The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

well she said after my next period would be fine so were going with that. i cant really remember what else she said that day its all a blur really. i going to try go babk to work and if not i will take more time off x
I have had friends that went through exactly what you are going through Mrs. C. And for some they went back to work the very next day because they wanted the support of their friends around them. The people who spend every day with them and can help them get back into a regular routine. Others needed to take time and just be alone and cope with it there own way. I have no idea how you are feeling right now, and I am sure its something you wouldn't wish upon your worst enemy. But I can tell you this much, I think you are very brave for being here and sharing your feelings with us, and I think it is very brave to be ready to try again. I wish nothing but the best for you and your husband and I pray you dont have to go through this kind of heartache again.
well she said after my next period would be fine so were going with that. i cant really remember what else she said that day its all a blur really. i going to try go babk to work and if not i will take more time off x

Don't worry - I really don't remember much of March. It's all a blur, and I really don't remember much of what my doctor said. I think waiting a month is a good thing. It gives you time to heal, not only physically, but emotionally as well. :hugs::hugs:
Hi Everyone, hope you are all doing well

Carly, you're so sweet. I think my father gave me my name, he found it in a baby name book. As you can see he didn't get very far considering the first two letters in my name are Ad. LOL

Carron, just sending you hugs right now. I know there is nothing that I could say to make you feel better, but I just want you to know that you have all my support.

Amy hope your hanging in there. Sending you hugs too.

For those who asked a water ultrasound is kind of like an HSG. The use saline solution to fill up the uterus and then give you a transvaginal ultrasound. It helps them see the uterine lining better and if there are any fibroids or anything in the uterine lining that might be keeping the egg from attaching. Since I have a history of fibroids and they saw a shadow on my HSG they want to do this test to see if there is anything there. This is all new to me as well. I didn't know what a water ultrasound was until I went to my appointment, and then I had to look it up on the internet to find out the details.

Anyway I hope I hear back from the doctors office tomorrow before I go to work. If not I'm gonna give them a call before I leave and hopefully I'll have an answer. That's all I have for now. I hope you ladies have a fab day and I'll check in later.
Hi everyone! Well i got back from Turkey yesterday. I have been trying to catch up but my laptop is playing up so congrats to any BFPs, good luck to those in the 2ww and :hugs: to anyone who af got x

Hello to anybody i haven't met yet :flower:

I was going to wait until later this week to test, but tested yesterday at cd13 with early detection IC and BFN! :nope: If i am pg this month i thought it would show by now!

I did'nt take my temp yesterday as i was travelling through the night and did'nt get more than 2 hours sleep during the day. FF says it's ok to miss a day if it's after ov and you can't get an accurate reading due to travel etc.
My temp has shot up this morning though!

How is everyone? Have there been any BFP's in the last 2 weeks? x
Afternoon ladies! Sorry I wasn't on yesterday, had a busy day at work and seen as hubby was off I had lunch with him, then we were out for dinner with some friends. When I got home I went to the cemetery as yesterday was one year since my stepmum died and I broke down quite badly while I was there. I don't know why cause usually I don't cry, I just lay flowers and clean the stones up but last night it just all got to me. I think because i've been so emotional with all this ttc stuff that I said to hubby while in the cemetery look around me, I have my mum, my stepmum, my fave aunt and my gran all buried here, all the women I loved more than anything that I would have been able to talk to about all this stuff that's stressing me out but all of them are dead :cry:I just sat on the grass crying me wee heart out for a while. Afterwards I went round to see my Dad to see how he was and just cause I needed to be near him. He was fab and as usual got me back to my old self by winding me up about how he was going to date a 23 year old and get her pregnant :haha: He is a silly moo! Anyway, i'm feeling a lot better today. Wish the horrible witch would leave me alone but hopefully she'll be gone in the next couple of days.

Anyway how are all you lovely ladies doing?

