The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

@Saphire, Happy Early Birthday!!!! :flower: I hope thatyou have a wonderful and joy filled day!!!

@Bump, once I have my surgery the next step for me and DH is IUI. My infertility DR Office wants to have a minimum of 5 million sperm, but would perfer 10 million or more to do IUI. My DH had his first SA and he had less tha 5 million :spermy: with36% motility, and than I got him on a high dose of men's fertility vitamins and he did a second SA and his numbers improved. He had 6.5 million sperm and 65% motility so we got the green light to move forward with IUI, so I was super excited... until I found out I had a polyp in my uterus and that I need to have surgery to get it removed before I can move forward with the IUI. I am also probably going to do a laparascopy at the same time to make sure that my second fallopian tube isnt blocked because when I had my HSG done one tube was open becausethe die flowed through and the other one it didnt go through. So I have the option of doing the lap with the hysterscopy to get the polyp out. It is reqired that my uterus is clean before my infertility DR will allow me to do IUI.

I hope this info is helpful, the most important thing is to find a good infertility DR so you can do the needed testing so you can find out for sure what options you have!!
Hi ladies i havent been on here for a very long time... thought id drop in and say hi to you all.. hope your all doing well :)
Sarah x
Hi ladies i havent been on here for a very long time... thought id drop in and say hi to you all.. hope your all doing well :)
Sarah x

Hi MrsRich!!:flower: It's good 2 see U!! Your kids are all so cute and your baby boy has gotten so big!! How are you doing?

@Everyone else how was everyone's weekend?:winkwink:
Hi ladies :)

Just to update you - I had my amnio this afternoon and just got home (chilling out in bed). Fidget looked perfect on the scan before the amnio, measuring perfectly and no soft markers for any trisomies spotted. I'm having a BOY!!!.

The amnio itself wasn't as bad as I'd expected, a little stingy as the needle went in and there wasn't a great deal of space to extract fluid but the Dr managed fine. Fidget had his hands up by his face but as soon as the needle went in, he moved his hand down beside it, YIKES! I'm a little crampy but not too bad and hubby has me on enforced bed rest until Thursday (I might be tempted to milk this ;) ). The initial results will be in by Thursday and I'm praying fidget has "typical" chromosomes, whatever his results show - I love him to the ends of the earth already :)
:wave: MrsRich

Aww fantastic news Chatty, and congrats on the blue bump! FX his results are good on Thursday :)
Aww chatty so happy for you, hope all is good thursday!

Hope everyone is good! and those in the UK enjoyed the sunshine last week :)
Hello everyone!

Welcome Hoppingmomma & Bumpsparkle!

Happy belated birthday Sapphire1!

Tallybee :hugs:

Oh ChattyB how exciting you are having a boy!

Wannabeprego - I'm glad you are finally going to have your surgery! Hopefully soon we can be prego together!

AFM, Well here is the latest on DH. We have done three attempts at freezing sperm and have found none. It doesn't even bother me anymore. We did see the Urologist and he gave DH Clomid for 6 months. He also agreed that the cold killed everything he had. So here we are wanting to do IVF in September and the Dr said our other choice is TESE which is testicular sperm extraction. DH doesn't want to do it but I think at the end he will. So we will attempt another SA in late August and hope the clomid has worked.

In my heart I still know that somehow I will be a mom :dust: to all of us!
It's lovely to hear you have such a positive attitude HappyBunny. I never knew that clomid was prescribed to men as well! I hope it works, or failing that, that you're able to undergo IVF. Lots of :dust:
@Chatty, I am glad your apointment went well!! Fingers crossed for good test results!!:hugs:

@Happy, Finges crossed your DH has some :spermy: for his next SA. I have found some research online about men taking a low dose of clomid to help increase their sperm count, I have heard mixed reviewes about it, but I really hope it works for your DH. I am sending tons of baby dust your way and big hugs as well since I know how difficult this process really is. :hugs::dust: :dust:

AFM, :flower: Well I had my surgical consult today and I was nervous about meeting the new male DR and he ended up being nice. They just took my blood pressure, weighed me and listened to me breathe, so I avoided another vaginal exam with the dildo cam, thank goodness.I have already had every exam known to mankind anyways. I didn't think another one would be necessary.

So long story short, I asked several questions about the surgery and he talked to me about the hysteroscopy to remove my polyp from my uterus and the laparascopy to make sure that my second tube is not blocked, and flush it with die again, and a couple of other things he might do depending on what they see when they get in there to do the lap. Hopefully it is just as simple as flusing it with die and it just spasmed during the HSG procedure and that was why the die didnt flow through during the HSG and it isn't anything to major going on with my second tube. I decided it is best to do both surgical procedures at once and give myself the best odds possible to get pregnant,even though the hysteroscpy by itself is less invasive with a quicker recovey time, i think the benefits of doing the lap as well outweigh the negatives. :thumbup: I also got some informational pamphlets on the procedures as well from the DR that help expain the process also.

