The Tucker's Adoption Journey

Yeah Hun, do be! We had the same kinda issue with my in laws trying to push too.
For a good month or so we only had us at the house, we always took e to other people's houses to meet them as then home was our safe place x
How are we all trucking along?

We have had a few difficult nights and some very early mornings! The early mornings have been stuffing up the routine which has led to a very overtired and upset baby. Hopefully we have set it right tonight. Fingers crossed we are not up at half 4 tomorrow!
Have you been getting more sleep, missk? I hope baby is settling in a little better now!

We had a visit with our cw and let her know we are ready for another kid as long as they are school aged or a baby. She's worried about getting us a baby bc it's very hit or mis when it comes to them going up for adoption. She did say she will definitely be looking out now that we're ready. But I'm thinking we'll end up with an older kid, which is fine as long as they get along with ds. Still want to be able to hold a sweet baby every day, though!!
We have had less sleep if anything! She has been teething so was up every hour last night. Seems much better today.

I forgot how hard they are at this age!
Oh no missk! We were really fortunate with E that he never really lost sleep. Bless her, teething sucks! How is your son responding to it all? Does he love his little sister?
I know a few friends use the amber bracelets for their kids and said they're great, have you tried one?
We haven't tried the bracelets, DH is concerned the beads will come apart despite the "extra safe" labels attached.

DS quite likes her when she isn't crying. HE likes entertaining her by being silly.
Yeah I can understand that fear.
Ah bless him! That's really sweet :)
E can't wait to meet his sister,he keeps asking when she will be coming home! Whilst we were shopping last week he chose a dress for her and now shows anyone who visits the dress that he chose :)
Aww, that is adorable. DS chose a bath toy for lo but it turned out he wanted it really so was just a ploy to get it!:haha:

He does tell everyone he speaks to about her though.
Ah bless him! I'm trying to involve E as much as possible in the hope it'll help his accept her. We shall see eh?!
Yes we did the same. Showed him pictures and talked about her alot. Talked about things she liked and about what we might do when she came home.
It seems to have helped. He has taken to her quite well.
That's fantastic Hun. Awww I can't wait to meet our girl, it seems like the never ending wait!
Just got a call from our case worker...they have a 3 day baby girl who needs a foster home and we're going for it!! As soon as we get the info on when she's being discharged from the hospital we're picking her up!
Oh wow datucker! How exciting, a teeny tiny tot! Do you know when your foster daughter will leave you? X
Yeah scratch that. A family member stepped up last minute and took her. I'm frustrated bc she has 4 other siblings in foster care so why would a family member step up for her and not them? As my case worker said, it's the name of the game for foster-to-adopt!

Our fd will possibly be going home I'm November, hopefully by then we have a little baby in our arms!
Hi all - looks like exciting developments all round!

Tucker - massive credit to you - there is no way I would be able to cope with the emotional ups and downs of your Foster to Adopt Journey, I'm not good without certainty! Hope you get a little bubba soon!

We've met our social worker now and she is booked in for weekly visits for the next 6 weeks to complete our homestudy. That's much speedier than I thought it was going to be. Once she's then had time to write up the report etc (and Christmas is out of the way) she thinks that we will probably aiming to go to panel in February. Which suits us completely so I'm really happy everything is moving along so well!
Good luck for tomorrow Dream.

Things are going well here. LO is sleeping through and DS is getting on quite well with her - except for pushing her in the bath today (she slipped and went right under the water and he just laughed at her) I know he was just playing but I swear he forgets she is real sometimes!

Friends from our prep group went to approval panel today and were deferred. I am gutted for them. They didn't even get into the room. They turned up at their allotted time, SW were called in and 40 minutes later came back to tell them the bad news.
I am not entirely sure why. They are really good people but have had alot of delays along the way. I feel really bad as we have sailed through and have our lg already.
Thanks Hun :) starting to get nervous now!!
Ah it's great the kids are getting settled together now! I think we'll have plenty of incidents like that with our lo!
Oh no, what a shame! Hopefully they won't have to wait too long x
Little pink is officially ours :cloud9: so thrilled!
We met her foster carer this afternoon who was absolutely lovely! Found out lots more about our little girl who sounds like she is a whirlwind! Ha ha. Roll on 14th November when we meet her!
Amazing! Congratulations!

Our friends met with management of our Agency today to see what the problem was and it turns out their SW had never written a PAR on her own before and had messed up.
She had essentially taken someone elses PAR and changed the names. Their was no management around to check so it went to panel.
Devestated for them.

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