Rachael You did give me a giggle when you said your personal trainer on the kinnect was trying to kill you :haha: That's how I was feeling about my biggest loser game. I was thinking I can't do this! But then I remember the folk that go on that show are like five times as heavy as me so I should be able to do it if they can! Just don't have enough motivation I think. I had a look at your chart to see how things were going but I see the wicked witch has made an appearance :( Sorry to see that hun but we'll do it next month :flower: x

Lea Lovely to see you back on here hun! :hugs: Aww what a fright you must have got, I hate to say it but you will always worry like that. I remember when I was 17 and was out at the pubs with friends, I got my taxi home at 1.00am I think it was and went off to bed. Well Dad can't sleep unless he knows i'm home cause he worries. That night though he must have nodded off for a little while and woke up wondering where the heck I was. He went out to the town I had been in six miles away and looked everywhere for me. Eventually he phoned my stepmum saying he couldn't find me so she came into my room and I was fast asleep in the corner of my bed :haha: she couldn't believe he didn't look to see if I was in there haha. Needless to say he came back home and I got told all about it the next day. It's just part of being a parent to worry like that. So glad he was in his room all along though.

Aww I can't believe you didn't get to the X-Factor auditions! I so would have been there! You have got so much going on though. Has your OH moved back in? I'm sorry things still aren't back to normal but hopefully in time things will fall back into place. Does this mean you wont be going to your FS Appointment? Hmm that's srange about my number, I will text you again so you've got it :flower: x

I can see this being a long post and as I'm sneaking on at work i'll post this and then carry on in case my boss appears and I lose all of what i've just typed :haha: x
Right where was I??

Carly Love the new ticker! We will be able to follow your cycles much easier now. As for the physical question i'm really not sure, I think that must just be something you get in America cause I don't think it works the same here although I know I didn't get any tests before trying to conceive, I was just told to start taking folic acid and away I went. I would register with a Gyno though so you have one for when you need to go and just ask what they think :flower: x
As you can tell, my boss made an appearance! haha. I'm home now for lunch though so can carry on in peace.

Adrienne I would get my hubby to call yours but there may be a problem understanding each ohers accents :haha: I know how you feel about the appointment problem though, when I called up to book an appointment for the nurse to take my blood they weren't helpful at all and said she was fully booked up. Even when I explained that it had to be CD2 bloods and I don't know if I will get an AF next month they were no help! It was just lucky that I had an appointment with my doctor for that day and she took it for me instead of the nurse. They are useless! Hopefully they can squeeze you in somewhere x

Nat Loving the new picture hun!! :happydance: I take it that's you had your 12 week scan? Take it all is well? x

Emma I really hate that green sickness smiley, it honestly makes me want to throw up with you :haha: Do you not have any more holidays you could use up and just have a wee break from work? x

Amy Hope you managed to get a better nights sleep last night hun :hugs: x

Carron Happy Anniversary for yesterday hun. I wont pretend I know how you are feeling but I can imagine. I would feel the same if it was me once the bleeding has stopped but you just have to believe that it will happen for you again and next time will be your forever baby :hugs: x

Charlie Lovely to have you back hun :hugs: I'm not sure how accurate your chart is cause you have loads of clear circles as if your temps haven't been taken at the same time but it's great you got a rise this morning! Don't worry about the BFN, it could just be too early. When is AF due for you? x

Sabrina, Arlene & Naomi, how are you ladies doing?

Well i'm off to eat my lunch now i'm caught up. Talk to you all later :flower: x
Right where was I??

