The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

Ohh no mirrors at the end of beds here :haha: we've had our kink days :rofl: I'd rather a reality show and a bar of galaxy these days being honest


LOL i like your style :haha::haha: must say i never look in the miroor whilst you know lol.... back from your wifey duties you say :thumbup::thumbup: keep them legs high girlie:haha::blush:

"Eggo is Preggo" is from a movie I like, "Juno". The cashier at the store says "third test today mama bear, your eggo is preggo" to her after she buys several HPTs because she's in denial, LOL! It's a really good movie, kinda weird, but really good.

So pleased for you... Congratulations and wishing you a happy & healthy 9 mths :happydance::happydance::happydance:
congratulations again seejay!! :dance: I've updated the front page!! :dance: xx
Hey ladies hope you're all ok I've been busy BD'ing! cd12,13,14,15!
Only one tube was able to be connected in the reversal in jan 2008 (2 years after vasectomy)
Anyone else have this? Does this reduce my chances.

Cant remeber the SA results back in 2008 know they were good... do you think if i called the hospital they would tell me without hubby calling! its driving me mad i wanna look ath the results again!:wacko:
Hey ladies hope you're all ok I've been busy BD'ing! cd12,13,14,15!
Only one tube was able to be connected in the reversal in jan 2008 (2 years after vasectomy)
Anyone else have this? Does this reduce my chances.

Cant remeber the SA results back in 2008 know they were good... do you think if i called the hospital they would tell me without hubby calling! its driving me mad i wanna look ath the results again!:wacko:

I went to the hospital to pick up my dh results but he had to give them permission to give me the results he also had to give my name, d.o.b ect so they knew who I was. Wont your hubby ring and ask for them or have another sa done
Afternoon ladies,

Hows everyones Saturday been? Have you had snow:haha: we've had about 6" of the bloody stuff, whole town comes to a stand still :haha:

Took the kids sledging this morning down the school field, but it was Freezzzzzzing, and lil girlie was upset, so we decided to head home...
So now we are all snuggled on the sofa with blankies and hot chocolate watching christmas films on Sky yayyy my card came yesterday!!

Especially for you V lol so photos of today:


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and a few more :haha:


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Great photos :thumbup: :dance: looks like you had a fabby time!!! :D :D :D :D

We are deep in the white stuff too...but its crap i hate it!!!!!

Watching Home Alone 2 at the moment :D

Glad your Sky card came :yipee:

Gonna order chinese later...hope the deliveries are still going out :haha: feel sick though but gonna force it :haha:

Cant believe this time next week be Christmas Day!!! mad!
Great photos :thumbup: :dance: looks like you had a fabby time!!! :D :D :D :D

We are deep in the white stuff too...but its crap i hate it!!!!!

Watching Home Alone 2 at the moment :D

Glad your Sky card came :yipee:

Gonna order chinese later...hope the deliveries are still going out :haha: feel sick though but gonna force it :haha:

Cant believe this time next week be Christmas Day!!! mad!

We had a great day bit cold though Brrrrrrr!
We watched home alone 2 aswell :thumbup: good old sky :haha:

we just had chip butties and egg chips n beans lazy cooking:haha:
feeling sick? you got a nasty bug? xx
Yes omg this time next week... wonder if we'll have a white christmas morning? x
No ain't got a bug ( thank goodness!!!!!) just generally sicky feeling, but I get that after O sometimes grrrrrrr v annoying!!

Hmmmmm snow on crimbo day , well I reckon they'll be White on the ground!

Nothing wrong with a full English for dinner :haha:
Lol we'd got so cold in the snow, we got back thawed out my daughter put her pj's on bless her :haha: got her pilow n blanket, my son got changed into his joggers and we all chilled on sofa being lazy watching films :haha:
so lost my up and go at tea time :wacko:

booooo for feeling sick after Ov not nice, such a horrible feeling x
hey ladies!! :wave:

Sarah thanks for the piccys!!! I'm so jealous!! We haven't had a thing!! :nope: :cry: looks like you had a good time though, even if you did have to head home sooner than expected, cant blame you's blooming freezing!!!

We had a lovely saturday, chaotic but lovely!! So I'd like to share :)

We went to B&Q to get our xmas tree and all trees were half price :thumbup: so a nice 6ft tree which was £35 was only £17.50. We got to the checkout and the bloke scanned it, and it came up with £17.50 then he halfed it!! So we got this lovely 6ft tree for £8.75!!!! Bargain!! :dance: so that was good!

