The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

Hi guys, sorry I haven't been on in a while, it's been kinda crazy. Just had our first IUI this morning. I've been worried about the pain aspect of everything and it was a breeze!! My wonderful husband gave me the trigger shot last night and thanks to a great suggestion from my nurse, I didn't feel a thing!! We used a numbing spray (Lanacane) before the shot and I never felt it!

The IUI went very well this morning, I was expecting some cramping but nothing this time. My husbands count was not what we hoped for but on the positive side, after using the vitamins, his motility went from 3% to 38%
post wash!! Those vitamins really work!! Maybe one day we can concieve naturally but for now it's IUI's.

We go back in the morning for our last IUI. Doctor is happy with what he's seeing and after tomorrow we are on the TWW. I've never been in that category before so its going to be interesting. I'm not a patient person so I'm hoping work can keep me distracted.

How is everybody else doing?
@TTCinTexas, I am sending tons of good luck and baby dust your way!!! :dust::dust::dust: I really hope that this IUI cycle gets you your BFP!! That is awesome news that your DH's :spermy: motility has improved!!! :thumbup: I also agree that the vitamins do work!!! They worked for my DH as well!!!
Good luck TTCinTexas! Sending lots of :dust: I swear by vitamins too - we got a bfp on the first cycle after DH had been taking them for a couple of months. We were ttc for almost a year for #2, on no vits, and no bfp.
Good luck TTCinTexas! Sending lots of :dust: I swear by vitamins too - we got a bfp on the first cycle after DH had been taking them for a couple of months. We were ttc for almost a year for #2, on no vits, and no bfp.

If you don't mind me asking, was there an issue with the :spermy: or just unexplained? And was it a natural conception or assisted? Dh's motility was our issue and doc didn't seemed worried about anything else and was glad we did the double IUI as a precaution.

You give me hope that our first one will stick. I want to be positive but I'm scared to think that way in case it doesn't work.
My husband had a vasectomy reversal in nov.'11 (Lt side vasovasostomy, Right side Vasoepididymostomy). He just recently had a S/A because I had started clomid for my own fertility issues. His results showed many abnormalities which I need help figuring out what they mean. He can't see the urologist until October!!!
His total sperm count: 3 million.
Motility: 70
Normal forms: 4
Abnormal forms: 96
Immature forms: 20
WBC: 6-10

Needless to say I stopped my clomid, and will restart it once my hubby's better.
Can someone please help me with this numbers? Why is the count so low, yet motility high? He just started a 2week antibiotic regimen....:growlmad::growlmad:
Hi there! :wave: firstly, welcome to the VR wags group! And congrats on having the VR. I'm sorry to hear you aren't getting the help from the surgeon in regards to explaining your results. Looking at your numbes, the count and motility is very good. But I don't rally understand the other numbers. If it helps, my hubby had 1million and only 4% were swimming ( motility) and we were lucky enough to conceive in 3 months. . Motility is really the number to look at as you could have a really high sperm count like 100milllion for example and motility of 5%. This means there is a lot of sperm there but only 5% of that count is alive and swimming, the other 95% is dead/non swimming. So you have a very good, healthy 70% motility.:thumbup: I would see and look around to see if there is any info on normal/abnormal forms though as I don't know anything really. Good luck on your TTC journey xxx
Good luck TTCinTexas! Sending lots of :dust: I swear by vitamins too - we got a bfp on the first cycle after DH had been taking them for a couple of months. We were ttc for almost a year for #2, on no vits, and no bfp.

If you don't mind me asking, was there an issue with the :spermy: or just unexplained? And was it a natural conception or assisted? Dh's motility was our issue and doc didn't seemed worried about anything else and was glad we did the double IUI as a precaution.

You give me hope that our first one will stick. I want to be positive but I'm scared to think that way in case it doesn't work.

We haven't had another SA done, so I don't know really. DH had been working away a lot, so it could have simply been mistiming. We did conceive on cycle 6, but I miscarried (it was a blighted ovum, so the baby never formed properly). Holly was a natural conception - I was charting, and DH was on his vitamins. It is far more likely that a bean would stick, than not. It's best to think positive!

