The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Just went back and caught up on some posts!

Wendy - glad you are finally able to get some answers. You are not a dud!! I know many women who have conceived with PCOS. Your symptoms do sound promising. Sore boobs don't mean anything - I still haven't had them. I get sharp shooting pains for a minute, but that's it. I got everything crossed for you!!!

Arlene - glad you had a fantastic holiday, but I'm sorry AF showed up!

Rachel - sorry about the job!

Emma - hope the m/s starts letting up soon!

Brandy - I agree with Emma. Tell you doctor as soon as you find out. They should watch you more carefully. Congrats!

AFM - We're in beautiful Providence, RI for our anniversary vacation. Going to check out the Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut, and the zoo. We did have a mishap when checking in our hotel room. They "sold out" of rooms with a king bed, so we have a double bed for 2 nights. They are moving us to a king bed room Sunday afternoon, and we get a free breakfast out of the deal.
I posted on my FB about it, and my old college professor wrote a comment "Major crisis .. wahhh wahhh .. !!" I got MAD. If you don't like my status, don't comment. Simple as that. I deleted him from my list too - I don't need that kind of negativity.

Nothing new on the pregnancy front. Had some cramping today, and some discharge. Ran to the bathroom as I thought I was bleeding. Relieved when I found out I wasn't. Phew!!!! Still no new symptoms either.

I'll be sure to post some pictures from our trip. We're going to Waterfire tonight. They make bonfires in the middle of the river, multiple ones. I heard it's amazing!
Naomi I'm so glad it went well at the doctors hun, it's good they are going to check things out early. Enjoy your meal out x

Brandy Oh wow a faint positive? Can't wait to find out what your test says tomorrow x

Sabrina Hope you're getting a good rest now hun, take it easy x

Lea You can have some of my chest :haha: I'm a DD/E and my boobs kill me half of the time! Have a nightmare getting comfortable bras. My best mate is the same as you, she's mixed race and when she goes in the sun she goes mega dark. Me, I just go pink! haha. It's part of having pale skin I guess. Have you thought about going out on a date with your OH? I think it would do you both the world of good, go have some fun together and forget about your problems for a while x

Amy Glad you are having a lovely time away, I had that problem on a holiday to spain once! Ended up just pushing the beds together but it was a pain. At least they are throwing in a freebie to sweeten the deal! Ah, Facebook really annoys me sometimes! I agree don't comment if you don't have anything nice to say x

Adrienne How did it go at your FS appointment hun? Hope it went well :flower: x

My sicky feeling has passed now i've had some dinner. Thank god! Just chilling out watching Britains Got Talent now x
Hello Everyone.
I hope everybody's getting ready for the weekend.

Wendy symptoms sound promising. I'm like you I like to wait to test. But when you do I hope it's good news. We could always use another BFP on here.

Amy enjoy your trip. I love the Mystic Aquarium but I haven't been in years. Hope you have fun.

Brandy, Congrats on your BFP but as the other ladies have said make sure you see your doctor asap to make sure you and your baby are healthy and stay healthy.

Emma glad the ms has gotten better. Sounds like the little one is making her/himself at home.

Lea glad to see you getting back to your English. I hope things with you and DH smooth over soon.

Rachael sorry to hear about your job. It's their loss if they can't see how great you are.

Sabrina hope you are feeling better and rest up this weekend

To anyone else I missed I hope that you are doing well and getting ready to have a wonderful weekend.

AFM Today was FS day. The doctor was really nice. So to make a long story short this is where we are at. She was concerned with my HSG film. My tubes are clear but she saw a shadow near the top of my uterus that looked like a fibroid pushing on it right where an egg would implant. I'm not sure if I told you guys back in 2007 I had surgery to remove fibroids (23 fibroids). But she wanted to do an ultra sound in the office to get a better idea of what she was seeing in the film. The good news is that she didn't see the fibroid in the ultra sound that she thought she saw in the film. But she did see 3 small fibroids (which is not uncommon) but she was only concerned about one that she thought was in the uterine lining. She couldn't tell for sure becuse my lining has already started to thicken since AF is due in about a week. So she wants me to go back to have a sailene ultra sound so she can get a better look as the outline of the uterus. If the fibroid is the problem then I would most likely have to go back and have another surgery to correct it.

The doctor of course is sending me to have all my bloods done as well. She is also sending me for a glucose blood test because she has some concerns that I might be diabetic. My father is diabetic and it runs in his side of the family, and you know diabetes can affect fertility. I don't feel diabetic or think I have any problems with sugar so we'll see. I'm going to try and have that test on Monday.