He was saying the lap wouldn't be necessary if we wanted to go straight to IVF because you dont need your tubes to be car for IVF, but we have to pay for the infertilty procedures ourselves so we have to start out with the more affordable options first. Once I have the surgery he said we can take clomid for a few cycles to try on our own at first and if that doesnt work we would be moving onto IUI next. The IUI procedure itself with the sperm wash if $350.00 and the complete cycle with ultrasound, bloods, would be $700.00 total for one cycle of IUI, but my health insurance may cover some of the lab work. We have some money saved now to cover the out of pocket costs for my surgery, but we are going to do our best to save up some more $$ for the next steps once the surgery is done. My deductible with my health insurace is met for the year so I will be paying 20% out of my own pocket for the surgery so hopefully the surgery won't cost us too much.

I am nervous, scared and excited all at the same time about the surgergy. Scared because it is surgery of course, but excited because this may be just what i need to finally get pregnat. I have heard other girls say that the polyp in the uterus can block the :spermy: from getting to their destination to reach the egg. I have also read where girls that have a polyp and did IUI only had a 20% chance of getting pregnant, but when the polyp is removed the odds jumpup to oer 60%. I am going to get DH back on a high dose of men's fertlity vitamins so we can get his :spermy: numbers up high enough for the IUI and for a few cycles with me on clomid and we try on our own.

Ultimatley I am glad today's surgical consult went well, the DR was nice and he didnt creep me out or anything. Plus he has performed surgical procedures over 1,000 times and he is very experienced. I think I will be in good hands. I am going to call the surgical scheduler tomorrow to schedule the surgery. I am hoping for late August or early September. Wish me luck!!:thumbup:
Hello everyone

I'm new to this site, my partner had a vasectomy about 6 yrs ago and ee really want a reversal I'm just looking for a little advise on the best surgeons in UK.
Thanks in advance for any reply
Good luck wannabe, I hope all goes well! Your Dr sounds like he knows what he's doing.

Hi Susie. Whereabouts in the UK are you? My DH had a successful VR and it was done by Andrew Dawson in Hartlepool. I have been pregnant twice since the VR, although one of the pregnancies ended in miscarriage. My DH only had one tube reattached too, as one was too damaged to fix. If you read back through the thread you'll see where the rest of us got them done. I think Duncan Harriss was a popular one too.
Wannabe - wishing you all the best :)

Happyb - hoping that everything goes well and they find some sperm...I know you will get there in the end... its really great to see you believing that it will happen. I believe in this too.

susie - we used Duncan Harriss and travelled up to Nottingham from SE. Our experience wasn't the greatest, as our VR was deemed "successful" but there is currently no sperm getting through. The follow up to our surgery wasn't very supportive or helpful in suggesting what to do next so we did look into getting a re-do at the Spire in Gatwick Park with Mr Swinn, but have now decided to go ahead with IVF/ICSI route. Good luck with your journey and let us know how you get on.
We are in dumfries so Dr Dawson would be closest I think. If you don't mind me asking how long did it take for you to fall pregnant after vr. Thanks again:flower:
Welcome susiebaby! Good luck finding a good Dr.

Wannabe- It sounds like you have everything worked out. It sounds like your chances of getting pregnant will be higher with the surgery. It's awful how insurances don't pay for much. FX for you!
I got pregnant 4 months after the VR, but it was on our first month of trying. Straight after the op hubby started taking the vitamins Dr Dawson recommends, so was taking them for a while.
Welcome Suziebaby. We're up in Glasgow and travelled to Nottingham for hubby's VR with Dr Harris. We weren't given brilliant odds as the original vasectomy was 13 years old and were really lucky to get our BFP 11 months later :).

My Amnio results came through today ... Baby Fidget is perfect and no trisomies (T21, T18, T13) have been detected in the prelim screen. We are just ecstatic and can finally start planning and looking forward to January :). Just shows, even with 1:11 odds, things can turn out absolutely fine :)
Thanks for the well wishes girls!!! I got my surgery appointment scheduled for Wednesday 08/29/12 early in the morning. Now I just need to request the time off from work. Fingrs crossed my supervisor will approve my time off!! I was debating about whether or not I wanted to mention that I needed outpatient surgery or if I wanted to lie and say I was just going on vacation and out of town for a few days.:dohh: I dont want my job to know I am TTC in general, even though I am a permanent employee my job is not totally safe because it is based on how many more new hires we need to recruit, since my primary job function is to do recruiting. Plus I have been covering for my supervisor since she has been out on maternity leave for almost 3 months this month, she is coming back on 08/20 so my role will change when she gets back and I think one of the temps we have working with us will for sure either be let go or transfered to another department when my supervisor returns. So long story short I dont want to give them an excuse to let me go, and I also dont want my job to know I am dealing with infertility. I dont want the awkward comments and other crap when people discover this info, I would rather keep it personal and to myself if i can.

@Chatty, that is awesome news hun!!! I am so happy for you!!:happydance::happydance: H&H 9 months to you!!!
I would probably tell them I had a Dr's appointment, but not what it was for. It's not really any of their business, and I don't think they'd ask the ins and outs anyway. Hope it goes ok!

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