The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Hopefully this time you'll get peaks! I'm not expecting to as it's my first month using it, I'm also expecting it to ask for 20 sticks in total as it asked for the first this morning (CD6) and I know I'm a late ovulator :dohh:
Hello Ladies :wave:

Not sure if I really belong here as im wtt from August+ (plus a little ntnp now:blush:)!

Let me know, if I can join yet? :shrug:
Of course you can join Kelly. We are open to pretty much anyone here for daily chat and also ttc info. Tell us a bit about yourself :hugs:

:wave: princess lea, I see you.

I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend. Mine has been a bit crappy as I am still not well and although I'm not sick my energy and weight is dropping. Can only wait and see what the docs say in the morning :(
Of course you can join Kelly. We are open to pretty much anyone here for daily chat and also ttc info. Tell us a bit about yourself :hugs:

:happydance: Thankyou :happydance:

Well, my name is Kelly (obvious!:haha:) I am 35 & a sahm

I have been with my DH for 15.5 years & married for just 3! :winkwink:

I have 2 wonderful Sons aged 18 & 8! And I have a beautiful Daughter aged 6months :cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:

I have (very) recently lost my wonderful, best friend, my 11 (almost 12) year old Boxer dog :cry: He fought cancer for 18months (with chemos help) & did so well ~ He was a fighter & didnt want to leave his Family :hugs: I miss him terribly, he really was our fur-baby (we got him instead of having children at the time)
Emma I really hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Kelly, welcome to the group :D

Sorry to hear about your furbaby. I have several furbabies, a Siberian Husky (Holly), 3 cats and a rabbit, so I can only begin to imagine how you feel :hugs:
Evening all, hope everyone's had a lovely weekend :flower:

Arlene What was the response from your friend? Carly had a very good point, if it was a pair in a shop they would have to pay for them. Hope you managed to sort things out x

Rachael I was the same, used 20 sticks last time. Hoping I will just need ten this time or it's going to get expensive x

Kelly Welcome hun, nice to have you with us. Silly me had to google sahm to see what it meant :dohh: lol. So sorry to hear about your dog, pets really are like part of the family :hugs: x

Emma Aww that sucks hun but no wonder you've lost weight after being so ill. Hopefully once your appetite gets back to normal you'll put some back on :hugs: x

What's everyone else been up to? I've not been up to much the day, just went to both Dad's to drop off Father's Day pressies and i've been chilling ever since. Not much to report at all from me so I wont bore you all lol, will be back on tomorrow :flower: x
Kelly Welcome!
I am new to forum as well.
My DH and I are TTC for around 3 months now.
Hoping this was the month for us. . .I will know in about a week.
Just wanted to say hello to everyone and have a great week.
Hi Everyone hope you all had a great weekend.

Kelly welcome to the group, glad you're here. Sorry to hear about your fur baby. I have 2 fur babies of my own, Boston Terriers named Butch and Buster.

Emma sorry your still feeling poorly. Hope you start feeling better real soon.

Rachael hope you can get things started now that you have the sticks for your CBFM. Good luck

A little shout out to Lea and Sabrina. Haven't heard from you guys in awhile. I hope you guys are ok. We miss you.
For everyone else I hope you are all well and had a fab weekend.

AFM got back from work on Saturday and went to visit my grandmother who was doing quite poorly but seems to be a bit better for the time being. She's 89 and has a blood clot in her leg that they can't treat. So she is on borrowed time but I'm glad she is feeling better at the moment. Sorry I haven't been on as much but my emotions have been all over the place the last few days. Between getting all the testing taken care of (and I have to wait until next cycle to do the water ultra sound as the doctor wasn't available this week) and dealing with dh having an attitude about going to the FS and eveything going on with my grandmother I haven't felt quite like myself. I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster. One minute I'm ok the next I'm angry and then the next I'm sad. It's all really starting to take it's toll. All of a sudden I feel very alone in all this. (not including you ladies I know I have your support) I'm speaking of my friends at home. Most of them can't understand what's going on. Most don't know that ttc is a problem because I don't want my business all out there. And the ones that know I've been trying just think I'm taking my time because they don't know that I am having a problem. All of them have at least 2 kids and they have had them a few years ago so they didn't have to worry about age being a factor. Ugggh. I'm just so frustrated right now. I wish I could just curl up in a corner and disappear for a little while so I didn't have to deal with this stuff. Sorry for the rant ladies. You know I like to keep things positive but I just seem to be having a hard time right now. Thanks for listening and I hope you ladies have a good evening.
Thanks for all the warm welcomes :flower:

