The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Ah Emma, you take care of yourself hun, sounds like you are in good hands! Know what you mean about the crying at every little thing, I cry and then laugh at myself at how hysterical I am being!!
Arlene I know it's always difficult in situations like these. I would just take the money and then next time you see her try and act normal. Hopefully that way it wont end up awkward between you's. Oh yeah it was yesterday you were back to work :dohh: I am seriously losing track of time lately. Can't even believe that's half a year gone already! Sign of getting old i'm told :haha: Aww that's nice you and hubby had a ttc chat, I know a lot of people on here that don't tell their hubby when they are on their peak days, they just seduce them without mentioning it lol. Prob is the best way to do it! No pressure on him then. My hubby is the same cause according to my temp chart last month we bd on the right day but it just didn't happen so now he's worried something is wrong with his swimmers. I told him though that it's not just about getting it on the right day and hopefully luck will be on our side this month x

Naomi So glad you don't have to wait long for your scan and that hubby is going with you. I will be on as soon as I can tomorrow to find out how it went, but i'm sure all will be fine :hugs: x

Carly Your right, you have a good attitude about it all. I can't believe how different every lady on this thread is, we lead completely different lives from each other, have our own unique ttc journey and live all over the world, yet this thread has brought us all together for support, I love it! x

Emma Glad to hear it missy! Bed is the best place for you. Aww I know, I don't know where i'm finding the energy for :sex: lol. It sounds so slushy but i'm just so in love with hubby that the mood just seems to take me all the time :haha: I'm bound to catch that egg sooner or later! Now Emma, you are not going to put on weight eating cabbage soup now are you :rofl: Can you not manage something a bit more filling? x

Well i'm home from work now and i'm gonna get on with the housework then get on the wii for a work out. I was really lazy when the witch was here cause didn't feel well enough to exercise so need to get back to it. Saying that when I weighed myself yesterday I'd still lost a pound in the last week. Told hubby it was all the blood :haha: Hope everyone else is well, talk to you all soon :flower: x
Kelly - welcome!! I'm so sorry for the loss of your furbaby!

Naomi - I'll be on first thing in the morning to see how your scan went. I'm sure everything will be just fine though! I know it's hard, but try to relax a bit. I'm so glad you're DH can go with you as well. It's definitely not something you wan to endure alone. I've been there twice (not knowing and having the ultrasound) But, I'm sure everything is going to fine!!

Wendy - glad DH is booked for his SA. Here's hoping that you have a somewhat normal cycle this time. We're just about the same in our cycles!! We're starting the every 2-3 BDing this week. I told him what days, since I'm gonna be away for 2 nights this week.

Emma - hope you start feeling better! enjoy these days off doing nothing, like you deserve! rest up!

AFM - I'm doing okay. Have my moments here and there, but I'm better. Hoping to start get into my fertile period. I started drinking grapefruit juice. I heard it increases your EWCM and might make you OV sooner. I'm praying that happens! I didn't think I'd like the taste of it, but it's actually quite good.

Starting to feeling that cramping feeling in my left ovary area today. And maybe some EWCM. Gonna test when I get home, as I haven't had anything to drink really since 2 p.m.

I'm gonna be away from home 2 nights this week. I have to travel for a manager's meeting on Wednesday (staying overnight Tuesday night) and then go home Wednesday night and then wake up and travel to the seacoast of NH to help cover them and stay overnight there. I'm just glad DH is off from school this week, as if he wasn't, I wouldn't see him at all.
Emma, I hope you feel better soon, but enjoy the bed rest whilst you can :hugs:

My CBFM sticks arrived today and the kittens are being cheeky as ever :haha:
Carron - So sorry for your loss. I'd recommend visiting the miscarriage section and there is loads of support from other women who have went through the same things.

Amy - Sorry for your loss too. I know how you feel about trying again straight away. After our twins died, I was told to wait a year which I did, got pregnant straight away and then lost it too so doesn't make any difference.

Viola - Gutting news for you and hubby. Is there any chance of alternative routes that you can take? It's not fair than people have children that they don't deserve while other who do are left to struggle.

Welcome Carly - hope you get the advice and support you want

Wendy - I promise I'll get a ticker up asap lol Glad to see that the marathon cycle is finally over though I'd thought it would have ended in a BFP :(

Kelly - Hi and welcome. NTNP is really ahrd to do especially when deep down you really want it to happen. Fingers crossed for you. Sorry about your furbaby - they really do become part of the family and I would be heartbroken if I lost any of mine

Adrienne - Your Grandmother is fighting. I just hope that things are as comfortable as possible for her. I'm sure it's hard for you all to see when she's poorly.

Naomi - I hope all went well at the scanning appt. I know what it's like to be waiting in limbo.

I hope everybody else is doing ok. Sorry I haven't replied to you all but just skimmed though the posts. Nat, love the profile pic and hope to see many more with your growing baby.