Sorry Hopingmama, I don't really know about SA results. But I do know that sperm quality can be improved by taking vitamins - sometimes quite dramatically.
Hi everyone! Not checked up in a while, I hope everyone is OK.

TTCinTexas, I have everything crossed for you :dust:

Hopingmomma, live_in_hope is right, it's the motility that matters really. I wish you all the best :dust: I agree about getting your man on some vitamins, there are loads out there to try xx

AFM - we made our decision to stop trying, I now have a numb arm from the implant being fitted this evening - the right decision for us after all the thinking and discussion. We gave it a good try and we are OK with it now.

Everyone else, I hope next time I check back in there is lots of positive news :)


Hi I'm new to this forum and thread!

DH had a VR in Nov 2010 which has been termed "successful" by the surgeon, however, the first SA (at 3 months) showed low numbers (Dr said they were too low to get me pregnant) and then the 6 month SA showed none at all!! Antibodies were mentioned to us and the term blockage, but to be honest the Dr was really unhelpful, shrugged his shoulders, and gave us the contact details for IVF options!

I didn't come off the pill in July 2011 (as we were planning our wedding) so we have been actively ttc for a year now, with no joy :-(

DH is really annoyed with the surgeon as he never discussed the potential problems with antibodies, blockages etc, just made it sound like the tubes either join or they don't. DH is contacting surgeon today to see if we can obtain the SA reports and even further detail on the exact surgery he had done, as again this info wasn't forthcoming and i think there are different types of VR. Hoping to send DH for another SA just to see if anything has changed since May last year but neither of us feeling hopeful as we've been ttc with no results :-(

Sorry for the rant but AF arrived yesterday after i'd talked myself into having all the sypmtoms and it can really get to you sometimes.
Hi, ladies! Just thought I'd check in, haven't posted in awhile...:hugs: Hugs to everyone who has been having a rough go of it...

Welcome to this forum, Bumpsparkle!

My DH has never had a V, but he does have a blockage (scarring from surgeries as a very young child). We are currently waiting on a vasoepididymostomy surgery, which is where they bypass the blockage and "hook" him right up to the epididymis, and it's done in some VR that the scarring is bad. If you have any questions for me on the process of how we got to this point (many, many tests on DH) just let me know! I have a lot of information I can send you! Best of luck on your road to some answers!
Thank you!

We're going to try to obtain as many answers as we can on what is actually going on with DH and then hopefully we will know the way forward. We're not even sure if it is a blockage as he seemed to be guessing on the reasons and mentioned antisperm as well, but maybe they can only guess at the reasons without opening up the surgery again? It's so frustrating that some docs like to talk vaguely, never give you the full picture, and just pass you on to spend more money somewhere. We're debating on the next step (IVF) but the cost implications and medical procedures makes you want to keep trying naturally, and i've always got that nagging feeling of, it only takes one! :)

Have many people on here had low or negative SA's that have greatly improved a year or 18 months post op, or got pregnant so long after the op?

A bypass sounds promising for your situation and fingers crossed for your DH's surgery, how long do you have to wait?
Welcome Bumpsparkle. Sorry to hear you've been treated badly by your surgeon. It's definitely worth getting another SA done, just to confirm things before you think about other options. It is possible to have a redo, but that depends on the type of VR that was originally done as to whether or not it's worth it. Where did you get the op done?
Yah, I'd say another SA for sure is your first step.

With my DH, there were two choices, really: is it a hormonal, production issues, or blockage? These were the tests they did:

Two SA's about a month apart, both zero sperm
Scrotal ultrasound (normal, although one small cyst, also normal)
Crap load of blood tests testing hormones (all normal)
Testicular biopsy (found lots of mature sperm!)
Transrectal ultrasound (ruled out a blockage in the duct/prostate area)

Next step is the surgery and we won't know until they are in there where exactly the blockage is or why he may have the blockage.

We could go right to IVF, as well, but my gut is telling me this is the way to go. I can't wait until we get to TTC naturally! The costs of IVF just don't sit well with me, plus we want to have two kids, will be so much better if we are TTC naturally...