& thanks for the kind words about the loss of my fur-baby
Welcome to all the lovely new ladies and hope everyone is ok:flower:
well i have had the worst weekend that seems to be dragging out. had really horrible cramps in my upper abdomen on saturday all day that were worse when i ate, which mum and i thought was heartburn. then last night i started spotting, mostly brown but a little red. phoned nhs direct who were great and sent me to a&e. turns out i have a water infection, after two blood tests and an examination they have asked me to book an appointment with the early pregnancy unit for a scan for asap to see if the baby is ok. im either bleeding because of the water infection or i am bleeding because the water infection is causing me to miscarry. i feel like i am having an out of body experience, have taken today and tomorrow off work because i am going to be no good at work. the bleeding has stopped for now but i dont know if that is a good thing or not. its so horrible to think that ill be having a scan to either say hello or goodbye to little spud.
sorry to land this on you, adam has been great but he doesn't really understand. its just a waiting game now
Emma really you feel better soon, its quite normal to lose weight in the first 12 weeks, I was the same. Let us know how your appointment goes :hugs:

Kelly welcome! :wave: sorry to hear about your furbaby :hugs: are you wtt till august for a specific reason, or just a bigger age gap for your daughter?

Wendy..oh the Uggs thing didn't go how I thought. I genuinely believed that once I pointed it out she would say sorry and offer to replace them, instead she started saying that she didnt know they were real (lies..) and that because I knew they were expensive I should have moved them away or taken them from emily. Thing is, me and my OH did take them from her everytime, infact we had to take EVERYTHING from her. Shes 2 next month, shes obviously into everything and they just sat calling her name each time she took a toy from kyle, or picked up our phones/wallets/money.. I know its a harsh thing to say but me and OH took more to do with parenting her than they did so when she texted back saying I should have taken thev from her I was really angry!
As far as 'I shouldnt have left them sitting' they were sat with everyones shoes and I'm sorry maybe I take a more harsh approach to parenting, but I believe in teaching my child not too touch other peoples things, whether their £5 or £500.. I dont believe someone should have to hide their belongings, more so in a caravan, can't really hide much! She said she'll give me £60, I know I paid $180, haven't had a look to see how much they are here. Sorry for the rant :rofl:

Adrienne glad to hear your grandmother is doing a little better. Sounds like everythings getting on top of you misses and sorry to hear you don't feel you can talk to your friends. Have you considered trying to speak to one of your friends about it all? I know you come here but its always good to have a near by friend to off load to and how knows maybe they'll understand :hugs:

Naomi really sorry to hear your going through this scary time :( I would think the fact that the bleedings stopped would be a good thing. When is the scan? Fx'd its just the water infection causing it and its all over soon :hugs: Its great that you've took a couple days off, keep your feet up xx
Oh Naomi, I have everything crossed for you :hugs: I really hope things are okay with your little one. When is your scan?
Morning everyone, hope you are all well :flower:

Carly I really hope this is your month if you bd on both positive opk days. Here's hoping! x

Adrienne Sending big :hugs: your way hun. I know it's tough. I can't believe the doctor has made you wait till next cycle for your ultra sound. That has made me so mad! They should realise how important it is and how long you have been waiting already for answers. Really hope they get you fitted in for next cycle. I agree with Arlene, is there anyone at all you can confide in? I confided in a friend who is going through IVF at the moment and it's great to have someone I can talk to face to face about things. We are all here and happy to listen though when you need to let out some steam :flower: x

Kelly No problem hun, we are all like a little family on here. I'm curious too about why your waiting till August to start properly ttc? x

Naomi I'm so sorry to hear what your going through, I know you must be going out of your mind but try not to worry, it's a good thing the bleeding has stopped. Really hope you get a scan soon to put your mind at ease :hugs: x

Arlene Wow talk about trying to pass the buck on to you eh! I would take the offer of £60 before she changes her mind. I'm of the same view as you, I would never let my kids play about with other peoples items, especially expensive ones! Hope you're first day back at work isn't going too bad :flower: x

Rachael I see from your chart the witch is on her way out, yeeha! Let the fun begin :winkwink: x