DH needs to have his SA done and once all the other test are taken care of we'll be able to come up with some kind of game plan. I'm not going to lie it was an emotional day for me. Not so much at the doctor's office but later on in the day. DH is not comfortable with doctors nevermind doctors talking about our sex life etc. He's kind of shut down. In fact we got into a pretty heated argument while I was writing this post. I had to ask him the question does he even want a child? His answer was yes, but he's afraid to find out if something is wrong with him, and he is also afraid of having a child. I told him that he needed to figure out if his fear of having a child is greater than his want to have a child. Tbh I think that he is just really overwhelmed at the moment. I can understand that, but I could really use his support right now and he's just not being there for me. I'm always the strong and sensible one, but that would be so much easier if I could have some support.

Sorry for the long post, I think it's my longest one to date. Again ladies have a good weekend and I'll be checking in. Take Care!!
Sorry about abandoning you ladies :( I have been checking in and having a quick read to keep up with things.. Brandy i'm not even sure i've said as much a hello to you?! :dohh: fx'd its a BFP for you.

I've been so ill the past few days, sore throat started my last day in lanzarote, wednesday..since getting home its got worse and i've had a constant sorehead. Woke up today and to add to the list I have a runny nose and feel so nauseous. Was meant to go to a psychic fundraiser today at 12 but that isn't going to happen :nope:

Emma I tried reading back.. I know you thought you had a period, which was what happened with me when I was pregnant with Kyle but I don't really remember what the bleeding I had was like, if you don't mind can you say? The 'period' I had was very odd, never really reaching my pants and didnt get blood red, only when I wiped. After the first few hours it totally lost the dark reddish/brown then dissappeared for a day, when anything else came it was just brown :shrug: Its got me thinking because someone suggested I was suffering sun stroke, which reminded me when I was pregnant with Kyle I thought I had sunstroke, took a test and it was positive. I dont want to get my hopes up though, I know the chance is slim!

I'm not sure if I'll get back on today, as soon as i'm feeling better I promise :thumbup:

:wave: Arlene. So sorry to hear you are feeling poorly :hugs: Hope you get better soon x
On the first day it seemed like a normal start to my period, I felt that my pants were wet (sorry if tmi) and went to the loo and had bled onto my knickers (really annoyed about that too as they were white french knickers that I have had to throw out now!! :growlmad:) So I got changed put a pad on and a few hours after that it dies off until the following day when I had a slight bit that went browny red when wiping but nothing really.

I didnt think it was unusual at the time as my period had a way of doing that and then 5 days later coming on really heavy! I got confused some months as trying to decide which date was the start of my period was a pain. It was only because 4 days later my boobs were killing that made me e-mail Wendypops and ask for a second opinion. I put my tiredness down to my 1st week back at work after the holiday and the eating to change of eating habits from holiday.

Hope this :hugs:
Evening all! How is everyone doing? Hope you're all having a lovely weekend. Well I was on a right downer this morning hence why I haven't been on. I took a test today at 12dpo and it was a BFN. That with my temperature going down a bit today looks like i'm out this month. I then got really upset thinking about not having kids which I know is silly, I was just in one of those down moods. But I feel a lot better now, had a lovely bbq dinner and treated myself to some blue wkds seen as it was a negative this morning. Now i'm just chilling out watching the BGT results.

Adrienne Sounds like your FS is being very thorough, glad things will start moving for you hun. I think your DH is just feeling the pressure of it all but he needs to realise that it affects you just as much as it does him. So now you just have to wait for a date to go and get the tests done? Hopefully you wont be waiting too long :hugs: x

Arlene Sorry to hear your ill hun, hope your taking it easy. Ooh you think you might be preggers, get testing lady!! I really hope you are :flower: x

Emma How you doing hun? Is Pippin's carpet down now? You do know if you have a girl you'll have to call her pippa now :haha: x

Well I'm off to do some reading. Hubby has bought me two books about PCOS (he's so supportive) so going to have a read and pick out what recipes I like the sound off. Talk to you all soon :flower: x
Well ladies this morning my temperature shot back up to its highest tempertature yet. lol. I decided to go back and change that one temperature I was unsure of at 4dpo and put it as my first temp like I have done with every other one and looking at it now it looks like it could have been an implantation dip, what you guys think? Or is 4dpo too early for one of those? Surely if it was an implantation dip though I would have had a positive test yesterday :shrug: Hmm. I really shouldn't get my hopes back up, I know I am just setting myself up for a fall again x
It is possible - but I think it's also possible that 4dpo could have been your ovulation dip and you'd be 9dpo today, making yesterday's dip implantation. Don't know how likely that theory is, but it's possible. It is awesome to see sustained high temps for you though :thumbup:
Thanks Nat, I was wondering about that myself. So maybe i'm only 9dpo. I guess only time will tell :flower: x
Hi ladies,

Wendypops, (I started writing this 2 hours ago and fell asleep :dohh:) there is definitely something going on but what could be anyones guess. I think it may just be a waiting game for you to see what happens. Sorry I cant be of more help :shrug: . The high temps are a huge positive so I can't wait to find out whay becomes of this :happydance:

Sorry you felt bad yesterday hun. I know what you mean, one of those moods takes over you and thats it, nothings right and the whole world is against you. Now listen to me Wendypops..... YOU WILL HAVE A BABY :hugs: I know you will and you will make a fantastic mummy when you do.

