The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

We used the Spire South Bank hospital, Worcester.. We were happy with the care & treatment dh received but did feel it was a bit once the money had been paid, sort of off you go, nothing really explained in detail.

And the surgeon's bed side manner was to be desired but the nurses said thats the way he works.
I assume he knows he is great at what he does and a little bit cocky. :dohh:
We are awaiting the SA in Jan so will let you know what aftercare is truely like.
But I will not be leaving with a sperm present answer!! not after nearly £2k:nope:

our surgeons website link

Yeh we stupidly didn't know any better at the time. I was a bit surprised that's all we got off them, but trying to persuade OH to get a proper SA done... he was just like 'well if there's sperm then there's a chance'... I despair sometimes. That's not good enough lol!
The hospital he got the op at doesn't even do a proper analysis so we're going through the NHS for it. From what I have heard though we're lucky to be able to do that as some people on here have been told they need to have been trying for a year or even 2 years before their GP will refer them.
We used the Spire South Bank hospital, Worcester.. We were happy with the care & treatment dh received but did feel it was a bit once the money had been paid, sort of off you go, nothing really explained in detail.

And the surgeon's bed side manner was to be desired but the nurses said thats the way he works.
I assume he knows he is great at what he does and a little bit cocky. :dohh:
We are awaiting the SA in Jan so will let you know what aftercare is truely like.
But I will not be leaving with a sperm present answer!! not after nearly £2k:nope:

our surgeons website link

Yeh we stupidly didn't know any better at the time. I was a bit surprised that's all we got off them, but trying to persuade OH to get a proper SA done... he was just like 'well if there's sperm then there's a chance'... I despair sometimes. That's not good enough lol!
The hospital he got the op at doesn't even do a proper analysis so we're going through the NHS for it. From what I have heard though we're lucky to be able to do that as some people on here have been told they need to have been trying for a year or even 2 years before their GP will refer them.

my dh second sa was an nhs one and they were great it was done at 2.30pm and I picked the results up at 8.30am the next morning, we still had to pay for it though
V... thats a good wesbite :D i love the testimonials :thumbup: bet you cant wait to add to it!! :dance: :dance:
Aye they've not said anything about charging for this one, they might still though! It takes a week for results though, they don't let us pick them up apparently, they go straight to the GP and he has to make an appointment and the GP will interpret the results. I'm hoping that it doesn't take forever because of festive closures... the hospital's last day accepting samples is tomorrow, then they don't start again til the 2nd week in Jan!
The private hospital we used doesnt have the facilitys to do SA either ours has to go to Our local nhs hospital.. we then have to make an appointment for 7-9 days after taking sample in, to see consultant for results.
I'm not sure when to go in to the nhs hospital now then if yours isnt open until 2nd week in jan.. Did you ring up the nhs hospital and did they tell you the days & times for pathology??
Sarah how odd we were both at a 'Spire' hospital, but your one doesnt have a pathology dept on site?? I find that so odd!!! considering they carry out operations relating to the reproductive systems etc etc :wacko:
Sarah how odd we were both at a 'Spire' hospital, but your one doesnt have a pathology dept on site?? I find that so odd!!! considering they carry out operations relating to the reproductive systems etc etc :wacko:

i know i thought it when they gave me the slip... very odd! luckily its not far from the spire. They should knock 10% off the price:haha:

I had to treble check we werent going to be charged to see consultant again to discuss results, i was assured it was included in the price so it better bloody be :haha:

1st consultant appt we had, he earn't £150 for 10mins work:cry:
it would be nice if they gave us a print out like:

For the sum of £1,7500.00
you will receive:
1x sa
1x consultant appoint for results

its all blooming guess work half the time, :nope:
Well you got a bargain compared to us :haha:


Initial consultation
Follow up check 4 weeks later
Follow up check 10 weeks from original op

Gotta say though, even though we paid hundreds more than you :hugs: I was so pleased with everything, they kept us informed throughout really, the only thing I didnt like was the SA results part where I had to ring up for em :haha: but thats me being overly fussy i guess

Ive heard of people paying £3,500 + upwards for this at Harley Street!
Well you got a bargain compared to us :haha:


Initial consultation
Follow up check 4 weeks later
Follow up check 10 weeks from original op

Gotta say though, even though we paid hundreds more than you :hugs: I was so pleased with everything, they kept us informed throughout really, the only thing I didnt like was the SA results part where I had to ring up for em :haha: but thats me being overly fussy i guess

Ive heard of people paying £3,500 + upwards for this at Harley Street!

Well they want £2,500.00 but they had initally quoted me £1,750.00 so they did as a gesture of good will:happydance: thankfully

Initial consultation - ours was £150.00
Follow up check 4 weeks later- never had
SA - awaiting
Follow up check 10 weeks from original op- will have after SA​

Total paid £1,900.00​

We wanted the best surgeon we could afford and think we found a good one, he has even had several success' 10yrs + post vas, and with where we live we were limited, cos of travelling for SA after and it having to be done within the hour.
we looked at
Spire &
Yeah its a bloody minefield aint it!!!!

