The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

Jolu, there was 6 years between the V and VR. We conceived the first month of TTC, approx 4 months after the VR - were extremely lucky. I had DH on a cocktail of vitamins, and I swear that's what's made the difference.

Ah there has been 6 years for us as well!! Can I ask what vits you had him on? I have hubby on some at the mo but not sure if they are the right's more of a multi vit but with lots of zinc and something beginning with an s I can't spell but that the doc recommended lol! Hoping it'll help get lots of swimmers!! :spermy:

I'm keeping everything crossed that we'll get a clear result - that will be the best anniversary gift ever. I'll keep you all updated


Chatty a friend of mine had similar results and was making herself ill over what it all meant and whether the baby would have downs and it all turned out to be fine and she has a beautiful, healthy little girl now :) Hope you get some answers soon xxxx
Welcome jolu and TTCinTexas all the best with your TTC journeys xx
Chatty fingers crossed for your clear results x
Today's the day - I've been up most of the night sick with nerves ... We should know either way by Tuesday. This all feels like a really bad dream.

I'll update when I can ladies, thanks for all your good wishes xxxx
Today's news! The Dr couldn't do a CVS as the placenta was directly at the centre back of the uterus, meaning there was too high a risk of puncturing the amniotic sack or my bowel. They scanned the baby thoroughly and the NT measurement has dropped to 1.7mm, well within normal limits - we're stunned! We'd been told the NT measurement increases with the size of the baby and had prepared ourselves for the measurement to be over 3.5mm. As it stands today with bHCG being normal, NT being normal, the only "risk factors" are my age (36 at delivery) and a slightly lower Papp-a at 0.69. The dr said that although they wouldn't officially adjust my risk ratio of 1:11, in her personal opinion my risk would be "considerably lower" with what she saw today. I'm booked in for an amnio in 3 weeks but have decided to push this back a few weeks and ask for detailed scans before to spot any other potential soft markers.

I'm feeling so much more positive and so relieved since it was the high initial NT measurement driving such a high risk ratio.

Thank you all for your best wishes ladies. I'm rooting for you all and that you'll get your BFPs soon - don't lose hope!
Chatty, That is great news hun!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers that everything is going to be alright and you will go onto have a happy and healthy pregnancy!!! :hugs:
Chatty that's amazing news! So happy for you :)

Wannabe lovely to see you how are u xx
Chatty that's amazing news! So happy for you :)

Wannabe lovely to see you how are u xx

Hi Tally!! I am doing alright, I am getting over a head cold but i think it is on it's last leg now, I have been blowing my nose like a mad women all day. Despite being sick I have managed to loose 4 pounds in my first week of doing the Special K diet plan. I am starting to get back into working out as well since I am in the last stages of being sick. Hopefully I can keep up the diet and reach my goal weight! Wish me luck.

I am currently doing my research trying to find a new fertility DR since mine left her practice. She was the only female in the practice so I am debating on if I am comfortable with seeing a male DR for the infertility stuff or not, It has been a challenge finding a new dr, so it is causing a delay with me getting the surgery that I need. Good news is that things are going good with my job and I got hired on as a a permanent employee with a pay raise when I was a temporary employee for a long time. Working full time makes it hard to find time to do my DR's appointments though so that has been a challenge as well. Hopefully I can figure things out soon though. Work keeps me super busy and is crazy at times as well, so I dont always have time to get on B&B and sometimes I feel like my TTC plans are on hold well I am waiting to find a good dr to do my surgery with and is another reason why I dont come on here as much right now as well.

How are you doing these days?:flower:
Sorry I have been missing in action for so long girls. I have been so busy with work. I recently went from being a temporary employee to getting hired on permanent and got a pay raise so that is going well. I finally have vacation and sick time!! I had to put in my 2 week notice though and threaten to quit to force them to hire me on permanent and give me a pay raise though!!! Apparently I had been doing a good job though so my boss got the approvals to hire me on and get me a pay raise. :thumbup: I was glad I put my foot down and let my boss know that I wanted more $$ or else I would of still been sitting there at lower pay as a temp with no benefits!!

On another note, my infertility DR left the practice and I was disappointed because she was the only female at the practice and I have never been comfortable with a male DR doing the gyno stuff. So I started to look for a new female infertility DR at aother location but that was a challenge, there aren't very many female infertilty specialists that participate with my health insurance close to my home, and many of them were in locations that are inconvinent, like in the cities where you have to pay $20 an hour to park and deal with the crazy city traffic, plus their costs for IUI were way higher than my current practice and our health insurance doesn't cover IUI so we are going to have to pay for that ourselves so I decided to suck it up and make an appointment for a surgical consult with a male DR at my old practice. Plus I would have to have all of my records transfered to a new DR office if I left and not sure what kid of testing I would have to repeat again before they could do surgery etc. So for time, money and to save myself a headache my surgical consult is scheduled for 07/31/2012 so that I can finally move forward with getting the surgeries I need so we can do the IUI soon!!!

