it takes I will get my BFP as will you! We are fighters and deserve it :flower: x

Amy Glad your keeping well hun, just make sure you get enough rest. I don't envy you living their with all the storms, as much as I like watching them I couldn't live in America where you get them so extreme all the time. Hope it's calmed down now :flower: x

Adrienne So glad your knee appointment went well, sounds like you have a good doctor! Can't wait to hear how you get on tommorow at your FS appointment x

Brandy Thanks hun, hopefully I will find out more in a week or two. Well only one more day to hold out until you test! Keep us posted! x

Rachael Have you heard anything back about the job? Why would they check your credit report? It's none of their damn business! Whether you or your ex had a good or bad report it doesn't effect whether you can do a job well or not. Hope it's good news for you hun x

Well I best get on. Talk to all you lovely ladies later :flower: x

trust me wendyj ill def keep you posted im about to screambecause he wont let me test
thank you lea1984 i have become a lil strong but im begging him to let me go buy a pg test today i about had him give in but then he said ahhh one more day wont kill ya but really it i called my obgyn and they said that these symptoms could be my body getting back to normal n if i dont have af by next week to come in but if i get a bfp i guees ill call n let them know n my dr, is gonna be upset because they told me to wait one or two cycles will they really jump on me im scared they will be mean to me over it .....
Hey Brandy... Yes you should wait to test, its only one more day! :flower:
It certainly could be hun, your body is trying to recover from what has happened.. Your symptoms may just be your body getting back to the way it should be... ( i really hope so hun)

Yes docs are right, you should be waiting a while bcos your body needs to heal, and go back to the way it was before the pregnancy. Your not giving yourself time to go back to normal, in a way they need to make you aware of how important it is to wait, especially in your case bcos it has happened 1 too many times.. You have to think about your health and your other babies, its like it has become an obsession to conceive agn so soon after your loss. You should cherish the babies you already have and let yourself fix, it wont do that it you keep ignoring your docs wishes.. I have seen so many people do this.. you have to slow down...:flower:

I know this is going to come across harsh, but hun you have to think about what you are putting yourself through. If i was your doc i would go mad at you and tell you straight. I'm just a very honest, open person.

After so many MS you must be feeling low, ( that is normal ) but at the same time you already have little ones, you need to be sane, and there for them. if your going through ms's you need time to grieve, but looks like you are straight back in there not thinking bout your health and the damage you are doing to your metal state of mind, you may or may not see what your doing but eventually you will... Please seriously think about waiting for a few cycles to let your body recover hun....:hugs:

I know wanting a baby is heart wrenching, my son jaydan is nearly 11, i have been ttc well over 8 years with no sign of any :bfp: it is sooooo hard. But one thing hun, that keeps me going is, i already have one beautiful child. I am blessed.. No everyone has that opportunity. U have 3 beautiful kids too, is it that important to conceive right now?

Please don't take any of what i have said to heart.. ask the ladies on here i am just very honest, and really care for people...:hugs:

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