The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Well I hope something happens soon regardless - either a :bfp: (preferred of course) or AF so you can finally get started on another cycle. How long has it been so far? I know you keep resetting your ticker to fit on an 80 day one so I can't remember how long it's actually been.
151 days!! :haha: I know i can be a bad one for symptom spotting but seriously I don't feel right. My stomach has felt weird for the past 5 days. I'm not in agony or anything, just keep getting twinges, cramps and feel really sick a lot. But like i've said either way I will be happy cause I know i'm going to get answers. I agree though, from my temps it looks like I deffo did ovulate. Thanks for giving your opinions, they are really appreciated :flower: x
I'd say you defo ovulated too hun! Hope you get a BFP soon!
:hugs: amy and carron, im so so sorry. i can't imagine what you are going through but i am thinking of you and sending lots of hugs and support.
good for you amy, getting back on it as soon as, think i would be the same. a friend at work did the same, she lost her baby at 7 weeks, tried again straight away and fell quickly again and now has a little girl who is nearly 1 so i know you need to mind your body but it can work out well.
o wendy, i do hope things work out for you this month hun and you get one or the other soon, would love for it to be a bfp though, you really deserve one!!
how is everyone else?
i'm currently watching disney films (beauty and the beast -my fav- at the mo) and trying to write reports, it's not really happening lol:haha:
Well ladies it looks like the :witch: has arrived! I'm shocked cause my temps are so high but i've just been to the toilet and my tissue was covered in bright red blood when I wiped. So i've just put on a pad and I will keep an eye on it to see if it's starting full flow. I am a little disappointed it's not a BFP but i'm still happy that I obviously ovulated on my own and finally my 151 day cycle is coming to an end!

So the plan is to go and get CD2 bloods done on Monday, seen as if it's full flow tomorrow will be classed as CD1 right? And I can start using my CBFM again :happydance: Just really hope my body will start ovulating every month, we shall see! Surely if this is AF my temp will go down tomorrow? Hmm. Anyway, I best get off, I just wanted to come on and update you all but I will be on for a proper post tomorrow :flower: x
Thanks ladies. Just like my last m/c, some days are better than others. But I'm having more of the better days. I just kept thinking today about how I should be roughly 23 weeks, over half way done. And that just got me down. :cry: It just sucks cause now I have 2 due dates that I have to remember, one of them being DH's birthday. I had such good feelings about the last one, now when I get pregnant again I don't know how I'm gonna feel. It's gonna be hard to be happy though. It's just be like, oh, here we go again.

DH and I went out to dinner tonight, and I had a nice big alcoholic beverage. Boy was it yummy! I got some baby aspirin today as well, so I'm going to start taking one a day. Hopefully it works in thickening the lining of my uterus, which is what I've read. The nurse I talked to Friday had never heard of it, but she said it couldn't hurt me.

Wendy - sorry to hear AF is here! But you're right, at least you know you can OV now. FXed crossed for next cycle. I would definitely say that the first full flow day is CD1.
Hi girls I know haven't been here in a long time but In just got some devastating news that I need to share. Dh went to his endocrinologist Friday and we found out that since his testosterone levels are so low and he only.has one testicle that it would be.highly unlikely he could even get me pregnant.....I've just spent 15 months rtfm find out that its all.for nothing. I am just so sad and well angry etc.... things are just not going very well. I guess I just need the support.
Hi girls I know haven't been here in a long time but In just got some devastating news that I need to share. Dh went to his endocrinologist Friday and we found out that since his testosterone levels are so low and he only.has one testicle that it would be.highly unlikely he could even get me pregnant.....I've just spent 15 months rtfm find out that its all.for nothing. I am just so sad and well angry etc.... things are just not going very well. I guess I just need the support.

I'm so sorry to hear this. I can't imagine what you and dh are going through right now. Please know that you have my support as well as all the other ladies on here. I wish there was something that I could say to make you feel better at this time. I'm sending you lots of hugs. Take care of yourself ok.
Oh Viola, :hugs: That's devastating news. Is there anything he can take to increase his testosterone and his sperm count?

Wendy, I'm gutted that AF arrived, but at the same time at least you're getting somewhere, and you have a good length LP. Hopefully your next cycle is a normal length one and the lucky one. :hugs:
Morning ladies,

Wendypops- I am so gutted for you but happy at the same time. Sorry it wasn't your bfp but I am sure it will come very soon :hugs: Are you feeling any better than the other night. Thank you hun for your texts, it meant a lot. Huge :hugs: to you and you know where I am if you want a wee chat x

Michelle- I am so sorry to hear your bad news hunni. I know you were going through a rough tie a few months ago as well. Sorry to hear things haven't perked up for you yet. All the fab ladies on this thread are here to give you loads of love and support and pray that things will improve for you :hugs:

Amy- Hey Mrs, huge :hugs: sorry about the mc :hugs: glad to see you are going straight back into it. We are here if you need any support. I try not to focus on dates otherwise it gets me down too much. My little angel is never forgotten but I found it hard enough to move on initially. I know you are strong and can do this and you will get your little baby :hugs:

Naomi- Hope you are doing well. I see where your name on here has come from now :haha:

:wave: Rachael, I loved your pics of the cats on fb the other day. fingers crossed for you with the jobs :hugs:

Arlene- I read the stuff about your friends and well done for standing up for your friend. I think a lot of people could do with a honest friend like ou to have their back. Hope you and Kyle are good :hugs:

To everyone else :wave: I hope you are all ok :hugs:

So sorry lades for abandoning you all. Not been having a great time at the min which I wont bore you with. It has saddened me to see so much happiness and now so much sadness :( Huge hugs ladies and I am back and here for you all :hugs:
Hi guys! Hope everyone's well :flower: I'm typing this from my bed. AF is definitely here, the cramps are so bad even though i'm not bleeding heavily, so it's pills and hot water bottle time! Will deffo call the doctor up tomorrow and book my CD2 bloods.

Rachael I take it there's no sign of the :witch: for you? I'm keeping everything crossed for you hun :flower: x

Naomi Aww I love disney films! I still need to watch Toy Story 2 and 3. Beauty and the Beast is one of my favs too, think The Lion King is my fav tho! Can't wait to have kids so I can sit and watch them all with them. I've even bought a set of disney and winnie the pooh childrens books and put them by :haha: What am I like! But they were a lovely set and hopefully I will get to use them one day x

Amy Sorry you're having a down day hun :hugs: It's only natural that you will have some down days. I don't know why but it does seem to be the case that when someone has a miscarriage they seem to be very fertile and get pregnant very quickly again. You are naturally going to be scared when you get another BFP but you have you to believe that it will be your forever baby and try and relax as much as possible in your first twelve weeks :flower: x

Michelle It's lovely to see you back on here hun although i'm so sorry about your news :hugs: What are your doctors suggesting as the best way forward? Would it be IVF? I'm sure they will be able to do something to help hun, don't give up. We are all here anytime you need to talk :flower: x

Adrienne Has the horrible :witch: got you too hun? We'll do it next month! I'm going to kidnap the witch and tie her up so she can't come back :haha: x

Nat Thanks hun, hopefully I will be back to my usual 30 day cycle now. I had a look at the pics from your appointment, it looks lovely! You getting all settled in now? x

Emma Anytime hun :hugs: You'll need to let us know how your midwife appointment goes tomorrow, can't believe you've got a little raspberry inside you now! :haha: Only another 4 weeks and you'll get to see your little one on the screen! So exciting! x

Lea How you doing hun? I know you're a busy lady but hope you're well :hugs: x

Right i'm going to go and chill for a while, try and get rid of these cramps. Talk to you all tomorrow :flower: x
Sorry AF got you Wendy, but at least your epic cycle is finished!

No sign of AF yet. Officially late, but BFN on tests :wacko:
Yes I'm back on CD1, but I'm not surprised. Sorry the witch got you Wendy, but I"m glad the never ending cycle is over for you and hopefully things will get back to normal for you.

Rachael sorry about the BFN keeping my fingers crossed for you that you're just going to be one of those who get that late BFP.
Michelle - sorry to hear the news! :hugs: we're all here for you!

Emma - thanks hun! I try not to focus on the dates, but it's hard sometimes. I have 4 people on my FB that are all due Sept/Oct, right around where I would've been. Those will be a hard couple of months, especially if I'm not pregnant by then. I hope you're feeling better! I can't believe you're already a raspberry!

Wendy - thanks hun! I hope I can be like last time, and get PG right away again. I hope the cramps are diminishing for you! Good luck with your CD2 blood work!

Rachel - sorry about the BFNs! got everything crossed for you!

Adrienne - :dust: for next cycle!!

Hope everyone else is well. I had an okay day - just relaxed around the apartment with DH. We got all caught up on our TV shows, and had lunch out. It was a nice day, but I'm not ready for work tomorrow. I wish I could have an extra day off. Oh well, guess it'll take my mind off everything. Watched a music video, I Would Die For That, and almost bawled my eyes out. It's everything I want to say. It's an amazing video.
Hey ladies! Sorry for not being around much, I have been reading everything, just not enough time to post. I still have so much to do in regards to packing :dohh: and we leave in an hour :lol:

Just wanted to post quickly, Amy and michelle, sorry for the tough time yous are going through. :hugs:

Wendy at least something came from the symptoms you were having. Sorry to hear :witch: ain't being easy on you :( hopefully she'll be gone before you know it :hugs: Good luck with your bloods today :)

Rachael fx'd AF stays away and you get your bfp!

Emma..So its all good to just drop the kids off when you finish work..? :winkwink: Still babysitting for us, right?! :haha:

Best be off and get everything in the car. Hope everyone else is well :)

Amy & Carron so sorry for your loss I also know exactly how it feels so you know where I am if you need to chat :hugs:

Viola im so sorry for your news, whats the next step?

