The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Wendypops- That programme did make me mad. As you well know, I get anoyed with certain people and their attitudes and responses. So that girl did annoy me quite a bit!! Poor Scott :haha: No I don't watch the apprentice, I get frustrated with the sales peoples arrogance. I can watch the odd one or two but otherwise annoys me :haha:

Carly- When I went to the doctors to tell them she was really nice and said congratulations and took my blood pressure and referred me to a midwife. It will probabaly be completely differet where you are but I felt a bit dissapointed as I expected more. Hope it all goes well for you :hugs:
:wave: Catch up time.. Its Now 1.10am.. :wacko: But you know me by now.....Well I didn't get to finish my post this morning, it got to 4.12am and had to switch off bcos it was light outsize lol.. Well here i am agn finishing up.. Its now 12.12pm, lets see how long it takes me now... I deffo have a screw loose typing this much... So much for a breeze through..

Emma Hello Hun.. Awe bless you, you was going to text me (13th june) but forgot.. oh thats how much you care, you forget :rofl: Hunni that is the beauty of being pregnant, your head turns to mush! I hope you are ok ...:flower: Jay is fine, thank god!!! Yep things are not good still, guess thats why i'm throwing myself into making a better future for me and jay, anything else i get will be perfect. I just want to be happy hun, i thought things would get better when becca went too, but i guess i was wrong.. i think i deserve to be happy after the crap life i have had..I'm not a bad person, id do anything for anyone, i'm honest, reliable and much more.. oh well... Thanks hun, i know your always there to chat, same here too...:hugs: your a great support, friends like you and wendy are hard to come by... I see you are still working hard Mrs.. Tut what are you like. Roll on them holidays i say.. You deserve a nice rest..

Omd hun, i see your off for a few days, not if you wasnt feeling so :sick: i'd say lets party :rofl: no alcohol though.....:haha: Awe i am glad to hear your getting some time off, sounds like you really need to rest, it must be awful feeling so sick you need to take tabs for it.. What has the Doc said hun? :flower: As i keep reading hun, i see you really are having it bad, i really feel for you hunni, cos i know you are one active lady.. if toast is the only thing you can eat, eat away hun.. i'm sending you massive massive :hugs:

Awe hun don't worry to much about losing weight, this sometimes happens, your Doc sound fab, he really is taking care of you, and :happydance: he has signed you off work... I so think you need it. I bet they didn't take it well at work.. Your and pippins health is the most important thing, so make sure you get rest....:winkwink: Wow your almost 10 weeks hun.........Hun Wendy is ALWAYS skiving lol.. i'm with you on that too hun, Wendy and scott are well and truly loves young dream, its beautiful.. They will both be fantastic parents too, cos thay will bring them even closer if that is even possible :flower: errr cabbage soup...... cabbage and spare ribs, the juice off that is beautiful.... Have you had a look online hun to see what foods other people have tried while suffering from extreme sickness ?

Awe thanks hun, it is deffo what i want to do, so this time i'm just going for it.. I will get to where i want to be... I have missed you too hun, yes we will meet up hun, i think Wendy should come too.. i'm sure she could Skive, shes good at that :rofl:... Hun ill try and come on when i can, but dont know when, you never know i may come on more lol.. so much for the short post, i have been doing this for OMG I AM SOOOO SAD NEARLY 9 HOURS. :blush:

:happydance: Your having a better day today, now that is nice to hear... Hope everything goes well on friday..

Wendy Hey hun.. Wow all that wait for the :witch: and she comes... it's a :happydance: hun, i know we was all hoping for that :bfp: but at lease you got to start your ticker :haha: All them days were unreal! I have everything crossed for you hun. I just keep thinking bout what the physic said... Just read about your doc appt & cd2 bloods.. Sounds like things are really moving forward now hun.. Fx you have a :bfp: this cycle...30th June FS :happydance: You just may not need there help after June...

On my days hun, your as bad as me, when anything sad is on the tv i :cry:, when there is a happy story i :cry:.. I cant bloody win :wacko:
I certainly :cry:@ The baby hospital.. i couldn't deal with that happening to me at all. It would destroy me. That 18 year old girl last week, wow she was one strong young girl.... Your hubby hun is one of a kind.. He is so sweet it brings tears to my eyes.. You deffo got a good en there hun...

