The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Carly Congratulations hunnie! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: After all those positives you are definitely pregnant lady! :yipee: I had a good feeling about you seen as you managed to bd on both your peak days! I am so happy for you :flower: x

Lea Lovely to hear from you hun, and love the new pic! Those are my fave flowers. Well hunnie, I am so proud of you for the steps you have taken in your life. I know I sound like your mother right now :haha: but I genuinly think it's inspiring the fact you are turning your life around and I know it will be for the better. It's hard making change and you've been brave and done it. You'll get on fab in Care Academy and will soon have a job in no time. Don't give up on your dreams hun, everything will work out in its own time :hugs: x

Nat Can't believe that you are over 12 weeks now, have you told everyone your news? I haven't seen a facebook announcement yet :haha:x

Well I best get ready for work, i'm suffering so bad with hayfever today I could just curl up and go back to bed. Talk to you all later :flower: x
Morning Girls, Just popping in to see how you all are.

Congrats on the BFP Carly - hope there are more to come from other ladies.

Lea - With sheer determination you will be able to conquer it all. Good luck girl

Wendy - I hope you've noticed that I've put up a ticker just for your benefit lol AF use to be the same date every month but since last miscarriage it comes at different times so the ticker is an average of the last 6 months.
Sabrina Loving the ticker lady! :thumbup: That'll help my poor brain keep track of your cycle lol. I'm the same, not sure if this cycle will go back to its usual 30 days or not after my marathon cycle but hoping it will! x
hello ladies how r u all?? im out of the loop so i don't know all of use :-( but i hope u are all well! how r u wendy and lea??? how have u been any news??? i missed u! emma how's the bump??? i got my lap and dye done and everything looks perfect no endometriosis :) but (oh yes there's a but) my doctor just rang with my blood results, altho my ovaries look fine and i have no cysts (yet) i have just been diagnosed with polycystic ovaries :-( i have very high testosterone and very low progestrone so she is putting me on metformin awh im gutted! lea are u on metformin?? i thought i would ask as i know u are a fellow pcos sufferer! awh i can't believe it cos im ovulating and getting periods but there irregular! im so confused! anyway loads of :dust: to u ladies!
Sophie Hey hun! Lovely to hear from you :hugs: Stop being a stranger! lol. So glad to hear your lap and dye went well, bet that's a relief. I'm in the process of being diagnosed with polycystic ovaries too so I know how you feel. I'm the opposite of you though, I don't have high testosterone but I do have the cysts on my ovaries. I've got an appointment with a Fertility Specialist next week to decide what treatment is best for me x
Thank you ladies. I am still a little paranoid to be honest. I keep thinking this is a chemical pregnancy for some reason. I have heard of women who want a baby so bad they produce enough HCG to show postive on some tests. I am not taking another test because I see the doctor tomorrow and if I have to hear it was a chemical pregnancy I want to hear it from him. This will be the first time I am ever seeing this doctor so I hope it goes well and I hope he is very compassionate regardless fo the outcome. I am hoping to hear about BFP's from all of you. And to be honest I will be ok if the doctor tells me the tests were false positives. I will only have a handful of people to tell and they are the people I need to be around me to support me. We told my in laws last night and they didnt have the best reaction. In fact my mother in law told my DH "how stupid and that we are just copying his best friends" who are due in august. I walked away from the call because I was ready to blow up and I know that its not good to get stressed. She called about 1/2 hour later crying and apologizing over and over. She had a stroke a few years ago and sometimes she says things without thinking of how the other person might feel. I think she forgets that my DH is 28 years old and that I am 24. She kind of acted like I would be on an episode of 16 and pregnant. Anyways I am looking forward to the doctors visit tomorrow. I hope I will have good news for you all. And if I dont I know I can count on everyone for support. I am so glad I joined this forum. All you ladies are great!!!
Sophie Hey hun! Lovely to hear from you :hugs: Stop being a stranger! lol. So glad to hear your lap and dye went well, bet that's a relief. I'm in the process of being diagnosed with polycystic ovaries too so I know how you feel. I'm the opposite of you though, I don't have high testosterone but I do have the cysts on my ovaries. I've got an appointment with a Fertility Specialist next week to decide what treatment is best for me x