I just didnt know where to start when we (ERRRR me!!!!!!) started looking into this

thankgod for the internet is all i can say! x
Hey Ladies,

I was wondering if i could join you?
I've been stalking you all for a while now :blush:

OH had his Vas done April 08, then the reversal April this year. Cant remember the actual SA results but they werent terrible, but not great.
I'm 30 and OH is 41. I've noticed some of you ladies have OH's that are the same age as mine, how do they feel about being an older Dad? Mr Bear is really concerned about how old he is going to be with the Cub is 15.

So right now i'm in the 2WW and for the past 4 days, i've been having this strange feeling between 9am and 1pm, i get really disorientated and everything i do seems like i'm not doing it? Doctors think its an inner ear irritation. Have any of you experienced this?
I've also been spotting for the past couple of days. I'm hoping this is the Christmas prezzie i asked OH for!! :pink:
Hey Ladies,

I was wondering if i could join you?
I've been stalking you all for a while now :blush:

OH had his Vas done April 08, then the reversal April this year. Cant remember the actual SA results but they werent terrible, but not great.
I'm 30 and OH is 41. I've noticed some of you ladies have OH's that are the same age as mine, how do they feel about being an older Dad? Mr Bear is really concerned about how old he is going to be with the Cub is 15.

So right now i'm in the 2WW and for the past 4 days, i've been having this strange feeling between 9am and 1pm, i get really disorientated and everything i do seems like i'm not doing it? Doctors think its an inner ear irritation. Have any of you experienced this?
I've also been spotting for the past couple of days. I'm hoping this is the Christmas prezzie i asked OH for!! :pink:
Welcome, sorry I haven't experienced that feeling but fingers crossed its a sign of a bfp :hugs:
Welcome :wave:

Course you can join us! More the merrier!

My hubby is 37, 38 next July but doesn't worry about the age thing :)

Ive had strange heady feelings for the past few days you mentioning that.... Not exactly dizzy..... But kinda outta body :haha: CAN'T describe it!

This thread so far has been very lucky for our ladies! I think we have 5 or 6 pregnancies within a couple of months! It's brill!!!!

Keep posting x
Hey Ladies,

I was wondering if i could join you?
I've been stalking you all for a while now :blush:

OH had his Vas done April 08, then the reversal April this year. Cant remember the actual SA results but they werent terrible, but not great.
I'm 30 and OH is 41. I've noticed some of you ladies have OH's that are the same age as mine, how do they feel about being an older Dad? Mr Bear is really concerned about how old he is going to be with the Cub is 15.

So right now i'm in the 2WW and for the past 4 days, i've been having this strange feeling between 9am and 1pm, i get really disorientated and everything i do seems like i'm not doing it? Doctors think its an inner ear irritation. Have any of you experienced this?
I've also been spotting for the past couple of days. I'm hoping this is the Christmas prezzie i asked OH for!! :pink:

Hey :wave: welcome to the thread!!

Thanks for dropping in, hopefully you'll find all the answers to your quesions on here about post VR and results etc, there are some links to other threads on the front page which some of the ladies have started about success stories and results etc, you should check those out too! :thumbup:

My DH had his VR done on his 44th Birthday (poor fella) and funnily enough he was in room 44 too, I thought that to be a good sign!! lol. He's not said anything about the age, I'm 26 so he says I keep him young anyway and to be honest he's a big kid (for example- last year when we had loads of snow, he built me a sledge coz our shop had sold out and he took me to a park and we spent the day sledging, it was the best fun I'd ever had!!) At least if we had kids it wouldnt seem so strange to see two adults larking about, enjoying themselves more than the children!! :haha: but generally it's not something we've given much thought too, his eldest was 21 last week and I thought that may evoke a conversation about age, but it didnt :shrug:. Age is just a number (thats what we had to keep telling my 41yr old dad when I was 18 and I introduced him to my 36year old boyfriend :rofl: lol. (the pair of them are like best buds now and he wouldnt have it any other way!)

I shall keep my fingers crossed for you that you get some goo dnews before christmas!!! Please do keep us posted!! I'll add your name and a link to your profile to the front page should others want to PM you for anything!!

Thanks again for dropping by, always a pleasure meeting new VR WAGS :thumbup: xx
Hey Ladies,

I've noticed some of you ladies have OH's that are the same age as mine, how do they feel about being an older Dad? Mr Bear is really concerned about how old he is going to be with the Cub is 15.

Yes we've had that conversation too:winkwink:
i'm 28 and dh is 37(38 in jan) his eldest from previous marriage is 19 next yr.. but i resure him its not old, to become a daddy again x.

My mum n dad were 43yrs old wen they had my brother:thumbup:
Welcome :wave:

Ive had strange heady feelings for the past few days you mentioning that.... Not exactly dizzy..... But kinda outta body :haha: CAN'T describe it!

This thread so far has been very lucky for our ladies! I think we have 5 or 6 pregnancies within a couple of months! It's brill!!!!

Keep posting x

OMG!!! Thats exactly how i've been feeling! I have to keep asking 'am i really here?' I've never had it before, thought i was going crazy! Where are you in your cycle?

Hey :wave: welcome to the thread!!

