The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Emma by the sounds of it someone you've spoken to at one point has been a scare monger! I know with you being worried you will be wanting more reassurance, but you really have to trust the professionals. If they were concerned for your lil pippin they would have scanned you. No one ever used the doppler on me (until I was going through major complications) because sometimes they cannot locate the heartbeat and it only causes mum to worry/stress more. I don't think you personally have received the proper care in regards to how sick you've been and the lack of attention to that, but be positive that your baby is snuggled in well and growing fine :hugs:

Sorry wrote this and had to run, taxi's on its way, going to a charity night. I will get back on afterwards to reply to everyone xxx
emma honestly dont stress urself out hun im 100 per cent sure lil pippin is snuggling in just fine hun!!! i just know it!!! awh im having good days and bad days im finding it hard to get my head around the fact i have pcos im so scared i will never have kids or it will take years or i might need ivf, i know this all sounds crazy but im just reading stoies online about people who had to do this!!! im gonna up my metformin to 1000mg in afew days so hopefully it will start working real soon!!! im getting twinges on both my sides so i suppose thats a good sign, im only just finished af! OH's SA is on wednesday im so nervous about it!!! anyway how are all u ladies??? come back wendy!!! and where is lea?? how did ur charity night go arlene??? and how r u carly??? sorry i i forgot anyone!!

loads and loads of baby :dust: to all u ladies!!!
o emma i didnt mean to scare you hun if that comment was aimed at me
im sure you and little pippin are absolutely fine and the doctors are just being a pain. I would hate to t
hink i had upset anyone.
Naomi, no you hadn't upset or scared me hun. It was the doctor that did it for me last week. I just kept it all to myself worrying that there was something wrong x
Big :hugs: Emma! I'm sure Pippin is nice and snug in there and nothing is wrong. Try to relax a bit. I know, easier said then done, but you deserve some relaxation.

Naomi - when's you're next appointment? how are you doing hun?

AFM - i'm losing hope in this cycle. i'm barely getting a 2nd line on opks. I have some stringy CM, but not really watery yet. We'll keep BDing throughout next week if I don't get a + OPK, but I'm praying I get one right on track.
Thanks Amy and Emma, I'm probably being a bit paranoid at the moment, add that to the 101 emotions that are hitting me in circles!!
Appointment is on Friday at 9am, so have booked the day off work, once I get to Monday will feel like I'm on the home stretch. I'm cautiously feeling positive at the moment because all the cramping and spotting stopped on Wednesday and I'm still feeling tired and have sore boobs, but no other symptoms. I'm trying not to over think it otherwise I start to lose the plot!!
With DS1 I had no symptoms at all, but put that down to being just 16 years old

When I was pregant with DS2 I had really bad 'morning' sickness, I couldnt even walk in a supermarket! :sick:

So when I was pregnant with DD I kept thinking something was wrong, as my sickness wasnt that bad ~ In hindsight I should have just enjoyed the fact I wasnt feeling sick! :dohh:

What im trying to say is that you dont have to suffer one or any symptoms to be pregnant & to have a very healthy baby :baby: Everyone & every pregnancy is different

Please try to relax :hugs:
Afternoon ladies, finally on the laptop so I can respond better

What put the concern into my head was how concerned my doctor was about me on Monday. He called the hospital and made an appointment for me and was concerned that it was for Friday so asked a midwife to come and see me mid week to check on me. I was pretty much thinking that he was just being safe and making sure but when things strted on friday it upset me and wound me up about it all as I got paranoid that something was wrong. Obviously it was just sat at the back of my head all week that I could miscarry again!

Either way I get my blood results for HCG back tomorrow which will definately tell me everything is ok so I am trying to focus on that. I am off tomorrow anyway as I am not allowed back in work until my doctor says and have an appointment at 9.30. So it is positive thinking for me as I am fed up of feeling negative!