Arlene thats terrible but yet better she knows now than later, he sounds like my ex the thing was we had been best mates for years and never knew he was a womaniser and fell in love with him before we even started dating so hurt like hell when I found out he was cheating on me and he walked out on me for his exwife 6 months before our wedding day! We were also ttc! I see it as a blessing I never carried his child or married him!

Adrienne, Emma, Nat, Wendy, Rachael, Sabrina who else have I missed there is so many :shrug: Hope you are all ok :)

Temp dropped today so expecting AF soon :growlmad: Moving onto cycle 21!

Michelle - sorry to hear the news! :hugs: we're all here for you!

Emma - thanks hun! I try not to focus on the dates, but it's hard sometimes. I have 4 people on my FB that are all due Sept/Oct, right around where I would've been. Those will be a hard couple of months, especially if I'm not pregnant by then. I hope you're feeling better! I can't believe you're already a raspberry!

Wendy - thanks hun! I hope I can be like last time, and get PG right away again. I hope the cramps are diminishing for you! Good luck with your CD2 blood work!

Rachel - sorry about the BFNs! got everything crossed for you!

Adrienne - :dust: for next cycle!!

Hope everyone else is well. I had an okay day - just relaxed around the apartment with DH. We got all caught up on our TV shows, and had lunch out. It was a nice day, but I'm not ready for work tomorrow. I wish I could have an extra day off. Oh well, guess it'll take my mind off everything. Watched a music video, I Would Die For That, and almost bawled my eyes out. It's everything I want to say. It's an amazing video.

Oh I have seen that vid on here too hun! Its lovely! Did you see Lilly Allen got married the other day and her hubby announced at the service she is 16 weeks pregnant! xx
Afternoon all! Hope everyone's well. I am in total agony with AF cramps I could really just cry. I'm on my lunch at the mo so i'm lying on sofa with a hot water bottle. Already taken nurofen but even it isn't taking the pain away today. I even had a brisk walk home from work rather than driving but nope, that didn't help either. Wish I could just go to bed but there's no chance cause there's urgent work needing done today.

Anyway, i've been to the doctors and she was lovely. She took my CD2 bloods for me and i've made an appointment to go back for more bloods on CD23. It was meant to be on CD21 but that's a Saturday so she said the Monday would be fine. I'm happy with that bearing in mind what Nat said about ovulation dates as I think I do ovulate later than day 14. I shall hopefully find out if that's right or not though this month! So excited to be using my CBFM again and with my temps I should hopefully know what needs to be done when.

Doctor says hubby has to go and see his doctor asap to get sperm analysis done as she said that would be a big help to the fertility doctor at the hospital if she had those results to hand so he's going to see when he can get that done. She explained that although I look like I may have PCOS I don't have the PCOS syndrome of it so they want to be sure. She explained it as being a jigsaw puzzle and they needed to put all these results together to get to the bigger picture but said who knows you may just fall pregnant this month if your body returns to normal. Here's hoping! x

Rachael Thanks I am so glad that epic cycle is over! I'm still really hoping for you girl but I see your temps are going down :( When you going to test again? x

Adrienne Thanks hun, hopefully I can get back to normal and endure the tww's along with you! Although your cycles are a bit shorter than mine. Did you manage to get your hubby's sperm analysis organised? x

Amy PMA lady, you will be pregnant again by Sept/Oct :hugs: I've watched that video too and it made me well up. I am far too emotional for my own good though, i'm forever crying at programmes and stuff! I can't wait for the day that we can say everyone on this forum has their forever baby, I know it will happen though x

Arlene Have a lovely time away hun! I'm sure you will :hugs: x

Shona Sorry to see your temp is dropping too but like we always say we are never out until the witch shows so don't lose hope! I didn't realise that about your ex, how awful when it was only six months before your wedding. So glad you're in a much happier relationship now :hugs: x

Right I better get back to work, talk to everyone later :flower: x
yeah thanks hun :) We were together nearly years, were trying for a baby and were engaged for 2 years and had planned everything but luckily didnt spend too much and hadnt bought my dress yet! He picked a fight one night for no reason and walked out and I found out afterwards that 3 months earlier or so when he visited his son he slept with his exwife and telling her he was planning on leaving me and acting towards me how everything was fine she sent him a letter and a pic of his wee one and he threw the letter on the coal fire which I thought was strange he said she was bitching at him in the letter but why would she bitch at him but send a pic of her son :shrug: He thought I was that stupid he told me when he left that he was going to his mums for a couple of days and took the first boat to england and disappeared for weeks. She made him phone me to explain whats going on like she was trying to act like she cared the stupid bitch she knows that he had a fiance. Worst thing was he would never tell me why so I could never move on.

Enuf about me lets hope your results come back good and that you get your bfp soon hun!
Nah Ive ruled myself out hun

oh and the boyfriend before than threatened to kill me lovey bunch lol

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