AFM - AF due sometime this weekend I think (not been tracking it). Been having nausea on and off since the start of the cycle - well since the stomach bug I had really. Hopefully is passes soon as I'm doubtful that I'm pregnant. Been hectic at home but quiet at work. Can't really pop on that often at work hence being missing for a while.
:wave: Wendypops, I see your skiving again :haha: Aw bless you hun, you do sound so in love with Scott its fantastic :blush: Thats cvabbage soup was awful Wendy!! I made it on Sunday when I had no energy and ot was more like stick everything in a pan and go back to bed and Gavin blended it and never tasted it or anything. It is the worst soup I have ever slept made :haha: Food overall is a huge challenge at the minute, even with the anti sickness pill I still end up feeling sick and am getting a bit fed up! You will catch that egg soon Mrs, I can feel it :hugs:

Naomi, I hope you are ok Mrs. I have my fingers crossed for you and have been thinking about you all morning. :hugs:

Rachael, So glad your sticks turned up. When I first got my monitor I didn't reset it properly which was quite interesting lol. Glad the kitties are doing well. It musn't be long now before they go to their himes now. Bet your going to miss having the kitties about x

Amy, Glad to see your doing well. I never heard of the grapefruit juice. I took vitamin B to lengthen my lueteal phase and was told it would either lengthen my period or bring ovulation forward so that may be worthwhile looking into. Boo for the travelling, I hate travelling too much. I am sure it will be over with soon and then you can be back with your oh :hugs:

I hope everyone else is ok. I am feeling quite bad today so not too happy but it could be worse. Cant wait for Friday to find out things are still ok :hugs:
Amy Let me know if you think the grapefruit juice works. I bought it a month or two ago to try but of course my cycle never ended and it went out of date :dohh: Will maybe try again if my body gets back to normal this cycle. Boo for the travelling, I know your not keen on it but at least your getting some time with hubby before you go x

Rachael Woohoo for the sticks arriving! I'm still on low thank god, so scared I get my highs/peaks while I can't do it! x

Sabrina Lovely to hear from you hun and thanks, I hoped it was a BFP but it wasn't to be. Staying positive though! It's my mission to catch that egg this month :haha: Wowza it doesn't seem like a month since your last AF! Hope the ugly witch stays away for you, keep us posted :flower: x

Emma Me, skive?? :shhh: don't tell anyone! haha. It's a good job I clear my internet history so work don't know what I get up to lol. Yeah I have to say the cabbage soup sounded disgusting :haha: I did laugh when I saw Gav's pick on facebook the other day with his apron and gloves on, think you should just leave the cooking to him! x

Naomi I keep checking on to see if you've posted. Really hope everything went well for you hun :hugs: x

Well I best get on. Nothing much happening with me. I lead a very boring life! Don't know if there's something fishy going on with my water at home though cause I washed my hair last night, it didn't really need done but I had been excerising so went for a shower, when I dried it it looked greasy :shrug: It wasn't greasy before I washed it! No idea why it happened so I thought I best get up early today and rewash it. Jumped in shower this morning and washed my hair twice, only put conditioner at bottom of hair, got out and dried it, even more greasier than before!! I was not impressed. Back in the shower I went and washed it a further two times with hubby's cheaper shampoo instead of my pantene and it did the trick! I'm scared to wash my hair again now :haha: I know my sis says she's been having probs with hers and has had to wash it every morning without fail. Was almost late for work because of it so it better not happen again! Anyway i'm rambling so i'll get off lol. Talk later :flower: x
Hi ladies,
My name is kellie I'm 23. i've been married to my dh since nov 2009. we have been ttc since last august and have had 2mmc since then. I am currently starting fertility treatment and have found so far a few problems but we shall find out more this friday at our follow up appt on friday.
I am hoping for my bfp very soon for my early 2012 baby
:wave: Kellie Lovely to have you with us hun. I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarrriages :hugs: Hopefully Friday will bring you some answers x
hey ladies, well it's not really good news i am afraid. had a scan and i had the sac but no baby, the sac measured 0.3mm which is about 5 weeks along. so they said they either have my date wrong and i'm only 5 weeks which would be too early to see anything, or spud stopped growing at 5 weeks and i've lost it. they have asked me to go back for another scan in 10 days to confirm either way, if there is still no growth and they cant see a baby then i have miscarried.
im a complete mess of emotions. part of me is facing up to the reality of it all and planning when to start trying again (in amongst crying) and part of me plus dh is clinging onto the hope that maybe my little one is small and im only 5 weeks and so we cant see it yet. just don't know at the moment, could go either way apparently, not likely to be one more than the other. yet again im doing something im useless at and that is being patient and playing the waiting game.
thanks for all your support ladies, id be lost without youxx
Naomi, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that it is a positive outcome. Having scans this early is always difficult to see a lot so I am hopeful for you that you will find the sac has grown on your next scan. Huge hugs :hugs:
I have everything crossed for you Naomi! Don't give up hope - your dates could be wrong, so little one could just be too small right now.