Naomi- Don't worry about the symptoms. Everyone is different. I only had sore boobs, tiredness, and irregular sleep for weeks. I also bled in pregnancy at week 5 and a little at week 7. It was mainly brown and not too heavy so tried not to think about it. It is hard not to worry that there is something wrong but it is best for you and the baby of you keep your positive thinking up :hugs:

Amy- Thank you for your kind words. I hope you get the second line soon :hugs:

Sophie- Don't read things on the internet, it can send you crazy. I have a friend who has PCOS and she concieved her 10 year old natuarally. It will happen for you :hugs:

I hope everyone else is doing ok. Wendy, Arlene, Rachael, Lea, Adrienne, and all you other lovely ladies I hope you have all had a lovely relaxing weekend :hugs:
Sophie, I love how your first sentence was trying to tell emma not too stress, and almost the next is how your terrifying yourself by searching the internet!! :dohh: take your own advice misses! :hugs:
Charity night was good thanks, I only won a bottle of shloer and bag of sweets though, not pleased with that :lol:

Naomi I really hope the next few days go quick for you :hugs:

Amy fx'd that positive opk comes for you soon :flower:

Emma how you feeling today? Hopefully your managing to keep some things down? I can't remember, are your work aware your pregnant yet? Let us know your results tomorrow, i'm sure everything will be fine. Before you know it it'll be scan time!! :hugs:

Just in from work and i'm shattered and missing my OH! He's away with cadets to loch lomond to do a practise run for their duke of edinburgh. He'll be home tonight but i'm going to the cinema to see Bridesmaids.

Hows everyones weekend been?

Amy here is hope that OPK will be big and dark and positive for you soon!

Sophie I also am having a hard time staying away from the internet. Google right now is the enemy! I think the best thing at least for me to keep stress levels down is stay away from google for pregnancy advice and just take it from friends, family, and you lovely ladies!!

Emma I hope your results tomorrow will put you at ease. My doctor hasn't even done HCG blood test. They said because urine was positive we were just going to move forward. So I wont really know how good or bad things are until my ultrasound on July 14th. I am sure everything is just fine. Like all the ladies say just be positive and try to stay as stress free as possible. I find myself taking lots of deep breaths.

Arlene what is shloer? I am glad you enjoyed the charity. what was the cause?

Well ladies I hope you all are doing amazing! You probably wont hear from me much after July 1st for a while as I will be on vacation and have limited access to computer time, and to be honest wont want to spend much time on the computer. But I will talk to you during the upcomming week. Wish you all lovely mondays!!
Arlene, I am a bit tired and worn out today but I did quite a lot yesterday which I think has taken it out of me a little. Otherwise I am ok. I haven't been sick for over a week and I am eating at least three times a day, if not more :haha: Yes, my assistant and manager know I am pregnant but I am guessing by the fact it was on my sick note the whole of my head office will be aware by now as the girls in HR like to gossip!! ooh, let me know how bridesmaid is, it looks so funny! I am sure you will make up for lost time with your oh when you see him :haha:

Carly, Schloer is a sparkling juice drink, it is very nice. My doctor or midwifes never even tested me to see if I was pregnant but I think I have made up for the with the amount of tests I have done :haha: I will be happy when I get the hcg as to me it will be conformation from a professional that everything is fine and that I am pregnant. You are very lucky to get an ultra sound so soon. My last period was 15th April and my 1st scan is 8th July.

Well I have relaxed all day and am not watching top gear with the oh waiting for a fot rub lol. Hope everyone is having a good night :hugs:
Wow they are making you wait quite a bit. I hope everything will be alright. I have a feeling it will. This Schloer sounds very good I am guessing it is something I probably can't get in the states. One of my favorite beauty guros on youtube is from london and she is always talking about interesting things that are available in london and the UK and not in the states. However she loves to come and visit because of target lol. I hope everyone has a wonderful evening and that we all sleep sound tonight. I think tomorrow I am going to go out and buy a digital test as I have taken one yet and I think it would be fun to see the word pregnant pop up and if it doesnt I dont know what I will do. Has anyone heard of getting false negatives with digitals I have read a story here or there about it.
Yoohoo! Guess who's back :haha: Sophie Carly etc thanks for the nice comments, nice to see I was missed :hugs: x

How is everyone doing? Have I missed much? Well here was me thinking if I had a nice relaxing weekend I would ovulate and hopefully catch that eggy, well i've not ovulated yet! Today is my fourth high on the monitor and my temp hasn't spiked yet, it's just steadily going down. Yesterday I was bleeding which gave me a shock but it only lasted three wipes of toilet paper so i'm guessing maybe i'm going to start bleeding when i'm ovulating? Hoping I get a peak on my monitor tomorow or my bloods next week aren't going to show much!

