The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

AFM, I had my phone Consultation last Saturday with my original RE and it went well. I told him that it was thanks to them that we had our twins and told him how they arrived early at 28 weeks, and are healthy despite developmental delays. We talked about my 3 remaining embryos and he said that they are of very high quality so based on my First IVF where we put back 3 embryos and I ended up with the twins. He recommends just putting back 1 embryo just because of what happened to me with the twins and because the embryos are of such great quality.

I think I am going to take his advice, and that was also what the other RE said as well. I woud be really scared if it was twins again due to the risk of having preemies again and my short Cervix. It would be wonderful to have a healthy full term baby and pregnanCy without the lengthy NICU stay! So I will just do the 1 embryo and if it doesn't work than I would use my 2 that are left in another FET. My fertility CliniC offers finanCing so if we needed it DH and i would take advantage of that to help out with the Costs of repeating the CyCle again. We disCussed the meds I would be on for the FET and the DR will be putting in the RX's so I Can order them soon. I didn't do birth Control for my first IVF so i won't be on that this time. I will be on lupron, ESTROGEN, PROGESTERONE SHOTS, AND THE VAGINAL INSERTS.

The only problem is that now DH wants to postpone the FET cycle! :cry: He feels like the twins are still a handful and like we need to wait until next year to do it, so the twins will be 4. I was getting really excited about doing the FET this Fall and I was psyching myself up for it now! I am having a hard time accpeting the fact that we will be waiting! I am hoping that I can get him to change his mind and let me move forward with it. I don't want to do it before he feels ready and end up with him resenting me either though! But girls, I am not getting any younger! I am turning 36 soon, and with waiting I would be 37 and pregnant and turning 38 when the next baby arrived! It freaks me out to be that close to 40! i wanted to wrap up my days of being pregnant sooner. I also don't know if I would want another baby or not after #3. I also don't know if my uterus would change and make it harder for me to get pregnant, since I have stage 2 endo and I had that polyp in my uterus, and I have fibroids! :wacko:
oh god elmo, talk about messing with your head! :wacko: I have realised from experience that these 'experts' really arent what they seem.... When we were ttc, i got sent to a gp who 'specilises' in fertility....she didnt even know how an opk worked!....and she hated me telling her things....ive learnt not to bother now and if i need anything answering, to find out online....
I feel so frustrated for you that you are going back and forth all the time and not knowing what is going on... We were never told nything other than count and motility and in a way im may be different this time though...and ive got a microscope lol... I dont know what to suggest for you though, im so annoyed at how this is happening to you :hugs: xxx

Thanks Hun, it's just very confusing I'm the sort of person who needs to know the ins and outs and all the information I can possibly obtain in order to feel at ease with things, and I just keep getting very very different opinions on this and I have been very shocked at how little the consultant actually seemed to know! I think you are right though, it might have been better in some ways had we not known about those antibodies. Sometimes I wonder. X

My fertility specialist was very honest in telling me that "while it is possible to achieve natural conception, it may take a very long time- if it happens at all" Im nhs funded so its not that he's lining his pockets from us. He did say that many specialists dont understand AsAb's and they do really only test for them if agglutination is present. But they can be present and not cause agglutination. My dh does have agglutination but also has a rapid progressive motility of 56% so not all of them are clumped together.
I would suggest continuing ttc but continue saving to proceed with icsi should you wish to take that route xx

That's exactly what we are going to do rachy. We are going to keep trying very actively until December and if nothing has happened we will go back (if we go back any later than December then we have to pay the £150 again for a repeat consultation (even though there wouldn't be a repeat SA! But I would need a repeat scan) so we will go in December and probably book for around March and if nothing has happened by then we will have saved the money and be ready to go :)

@Elmo, i am sorry that your RE wasn't very knowledgeable and wasn't familiar with what you were asking!:hugs: Have you thought about looking into using another RE if you aren't happy with the one you have now? Some of these DR's aren't that great and i have experienced that first hand!:dohh:

I did think - should we be seeing a different clinic with a Dr who seems to know what they are talking about, but this clinic does have good results and it's the only one with decent results that is near to us (it isn't even very near to us but my mum lives very close so me and the kids could stay there will I was having treatment) so I think really it has to be that clinic. He's obviously very good at what he does, it just alarmed me that the lab missed such a big issue all together and that the Dr himself couldn't really tell me anything about our problem!

AFM, I had my phone Consultation last Saturday with my original RE and it went well. I told him that it was thanks to them that we had our twins and told him how they arrived early at 28 weeks, and are healthy despite developmental delays. We talked about my 3 remaining embryos and he said that they are of very high quality so based on my First IVF where we put back 3 embryos and I ended up with the twins. He recommends just putting back 1 embryo just because of what happened to me with the twins and because the embryos are of such great quality.

I think I am going to take his advice, and that was also what the other RE said as well. I woud be really scared if it was twins again due to the risk of having preemies again and my short Cervix. It would be wonderful to have a healthy full term baby and pregnanCy without the lengthy NICU stay! So I will just do the 1 embryo and if it doesn't work than I would use my 2 that are left in another FET. My fertility CliniC offers finanCing so if we needed it DH and i would take advantage of that to help out with the Costs of repeating the CyCle again. We disCussed the meds I would be on for the FET and the DR will be putting in the RX's so I Can order them soon. I didn't do birth Control for my first IVF so i won't be on that this time. I will be on lupron, ESTROGEN, PROGESTERONE SHOTS, AND THE VAGINAL INSERTS.