Yes Pippin's carpet is down and all nicely laid. The whole room has been painted top to bottom in white in preparation for us to change it into a colour when we find out the sex. :happydance:

Arlene, Hope you are feeling better. Any news on if your going to test?? Fingers crossed for you :hugs:

Adrienne, So glad to hear that your appointment went well and they are going to do everything to help. You have had some luck with the doctors this week Mrs. I know what you mean about people delving into your personal life but it is all for something bigger. I hope your oh comes round to it all soon as you do need some support through this and not him panicing. We are always here for you though :hugs: I know what you mean about your oh being scared about having kids, my oh is 7 years older than me and when I mentioned that I was going to start taking pre-natal vitamins after we got married (4 years this Thursday) he freaked out. Its only the last 1 or so he has come round to it. Men are strange sometime :haha:

Amy, I read your post the other day and went onto fb to comment about that horrible mans comment but you had already got rid of it :haha: I hate people who do things like that! Hope you are having a fun break and have managed to get your huuugggeee bed :flower: Happy Anniversary as well (sorry, couldn't remember if it was today or tomorrow) :flower:

Rachael, Hope you and your furbabies are ok :hugs: You have gone quiet. PM me if you need to chat x

Hope everone else is doing ok :flower:

Well I spent mostof the day in bed yesterday. For some reason I was shattered and had no energy at all so slept :haha: I went out at night and watched the new X Men film so felt like I did something. I don't have any morning sickness at the minute but I tend to feel quiet nauseous every day at different stages. I have been drinking a glass of milk at bedtime and although it makes me feel sick then I go to sleep and forget about it and wake up feeling ok. Not sure if its helping but I don't feel :sick: so I am carrying on doing it lol.

Don't know if I said but being the crazy :wacko: impatient woman that I am, I bought a cot last weekend. My dad started telling me that ot was bad luck and I said I don't care, I have had my fair share of bad luck recently so nothing is going to go wrong, I am making my own fate!! lol

Anyway, time to go and eat and sit on the sofa all day relaxing. Hope everyone has a lovely day :flower:

Good Afternoon Ladies.... :flower: I hope everyone is having a nice relaxing Sunday... :winkwink: I have locked myself away from the house today, I am still in bed and don't want to get up.

I have been hooked on Katie Price's 2nd autobiography.. I read her first a couple of week ago after (Kerry Katonia's) and wow was katie so honest, maybe just too much. She is definitely a person you like or don't.( i just can't make my mind up) Katie is sooo full on, (quite sickening to be honest) if any of you ladies have read her autobiographies you'' know what i mean!

I see now that she is an honest person, the press do make her out to be worse than she actually is. But she don't half put herself in the firing line by the way she acts, she comes across very sluttish.. I have nearly finished this book and i'm already feeling she has put poor peter though the mill.. ( i do like Peter) I have his autobiography on the way and Katie's 3rd one.. I'm on a mission :rofl:

Does anyone know if Kerry katona has a 2nd autobiography out?
Anyway enough of that... let see what you ladies have been up to!!!! :hugs:

Sabrina I hope you are feeling better hun, sounded like Friday was an awful day for you hun.. :hugs:

Emma Hey Hun, I hope you are feeling better too.. Is :growlmad: Over now? Lol..... I hope your feel better, not seen anything from ..... since our last Pm's!! Hummmm... so extra!!!!! :rofl: Glad you managed some resting ( daughter ) :rofl: !!! I will be on your case Mrs...:flower: I'm glad Gavin is helping out, that is what i like to hear. Awe bless he sounds like he is well and truly in his role now..

I have IBS too hun, it's soooo awful. I have myself to blame fully though, My food intake is terrible. I really need to fix up on that front and start to think about what is good for me, not what i like the taste of.

Awe no hun, the poor lady.. :cry:! I really don't know how people cope after one loss, but 12.... That is heartbreaking... Bless her :hugs:

Having a Ms is a loss, a loss of a little life, you need a good while to over come that, ( you never will fully-ever) but mentally move on from it and i cannot understand how ppl jus keep jumping back in... I can in a way understand people wanting to try again, but people need to allow themselves to deal with the emotional trauma, and allow time for there body to recover.

Oh i don't know, i may be wrong!!! I just think, if we don't listen to what the experts say (doctors) then you can be putting yourself in the danger yet agn. They don't say wait bcos they want to hurt you, they say it bcos they know our body and possibilities better then we do... Moan over!!!!