Thanks for dropping in, hopefully you'll find all the answers to your quesions on here about post VR and results etc, there are some links to other threads on the front page which some of the ladies have started about success stories and results etc, you should check those out too! :thumbup:

My DH had his VR done on his 44th Birthday (poor fella) and funnily enough he was in room 44 too, I thought that to be a good sign!! lol. He's not said anything about the age, I'm 26 so he says I keep him young anyway and to be honest he's a big kid (for example- last year when we had loads of snow, he built me a sledge coz our shop had sold out and he took me to a park and we spent the day sledging, it was the best fun I'd ever had!!) At least if we had kids it wouldnt seem so strange to see two adults larking about, enjoying themselves more than the children!! :haha: but generally it's not something we've given much thought too, his eldest was 21 last week and I thought that may evoke a conversation about age, but it didnt :shrug:. Age is just a number (thats what we had to keep telling my 41yr old dad when I was 18 and I introduced him to my 36year old boyfriend :rofl: lol. (the pair of them are like best buds now and he wouldnt have it any other way!)

I shall keep my fingers crossed for you that you get some goo dnews before christmas!!! Please do keep us posted!! I'll add your name and a link to your profile to the front page should others want to PM you for anything!!

Thanks again for dropping by, always a pleasure meeting new VR WAGS :thumbup: xx

OH doesnt act his age either, and says i keep him young. We're always being silly, so i dont worry about him being an older Dad, he's just worried that the Cub's friends will take the mickey out of him.

Yes we've had that conversation too:winkwink:
i'm 28 and dh is 37(38 in jan) his eldest from previous marriage is 19 next yr.. but i resure him its not old, to become a daddy again x.

My mum n dad were 43yrs old wen they had my brother:thumbup:

Wow! OH doesnt have any children, i think that would make him feel worse. I'll just have to keep reminding him that people are having children older so he might not be the only older dad!!
Welcome :wave:

Ive had strange heady feelings for the past few days you mentioning that.... Not exactly dizzy..... But kinda outta body :haha: CAN'T describe it!

This thread so far has been very lucky for our ladies! I think we have 5 or 6 pregnancies within a couple of months! It's brill!!!!

Keep posting x

OMG!!! Thats exactly how i've been feeling! I have to keep asking 'am i really here?' I've never had it before, thought i was going crazy! Where are you in your cycle?

Hey :wave: welcome to the thread!!

Thanks for dropping in, hopefully you'll find all the answers to your quesions on here about post VR and results etc, there are some links to other threads on the front page which some of the ladies have started about success stories and results etc, you should check those out too! :thumbup:

My DH had his VR done on his 44th Birthday (poor fella) and funnily enough he was in room 44 too, I thought that to be a good sign!! lol. He's not said anything about the age, I'm 26 so he says I keep him young anyway and to be honest he's a big kid (for example- last year when we had loads of snow, he built me a sledge coz our shop had sold out and he took me to a park and we spent the day sledging, it was the best fun I'd ever had!!) At least if we had kids it wouldnt seem so strange to see two adults larking about, enjoying themselves more than the children!! :haha: but generally it's not something we've given much thought too, his eldest was 21 last week and I thought that may evoke a conversation about age, but it didnt :shrug:. Age is just a number (thats what we had to keep telling my 41yr old dad when I was 18 and I introduced him to my 36year old boyfriend :rofl: lol. (the pair of them are like best buds now and he wouldnt have it any other way!)

I shall keep my fingers crossed for you that you get some goo dnews before christmas!!! Please do keep us posted!! I'll add your name and a link to your profile to the front page should others want to PM you for anything!!

Thanks again for dropping by, always a pleasure meeting new VR WAGS :thumbup: xx

OH doesnt act his age either, and says i keep him young. We're always being silly, so i dont worry about him being an older Dad, he's just worried that the Cub's friends will take the mickey out of him.

Yes we've had that conversation too:winkwink:
i'm 28 and dh is 37(38 in jan) his eldest from previous marriage is 19 next yr.. but i resure him its not old, to become a daddy again x.

My mum n dad were 43yrs old wen they had my brother:thumbup:

Wow! OH doesnt have any children, i think that would make him feel worse. I'll just have to keep reminding him that people are having children older so he might not be the only older dad!!

there are alot of couples out there having children for the 1st time 30+
When i had my son i was 20 and was the youngest on the post labour suite, and made to feel the odd one out by midwives:cry: i was 22 when i had my daughter and it was 50:50 of young and old, but i went home straight after having her so didnt experiance the post labour suite.
Dh started young at 19 so he isnt that old to start again :thumbup:
Hi girlies :)

Clairebear I'm 8dpo roughly. Due period on Sunday :)

I don't tend to do the whole symptom spot thing because in my experience preg and period symptoms are identical really :shrug:


I've been feeling like I'm gonna get my period ANY minute :shrug: have had low down tummy cramps since this morning and they havnt gone :shrug: this morning I had 3 tiny dots of black on my tissue when i wiped ( errrrr :wacko: ) this weekend I had pink dots on tissue

Yep been feeling heady and my boobies hurt like a mother!!!! But sometimes they do anyway

Not getting excited though like to keep it real!

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