But then we got home and the wash that I'd put on (all our bedding) had stopped and tripped everything, so our washing machine has packed up!! :growlmad: so I had to take my sopping wet bedding to mums to sort out. (good old mum) Got to mums and she said that my Dad was stuck in Germany (he's away on business) and wont be back until early hours this morning, but he had tickets to see Tim Minchin last night and booked a hotel.... so as it was all paid for mum asked if we wanted to go!.....urm yes please!! So we went to Nottingham Arena, watched Tim Minchin in some great seats then spent the night in the Executive Suite at the Holiday Inn!! :thumbup: Thanks Dad!!! :dance: so it's been great!! :thumbup: had to come home early this morning though as DH is in the recording studio with his band today...... so back to reality, I've got cleaning and tidying to do today! :dohh:

MRSESSEX, how are you feeling today? Better I hope :hugs: xx

Have a lovely Sunday everybody!! xx
So we went to Nottingham Arena, watched Tim Minchin in some great seats then spent the night in the Executive Suite at the Holiday Inn!! :thumbup: Thanks Dad!!! :dance: so it's been great!! :thumbup: had to come home early this morning though as DH is in the recording studio with his band today...... so back to reality, I've got cleaning and tidying to do today! :dohh:

MRSESSEX, how are you feeling today? Better I hope :hugs: xx

Have a lovely Sunday everybody!! xx[/COLOR]

Ohhh you lucky things :yipee: how lovely a free night out :D and ohhh bargain christmas tree!! how cheap :o :o love a cheap bargain!!!!!!

Thanks for asking, im ok'ish :dohh: but not one to majorly symptom spot or anything, yesterday I had a spot of pink on the tissue when i wiped and same thing this morning, with light brown mixed within cm :blush: very strange....the pink dots were pink as a pig pink :haha: and nothing like ive seen before :nope::shrug: i was checking the toilet paper to see if there was any pink on the dry bits still on the roll and nothing... Im 6dpo i think, or maybe 7 at a push..this is the only thing so far ive gone 'ohhh hang on thats odd'

Probably nothing :haha: but was a bit alarmed to see pink!

Has anyone here ever had that on tissue before around 6 days after O...can it be explained>??> its concerning me now incase its a problem :( like in my foo foo lol

Anyway....hope everyones enjoying the day!
you know what that sounds like!!???..... Implantation bleeding (spotting) happens anywhere from 6dpo onwards usually and is where the fertilized egg implants... oooh I hope it is!!! :dance: anyway, it can be anywhere from afew spots of pinkish/brown discharge when you wipe that can be a one off or last a few days, but not a full flow just spotting like what you explained!! ooooh!! :dance: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
:happydance: for a bargain tree and free night out, :growlmad: for needing new washing machine.
ooh I hope it is implantation spotting that would be great
hope you's are all having a good weekend :hugs:
Aw thanks girlies :hugs: its probably nothing! :dohh: and maybe we all get spots of pink every now and then :shrug:

I mean who actually checks their toilet tissue when they wipe in general :haha: I don't!!! Only since I've been ttc'ing the last 4 months :haha:
hey ladies!! :wave:

Sarah thanks for the piccys!!! I'm so jealous!! We haven't had a thing!! :nope: :cry: looks like you had a good time though, even if you did have to head home sooner than expected, cant blame you's blooming freezing!!!

We had a lovely saturday, chaotic but lovely!! So I'd like to share :)

We went to B&Q to get our xmas tree and all trees were half price :thumbup: so a nice 6ft tree which was £35 was only £17.50. We got to the checkout and the bloke scanned it, and it came up with £17.50 then he halfed it!! So we got this lovely 6ft tree for £8.75!!!! Bargain!! :dance: so that was good!

But then we got home and the wash that I'd put on (all our bedding) had stopped and tripped everything, so our washing machine has packed up!! :growlmad: so I had to take my sopping wet bedding to mums to sort out. (good old mum) Got to mums and she said that my Dad was stuck in Germany (he's away on business) and wont be back until early hours this morning, but he had tickets to see Tim Minchin last night and booked a hotel.... so as it was all paid for mum asked if we wanted to go!.....urm yes please!! So we went to Nottingham Arena, watched Tim Minchin in some great seats then spent the night in the Executive Suite at the Holiday Inn!! :thumbup: Thanks Dad!!! :dance: so it's been great!! :thumbup: had to come home early this morning though as DH is in the recording studio with his band today...... so back to reality, I've got cleaning and tidying to do today! :dohh:

MRSESSEX, how are you feeling today? Better I hope :hugs: xx

Have a lovely Sunday everybody!! xx

Bargain tree, im jealous i want a new one!! Feel a trip coming on to b&Q:happydance: Sounds like you had a lovely night:thumbup: wondered where you were on here x

So we went to Nottingham Arena, watched Tim Minchin in some great seats then spent the night in the Executive Suite at the Holiday Inn!! :thumbup: Thanks Dad!!! :dance: so it's been great!! :thumbup: had to come home early this morning though as DH is in the recording studio with his band today...... so back to reality, I've got cleaning and tidying to do today! :dohh:

MRSESSEX, how are you feeling today? Better I hope :hugs: xx

Have a lovely Sunday everybody!! xx[/COLOR]

Ohhh you lucky things :yipee: how lovely a free night out :D and ohhh bargain christmas tree!! how cheap :o :o love a cheap bargain!!!!!!

Thanks for asking, im ok'ish :dohh: but not one to majorly symptom spot or anything, yesterday I had a spot of pink on the tissue when i wiped and same thing this morning, with light brown mixed within cm :blush: very strange....the pink dots were pink as a pig pink :haha: and nothing like ive seen before :nope::shrug: i was checking the toilet paper to see if there was any pink on the dry bits still on the roll and nothing... Im 6dpo i think, or maybe 7 at a push..this is the only thing so far ive gone 'ohhh hang on thats odd'

Probably nothing :haha: but was a bit alarmed to see pink!

Has anyone here ever had that on tissue before around 6 days after O...can it be explained>??> its concerning me now incase its a problem :( like in my foo foo lol

Anyway....hope everyones enjoying the day!


I had that on my last cycle but NEVER before!!
i started spotting brownish cm, and then af came about 4 days later booooo! but i was like you thinking owww thats strange, i had spotting from week 6 to 12 with my son so fx for you!! One of us has to get a :bfp: for xmas-ish time :thumbup:

Well were ventured out in the car today roads are terrible by us...
We had a man come and collect a stereo of Ebay today from DEVON!!!! :haha:
We are all at Mum n Dads now DH is decorating front room for mum, lil Lad is on the Wii and lil girlie is playing on her pretend laptop whilst im on nanny's :haha:

well had a loads more ov pain really strong last night:growlmad: but must be a good sign:thumbup: so we :bunny: :sex: again :haha::haha::haha:

Couls you have a look at my chart and let me know what you think.... im temping Vaginally this cycle it seems a bit up dopwn up down to me :shrug:
I'm so jealous! We've not had any snow!! :cry:
That man was crazy, fancy coming up from Devon!! Must have been a cool stereo!! :thumbup:

I've just had a look at your chart, I see what you mean, but its still ok :thumbup: I think generally it's much better to temp vaginally, it makes sense that it would be a good place to get a consistant temp. Your CM looks good and with the pain you've been having, bet you'll OV soon!! Wish I was oving soon, I haven't felt a thing, but I'm not too bothered coz I feel so well in myself, its great to feel healthy again, I've finally got rid of this awful illness, took me best part of 6weeks, but its gone!! :dance: :thumbup:

keep up the good work ( :sex: ) I cant wait to get busy, roll on tues night!! woowoo!! xx
I'm so jealous! We've not had any snow!! :cry:
That man was crazy, fancy coming up from Devon!! Must have been a cool stereo!! :thumbup:

I've just had a look at your chart, I see what you mean, but its still ok :thumbup: I think generally it's much better to temp vaginally, it makes sense that it would be a good place to get a consistant temp. Your CM looks good and with the pain you've been having, bet you'll OV soon!! Wish I was oving soon, I haven't felt a thing, but I'm not too bothered coz I feel so well in myself, its great to feel healthy again, I've finally got rid of this awful illness, took me best part of 6weeks, but its gone!! :dance: :thumbup:

keep up the good work ( :sex: ) I cant wait to get busy, roll on tues night!! woowoo!! xx

Thing was it was a old stereo nothing flash he won it for £15.00 :dohh: it was for his 2nd home in france (alright for some) he said he hadnt had anything like the snow we've had down here:shrug:
I woke before my alarm going of at 7am and i have done some other mornings, i took my temp at 6.40am this morning it was 36.5, i took it again at 9.30am out of curiosty and it was 36.9 :shrug:
but i wouldn't see a rise yet any way i've seen the start of a rise on cd16 and cd17. I am 15 today come on :spermy::haha:

Bet you cant wait until tue... your dh wont know whats hit him :haha:

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