Brandy What are you like!... I see you are not a women to listen lol... Did you manage to do more test as you said? Let us know the out come... Hope your ok and not driving yourself insane lol..

Wendy Hey hunni.... Awe check you out not SS lol... I so hope this outcome is a :bfp: you have waited all this time for af, to go a :bfp: would be a massive :happydance: for us all, never mind you :rofl: I have everything crossed for you hun.

Wow your chart looks FABULOUS!!!! If af was about to come i doubt it would have shot back up. Maybe implantation has took place on 10/11 dpo. Not all :bfp: charts show Implantation dip, but some do. If you don't get the dip, it don't mean you wont get a :bfp:, the charting is just a guidance, not completely accurate.

An implantation dip is a one-day drop in temperature, occurring about one week after ovulation. The dip appears during the luteal phase, the time between ovulation and your expected period. Implantation of the embryo usually occurs between days 7 and 11 of the luteal phase, and this is why some people attribute this sudden one-day dip in temperature to implantation.

Yes please hun, that will save on the silicone, ill book an appt with the surgeon, when is best for you :rofl:
Saying that hun i'd never want to have silicone implants, i'd defo have to use my own fat injected to make them more real....

BGT.... What do you think of the winner hun? I so wanted Ronan to win.. He was sooooooooooooo sweet and cute... He will defo get a record deal anyway, he has such an amazing voice and still has plenty of time to grow.

Naomi Hey Mrs, I hope you have a lovely time out, and managed to think of something to say lol... I don't mean to pry, have i missed something? ( Medical History of Adam's side? ) I hope everything is ok hun...:hugs:

Adrienne Hey Hun. Awe thx hun, i hope they do too, we spend allot of time away from each other now, but in the same house. Its a mess!!!!! :happydance: For the FS appt! I know it all seems long, but now you will have everything done and checked to help you on your path to conceiving. I really hope everything comes back all well. :hugs:

As for your comment about your OH.. Hun i can sympathize with you TOTALLY!!! My Oh is exactly the same. When i was reading your post about him, it hit the nail on the head for me too. My OH is the same, whether its the being messed about with, feeling like he is the one with the problem i don't know, but he always, always finds a way out of it. I have also asked him the same questions. He seems to think because he has 2 kids already he is fine and its not him, But to be fair i have one child too. Things happen over time and something can go wrong at anytime.

My OH had an accident years after he had his kids, well when i say accident i mean some women kicked him full force in the private.. Now to this day you cannot touch them bcos they are so sore and sensitive, how do i know that isn't the reason for the infertility. One of them tends to disappear up too.. So i know after that he hates going to the doc to be touched or checked. It always feels like there is an excuse not to go to the appt bcos something always stops him... I ask myself, and i know i shouldn't, but does he know something i don't?
Maybe its just not mean to be.. He says to me, it hurts him to think that we'll break up and ill end up with someone else and ill get caught pregnant straight way. why say that? Or maybe hes just a worried as me, thinking he cant have more kids... If i had one wish id wish we could just be happy & be a family...

Arlene :wave: awe bless you.. Don't apologise hun, we all do get busy from time to time. Hows things? I do hope you are feeling better. :hugs: It seems everyone is ill.
After reading the rest of your post hun it made me think. Sounds like you could be pregnant hun. Many people mistake there af to be a period, but intact they were pregnant. Yours sounds VERY.... Promising hun!

Wendy Awe :hugs: hunni do not let that fake, too early :bfn: put you down... And DON'T you dare say that you will never have kids. You have a womb, ovaries and fallopian Tubes.. so you can and will have a baby...:flower:
I wish i could give you a real cuddle hun and make you feel better.... I wish i could fix everything for you hun, but at the same time nothing is broken hunni, you will be pregnant this year... Remember what the reading you had hun!!! July was it?????? well that is well in time for this :bfp: Please hun, no more talk like that...:hugs:

Glad you had a lovely BBQ.. Oh i love blue wkds.. Lol talking bout Blue wkds, my son said to me a couple of days ago. Mum when can i have blue wkd.... :rofl: i said when your 18.... He said when i am 16, i said no 18.. so he said the day before im 18 i said no, when your 18.. he wouldn't let it drop, so asked me if he could have them 1 minute before he was 18, i still said no... He just wouldn't let it drop! Kids... Apparently he had tasted a little bit when he was at my brothers :growlmad: and liked them...Oh well that goes to show, you cant trust no one...

As for your temp, it looks really good hun, very promising! I think 4dpo is too early for implantation dip hun as it normally happens mid way though, so unsure what your temp was doing at 4dpo.. It certainly is a confusing one hun.. But i have everything crossed for you...:hugs:

Emma Well i thought i was the impatient one now i have met my match!!!!... I got my Pram around 12 weeks pregnant, i got the same response hun ( its bad luck to buy things for the baby so soon) My reply was, its a bad one..... If i lose the baby ill save it for my next one.... I had everything by the time i was 5/6 months..