Carly Have fun taking the digital today! I wont say good luck cause you don't need it, you are preggers lady! You should be fine taking it now. Some people get negatives but usually that's just when they take it early as they aren't as sensitive as normal tests x

Emma Hopefully your blood results will come back today and you'll see there is nothing to worry about :hugs: x

Arlene What did you think about Bridesmaids? I'm not sure about it. Looks like a rip off of Hangover, saying that I've never watched Hangover :haha: It and Hangover 2 looks good though! x

Naomi Friday will be here in no time hun, glad to hear you are feeling positive :flower: x

Amy Hopefully that egg will make an appearance soon, i'm losing a bit of hope too this month but hubby keeps telling me it will come in the next couple of days so here's hoping x

Sophie Your a sweatheart, thanks for thinking of me. Glad to hear your OH has his SA on Wednesday, I'm sure it will come back fine and that will be one less thing to worry about. I know PCOS can come as a shock but don't think you can't have kids hun. You can and will, you might just need a little help from some pills to get there :hugs: x

Rachael How you doing hun? You had a peak on your monitor yet? I'm starting to get sick of peing on a stick now, by the time it comes to taking a pregnancy test I wont can be bothered :haha: x

Right I am off to work now, hope everyone is well though :flower:x
Carly it was for alzeimers, I think the total raised was £550 which is great considering it was such a small event, my cousin was asked to do a Sky Dive after the bingo which I think she seemed up for! :happydance: for the digi! Enjoy your holiday.

Emma i'm really glad your able to keep food down now :) Bridesmaids was hilarious!! I really recommend it, especially if your needing a little cheering up. It is side splitting laugh out loud funny, when we got in there were a few groups of guys in too, its not a 'chick flick' so drag hubby along.

Wendy, as I said, Bridesmaids is well worth seeing, and actually nothing like the hangover. The advert for it makes it seem like its all going to be based on their bachelorette weekend away, obviously looking like a female version of the hangover but its not at all. Oh and I cannot believe you haven't seen the hangover, its really good. I've heard that the body can gear up to ovulate and if it doesn't then it usually tries again, maybe this is whats happening? Hope you get your peak soon :) Glad your back :hugs:

As for me..AF is due today or tomorrow. I thought it was the weekend but i'd miscounted :dohh: I really don't feel like its going to start anytime soon, no spots or cramps, though I have woken with bad back ache which I never get :shrug: I've done really well this 2ww, woke this morning and really want to test :dohh: i'm not going to though, not feeling lucky this month.

Hope everyone has an easy monday :hugs: xx
I need yous to convince me not too go buy tests! I'm struggling her on my own :rofl:
Arlene No buying tests!!! Listen to a crazy lady who has wasted hundreds of pounds of the darn things. Try and hold out a few more days and then test if AF is a no show. I love how your last post says i'm not testing I don't feel lucky this month, then the next post is you wanting to test :rofl: x
Afternoon ladies,

Arlene, You don't need to test hun! I was lucky as I never had the urge to test early because some test don't detect it like Carly had. I think it just puts extra stress on your body and if you have a little bean trying to get comfy in there then thats the last thing you need. Be strong Mrs :hugs: I want to watch bridesmaids now, I saw an extended trailor for it from when they were trying on the bridesmaids dresses and couldn't stop laughing in the cinema!!

Wendypops, Hiya hun :hugs: I missed you :happydance: When I was using my monitor I never saw a peak, just had highs a lot. Just keep up with :sex: (which we are well aware you and scott are capable of :haha:) and I am sure things will work out for you :hugs: You have to watch hangover, it is very funny!! I haven't watched hangover 2 yet as I am not a huge fan of sequals but I have heard that is good too.