I'll be thinking of you all week! :hugs::hugs:

I'll be on later this afternoon, once I get to my hotel, to catch up on everyone. Hope everyone has/is having a great Tuesday!
Naomi I sincerely hope it's just your dates that have been wrong and your only five weeks. It's horrible having to wait it out for ten days but try and stay positive, there is still hope :hugs: x
Naomi really hope its good news at the next scan :hugs:

Sorry ladies don't have time for a big post, hopefully tomorrow! Thinking of everyone though xx
:hugs: Naomi, I hope the next scan brings good news.

I will miss the kittens when they go, but I'll also be glad to be back to normal. I love them to bits, but having 8 cats is a bit much :dohh:

Still on a low on the monitor, but AF finally cleared off today. Hopefully she got the memo to keep away for 9 months!

I started slimming world properly today and have done really well, so i'm proud of myself :D Looking forward to Monday night to see how much I lose this week :D Also got kinect for the xbox so making use of that a couple of times a week. Will build up the amount as I get fitter and slimmer :haha:
Yeah I watched it Emma, was so sad :cry: And as for Michael's mother! Grrrr. If I could slap her one I would!! x

Rachael well done hun! I'm really trying too, did my work out tonight then had a wee portion of pineapple chunks to keep me going. Hopefully the weight will keep coming off x
Hello Ladies!! My internet has been acting up so I havent chatted in a bit. Its so nice to hear from you all. Anyways on Monday I decided to take First Response test I literally was 6 days before my expected AF. So I thought if anything this will be BFN and I can take again in a few days. IT WAS BFP!!!! So of course I had to take another 2 that afternoon before my DH came home and they were both also BFP. I took another one this morning because now I am being paranoid. Anyways it was BFP. So I have an appt. on Thursday with OB/GYN and I am hoping for good news. Wish me luck!!!
Hello Ladies.. :wave:

I'm sorry i've not been on lately, things are messed up. I have got to a point in my life where i have decided i'm changing everything, when you hav just had enough, you've had enough.....

Some of you ladies will have noticed i have stopped temping! I have stepped out of ttc. My head is not in ttc at the mo, I am going through massive changes, and its scary bcos its not me. But at the same time it is. :dohh: I want so much more from life, and i'm at that point where i'm going to get it..
I do reckon i have taken way too much on but I want to change it so much. TTC for 8 1/2 years is a very long time, If it was meant to be it would have happened. I guess with my life being so up and down maybe that is why it has not happened. But it will one day in the future. But right now its all about better life, and giving Jay a better life.

I am starting The Care Academy on the 11th July to pursue the career i really want. Its a 2 week intensive course that will give me a Btec Qualification, and they said once i have finished, they will help me get into work, as they hav companies who take freshly qualified care workers on. Once i have finished and i'm working i'll have the option then to study for a level 2 diploma in care, working with kids. :happydance:

(still doing my English) hopefully i will have it finished in the nx few weeks.. Another qualification to add to my CV..

I am also tackling major stress with my weight, i have noticed i am 10st OMG.. I have been 8st since i had my son nearly 11 years, now this change is shocking for me.. :growlmad: I'm sorry ladies, please don't take offensive to my comment. Everone is different, and i don't take well to changes like this..:nope: i have put 2 stone on soooo fast its untrue. So i'm working out everyday and changing my whole eating habits and lifestyle. I will lose it. My Step sister who is a Doc, said it could be the PCOS so thats a downer.. I told her i will take slimming Tablets if its not gone naturally... soon..

Anyway enough about me..... How are all you lovely ladies doing?????? I Hope your all well. :flower: OMG There is too many pages to catch up on, so ill apologise in advance bcos i will prob miss out quite alot..... sorry girls!!! ill just breeze through them and make a few posts...

Oh yeh....Ill still come and say hi now and agn, see how all you lovely ladies are... Em & Wendy i have both ur number so ill keep in
touch with you both..:hugs: i will be meeting up with you soon em, see how things are going.. have a coffee or something..... Same to you too wendy hun, ill come down to Scotland one weekend if you'd like friends for life.. You both have been so consistent with me since i joined, you both have been Fantastic support:flower:

I'll do another post after this one with a few replies....:hugs::hugs:
Naomi, I hope your dates are wrong and the next scan is positive.

Carly, congrats on BFP!

Lea, 8 1/2 years is such a long time, but you're still young (I think you're a few months younger than I am and I'm only just having my first) and I'm confident that it will happen when it's meant to. Taking a break and getting life in order sounds like a great idea to me, and I hope that :bfp: happens when you're least expecting it.

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