Everyone to there own hunni, if you want to go out and buy everything, that is your choice hun.. I bet it felt good !!:hugs:
Well when are we going to see a pics???? Being impatient is one thing, but selfish is another :rofl: I hope your well hun.....

Well that is me to now.. hope you are all happy and well.. Fx arlene i hope you get that :bfp: nx test with Wendy....
Adrienne - I'm glad to hear your appt went well, and things will start moving ahead!

Arlene - I hope you feel better soon!

Wendy - I agree; the high temps are a positive sign! I got everything still crossed for you!

Emma - Thanks! Today's our anniversary! I'm about ready to slice into our cake! I love what you said about your bad luck. I'm buying things all the time. My mom on the other hand, bought some stuff for the last baby, and now she won't because she thinks it was bad luck. If something's gonna happen, it will happen. It's not gonna happen only because you bought a cot or clothes or something. Hope you start getting some energy. I know that feeling - I've been ready for a nap at 2 p.m. these days.

AFM - I woke up feeling hungover, minus the sickness. I'm wicked exhausted, and my head kinda hurts and I'm sorta dizzy. We went and got our free breakfast that they gave us for our room mishap (I'll fully explain below). Now, I'm back to laying in bed. It's gonna be a chill day today. After walking around Providence Friday night and the aquarium yesterday, I'm exhausted.

Okay, so Emma, I know you were gonna comment on my FB status, but I'll fully explain here what happened, since more went down after I wrote that post. So, yes we checked into the hotel room and they were out of king beds. We complained, since it's our anniversary, and would be nice to at least sleep next to my husband at night. I posted about it on my FB, and my old college business professor wrote the whole "Major crisis .. wahh wahh!" .. but then HE deleted it. I still got it in my email. I wrote him back a private message saying it was an uncalled for comment and that I expected more from him. If he didn't like my status then he didn't have to comment. That it was our first anniversary and king beds would've been nice. A little while later, he wrote me a message back saying I needed to grow up, and may it be the worse thing to happen to me. And to have a nice life. I LOST IT! Seriously, you don't say that to someone when you don't know their life. We've been through a lot this first year. So, I told him that he was the one that needed to grow up, cause he's the one who commented and said the rude comment. I told him that yes, it wasn't the worst thing but it was my FB status, and I can write what I want. Then I said, "Oh and you want to know what has been the worst thing to happen? Losing my baby at 10 weeks! Yeah, so screw you!" Seriously. I was nice in the first message but when you tell me to grow up and everything, then I he loses my respect for him. He hasn't sent me a msg back and he probably My best friend had him as a teacher as well, and was glad I told him off. I was so irritated that night.

I was about to post pictures of Waterfire the other night. It was gorgeous. I'll upload some when we get back. The aquarium was awesome as well. I absolutely loved it!
Evening all! Hope everyone's had a lovely weekend. I've had a lazy day today apart from my wii workout, but it's been nice. I'm just going to head to be in a minute, i'm shattered.

Emma Thanks hun, this whole year has been a waiting game for me so guess I can wait a bit longer lol. Aww that's lovely that Pippin's room is coming together. Don't worry about superstition, half of them are just old wives tales. At the end of the day if someone is going to lose a baby it wont matter if you have bought some baby items or not. I say good for you! This is your forever baby and your probably better just buying things as you go along :flower: Ooh what was the x-men like? I love the x-men films but i wasn't sure about this one seen as it was going back in time. I'll probably still go and see it though x

Lea Wowza you must read books quick! It takes me forever, I read a couple of pages and then fall asleep :haha: Really need to get back into my reading, just not had time lately. Not heard anything about a new book for Kerry but no doubt she will do one at some point. Aww I no i'm murder with my symptom spotting lol, going to stop now though and just see what happens! It's nice to have another opinion on my chart though so thanks :flower: I keep wondering if I have actually ovulated but I think my temps are so different and high I must have done. To be quite honest even if AF does come at least I can start a new cycle and get rid of this nightmare long one!

Haha you did give me a laugh about booking the surgeon :haha: Maybe my chest will shrink if I lose some weight. I'm working my but off but the weight isn't moving fast, i've heard that's another sign of PCOS though, that it's hard to lose weight but I will stick at it and see how I go. Oh I'm happy Jai won BGT! I thought Ronan would win but of course Jai is from Scotland so got to support my home boy! :haha: He does have a wicked voice though.