awh hun i hope ur ok, well my ovaries are perfect but i still have it it's strange, maybe they might do some ovarian drilling for u hun that would really help, is ur progestrone low?? my progestrone is low and my testosterone is very high im prob more of a man than my OH hahaha :haha: i only got my results today and im gutted to be honest, but i have been temping and doing opk's and i think i have been ovulating (but it could be anovulatory) i had a scan in december which showed i just ovulated so i am hoping i don't have a bad form of it cos i get a period every 26 to 30 days. I thought if you had PCOS all your opk's would go positive all the time and mine don't! awh im so confused all i know is im starting metformin(glucophage) today to sort my hormones and insulin out or something! :dust: to all!
Carly Wow, how horrible of your mother in law! Stroke or no stroke that was really uncalled for. Hopefully it was just the shock of it and she will be happy for you both in time. There is no way all them tests were wrong hun, you are pregnant! A false positive is extremely rare, never mind four falses, that is pretty much impossible. And your not having a chemical hun, not unless you start bleeding. Just take it easy and let us know how it goes with the doctor once you have been :hugs: x
Sophie Yeah i'm alright thanks, will be happier when I know what they are going to do though. I'm not sure about my progestrone levels, i've got to get more blood taken on Monday to see what results they will bring. It was hard for them to get accurate readings when I was on my 150+ cycle but now i've had an AF and know which cycle day I'm on I should get answers. Hubby has to have a SA done too before they decide which treatment is best for me. I had a look at your chart and it certainly looks like you ovulated last month so that's good, Lea ovulates all the time too. Hopefully now you are on metformin it should balance out your hormones and make your AF's more regular x
Thanks wendy. You have helped put me at ease. Its just the internet is filled with such crazy things you start wondering if your crazy, did you really see a line? But my husband also saw the line, so atleast I know that much. It was pretty awful of her but I can forgive her. And I also think it hit a soft spot. They tried for 9 yrs before they had my husband, and no luck after him. But I come from an extremely fertile family, so to be honest I was surprised I even had to try at this. Most women in my family just had to think about being pregnant and they were. So it was hard to really talk to them about it. My mom had a little trouble the second time around so she atleast was able to talk to me and give me advice and not be judgemental. And she is sooo over the moon. Have a wonderful day ladies. And thanks for responding so quickly I needed atleast one person to say it would be ok and I am not crazy for making a doc appt so soon.

It's definitely not a chemical of a false pregnancy unless you start having heavy bleeding. The Internet is full of people's opinions but a lot of that is rubbish and it's very hard to dicipher it from the truth.

Best thing to do is take each day as it comes. No point panicking and believing it's over when it's barely started. Relax and let your LO get cosy.
Nat Can't believe that you are over 12 weeks now, have you told everyone your news? I haven't seen a facebook announcement yet :haha:.

I know, crazy right? Where does the time go? In just a few days I'll be in second tri! Also DH won't let me post anything on fb. Pretty much everyone I'm in regular contact with knows though, and when I told my aunt who I used to work for she immediately put up a poster at work for all our customers to see and guess birth date and gender lol.

Oh I also forgot to mention earlier that after about 5 weeks of no work and many weeks of slow work DH now has a great, awesome paying job :dance:
Afternnon ladies,

Carly- WOW Congratulations hun :happydance: I am so excited for you hun. If you have done so many and they are all positive then it is positive hun. Don't listen to what they say on the net. I am not sure if your doctor will be different to mine but mine never even tested me to see if I was pregnant. It left me not believing it for sometime but I suppose 9 tests cant be wrong :haha: Now it is time to chill out and relax and stop reading things on the net as it can make you paranoid. Let me know if you need any advice hun :hugs:

Nat- Mine is definately going on fb once I get to 12 weeks. The only people on there are my close friends and family so it is the best way to go through people without having to call them in Sweden, Germany etc. I have all my family (cousins, aunts, grandparents) coming for a bday meal the day after my scan so they will be told then and then everyone else afterwards. Hope you are feeling better today, I saw on your journal you hadn't been too well :hugs:

Sophie- Hiya hunni, hope you are well. Bump is doing ok although causing me a lot of sickness recently but we are better today. Sorry to hear about your results but hopefully with them putting you on something it will help. Fingers crossed for you :flower:

Sabrina- Hopefully the :witch: wont show her ugly face for you! Sorry you haven't been feeling great these past few weeks. Hope you start feeling better soon :hugs:

Wendypops- That programme was heartbreaking wasn't it :cry: I did cry through a lot of it :haha: Gavin barely spoke throughout it as he doesnt want to hear about anything going wrong with babies. I know, Michaels mum should not of been allowed to take him home!! In part of it she said that her 2 and 1 year old had to take priority, what do people want her to do.... I said to Gavin, how about use some contraception!! Grr :growlmad: made me very angry. Hope you are ok hun. Only one more day until you can get back to :sex: :haha:

Lea- Hiya Mrs, I have missed you on here :hugs: lovely to see you are taking a positive approach to things and have changed your life for the better. I really hope that this course goes well for you and is what you want in life. We will definately meet for a brew and I think Wendypops should come aswell and have the 3 of us together. Please don't leave us on here but you have my number if you want to chat :hugs:

I hope everyone else is having a good day x x x

I am in a great mood today as I have not had to take an anti sickness pill and have managed to eat food throughout the day :happydance: hopefully it carries on like this. I have an appointment for Friday afternoon for Reiki that was reccommended to me by a midwife I saw today which will hopefully help with the morning sickness. Fingers crossed x
Wendy and Pinky you ladies are the best. I know I need to stop reading stuff on the internet because it honestly drives you to insanity. I literally have 24 hrs to get through and then I will be at the doctors office. I honestly dont even know what to expect? Any advice you can give me on that would be great. I dont know if they are going to make me take a urine test again, a blood test, a scan. I have no idea. I just want to ASAP. I will let you ladies as soon as I know. Thank you ALL for the well wishes!!

my oh has to get an sa done too, i think this is all mad it doesn't feel real can someone with no cysts on there ovaries have poly cystic ovaries?? im so confused!!! think im just hoping this would go away. the doctor put me on metformin and cyclogest (progestrone)

With all my pregnancies the GP didn't take any tests as they said that a positive on the HPT was enough. All they did was refer me to the midwife.

It might be different for you though
hi carly i don't really know u but i do hope everything works out for u hun honestly my opinion i wud say u are grand hun my fingers are crossed and please try stop stressing cos u could be stressing ur lil beanie out hun xxx
Hello babygirl89 can I just say you are drop dead gorgeaus!! Thank you for your support. I am trying my hardest not to stress because I dont want to worry the bean. Well I will up date you all tomorrow after I go to OB/GYN. He is supposed to be one of the best in the area. So well see how it goes.
Carly Aww I know what it's like hun, i'm the queen of googling stuff. Half the time you could have a cold and the internet would lead you to believe you were dying :haha: Feel free to post a pic on here of your test and we will all confirm your lines :thumbup: Your doctor will probably just have a wee chat with you and then refer you to a midwife. The odd one do a urine test for you but if you've taken a good branded test and it's positive most don't bother. I'm so excited for you hun! You must be on :cloud9: x

Nat Aww that's a shame he wont let you post it on Facebook, I can't wait for the day I post mine lol. :happydance: for your DH getting a good job! I'm so pleased to hear it hun, it must be a weight of your mind. What will he be doing now? A mouse catcher?? :haha: That's sweet what your Aunt did, hope she's giving away a good prize for the right answer haha x

Emma So glad you're feeling a bit better hun, long may it last! Aww I know that's the part that annoyed me the most about that episode, I told Scott about it as soon as he got home cause I was livid. I think he thought he had done something wrong at first cause I just started ranting about it when he got in :haha: Do you watch the apprentice? It's about the only decent thing on tv tonight. If not you'll just have to stick to theme park to keep you entertained lol x

Sophie Aww I know hun it's confusing. My doctor did explain it but she herself said it was all very complex. Something to do with you can have the cysts but not the symptoms, or the other way around, or you can have both. She said I had the cysts but not the syndrome. If your doctor has put you on metformin it's obviously the best treatment for you. Hopefully it will regulate you and you'll get your BFP! When is your OH getting his SA done? Mines is getting his done tomorrow but doubt I will get the results until next week x

Hope everyone else is well :flower: Not much happening with me. Hubby has announced he is going to try and produce his sperm sample at the hospital :dohh: :haha: Not quite sure how he's going to manage that in the hospital toilet but he says cause the hospital is 40 mins away on a good day and he only has an hour to get it in he thinks its better to produce it there and hand it straight in. Gotta love his enthusiasm! x

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