Amy Nice to see you on here hun, how's things going? x

Emma Hope your tucked up in bed nice and cosy. Sending :hugs: your way x

Well hubby has got his SA booked in for Thursday and he's been told he's not to ejaculate before then :dohh: Poor boy is probably secretly glad of a break cause i've been pouncing on him every night even though i'm on low fertility days at the mo :haha: Just hope I don't miss my peak days because of this! I'm CD9 today so hopefully i'll be alright and I can just start pouncing again after he's handed in his sample lol x
Wendy, yeah I'll take the £60! I just hate how it turned, I dont know how things will be between us now. I was back to work yesterday, was horrid! I'm off today and in tomorrow. I'm doing some ironing and watching the latest chronicles of narnia, loved the books as a child! Fx'd you don't miss your peak days! :)

Yesterday was OH birthday, I got him 5 flying lessons, all the books needed for ground exams and his pilots log book, he was delighted with it. Last night we had a ttc chat, he doesn't reckon we're 'trying' enough. He doesnt want to temp etc..just wants more sex :dohh: He opened up alot last night though, hes really unsure of opks because it'll show us exactly when to do it and if it still doesnt happen he thinks he'd be terrified something was wrong with him. So came to the conclusion I just dont tell him so he can't feel that way, its probably best. Hes the type of person who thinks too much, bless him :)
scan is booked for 8.45 tomorrow morning so will have to wait and see until then. dh has booked day off so he can come with me
Naomi, I am so sorry to hear about what you have to go through. I pray everything goes well at the scan tomorrow. I am happy to hear DH is able to be with you for support, I dont think that is something anyone should have to endure alone. Please keep us up to date on everything. Wishing you well.

Arlene, that is an awesome present! What a clever idea. It is a shame what happened with the uggs. The worse part is that they didn't own up to the fact they weren't paying attention to what their daughter was doing. Why should it be your job to take the shoes away from her no matter how expensive they are? I hope it all settles down and your friendship can continue as normal.

Wendy thank you. But I have also dealt with the fact if I do get a BFN. In being a part of this forum I have met women who have been trying for years with no luck or multiple MC's. I take myself to be lucky we have only been trying a few months.

I wish baby dust and BFP's to all you lovely ladies!!!
Afternoon ladies :flower:

Carley, Aw bless, I love your outlook on this group. That is how I felt when ttc. We have a wide range of ladies with completely different problems who have been through completely different experiences and its amasing to see and be a part of. So glad you have a positive outlook to it all :hugs:

Naomi, I hope you are ok hunni :hugs: I have my fingers crossed for you. To me it does sound positive though as the bleeding has stopped and was mainly brown. At least you will find out tomorrow. Please try and relax and put your feet up. PM me if you need anything x

Arlene, I completely agree with you about your uggs! How rude of your friend. My friends children are taught not to touch other peoples stuff. Every now and again I say its ok as I think its funny watching my 18 month old nephew walk about with a handbag :haha: The problem I have with looing weight is if I lose too much I have to be monitored by a consultant as I am borderline being underweight.

Wendypops- Yes I am all tucked up in bed mum :haha: Hope you dont miss your peak Mrs. I know what you are like for your :sex: :haha: Glad you had a relaxing weekend :hugs:

:wave: Amy, How are things with you?? Hope you and the oh are ok :hugs:

Adrienne, How weird, I was thinking about you last night wondering how you were getting on. I am so sorry you didnt managed to get your appointment this month :growlmad: We are always here for you when you need to rant or cry :hugs: Hope your feeling better now x

Racheal- Hope you are ok. Did you get your CBFM sticks today?? Hope the kittens are behaving for you x

Charlie, Was it you that put down that you ovulate late?? I can't seem to find who it is.. Hope your ok :hugs:

Well as for me, I went to the doctors today and I have been signed off until next week, He has requested a midwife to visit me at some point this week and I have a hospital appointment on friday to check everything over. I then have to go back to him on Monday and he will decide if I can go back to work. I suppose he is being thorough but it has out some doubt as to if there is something wrong. I have to get weighed again soon to make sure I haven't lost more weight and dropped into the "underweight" catogory. So I am say at home bored out of my mind with nothing to do, well apart from crying at something simple :haha: anyway, I have rambled for long enough. Speak to you all later :hugs:

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