As for the surgeries I need a hysteroscopy to remove a polyp from my uterus because my uterus has to be clear before I can do IUI. I also may possibly have one tube blocked because the dye didnt flow through one of my tubes when I did my HSG, although the other tube was fine, so I can do a laparascopy at the same time and that will allow them to see if they can get the die to run through and unblock my second tube. The Lap is optional though and I dont have to do it, I am leaning towards doing them both though so I can have the absolute best chance possible to get pregnant, after all 2 for sure open tubes is better than just one. I am hoping that I dont have to do anymore infertility testing/exams since I haven't been to my fertility Dr's office since the beginning of the year. I would hate to have to repeat the saline sono, it so uncomfortable.:wacko: I was hoping to just do a meet and greet to talk to the new DR to make sure I was comfortable with him and that I liked him, since he is going to be a new DR for me. I was comfortable with my old DR, she was very nice and I was used to her. It's bad enough that the DR is down there looking at your vagina for 20 minutes poking around and is a female, I am not sure how I feel about a male DR doing all of that at this point, but out of desperation I am trying to find a way to be okay with it. I am tired of postponing my surgery and feeling like time is going by so fast, my biologcal clock is ticking and I am not getting any younger, I need to get moving on having my family like yesterday!!! I am going to be 33 this year!!! UGGHHH!!!:wacko:

If I am sedated and have the male DR doing surgery than I wont know anyways since I will be knocked out anyways,LOL!!!

I am hopeful that maybe the polyp in my uterus is the reason why I haven't gotten pregnant yet, it could be blocking the :spermy: from getting to the egg, and maybe once I have the surgery i could get pregnant naturally!!Although the next challenge is DH's low :spermy:count. I cant change that after all so there will still be a good chance we will need IUI regardless.

Do any of you girls feel uncomfortable with male DR poking aorund in your lady parts? Or is that just my problem???:dohh:Don't get me wrong though the male DR I am going to instead is very qualified and skilled, his background is impressive for sure, so I shouldfocus on that aspect of it and not just the fact that he is a male, he hs probably seem thousands of vaginas after all and I dont have anything he hasn't seen yet right??:wacko:
I have always used a female doctor but when my DH and I had to see a specialist, it was with a male. I was a little nervous since my logic has been that the only male that should see my lady parts is my husband. But thankfully our doctor has been wonderful, courteous and very respectful. I understand the hesitation but our new doctor has definitely changed my views on male doctors.
Lovely to hear from you wannabe, so glad that your job is going great! I don't mind having male doctors. When I was 17 I had gynae problems and a laparoscopy, and the OB/GYN was male. I suppose because that was my first experience of that kind of thing, I didn't know any different. In the UK the vast majority of OB/GYNs are male, and because we have the NHS we don't have a choice of which Dr to go to. Male doctors are so used to seeing ladies bits every day, it really is just a job to them, but I can understand why you would feel uncomfortable. I really hope that the surgery will get you your bfp :hugs:
Thanks for sharing your experiences with me girls!!I am glad o hear that you guys like your male DR's!! :thumbup:

How are you two girls doing these days? Do either of you have any fun weekend plans?
Thanks for sharing your experiences with me girls!!I am glad o hear that you guys like your male DR's!! :thumbup:

How are you two girls doing these days? Do either of you have any fun weekend plans?

Lol, my plans for this weekend is an ultrasound for a poss first IUI. I have to work Saturday morning and on Sunday my DH and I are going to Houston for my ultrasound to see the follie sizes. If all goes well, the IUI will be either Mon or Tue. Sure was hoping to sleep in this weekend, but I'm not complaining!! :)
Those sound like great plans to me hun!! Good luck and baby dust to you!! I hope you get your BFP this cycle!!! :dust::dust:
Hi I am new to this other half had a vr in April and we went for sa results today and the doctor said there was sperm present but it was dead and has sent for another test in 6 weeks I don't understand any of this has anyone else had a similar situation ??? Please I need someone to talk to I feel like I am on my own :( xxxxx
Good luck ttcintexas! :dust:

Hi Nads, when my DH went for his SA there was live sperm present, so I have no experience of that. However, its not necessarily bad news. It takes around 3 months for sperm to mature, so it is possible that the sperm present was the stuff from just after the vr which is often dodgy. It is possible that the next SA will show improvement, especially if you get your OH to take vitamins.

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