Aww I wish you were closer too hun, but we will keep our promise to each other! We will both get our BFP's then go baby shopping together. Deffo! Hmm, you've got me thinking about my hubby now as he got a massive kick right in his private area by a cow last year! He was working on his brothers farm and just went down like a sack of spuds when it happened. Hope that hasn't effected anything, hmm. And as for Jaydan, boy do they want to start young nowadays! lol. If I had drunk alcohol as a kid I would have got a boot up the arse lol. Admitedly though I did start going to pubs at 16 but that's funny telling him he can't even have it a minute early :haha: x

Amy Happy Anniversary Hun! I hope you've both had a lovely day :flower: Wow what a jerk that guy was on facebook! Just delete him from yoru life, people like that aren't worth your time :hugs: I had a nose at your pics on Facebook they are lovely! Some of the mini golf things are scary though :haha: Enjoy the rest of your day x

How is all you other lovely ladies doing? All well I hope. Well I am off for now but I shall be back on tomorrow :hugs: Nite x
Hey Wendy lol i'm just in one of my funny phases agn, I'm just addicted to reading at the mo. Before kerry's book Id not read in 3 years. Back then i was addicted to books and magazines.. but then i go my first laptop and that was it, i was never off it (only cos i could take it all over the house with me) lol.. The pc was just stuck at the desk and i'd get fed up sitting at it.. I can take my laptop to bed with me, in the garden and it even comes in the kitchen with me :rofl:

Kerry's book was the first id read since 2008, now i'm on a mission agn. Think it took me a week to ready kerry's, Then i read katie's 1 & 2 in about 2 weeks.. so in about a 3wks i have read 3 autobiographies.. Nice...i so need a job!!! I tend to read most at night, when its lovely and quiet. On Sunday when its BORING too lol..
I just have to wait now for katie's nx 2 books to come and Peter Andres.. I'm gutted i have no book to read now, so i'm just looking for a job..

Hey no worries hun, i do hope your chart comes to something special! :hugs: Like you said though hun, one way or the other will be a good thing..
I knew that would make you laugh about the surgeon :happydance:... Some people do hun, you lose weight, you lose some of your chest, and also the other way round.
Awe i knew you'd want Jai to win, being a Scottish fella...He has one big amazing voice. I'm a little gutted though bcos we have X-factor for singers.. It shouldn't be allowed for over a certain age, bcos they can enter the X -factor! Saying that i have 2 tickets for X-factor auditions in Manchester on Sunday.. That should be fun if i get there this time.. I had 4 last time and still didn't go.

Awe no way, see what i mean about us, we are too similar hun, i'm actually beginning to get scared :rofl: Awe its not nice at all. Poor Oh's... As for Jaydan, i told him not until you are actually old enough so 1 min past his 18th birthday ... I was drinking at 15 in pubs and clubs.. But still my son wont be..:haha:

Oh yeh, we will deffo be meeting up on day to do our baby shopping, we really need to hurry tbh as emma is getting to far ahead with her shopping as she has started already.. I WANT TO SEE PIPPIN COT.........

Hey Amy... I am sooooooooo SORRY hunni, i cannot believe i missed your post when i was catching up, I went passed it bcos i wanted to fill in the rest of the smaller posts and come back to your's bcos it was quite long to read... Well i am very sorry hunni....:hugs:

I hope you are having a fab anniversary hunni, and you managed to get the bed situation sorted.. Freebies are always good, but they still should have done one better than that! I hope you both have many more years together hunni.. & New baby on the way too.. I hope you are feel well.. :flower:
as for your old college professor... How childish is he!!! What a prat...
I have never heard of Waterfire before, it does sound cool though.. Cant wait to see pics hun..

Hope you both enjoyed today...:hugs:

Emma hun... i hope you are tucked up in bed now fast asleep ... :hugs:

Well back to job hunting for me.. Nyt Nyt Ladies...:flower:

Good Afternoon Ladies.... :flower: I hope everyone is having a nice relaxing Sunday... :winkwink: I have locked myself away from the house today, I am still in bed and don't want to get up.

I have been hooked on Katie Price's 2nd autobiography.. I read her first a couple of week ago after (Kerry Katonia's) and wow was katie so honest, maybe just too much. She is definitely a person you like or don't.( i just can't make my mind up) Katie is sooo full on, (quite sickening to be honest) if any of you ladies have read her autobiographies you'' know what i mean!

I see now that she is an honest person, the press do make her out to be worse than she actually is. But she don't half put herself in the firing line by the way she acts, she comes across very sluttish.. I have nearly finished this book and i'm already feeling she has put poor peter though the mill.. ( i do like Peter) I have his autobiography on the way and Katie's 3rd one.. I'm on a mission :rofl:

Does anyone know if Kerry katona has a 2nd autobiography out?
Anyway enough of that... let see what you ladies have been up to!!!! :hugs:

Sabrina I hope you are feeling better hun, sounded like Friday was an awful day for you hun.. :hugs:

Emma Hey Hun, I hope you are feeling better too.. Is :growlmad: Over now? Lol..... I hope your feel better, not seen anything from ..... since our last Pm's!! Hummmm... so extra!!!!! :rofl: Glad you managed some resting ( daughter ) :rofl: !!! I will be on your case Mrs...:flower: I'm glad Gavin is helping out, that is what i like to hear. Awe bless he sounds like he is well and truly in his role now..

