The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

well ladies i am just about to sit down and watch 'the other boelyn girl' do love a bit of tudor raunch!!!
have a lovely evening everyone :flower:
Hi guys, thanks so much for the suppport. I've been feeling pretty crappy today cause every one of my friends I have told have been like oh shit, that's not good. Whereas on here you's have been telling me it can and will happen for me which is more what I need to hear! :hugs: I will not give up hope! x

Naomi Aww your Mum sounds a hoot! haha. Love the reaction. You enjoy your show hun, i've never heard of that one x

Emma Aww I could really murder a cake right now! lol. I have to try and not to bake cause I end up eating the cake mixture too :haha: x

Lea Thank you so much hunnie, you've got a way with words that always makes me feel better :hugs: I'm just sick of hearing the scare stories, like that if I do get pregnant I have a 65% chance of a miscarriage, after i heard that I googled it and found a website that said the same thing :( Like you say though there is different stages and this is probably the most extreme case of PCOS. I will just have to see what the doc says I suppose. Hopefully now Bex is back where she belongs your life is calming down a bit. You focus on your english hun, you'll feel so much better once you get it done and out the way x

Brandy Try not to worry about things too much the now hun cause you just don't know what's happening. Take a test tomorrow and then decide where to go from there. No point in worrying about what your doctor will say when you don't know if you are pregnant. :hugs: to you hun, I hope you get the answer you want x

Well i'm going to get off to my bed. I'm shattered. Speak to all you lovely ladies tomorrow :flower: x
Awe Wendy Hun that is so lovely thank you! :flower:

I know they are your friends hun, but please, just by that comment says they know nothing about pcos, they are ill educated on the subject. People hear pcos and automatically think no kids. Its a condition that can be managed Many people in the world have it and conceive naturally. Then we have people who need that extra stimulation from clomid or Metformin..

I have been told i cannot have Metformin bcos it will make me lose weight, and them my bmi would be too low.. but clomid i can..

I believe we have too much testosterone.. we're men :rofl:
on a serious note though hunni, i see now why my Doc wanted me to go on the pill it stop ovaries from producing too much testosterone. But at the same time, stops you getting pregnant!

Hunni we have answers now, we are on the path going forward, what ever hurdles that get in the way now can be overcome... U have no kids hun so all types of fertility is open to you all of them, so without out a doubt, if you have the worse case of pcos (god for bid) you have a all options of fertility treatments... :happydance: you will do it hun, you will have a :baby: if not twins... Don't let anyone get you down, or put a bad downer on you... 2012 babies we said... we meant it...:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

nyt nyt hun
Morning ladies,

Hope everyone is ok and looking forward to the weekend. Anyone up to anything nice. :hugs:

Speak to you later :flower:
Moring Girls,

DisneyBelle Congrats on the BFP. Quite a few of you expecting now.

Wendy Yes I keep up the Zumba 3 classes a week but not done any since last week due to this bug which I still have. Back at work because the boss moans if I'm off at all. Been vomiting with it which has thankfully stopped but still having problems eating. You are not a dud, it's just taking a longer to catch that forever baby but you will catch it.

Lea Hope you're feeling better now that all the chaos has died now a little. I don't normally get any cramps etc with af (well not bad ones) but I've picked up a bug and it's a nightmare. 2 other people at my work have had it too so it's doing the rounds.

Hope everybody else is doing well.
Morning ladies! What a gorgeous day we are having here, so wish I was off. Hope you are all getting this lovely weather too.

Lea They can give me the pills! I would happily take them to help me lose weight at the same time lol. Have you ever tried Clomid or anything? I'm assuming I don't have the worst case of PCOS when she said she could see a nice juicy follicle, so my body is doing something right! I really hope we do both get our BFP's soon, it would be fab if everyone on here got their 2012 babies :flower: x

Emma Morning hun! Hope you're well and the sickness is easing :flower: I've heard a lot of people say ginger snaps help too, you should give it a go. I've got a barbeque tomorrow at ex hubby's house. There's a whole gang of us going so should be a good laugh if the weather stays nice. Only problem is I can't decide whether I should drink or not, :shrug: hmm x

Sabrina Thanks hun, i've been trying for ten months now so i'm hoping my little longer will be almost over :haha: I was going to say I hope you're not doing your Zumba when you're feeling poorly, just rest up after work. Bosses do my head in! You shouldn't have to work but always feel like you have to go in. My boss makes me feel the same. Hope you feel better soon :hugs: x

Well i'm at work so best get on with it lol. Talk to you all later :flower: x
Hey Wendypops- I am better today thank you. It is a lot easier than yesterday but still feeling quite nauseous. I had the ginger biscuits next to the bed this morning ready to go and hadn't even opened my eyes before I had one in my mouth and then some crackers :haha: It took me about 2 hours to get up and going but it has eased now where as yesterday it didnt until about 7pm :(

Hope you have a lovely BBQ tomorrow. The weather is meant to stay nice for tomorrow so you should have a good time. I know what you mean about the drinking hun, its completely up to you.