Awe hun, i just read about your trip to the cemetery, :cry: MASSIVE :hugs: hun, I know its really hard hun, it can get really difficult at times, you just remember hun Mrs, just bcos you cannot see your mum, step mum, aunt and gran does not mean they are not there, They will be with you hun, making sure you are safe and well, you can still talk to them cos they will be listening to you. I get great comfort in thinking my mum is with me, and she can hear me.. :hugs:
I wish my mum was buried bcos I have no where to go and visit her, she was cremated. My Mums at her house in her little special box in a lovely unit With Pics, rosemary beads and lil ornaments. I wont go to her house bcos of her husband.. He made a suggestion to me not long after my mum had died and it made me sick, he was suppose to be my stepdad for godsake.. My mums must have been sick. at hearing that, that is probably why he is so ill.. Animal...

Don't think of them as dead hun, thats too strong... Think of them all in a lovely special place together, where everything is beautiful, and you will be reunited agn.. Looking at that post makes me look bonkers, I'm not loopy trust me.. I just like to believe our loved ones are safe and in a better place, that one day we will meet agn..

Yes it was a fright hun.. But all is ok thank god! Wow your poor dad too bless.. Sounds like you have a fab family hun.. :hugs: Nope no X-Factor i was gutted, but that is what things are like here, you can never plan anything bcos 9/10 it will be ruined.. I will be sorting this life out. Its time to get out there and not spend everyday of life in the house... I need to socialise i'm going nuts....Yep strang about your number, thats what i thought.. But i got it now.. Thanks for the tx, i will tx bk hun, just don't want any stress my end...

:happydance: @ your DH he is brill hun no one wants to be prodded and poked but the willingness to make the effort is second to none.. Hope all is well....Yeh i bet he is glad of the break :rofl:
Lol @ your hair problem, i wish mine was greasy hun having thick curly afro hair it has gone all dry, trying to grease it is murder at the mo.. I'll take a trip and get some deep conditioning and treat it.. then I'm going to cut and relax it to shoulder length.. I have had enough of the dryness, the frizz and having to comb it in sections bcos its so thick.
Give united utilities a call about your water and see what they say hun. Awe thx mum :haha: no i know what you mean hun.. i love my pic too, i have it as my desktop pic, but decided to change it and put that on my profile.. Yep its all go go go for now.. I have no intentions on stopping, i need to keep going to get where i want to be.

Rachael Sorry for the :bfn: hun.. But you will get your :bfp: soon.. :happydance: You got Kinect!!! I love it, better then the wii..... what do you think? Me and Wendy was having this de bait... I think its brill. Especially Zumba & Dance central... I haven't got your shape.. is it any good? I did get ea sports with the heart monitor, it was boring lol a waste of £55 quid that was....:dohh: i stuck it on ebay :rofl: Awe sorry the :witch: got you hun, but you know you have to keep up your PMA and role onto the nx cycle.. :happydance: For the CBFM that was lovely of her.. I have everything crossed for you hun.. :dust: Yay for CBFM Stick finally arriving.. bout time, RM drive me mad.. Fx this is your month... Then you can send your cbfm on to another in need lol...It may have a good luck charm to it..:flower:

Ya know what hun, reading about the comment about facebook is shocking. How any pregnant women can do that to her baby ill never know, its disgusting. I don't use facebook, but hear an awful lot about how much stress and trouble it causes. My aunt calls it Fu*k Book.. Becos it just Fu*ks ppls lives up. I wouldn't beable to hold my mouth if i seen a pregnant lady smoking or drinking.

Sophie Well well well.. hellooooo super stranger :rofl: you have sooo been missed. you have completely sold us out :cry:. only kidding hun. It is so lovely to see a post from you, you should keep in touch hun, i don't half worry about you! :hugs: I'm not too bad hun, as i said in my last post, its all go go go for me. ttc is on hold. NTNP.. time to take a break. It will most probably happen to me when i leased expect it or want it too lol... 81/2 years is way to much of my time and my career on hold, so now i'm thinking of that first, obviously my son too lol...