Carly, Hope you have a nice relaxing break :hugs:

I hope all you other ladies are enjoying the warm weather... I am not :haha: way too humid for me as it makes me feel worse.

Well update for you all, I am allowed back to work tomorrow but on reduced hours... not sure how that is going to work as my students leave this week and all hell breaks lose for the summer! I am only going to do what I can as I haven't got the energy to do anything more :haha: I have just got off the phone from the hospital and they have said my HCG levels are higs so everything still seems to be ok :happydance: It is so nice for someone to finally confirm something for me after they all stressed me out!! Anyway, off to finish off Gavins soup for lunch this week :hugs:
Arlene DONT DO IT!!! I know its hard to resist the urge, obviously I took a first response literally 6 days before my missed AF and it was positive. So now I just keep thinking that test and all the ones following even the one in the doctors office were wrong. I wish I would of waited till I missed AF and then taken the digital. So DONT DONT become a POAS addict, I know its hard but you can do it. You have all our support and its silly to get an unnecessary BFN if its too early.

Wendy its so nice to see you back we definetely missed you!! I hope that egg pops its pretty head up soon for you. I dont know why I am sooo nervous, but I decided if that digital test pops up negative I am calling the doctors ASAP and demanding an explanation.

Sophie I hope everything goes well with SA on wednesday, and you and your DH are put at some ease by the results. It must be difficult being in the dark. I will tell you this much. My DH and I started casually trying in September and by March no luck so I started thinking something was wrong with one of us. He wasnt convinced so we tried in march and april to BD on the "good" days. No luck. So then we used OPK and I finally had BFP. So dont give up hope, sometimes it just takes that special something to make things work.

Well ladies have a wonderful day thanks for all your luck. I wish I wasn't so paranoid, but I have always been about everything so its no surprise I am about this.
Wendy i'm off work today and doing nothing but driving myself crazy..doesn't help that the only thing I could find to watch is One born..USA :haha: Its the back ache, I googled it after that post and discovered it is very common in early pregnancy..

"In the first couple of weeks of pregnancy you may experience an aching back, similar to that which frequently accompanies menstruation. After this the weight of your growing uterus can put pressure on your lower back, causing backache. If this is your second baby you are more likely to get backache in your first trimester because your abdominal muscles - already weakened in your last pregnancy - are likely to be more flexible this time around. Your abdominals usually offer key support to many movements and when they can't work as hard it means extra work for your lower back."

Emma really glad someone gave you some good news and its great that you can get back to work, even if its reduced hours. The scene were they are at the shop trying on dresses is one of the funniest.

Anyhow..before I waste money i'm going to try the gym. I have my measurement and weigh in today but dont know if i'll be able to do a work out, i'll give it a go!
Emma :happydance: you finally have some reassurance! Now did I not tell you everything was all right and your blood would confirm it?? You need to listen to Auntie Wendy more :haha: Aww I know, i've already :sex: the last three nights in a row, this will be the fourth and we aren't even on peak days yet! :dohh: lol. Poor Scott, he's working today, then he's going straight to footie, then he has to come home and get ravaged again :haha: He will be knackered but i'm taking every opportunity! Every 24 hours so i've got all bases covered. Hope it bloody works! lol. Glad to hear you can get back to work even if it is reduced hours, get some normality back in your life. Just don't overdo it! Only do what you can hun, no letting it stress you out :hugs: x

Carly Thank you hun :flower: When are you doing the diggy? I thought you would have done it already lol. I think you'll feel a lot better about things when the word pregnant pops up. Is it next week you go on holiday or this week? Bet you can't wait x

Arlene Look at you googling stuff, tut tut lol. We all know it's the worst thing you can do but still we all do it. I honestly had every symptom under the sun last month but AF stilll showed. Your better holding out a few more days to see what happens. Just in case though, don't overdo it at the gym :haha: I'm quietly hopeful for you x

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