I have IBS too hun, it's soooo awful. I have myself to blame fully though, My food intake is terrible. I really need to fix up on that front and start to think about what is good for me, not what i like the taste of.

Awe no hun, the poor lady.. :cry:! I really don't know how people cope after one loss, but 12.... That is heartbreaking... Bless her :hugs:

Having a Ms is a loss, a loss of a little life, you need a good while to over come that, ( you never will fully-ever) but mentally move on from it and i cannot understand how ppl jus keep jumping back in... I can in a way understand people wanting to try again, but people need to allow themselves to deal with the emotional trauma, and allow time for there body to recover.

Oh i don't know, i may be wrong!!! I just think, if we don't listen to what the experts say (doctors) then you can be putting yourself in the danger yet agn. They don't say wait bcos they want to hurt you, they say it bcos they know our body and possibilities better then we do... Moan over!!!!

Brandy What are you like!... I see you are not a women to listen lol... Did you manage to do more test as you said? Let us know the out come... Hope your ok and not driving yourself insane lol..

Wendy Hey hunni.... Awe check you out not SS lol... I so hope this outcome is a :bfp: you have waited all this time for af, to go a :bfp: would be a massive :happydance: for us all, never mind you :rofl: I have everything crossed for you hun.

Wow your chart looks FABULOUS!!!! If af was about to come i doubt it would have shot back up. Maybe implantation has took place on 10/11 dpo. Not all :bfp: charts show Implantation dip, but some do. If you don't get the dip, it don't mean you wont get a :bfp:, the charting is just a guidance, not completely accurate.

An implantation dip is a one-day drop in temperature, occurring about one week after ovulation. The dip appears during the luteal phase, the time between ovulation and your expected period. Implantation of the embryo usually occurs between days 7 and 11 of the luteal phase, and this is why some people attribute this sudden one-day dip in temperature to implantation.

Yes please hun, that will save on the silicone, ill book an appt with the surgeon, when is best for you :rofl:
Saying that hun i'd never want to have silicone implants, i'd defo have to use my own fat injected to make them more real....

BGT.... What do you think of the winner hun? I so wanted Ronan to win.. He was sooooooooooooo sweet and cute... He will defo get a record deal anyway, he has such an amazing voice and still has plenty of time to grow.

Naomi Hey Mrs, I hope you have a lovely time out, and managed to think of something to say lol... I don't mean to pry, have i missed something? ( Medical History of Adam's side? ) I hope everything is ok hun...:hugs:

Adrienne Hey Hun. Awe thx hun, i hope they do too, we spend allot of time away from each other now, but in the same house. Its a mess!!!!! :happydance: For the FS appt! I know it all seems long, but now you will have everything done and checked to help you on your path to conceiving. I really hope everything comes back all well. :hugs:

As for your comment about your OH.. Hun i can sympathize with you TOTALLY!!! My Oh is exactly the same. When i was reading your post about him, it hit the nail on the head for me too. My OH is the same, whether its the being messed about with, feeling like he is the one with the problem i don't know, but he always, always finds a way out of it. I have also asked him the same questions. He seems to think because he has 2 kids already he is fine and its not him, But to be fair i have one child too. Things happen over time and something can go wrong at anytime.

My OH had an accident years after he had his kids, well when i say accident i mean some women kicked him full force in the private.. Now to this day you cannot touch them bcos they are so sore and sensitive, how do i know that isn't the reason for the infertility. One of them tends to disappear up too.. So i know after that he hates going to the doc to be touched or checked. It always feels like there is an excuse not to go to the appt bcos something always stops him... I ask myself, and i know i shouldn't, but does he know something i don't?
Maybe its just not mean to be.. He says to me, it hurts him to think that we'll break up and ill end up with someone else and ill get caught pregnant straight way. why say that? Or maybe hes just a worried as me, thinking he cant have more kids... If i had one wish id wish we could just be happy & be a family...


sorry lol im doing the othere frer test monday morning .. ill def let u guys know the outcome of it i have been gone to my mothers since yesterday morning n jus got home about an hour ago so imma test in the morning ... hope evrything is going ok with everyone ill read up on evthing in the morning to see what i missedx n catch back up...
Hi everyone! Into my second week in Turkey now, bought all my supplies with me and only needed to use 1 cbfm stick! lol Im happy though as i got my peak!
I am currently 5 dpo, and i was just wondering what the difference is between the two dots you get on the chart on fertility friend. One dot is a solid blue dot and the other is a blue circle with white in the middle? Just wondering if they mean anything? :wacko:
Amy I can't believe your college professor acted like that. How pathetic and childish! This is one of the reasons I do not have facebook, just seems to cause alot of trouble. Sounds like you've had a wonderful anniversary, can't wait to see the pic!