:yipee: for your results on the lap and dye, that's brill news.. See thats one thing less to worry about.:hugs: Looks like i'm kinda similar to you hun, only thing is i have regular periods and cyst. Its all different. I'm not on anything hun, bcos ive not been to the fs who prescribes it all.. i'd love to go on Metiformin though, bcos hit helps you lose weight.. i need to lose 2 stone for my sanity. i'm 10st and hate it... You may ov and you may not. its all too much to take in when it comes to the medical side of things, thats why is sooo cool to have a doctor in our family, i can call her anytime i like :winkwink: .... I said that to Wendy not long ago, I'm more of a man than a women :rofl:... Hun OPK's worked perfect for me, but i bet they just turned out to be an ovulatory hence the reason for me having loads of little sacs on my ovaries. :growlmad:
Opk's wouldn't always be + hun if you have pocs, everyone is different...Oh what are you like hun, you really are a stress head.. There are many factors to pcos hun, some people have all the symptoms, some people have none, if affects people differently. It is a very common condition believe it or not, and its not impossible to conceive with it either.. You are on a really good drug for it hun, that will help regulate everything, and can also help lose weight.. i wish i could have it....Yes hun i agree with carly, you are one very pretty Lady!!!

Nat Awe thanks hun for your comment on my son.. I feel stupid know though bcos i didnt think to check his room.. But at the same time i didnt see him come in.. Oh at lease hes ok thats all that matters.. Id give my life up for my son.. Well hun hows things with you?
I see a lovely scan piccie.. and wow its a :baby:... I bet it all feels real now. I'm glad everything is well and baby is doing good..:hugs: lol @ you not being as good as a responder as me.. I don't remember things hun, i have one tab open with what i am reading, and one open with what i am typing, otherwise id forget too... Aghh a mouse, omg i hate them, they make me shiver.. I hope you have got rid of it hun...Hope your well today hun. Awe thanks Nat.. It probably will happen when i'm not expecting it.. I feel old though hun, 27 isn't young anymore..

Adrienne Hey Hun.. Hope things are well down your end. No doubt you are working hard as usual. Thanks for your comment about my son hun...:flower: Oh hun rant away, id be the same too.. I hope you managed to sort your water scan out. as for the comment on you being to old :dohh: you lady.. have you not seen these women nowadays.. they are saying women over 40 are getting pregnant, it has gone up over 40%.. But i certainly know what you mean hun.. It will happen for you soon hun.. :dust: your way...:hugs: Awe hun i just read about the hard time your having, massive :hugs: to you and your gran.. wow 89 that is an amazing age :hugs: hope your gran feels at ease and not in too much pain!

:growlmad: @ DH i don't understand how he can be so selfish, no wonder your feeling down with everything. He needs to be open and honest about what he wants, bcos from where i am its not sounding good, or maybe its just how i am taking it. He don't sound interested at all and that alone worries me. You have been though so much with all these tests, and working hard where teh hell is his support..:growlmad: if i was one of your friends down there, id be talking to him, trying to make him understand how hard this is for you..It sounds like things are really getting on top of you now hun.. sending you even more :hugs: I hope things work out for you hun...

Carly :wave: Welcome to the thread hun! You will certainly get support on here, all the ladies are lovely.... Congratz for your anniversary this month.:flower:
Aw thanks about your comment on my son too hun.. It definitely was a shock. I was also told the same things hun, it is suppose to be worse as they grow older. I'm terrified, I wish he could just stay a baby and always need me.. i cnt believe He's 11 in Oct.. It goes sooo fast you don't believe it till its your own baby. He has shot up agn the last few weeks, and almost as big as me.. by nx year no one will even think he is mine lol... i get told i look like a teenager.. when i say i'm 27 they don't believe me, so i'm a teenager with an almost 11 year old son :rofl:...
Awe bless you hun, it always feels lonely when you move to a new place. You will soon fit in make friends and feel at home, plus you have all these lovely ladies on here to support you. Believe me, this forum can become very addictive, time flys on here..

Awe hun, i was a very heavy sleeper nothing could wake me other than being nudged hard, when i became pregnant my son would wake me by kicking my ribs hard, or turning round.. Ever since then i wake up at the sligthest noice, so don't worry about that hun.. Allot of things change when you have a baby.., you suddenly develpoe more fears than u normally do, even more so when its your child...:happydance::happydance::happydance: congrats hun, thats a :bfp: if you have done all them tests, they can't all be wrong..