Carly Love the new ticker! We will be able to follow your cycles much easier now. As for the physical question i'm really not sure, I think that must just be something you get in America cause I don't think it works the same here although I know I didn't get any tests before trying to conceive, I was just told to start taking folic acid and away I went. I would register with a Gyno though so you have one for when you need to go and just ask what they think :flower: x

You know how American Healthcare is get every dime out of you they can lol. I used to work in Healthcare and I miss my old job very much. My doctor worked in the same building as I did so I could always ask her anything and she was the best. I think I will have a hard time finding a doctor and or GYNO that I feel comfortable with. I am glad you like my ticker.
I thankfully found a ticker, and its really cute!
Adrienne I just wanted to say I love your name, my husband and I have considered it as a middle name if we have a daughter (just spelled a little different).
NDH sorry I didn't catch your name but thank you for the welcome and I am sorry I don't know what SP is?
I did however have a question for all of you and wanted your opinion. I have read a lot about pre conception physicals. I had my annual (if you know what I mean) in January but we weren't as serious then about trying as we are now and I don't think I asked all the right questions. I have since moved to a new state so I would need to find a new GYNO and I was wondering if any of you had pre conception physicals or waited until say a year after trying with no luck??

My name is Natalie. And sp just meant I wasn't sure if I spelled or even got your name right. Glad I did :)

Nat Loving the new picture hun!! :happydance: I take it that's you had your 12 week scan? Take it all is well? x

Yep that's my :baby: at 12 weeks! I've got a full update and pics on the last two pages of my journal (I don't want to post too much about it here in a TTC forum, especially in light of our two most recent losses) but anyone who wants to know more can check out that entry. In short, it was awesome. I was worried about a mmc tbh as I've been having worsening cramping, and honestly have had a pretty symptomless pregnancy which doesn't help the worries. But bubs is measuring perfectly for my dates, nice strong hb of 159bpm, and got to see squirming and hiccuping.

In other news, there's a mouse in my kitchen!!! DH just heard strange noises/movements and went to investigate with the cockroach spray and there was a cheeky little mouse sitting on the fridge eating our bread! He went to get the mop and when he came back it was sitting behind the fridge and I saw it run under the stove. Hear scrabbling and squeaking coming from that direction and now DH is worried he squished it when he moved the stove a bit. I want it out of my kitchen before it breeds! Haven't seen any sign of mice before, so I'm hoping the excessive rain drove it indoors (it hasn't stopped raining in over a week and parts of downtown are flooding) for shelter.

Oh and Carron, I'm sorry your 3rd anniversary will always be remembered bittersweetly. I hope you are able to find some joy and celebrate your anniversary with the hope that maybe by the next one it won't just be the two of you. :hugs:
Afternoon ladies,

Nat, Wow, your pic is amazing! I am concerned about my scan as well.I am so excited for you! :happydance: One of the best ways to catch mice is with chocolate. I have to do it at work every now and again and we buy traps and put milkyway stars on them as mice have a thing for chocolate. It will soon be caught. I know its not the nicest thing but better to catch him like that then have him in your house :flower:

Carly, We dont have anything like that here so sorry I cant help. I just got told to take folic acid for 3 months beforehand. Hope you are ok and manage to find a nice gyno :hugs:

Wendypops, I was going to text you last night but forgot :dohh: (I am so dumb atm) I saw your dessert on fb, that looked lovely!! Sorry you were upset last night but it may be the release you needed. I know its hard loosing the people you love but at least you have us here. I can always come up and give you a huge :hugs: if you want :haha: I can't really take time off at the minute as we are quite busy filling our rooms for next year. My assistant is already doing some of my work and he just doesn't have the time to deal with this as well as the students are given 3 days to apply and accept there rooms so it is an everyday job that takes a good few hours. I have loads of holidays to take at the minute but I am going to use them as the start of my maternity. Hope you feel better tonight Mrs, remember, July is your month :hugs:

Charlie, Nice to see you back hun. I am glad you have had a good break. Don't worry about the wicked :witch: coming, I am going to kidnap her so all of you can get your :bfp: lol. No, there are no more :bfp: unfortunately but I am sure there will be soon :hugs:

Hey Carron, huge :hugs: just take each day at a time. :hugs:

I hope all you other lovely ladies are ok :hugs: Miss you all :hugs:
Lea, that must have been awfully frightening :hugs:

AF got me yesterday morning after playing with me :grr:

I've been sent a CBFM by a lovely lady on another thread I'm on, that should arrive tomorrow and I'm praying my test sticks arrive by Saturday so I can reset it and get on with this cycle using it :D Really excited and hopeful about this month now :dance:
Hey all:wave:

Rachael, sorry af got you hun :hugs: hope the cbfm works for you they are supposed to be really good! :flower:

Hey Emma, I sympathise with the tiredness lol, I've been going to bed at half 8:blush: and sleeping right through. Bit worried though because I don't have really any sickness but I suppose it is still early days.