Adrienne huge :hugs: definately sounds like alot to take in and deal with. When will you be back for your sailene ultrasound? Sounds like you have an excellent doctor who wants to check everything out just incase which is ideal. Hope you get answers soon and you dont need anymore surgery. Has your hubby came around for you? I imagine it would all be very intimadating for him too.

Wendy its all been very confusing for you lately :hugs: I had a look at your chart and, with the very little I know/understand with those, I agree with what Nat said. I sincerely hope this is it for you :hugs: Reading about you on your wii fit reminds me I haven't been to the gym in a while :dohh: I've woke today feeling yet again worse though so doubt its going to happen today :lol:

Emma good for you buying a cot! I know alot of people are superstitious about those kind of things, I myself am not either. I still lived with my mum when having Kyle and she didn't allow the pram in the house until after he was born, or the cot to be built until he was born! It was a nightmare. You seen a pram yet?! I LOVE pram shopping :D

Lea I personally don't like Katie, I totally disagree with her, in my opinion, totally selfish lifestyle. I know the kids don't see it now, but as they get older people will taunt them at school, they will get curious and all they have to do is google her, don't reckon they'll like what they see! One thing that does come across is that she is very hard working, i'll give her that much! I would love to sit and read today but unfortunately I have a pile of ironing from the holiday that i'll have to iron then get packed again for going away next week :lol:

Charlie :happydance: for the peak! Hope your enjoying Turkey, never been before! Sorry cant help you with the dots, I don't use FF.

Only managed to go back 2 pages, I felt better yesterday but woke up today worse :( Sadly tested yesterday and it was reckon the odd period has been due to the fact I was ill too. I took on overtime this week because I thought I was okay so fx'd im okay tomorrow!
Need to get down to the bank to put in the pennies i've been saving for OH birthday present. Anyone's OH or no someone who takes flying lessons? An airfield nearby are offering 5 hours worth of lessons, all the books for ground exams, temperary club membership, personal pilots log book and the bmaa training syllabus for £550! I priced elsewhere and they wanted £950 for just the lessons, no extra!

Hope everyone else is doing well :hugs:
Morning all! Hope everyone's well :flower:

Lea You sound like me, my laptop comes everywhere with me! I'm too addicted to it to be honest. Can't remember what my life was like without one lol. Have you applied for any more jobs? It's not easy getting one but will be so worth it when you do hun. OMG major jealous you have xfactor tickets! I wonder what the new judges will be like, hmm. You should deffo go hun! It'll be brill x

Brandy Good luck with testing hun, look forward to hearing your result :flower: x

Charlie Hey Mrs, glad you are having a lovely time on your hols. The circles that are not solid means you are taking your temperature at a different time than usual so they may not be entirely accurate. You need to try and take your temps at the same time everyday or at most half an hour of difference time wise :flower: x

Arlene Sorry about the BFN hun, you are probably right, being ill could have caused it to be a bit different. Are you going to try OPK's or temping for this cycle? Where are you off to next week? You lucky devil getting away twice! Aww don't talk to me about ironing, I swear i'm going to disappear in my pile sometime soon! :haha: x

Well back to work, talk to you all later :hugs: x
Morning Girls,

Hope you've all had a nice weekend.

Wendy I was on a downer all of Saturday too due to the stupid bug I had. OH tried to cheer me up by taking me to cinema to see X-Men (I recommend it!). It did cheer me up but I was soon back to a downer again for the rest of the day.

Fx'd to everyone testing soon and I hope there is a BFP in there somewhere amongst you all.

Finally got rid of the bug so now I can get back on track with the weight loss (too many things happening recently that have caused me to lose motivation). wendy don't be overdoing it on the Wii as you will burn yourself out. You need to give your body time to build up muscles that you've weakend when working out.

Lea I don't tend to read autobiographies but since OH bought me an e-book reader a few years ago for Christmas, I've been reading ever since and love it. Use to read a lot when I was younger but stopped when my teachers at school tried to force me to read books I didn't like. I'm quite picky when it comes to books. I don't think I'd like to read a celeb's book but I have read Johnny Adair's book and loved it. Coming from NI, I lived through his terror days and it was more an appreciation of what was going on than anything else. He admits what he did was wrong and will forever be watching his back because of it but showed a side that was never portrayed in the news and gives a lot to think about.

Hope everyone elde is doing well xxx

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