OMG hun how selfish and childish are your in-laws please!!! Ignore there comment hun. Wow some people are so up themselves...Remember hun its about you and your OH not the in-laws or anyone else. Dont let anyone burst your beautiful bubble.
As for your way of thinking hun, if that is true what they say about you producing hcg if you want a baby so bad, then every singe test i have had in the last 8 1/2 years were all duds.. Hun the internet can be an amazing source or information, but can also have the reverse effect. It can give you a whole heap of false information sending you to stressful place when not needed... I know i am not the only person to want a baby, but i am one of the ones that wanted a baby more than many people, i ended up really ill bcos if wanting another so bad.. So stop with the talk lady....
Also your comment on a chemical now :shhh: don't say things like that agn...your hormones are all over the show and your starting to feel worried, do not let it get ontop of you.. Relax your body and let your baby nest....:hugs: Well looks like my advice was rite, nice to see the other ladies saying the same thing.. the net really does fill your head with crap..

Michelle :wave: Stranger! I'm soooo sorry for your news hun. Massive :hugs: I know what you said, the docs said, but hun anything is possible. please don't rule it completely out. If miracles can happen in life, i'm sure you and hubby will have a baby. Never say never hun. There is no harm in having faith. Just read bout your :bfn: i am so sorry hun.. CD40 wow, but hun, if you think about what you have been through the last few months, that could be a reason for the :witch: being late.. I really hope you get answers soon hun...:hugs:

Sabrina :wave: Hun, hope your well and truly free from your bug now hun, and back to your normal self agn. Are you still doing Zumba? I love it, i have been doing it everyday on the kinect.. I bet a real class is much more fun though.. Are you sure you can't be pregnant hun? You just never know.. lots of :dust: your way hun.. Your such a busy lady..Thank you for your comment hun.. :flower:

Shona Wow shona, your ex sounds like a spineless Sod. How the hell could he do that to you! His loss though hun.. Sly, spineless Liars i just hate them.. I always say, secrets never stay secrets. Its sooo true. It will always out in the end. As long as you are happy now, thats all that matters. :winkwink: Omg Threatened to kill you, wow you don't half pick them.. The day a man tried that stunt i'd make sure he was knocked the hell out.. He'd certainly regret that comment.

Amy I'm am so so sorry for your loss hunni. :hugs: You keep thinking positive lady, bcos you will get your :bfp: very soon... Hun If you feel you are ready to try again hun you go for it, i guess we know are own bodies...I have everything crossed for you... I have just watched ( I would die for that ) on youtube. Wow how sad is that song... But after her ms she went on to have children.. :dust: to you hun.. Keep your chin up, your bound to have down days, your only human, you will soon have your beautiful :baby: watch this space.:hugs:

Aw thanks hun (about my post on my son) I'm glad it was a false alarm, it has just made me more aware now...... Hey Mrs, i don't want to hear that talk, (you cant keep one baby) what kind of talk is that, come one now.. things happen for a reason hunni, your 2 beautiful angels are together, you will have a baby, you will give birth and you will go through all the things you do as a mum. massive :hugs: hun. it must be really hard, but do not say things like that about yourself, its not your fault. This is why there should be no such thing as sensitive pregnancy test, it is so unfair on women when they have to go through what your going thorough. Everything will work out.. i know it will..

How lovely of your doctor to call and see how you are, that is very rare, and sooooo lovely.. Like she said hun, she will probably be seeing you soon.. you can get pregnant, and you will get pregnant.. 3rd time lucky hun..:flower:

Carron Hey hunni, i hope you are taking good care of yourself, I am sooo sorry things have turned out like this, but hun do not let it put you off, you will have your beautiful baby soon. :dust: hun and massive :hug: Also hunni Congratz on your 3 year anniversary.. You both look very happy in your pic...:flower:

Naomi :wave: Stranger... Nice to hear your ok.. Hun don't worry about not having any sickness, i never had morning sickness with my son, not a tiny bit. Everybody is different hun.. :hugs: Hope your well.. Oh No Hun, i just read about your horrible weekend, i am sorry things are a little scary at the mo. But pain in your upper ab could just be all you body going though massive changes, i know i have the most awful pains in early preg. I have terrible water infections and terrible anaemic too... I never experienced spotting though. But hun it happens in pregnancy, some people have (full bleeding) all the way though pregnancy so don't be too alarmed, just take things very easy.. At lease the nhs was there at hand fx everything is all ok.. Another thing hun never apologise, all the ladies are on here to support and receive support. Try and stay positive hun..:hugs:

Hey hun, i have just read about your scan.. Massive massive :hugs: the next 10 days are going to be hard but hun we are all here for you. 5 weeks is probably about rite and it just too early to see.. i have a good feeling about it hun, keep PMA up... I have just gone back and tried to work out your cycle hun, if you found out you was preg on the 1st of jun, that was 21 days ago, so 3 weeks.. then allow the 2 weeks before your around 5 weeks hun, so keep positive hunni..:hugs:

Charlie Hey Hun, sorry for your :bfn: and the ugly :witch: keep your chin up and think PMA, and on to the next cycle.. You will get your :bfp: soon.. lots of :dust:... Hun i agree, you can still have high temps when the :witch: is with you, but also could be another reason. Fx this is your month...:hugs:

Arlene :wave: hun hope you are little Kyle are well..:flower: Awe your time away with him will be so precious. Your just another very busy lady.. Always working hard. The things we have to do to give our kids the best. not only that but for us too...

Hun don't feel bad at all about your uggs, i would be exactly the same. To be fair the only difference is, i would have dealt with it there and then bcos i'd be going mad inside my head. I know the little girl was only playing but they were your boots, and expensive ones at that, and a gift from your dad which makes it even more :growlmad:. Her mum is obviously not teaching her child about respect, yeh shes only 2 but its never to early to start teaching them, no, and respect... I think she should pay for them, you did the right thing. If my Jay broke anything id punish him too and offer to replace it. It is the right thing to do, we are responsible for our own children, and the things they do. Don't feel bad hun you did the right thing. :flower:

I'm sorry hun but i'm with you on everything you say and believe. Its not harsh parenting hun its standard .. If we don't teach our children when they are babies rite the way up to adulthood they will think they can get away with things. We have to teach as early as possible. It is not our responsibility to parent other people children. She sounds like a bad mother in my eyes.. Well £60 is something but that still won't cover the cost of them.. Are they badly damaged hun? could you get them repaired with the funds she has offered you? Awe bless your OH.. wow flying lessons, he will love that...

Kelly :wave: Welcome to the thread hun. You will fit in nicely on here.. Wow 15.5 years, thats a long time.. What is the secret hun? Sorry to hear about your furbaby hun, i don't know what i'd do if anything happened to our dogs I can only begin to imagine how you feel... Massive :hugs: hun....Wow 18, 8, 6 months old.. How many babies do you want? :rofl: i'm with wendy, i had to google sahm too :dohh:

Kellie :Wave: Hun welcome to the thread. I am sorry to hear about your mc.. massive :hugs: FX for your :bfp: with us ladies... Hope all is well with your fs appt on friday...:flower:

Well ladies i am so embarrassed... why???? i started this post/reading last night, well 1.10 in the early hours, i stopped when i got light, 4.12am..

Got up today done a few things and back on here 12.12 i have just finished now 17.30.. that is a whole full time days work... shocking.. i have not managed to do anything this afternoon now, and its too bloody late... so much for a short breeze through hey..

I just thought i owed it to you all to reply to each of you....:hugs:

My back is killing me, i need to eat... now this is one novel you can read when it goes quiet :rofl

Wow Lea, that's an epic post, I don't have the patience to do that!

As for Kinect vs Wii - I used to have a Wii and I did love it, however the Kinect is so much better - mainly because it was easy to cheat with the Wii, and you can't on Kinect, and also you don't have the controllers in your hands which I often found difficult on the Wii, especially when I was doing Wii Fit and had to keep picking up and putting down the controllers.

I'm hoping the CBFM is a lucky one. Here's hoping!

Hope you're doing ok hun. Sounds like you're going through a lot of changes in your life, but it also seems that these changes are what you really need. Hope you keep coming on for a chat though :hugs:
awh im so excited to be talking to u ladies again and i am sorry i wasnt on i couldnt for my own sanity!!! awh thanx carly and lea but seriously my face is ull of spots without make up and im 191 pounds and only 5 foot im like a size 16 so i feel huge!! im really hoping this metformin helps me lose weight, i now have to go on a low carb diet! i just wish someone would sit down and explain all this to me cos if im ovulating and having periods and have no cysts than why the hell am i not getting pregnant (obviously it's my hormones) but this is all mad confusing!! my OH was ment to go for sa last thursday but we ended up forgetting and having :sex: on the tuesday and u are ment to not have :sex: for 3 days so we had to cancel so i have to make another appointment. Lea i would go to doctor and demand some help after nearly 9 years. im sooooooooooo freaking happy u had a period wendy, im so glad you can now sort things and hopefully ur OH sa comes back grand. Carly i have a good feeling ur ok i will be thinking of u :) xxx
Sophie hun, if you sit down with your doc, they will go through everything with you. It is there job to help and make you understand..