Well this weekend I have a chaotic house to try and put straight and family coming and going. Hopefully our friend is coming tonight to fit Pippin's carpet for us so Gav can put all the furniture back in there. Not long left until the weekend Wendypops :happydance:
Good Afternoon Ladies :flower:

OOOOOH Happy Blueberry Emma hun :flower: How are you today Mrs? I feel sorry for you working in this HOT weather.. Apart from your hormonal Rant i hope you and baby are well... It is aweful being pregnant in this heat, i was heavily preggers in summer and boi was it hard....

lol at ginger biscuit waiting for you this morning. Sounds like you have a busy weekend, you need to be relaxing lady, let Gavin look after you.. I'm not up to anything this weekend just boring as per...

Hey Wendy Hun lol @ pills i wouldn't mind losing a stone tbh, i have put weight on the last few months, the only good thing is i have gone up a cup size :rofl: I would like the keep them this way, them i couldn't crave a boob job lol.. I'm now a c!!!!!

No hun, i have never tried anything yet, if i would have gone to my FS appt maybe they would have given me some.. On a break now from ttc so guess i wont be taking anything either.. I agree with you hun, Here is too all the 2012 babies all us ladies will have..

Sabrina Thx hun, things have calmed down in many ways, but still have allot of things to work though now! I'm just trying to take each day as it comes... Awe hun, i hope you feel better soon, if you have weather like ours i really feel for you, there is nothing worse than being ill in hot weather, well saying that yeh being pregnant lol..

Oh i love zumba on my kinect, its so much fun! I wish i could go to a class, it would be fun...

Well as for me, i'm just sat in my kitchen at my table with my patio doors wide open, the heat is amazing. If i go out in it ill end up Black lol i catch the sun sooo easy, I go from mixed race to black in summer... My poor son stays white with a tiny tiny hint of colour Bless him..

Still no luck on the job front, I need a job sooo bad. When i think about this weather and working it annoys me, but i need one i just cant win.

I managed to get stuck back into my English last night, wow i didn't realise how much i had to do :growlmad: 'Ill get there eventually.
Me and OH are still very lost, i really don't know what's going to happen with us. :nope: i just wish things would chill out on that front. I miss the way we were together...

Hope all you ladies are well... :flower:
Well thought I could cope with some lunch today but boy was I wrong! Have ended up taking a painkiller, ibuprofen and 2 rennie tablets just to stop myself from being sick. I keep telling myself there are people a lot worse off and I've only got 2 more hours to endure before I can go home and curl up. I think if I was pregnant, I would be going crazy. Having the bug is bad enough without added morning sickness, hormonal chaos and everything else that pregnancy likes to mess up lol
I sympathise Sabrina, I have ibs and a lactose intolerance and I am meant to take pills every time I eat to stop me from having cramps, vomiting and diarrhea so I know exactly where you are coming from. Make sure you curl up in bed when you get home.

Do you usually have problems with indigestion type symptoms. If so the docs can give you a pill for 24 hour relief from it to save taking loads of rennies called lanzaprazol (think that's how you spell it) and it does work wonders x
Thanks Emma but I've never had problems before. I have found out that 3 other people at work have had the same thing so it's definitely a bug that's doing the rounds. One poor girl has a wedding to go to tomorrow (her best friend's) but she's too sick to attend.