Really not sure how much longer we have to wait, been waiting 7 weeks so far, our surgeon usually has his cases completed within 12 weeks, so really hoping before the end of August!
Welcome Bumpsparkle!

I hope you guys are all doing well! I hope you don't mind me popping back in now and then to say "hi!". I think of you guys all the time and keeping everything crossed that you'll get your BFPs. I don't want to upset anyone tho as I remember only too clearly the frustration of TTC after VR and watching as others got their BFP. If you'd rather I stayed away, I'll understand .... but you guys have supported me right from the start, before the VR and I feel like this is my BnB "home" :).

I have my amnio next Monday and I'm sick with nerves ... It's really hard not to think of it ALL THE TIME. I'm praying that we'll be fine and the results next Thurs/Fri will be "clear". It's hard to sit back and just enjoy this special time just now - its almost like the whole pregnancy is happening to someone else. My midwife has been amazing and very reassuring, phoning every few days to see how I am, inviting me in or popping over to check on us and listen in to the baby with the Doppler etc. I really really hope that results will be clear and she'll be delivering my baby at home, as originally planned!

I'll let you know how Monday goes and you'll all be the first to know when we get our results next week. :hugs:
Don't be daft Chatty, of course you're welcome! I shouldn't even be here, I'm not TTC anymore :haha: I figured that VR is not that common so it's good to keep on top of this thread, to help other people going through it.

Sending you lots of luck for Monday, I reckon you'll get the all clear so you'll be able to relax and enjoy :hugs:
@BumpSparkle!! Welcome to the group and good luck to you!!!:dust::dust:

@chatty, I am glad that everything is going so well with your pregnancy!!! H&H 9 months to you!!!:flower: I definatly dont think you shoudl leave the thread because it is great for other VR girls to see that there can be success after the VR, plus you hve lots of great advice to give since you have went through a VR before!!

AFM, I am doing good!!I have been busy with work all week!! I can't wait for friday and the weekend!!!!! Do you girls have any fun plans for the weekend??

I am anxious about my surgical consult next Tuesday aftternoon. Fingers crossed i like the new male inferility DR so I can finally move forward with scheduling my surgery. I was hoping to schedule it for late August or early September!!!

I hope you girls all have a wonderful weekend!!:flower:
Thanks for all your advice and positivity ladies, it really does help!

Had a good chat with DH last night and we are both feeling more positive now that we are actively looking into it all, rather than just sitting back and worrying, moaning and hoping!

Rdleela – I don’t blame you for wanting to go with the surgery rather than IVF. The costs are crazy and like you say, if you want further kids it would be much better if you can do it naturally. Let us know how you get on with the surgery! Fingers crossed for you. I’m a big wimp when it comes to needles and medical stuff, which is why we were hoping that the VR would be the right option as DH is much braver than me! :)

I've read a lot of info that VR couples aren't able to do IUI as they can't retrieve enough swimmers when they have to aspirate/extract them, has anyone had experience of this?

Baby dust to you all :)
Good luck for your appt wannabe, I hope you like your new doctor! It's my birthday on Saturday, not doing anything nice though. When you get old you can't really be bothered :haha:

Sorry Bumpsparkle, I don't know anything about IUI. Hopefully one of the other girls can help.
Hi bump sparkle: my dh also had a VR in nov.'12. Do you know what type of VR it was? There are two types. My DH had both, one on each side. One type has a quicker success rate and the other takes longer with lower success rate.
I'm sorry the surgeon isn't being helpful. You really need to get a copy of the SA report. We have registered on "Myehealth", where all blood work stuff gets forwarded to us. Have him take another test and maybe get referred to another urologist... Also, there is no harm in getting a referral to a fertility specialist in your area... All these things have wait lists, so the sooner the better.
How is your health? Have you had your hormone levels checked? I.e progesterone.

My dh SA has come back with low count (3million), though excellent motility at 9 months post vr. He had a high WBC count, which signified infection. After his antibiotics, we're hoping his count will increase.

Don't give up! Do your research, and define out the things you want your DH to get tested for and demand it. If you need help with that let me know. I'm a nurse.

Good luck! <3

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