Hun I have been Docs and they are actively been helping, i'm just taking time out for a bit..

What are you like, you need to stop being so forgetful. you wont get preg hun if you keep forgetting the important stuff... Hun it may be OH and not you...

Awe thx rachael... thats just me.... lol hope your both well... :hug:
Emma Aww I find their arrogance funny lol. For intelligent business owners some of them come across really thick! :haha: There just really isn't much to watch on tv at the mo. I watch it, Dating in the Dark, Peter Andre, and some of the soaps. That's it really. All my fav programmes like Hells Kitchen etc aren't on the now so I hardly watch tv at the mo. Spend far too much time on here anyway lol x

Lea Wowza that was one heck of a post :haha: Took me forever to read! But I do love your essays :winkwink: Poor hubby kept trying to talk to me and I was saying in a minute, i'm just finishing reading this. After like the third time he looked over my shoulder and went "who the hell wrote all that?" :rofl: So glad to catch up on your news though & thanks for the lovely words about me and Scott :flower:. I do love him to pieces, i've never met anyone that treats me as well as he does, i'm treated like a princess and he's always there for me. I will never take him for granted. Really hope his SA comes back good so we can get started on some treatment for me.

Aww hun, I wish I was your weight! But if your used to being lighter I can understand it bugging you. You'll no doubt trim down once you get out and about more with work training. And hey! Saying 27 isn't young, don't tarnish me with the same brush! :rofl: I know what you mean though. I wish I was stil 21!

Thanks for the kind words about my Mum etc. I've got the same view as you, I think all our loved ones are just somewhere else, not gone completely. I explain it to my hubby that I believe our bodies are like cars, once they break down we move on to another car somewhere else. It's nicer than thinking there is nothing after we go. I like to think they are still around me but I just miss them so much and break down some times. So glad I have such wonderful friends like you for support though :hugs: x

Rachael Noooo don't let Lea bring you in to the Wii vs Kinnect argument :haha: I had a go of the kinnect again last night but nope, i'm still a wii fan! The kinnect wasn't registering half of what I was doing and it was bugging the hell out of me. I love the Biggest Loser for the Wii, it's certainly knocking the pounds off me x

Sophie Aww hun your not huge, i'm a size 16 too but I don't look it. No one believes me when I tell them i'm that size lol. I'm hoping they'll give me metformin too though to help lose the weight cause it's not coming off as fast as I would like it too with just exercise and cutting down the calories. Aww what are you like forgetting about OH's SA! Trust you :haha: Get it booked again asap hun, it's better to get these things done and see where you go from here x
I found my kinect works better on top of the TV at eye level. Also it might have needed adjusting :p

Kinect is better than Wii :thumbup:
im gonna book Oh's sa first thing tomorrow, to be honest i wanted my OH to book it i have been asking him everyday and he say's yeah but u can tell that he is completely afraid of going :-( so i am going to have to book it and i told him i would go with him and it was nothing to worry about that its prob me thats the problem and not him at all! i hope he is ok awh i would be absolutely gutted if he had something wrong with him too! i wish my doc did sit down and tell me all bout it but she kinda rushed me and im left feeling confused, i thought if you have PCOS that you have cysts, you dont ovulate, you hardly have a period, your overweight, have acne, have loads of hair and your hormones are fucked but my hormones are just fucked (i do have a lil bit of acne and i am overweight hahaha)awh im just doing my own head in! well im lucky im on metformin i just hope i wont need clomid, an iui or ivf i just hope it wont have to go that far i just keep having nightmares it will! how are you ladies feeling today??? baby :dust: to all!!!
Congrats to the BFPs lately--I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months!!:flower:

As for me i got AF on cd 43 and she is killing me...terrible and heavy flow YUCK!! DH and I are going to Maryland Monday for his first check up since the surgery. He seems to be healing well and is in less pain than before. the endocrinologist put him on testosterone therapy shots. i think we are going to have to try iui or ivf if the shots don't work to raise his levels. so we are pretty much on a 'break' right now. i've stopped temping etc. i just can't believe i spent MONTHS trying to get a BFP only to discover that it's not even possible right now with DH's problems.
I think i'm going to try to lose weight now too. i still have not lost all the weight i gained after dd:blush::blush:
Thanks for the kind words...take care everyone!!!
babygirl I also am 5 feet!! I love shorties!! I don't care what size you are you are beautiful and I am sure a lot of women on here would agree with me. I am a size 10-12. So I am no skinny girl. Anyways I hope everything goes well with your husband and maybe you should get a second opinion if your doctor isnt giving you what you want. I worked in the medical field for years never OB obviously or I wouldnt have so many questions. But I do know this much, if you arent happy with the answers or explanations get them from someone else. Nightmares stink!!! I can tell you this much a friend of mine and her DH tried for 9-10 months and finally got pregnant, and then with their second it only took 2 months. So it just depends. Even pregnancy to pregnancy. So glad I met you!!!

Lea thank you for writing to me. Love the long post!! Thank you for all the support. I am feeling pretty good right now its 4:30pm my time and I just keep thinking a few hours till dinner and then a few hours till bed and then you can wake up get ready and the doctor can put you at ease. I never have been able to wait for anything. You should of seen me the week of my wedding I was a mess.

Well to wendy and Pinky and all you other amazing as always nice to chat . . .wishing you all the best!!!

Hoping to hear good news tomorrow. And hoping to be able to give you all good news. I will feel like a real idiot if both me and my DH read the test wrong, or thought an evap line was a positive. But they were all pink, and I took a cheap walmart brand test today because well I am just crazy and there was definately a line, it was purple because thats the color that test used but anyways im nuts. I wish I could post a picture but for some reason my camera wont take one clear. Everything is so blury you can barely tell there is a control line. It all just looks bad so, as much as I want to post it would be a waste of all of our time.

Thank you all!!!
Hi Everyone. Hope you are all well. Congrats Carly on your BFP. Lea good to hear from you. Glad you are taking time for yourself. You deserve it girl!! Sophie glad to hear from you again. Sorry you're going through so much but just like the rest of the ladies on here you are a strong woman and you'll get through this. Emma glad you're starting to feel better. Naomi I have my fingers crossed for you and sending you good thoughts. To everyone else I hope all is well. Can't reply to all because I'm at work and suppose to be getting on a flight soon. Take care and will check in while I'm on my trip.
Lea - Stomach bug well adn truly gone but still ahve some problems now and again. Definitely not pregnant unfortunately adn I don't think AF will stay away either. You just get to the stage where you know deep down that it's unlikely to happen so just start forgetting about it and concentrating on other things.
Carly congrats on the bfp! :happydance: my first appointment with the doctor he asked which test I used, it was clearblue, as to which he said its very reliable and he didn't have to retest, he gave me an estimated due date and phoned the midwife to get me an appointment, hope all goes well today :)

Sabrina looks like our AF is due around the same time. Fx'd she doesnt show!

Sophie glad to see you back! Sorry to hear about your diagnosis of pcos, one thing you can take from it is that you have the help and support from doctors now to help you get your little one :)

Natalie, can't believe how fast its going for you! Are you going to find out the sex? Thats great news that your oh has a better paying job! :happydance:

Emma fx'd the reiki helps :) glad you had a easy day yesterday, hope it kept up!

Wendy its great your hubby is thinking ahead with the sample! Will they not have a seperate room for men to do it? Or do I just watch too much tv :dohh::lol:

Lea what a post!! I don't know how you do it, well done :D Oh the ugg situation..I still havent heard from her since she agreed to pay £60. I really hope I don't lose a friend over it. Great to hear your turning things around and i'm sure you'll do great in the care academy :hugs:

michelle hope AF has eased for you :hugs: sorry to hear what yous are going through and I really hope the shots work for you and your hubby :)

Adrienne I hope your feeling better now :hug:

Sorry for anyone missed :hugs:

I don't think this is my month, although for some reason I feel really positive about the next one, odd eh?! AF is due sunday/monday, i'm not going to test at all, waste of pennies. After our heart to heart the other night me and OH discussed cord blood banking, anyone else doing this? Its expensive but I think its well worth the money. I'm just sorry I didn't do it with Kyle! We also spoke about a doula..I don't know how popular they are here in scotland though.
Been dealing with the education department at our local council and finally got a place at nursery sorted for Kyle. Its a private nursery just a 5 minute walk at most from our house, they've been great with working around my hours and because he's entitled to 5 free sessions we're only paying £21 a week.
Arlene - I'm not hopeful this month either even though we've done it every other day. I'm at the stage that if it was going to happen it would have by now. Feel under pressure now at my mum has been talking about looking forward to being a grandmother etc but if things continue as they are she's not going to have that opportunity.
Hi ladies! How is everyone doing? I'm good. Hubby has handed in his sample and we should get results next week, deffo while in hospital appointment if not before. He's fair worried his results wont be good bless him. He had such a job producing it. He couldn't do it in the hospital toilet as someone kept trying to get in to the cubicle, obviously a mood killer! So he went to a public toilet and same again. So he went to another public toilet in the middle of nowhere in the same town as the hospital and finally managed to do it. Phew! Bless his wee cotton socks, he was getting fair frustrated and upset that he wasn't going to be able to do it and that he'd let me down but I knew he would come good in the end. Will give him big hugs at lunch time.

Anyway, on to you ladies:

Rachael Nooo kinnect is not better! :haha: My sis has it on top of her tv but it's still no good for recognising half of what I try to do. I'll just stick to the wii lol. Weighed myself last night and it says I put on two pounds since Saturday. How is that possible! I was so down about it. I'm hardly eating anything, i'm working my ass off every night, eating better food but it says i've put it on. Hubby is as confused as I am. Just feel like giving up, why put myself through the pain of exercising if I wont reap the rewards :( x

Sophie Hope you managed to get the SA done, I know you'd rather have OH book it but he's maybe embarrassed. Your better doing it for him then all he has to do is hand in his sample. I know what you mean about PCOS, I don't have any excess hair at all and have never had acne. I didn't even get teenage spots! I've got a great complection. That's probably because I don't have the extra testosterone though. They only tested me cause of that marathon cycle I had, the doctor didn't think I had it before so it was a surprise to her. Hopefully we'll both get our hormones sorted soon x

Michelle So glad AF finally arrived for you hun, though i'm sorry she's giving you so much pain. I had the same when mine finally arrived. That's good that hubby is healing well. Keep us posted hun, you will get your BFP one way or another :hugs: x

Carly Hope it went well at the doctors hun, looking forward to your news :flower: x

Adrienne Nice to hear from you hun, see you are as busy as usual! Any luck getting your hubby to get his SA done? x

Sabrina Stop having a defeated attitude hun! You are always in with a chance if you've bd every couple of days. Hope the witch stays away :hugs: And as for that girl at your work, attention seeking springs to mind! She sounds full of it. My patience would be low with someone like that too x

Arlene You watch too much tv :haha: Would have been a lot simpler if they had their own room! Feel so sorry for hubby, he's a trooper. And you stop being a defeatist too! You don't know your out so just wait and see what happens. Fingers crossed you'll get a nice suprise! Ok i've no idea what cord blood banking or doula is about, i'm off to google! lol x
Wendy - try eating more fruit and veg. One thing I've learnt from SW is that I wasn't eating enough and my body was refusing to burn anything thinking I was starving. The more I eat (particularly fruit and veg) the more I lose. OH has noticed the same too. Right now I'm eating breakfast, fruit mid morning, lunch, more fruit mid afternoon, dinner, and then more fruit in the evening (and a choccy bar as a treat so I feel like I'm not being deprived :haha:)
Aww i've got the best hubby ever. Just came home for lunch and instead of me comforting him he's bought me a gorgeous big me to you ornament to say thanks to me for being so supportive of him today, he says he couldn't have done it without me cause he got all worked up and upset. How sweet is that! I didn't even do anything, just comforted him and told him he could do it and if he felt he couldn't then it didn't matter etc. I'm so touched! x
Thanks Rachael i'll give that a go. I can only really manage the tubs of fruit though cause proper fruit gives me really bad acid indegestion. Here's hoping i'll see some good results soon x
Awww that's so sweet of him!

And you're welcome, hope it works for you!

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