Ah Nat, the picture is lovely, how exciting for you:happydance:

Hey Wendy, I'm OK thanks, trying not to think about things too much so I don't get my hopes up. Sorry to hear you are feeling down :hugs: sometimes though a good cry is just the thing to help see things clearly. I hope you are feeling better now.

Is it nice to be home charlie?? Hopefully your temps are a good sign:flower: how was turkey?

carron, just wanted to say that I know there is nothing to say that will help things but I'm sending big :hugs: to you.

Hope all the other ladies on here are OK, sorry if I have missed you out!!

afm, well work is mad, got assessments and reports due on the same day so really feeling the pressure but so tired that I'm making sure I don't work at home. this waiting to the 12 week mark is driving me nuts, have tried going on the pregnancy forum but there don't seem to be many people who want to reply to me lol, what does that say about me:blush:???
Thanks Pinky12! :flower:

Hi Wendy - Af is due on Sunday according to FF. I feel like it may be tomorrow morning, got my usual symptoms :cry:

I was trying to take my temps at the same time on hols but my sleeping pattern was all messed up and ended up taking them about 1 hour earlier most days!

Hi Rachael81, i thought i recognised the name from cbfm forum!:flower:
UGHH. Well, I was doing good today.

I frequent another forum. One person there is pregnant. They weren't really trying, just "weren't careful" around the fertile period. Today, they just found out they're having twins.

And another one has 3 months old twins, and just found they're pregnant again. With another set of twins.

Seriously?! I'm trying my pretty little heart out with tracking my CM and OPKs, and I can't even keep one baby.


UGHH. At least no one here at work has asked when I'm going to have a baby. That may be my breaking point...
:hi: Charlie :)

Amy, sorry you're not having a good day :( I have to admit I've stopped going on Facebook as much as I was, sick of seeing pregnancy announcements, especially when there is one in particular that's going out practically every weekend and still smoking too :grr:
I had to jump on here and read some peoples entries. I was watching an old episode on the Tyra Banks show and it was about infertility. I was like I hope this isn't god sending me a sign, because its not a very nice sign. I have only been trying for a few months now but in the back of my mind I think I always knew it wasnt going to be easy for us for some reason. My husband left this morning for a business trip so I am feeling quite alone. We just moved here to KY about a month ago and I haven't made any friends yet. So I decided after I putzed around online for a bit I would go and do a little shopping. Some retail therapy might do me well. I hope everyone is doing alright. And Natalie I am happy you got my name right as well because most people spell it wrong, so I definately appreciate it. Here is to my wonderful anniversary weekend getting here ASAP!!

All you ladies are wonderful. I am soooo glad I found this forum, and this thread!!!

Baby Dust and BFP to everyone!!!
Retail Therapy is the best Carly, enjoy! :D

I know how you feel about moving and knowing no one. I moved to Sunderland in the UK 2 months ago, and the only person I knew was my boyfriend. I've made a few friends though :D
Amy, sorry you're not having a good day :( I have to admit I've stopped going on Facebook as much as I was, sick of seeing pregnancy announcements, especially when there is one in particular that's going out practically every weekend and still smoking too :grr:

I'm about to start doing that. One just posted her belly bump pics on FB today. I almost lost it.

I don't know if I would be able to keep my feelings to myself about the preg and still smoking thing. I can definitely see myself saying something to her. I've been about to, when people are complaining about being prengnat. Like their back hurting or something like that.
It's hard to keep my fingers to myself I'll admit. I just keep off there as much as I can though.

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