Thankfully only 10 minutes left then I can go home and curl up.
Well ladies i took a pg test this morning and it was a very very very faint line to make it a bfp so i dunno if it was an evap line or what was a clearblue easy not digital on the +/- one .. anyway it was jus really faint so hubby is going to buy me an frer for tomorrow morning to take and maybe one for sunday to be sure of whatever is going on ..... so nervous but i honestly think i am i woke up this morning n felt like i had to puke so i jus laid in bed a few minutes n then i was fine so i dunno... been having cramps around the overy area this morning so i dunno if af is gonna show her ugly head or not but i swear it was a faint line my hubby seen it to but we dont know if it was an evap line i peed in a cup and dipped it instead of peeing on it dont know if that makes a difference but anyway jus thought i would let u guys know ill let u know what tomorrow brings as well n i hope everyone has a wonderful weekend ... :)
wow lilhotmomma that didn't take long!! fingers crossed you get what you want :flower:
well ladies my first test tonight, off out to dinner with some close friends from work, have been cramping all day, they will guess the second I don't have a drink so thinking of excuses to try and keep it quiet til I have had a scan!
Doctors appt went really well, because of the medical history of Adam's side they are going to refer me to the mid wife earlier so they can kepp a close eye on me.
Hey babysimpson, there was a bug like that going round my work recently, must be the season for it, hope you feel better soon!
Emma, hope the sickness eases off soon hunxx
Hey ladies,

Sabrina- Hope you are all tucked up now x

:wave: Naomi! Just tell them either you are on antibiotics or you have had an iffy stomach all day and dont want to push it. The sickness has eased off today thanks. I still feel quite nauseous but not as full on as yesterday thank god. Only another 49 days of it to go :haha: :happydance: for the cramping, it is a good sign that your little bean is digging its way in lol. Hope you are feeling ok :hugs:

:wave: Lea... i see you!! Glad you like my hormonal rant :rofl: I just had to get it out :haha: Me and Pippin are well thank you and yes the weather is not doing my nausea any good at all. Its awful in the car especially! I am relaxing mum :haha: I mainly direct things at the minute lol, Gavin won't let me do anything. I have not even cooked tea this week which is very rare as I cook every night!!

Sorry to hear that you and the oh are still having problems. Maybe once things die down a bit more you guys will find each other again. I know it is difficult but try and make time for just you two and will help loads :hugs:

Wendypops, wendypops, wendypops.... :wave: hhhiiiiiiiiii Mrs. Hope you had a lovely day at work!! Its the weekend now :happydance:

Arlene- :wave: I keep seeing you here Mrs. Hope you are having fun with Kyle :hugs:

Brandy- If you do find out it is a :bfp: then please tell your doctor as soon as. The lining of your uterus may not be thick enough to be able to carry a baby so please tell them so they can keep an eye on you. Oh and congratulations :hugs:

Well I am sat on te sofa after a nice shower and some baking looking at my tubby belly :haha: because I have been eating so much I have started putting weight on already. To be honest I needed to anyway so it is a good sign but very weird for me to see. Oh well, in a few months it will become baby and not flabby :haha:
Really looking forward to my tea tonight, I have steamed chicken, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, green beans and rice... yummy!! Speak to you ladies later :hugs:
it makes you realise just how lucky you are at times. A lovely and strong lady on another thread is just going through the loss of her 12th angel. It killed me with the 1 so god knows how she is feeling :cry:
Aww Emma the poor woman, that's so sad. I can only imagine the hurt she must be going through.

Sorry I can't do a proper post right now as I am feeling really sick. So I'm just going to chill out for the night. I am symptom spotting even though I am trying not to lol. But for the last few days I have felt sick on and off, have been waking up with heartburn even though i've not been eating before bed or anything, wake up with a runny nose and feel stuffy for an hour, having mild cramps at least once a day, creamy cm, continuous high temps from ovulation, and getting really tired, hubby just came home and woke me up as I crashed out on the sofa, very unlike me! I never sleep during the day. I'm also having a lot more frequent bowel movements. What do you guys think, sound promising or not? I don't have sore boobs or anything though so i'm not sure. Bring on testing time! x
Wendypopsn :rofl: I'm trying not to symptom spot but....... I call that symptom spotting :haha:
It does sound promising hun but as you know could be other things too. Fingers crossed it your :bfp: x :hugs:
Aww I know but I can't help thinking about symptoms when my temps are so good lol. I only started really putting them together today as last night me and hubby were :sex: and it felt weird! It actually hurt a little which has never happened with hubby, and we weren't doing anything different. After a while I had to tell him it felt weird and was a little sore and he said yeah it feels totally different for me too but he didn't want to tell cause he thought it was just him. Srange :shrug: x
I'm not the best person to ask really as I thought I was on my period :haha: I have always tried to not think about it as it would stress me out too much. How many dpo do you think you are?
Fertility Friend says i'm 11dpo today, but I don't know for sure, my body is so out of whack! I'm really good at charts and know mines looks good, but there is time for it to shoot down so will just have to keep an eye over the next day or two, unless I end up testing haha x

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