The only problem is that now DH wants to postpone the FET cycle! :cry: He feels like the twins are still a handful and like we need to wait until next year to do it, so the twins will be 4. I was getting really excited about doing the FET this Fall and I was psyching myself up for it now! I am having a hard time accpeting the fact that we will be waiting! I am hoping that I can get him to change his mind and let me move forward with it. I don't want to do it before he feels ready and end up with him resenting me either though! But girls, I am not getting any younger! I am turning 36 soon, and with waiting I would be 37 and pregnant and turning 38 when the next baby arrived! It freaks me out to be that close to 40! i wanted to wrap up my days of being pregnant sooner. I also don't know if I would want another baby or not after #3. I also don't know if my uterus would change and make it harder for me to get pregnant, since I have stage 2 endo and I had that polyp in my uterus, and I have fibroids! :wacko:

Well, after reading everything you have said and after speaking with the Dr about it myself I think I have to agree, I wouldn't risk putting back more than one given your history. It would be so wonderful for you guys to experience a normal full term delivery and take that little baby straight home. Plus who knows, my Dr was telling me about one of his patients who was 35 with good eggs, she decided she wanted to put back two embryos and both split, she ended up with two sets of twins!!! Thankfully all 4 babies survived but the outcome could have been very different, so it's not just considering if you would be ok with another set of twins is it.
Must be very frustrating with hubby wanting to hold off. I understand because since the Dr said we should be able to conceive naturally, I think hubby would like to wait longer too. Have you spoken to him about your concerns of being that bit older? In all honesty I don't think six months is going to make a difference to the twins being a great deal more manageable, there is after all the 9 months of pregnancy to account for as well. Maybe try telling him your feelings and see if he I'll agree to go ahead sooner rather than later :)
@Elmo, thanks for the advice hun! :hugs: Good luck and sticky baby dust to you for your TTC plans! I hope you get your BFP very soon and you won't need to do additional fertility testing or treatments! :dust::dust:
Hey wannabe, I totally get the age thing, as I was already 36 this May, if I do the donor egg FET in November and it worked, baby would be here when I'm already 37. But it is what it is, I'm nervous for having a two year old and a newborn, but it is what it is! I just feel your frustration with age!

I'm doing a "mock" cycle with Lupron right now and will add in the Estrace once my period gets here. It's just to test if my body will build up a lining to a minimum of 8mm. If it does, then I get to order my donor eggs and do the real FET cycle immediately after! Lupron so far has been a walk in the park, but I only started it on the 30th ;)
Hey wannabe, I totally get the age thing, as I was already 36 this May, if I do the donor egg FET in November and it worked, baby would be here when I'm already 37. But it is what it is, I'm nervous for having a two year old and a newborn, but it is what it is! I just feel your frustration with age!

I'm doing a "mock" cycle with Lupron right now and will add in the Estrace once my period gets here. It's just to test if my body will build up a lining to a minimum of 8mm. If it does, then I get to order my donor eggs and do the real FET cycle immediately after! Lupron so far has been a walk in the park, but I only started it on the 30th ;)

I am glad that I am not the only one feeling the pressure of the biological clock ticking away! :dohh: Us ladies have that pressure to get our families made before a certain age! Those lovely fertility stats haunting us for over age 35!!! Ugghhh! :wacko: LOL! Well my Mom had me at 45 so she disproves that theory! However she also was fertile myrtle and had 6 kids total including me. I wish I had inherited that trait! LOL!

Good luck with the mock transfer! I hope your lining is nice and thick so you can move forward with your embryo transfer! :dust::dust:
Vicki, I can't believe its just over 2 weeks until the vr!

Elmo, im glad you've decided to continue with saving for treatment, i don't give advice to get you to spend your money but purely on experience after going through it myself, thats certainly something a fertility specialist hasn't. If it were just a matter of trying harder for longer, id have had at least 2 vr babies by now 😯

Wannabeprego, im so pleased your happy with your decision to stay with your previous clinic. You obviously have some very good quality embabies and i agree that transferring 1 at a time may be of greater benefit, that gives you 3 chances!

Rdleela, things are moving fast arent they 😉 I cant believe you could be transferring so soon, please keep us up to date!

AFM... I had my baseline scan today, everything looked really good with 7 follicles on the right ovary and 8 follicles on the left, my lining was nice and thin & im ready to start stims on Saturday! xx
Oh my daaaays Rachy that's exciting news!!!!! Just realised you posted that on the 3rd and will have started stims!! How you feeling? (I have no idea how you are supposed to feel!!) xx
Im doing ok. Im just about to do my 3rd stim injection 😆 I felt fine yesterday but today ive had mild backache and ovary twinges. Ive got to go back to leeds tomorrow for an emergency echocardiogram, nothings wrong, Guys just wanted a more recent echo before I have sedation at egg collection. I then have to go back to leeds on friday for a scan to count and measure my follicles. Its nerve wracking but exciting 😉

How are you doing? Xx
How did the echocardiogram go?? It's all happening now rach I bet you can hardly believe it.

I got AF today but it's really no surprise and I suppose I can be glad of one thing which is that I seem to have gone back to being like clockwork with a 28 day cycle. Have suddenly come down with a major major cold though, currently sat up in bed unable to breath or sleep lol. We won our school appeal for my eldest so he started in year 3 last week and Jackson started reception, he absolutely adores it which is such a massive relief because he didn't settle into nursery very well and has verbal dyspraxia and some behavioural problems so it's made me so happy to see him doing so well!!
It went really well elmo 😆 It showed an improvement from my last echo in 2013 with an increase in cardiac output from 50% to 60%.

Ive just done my 5th stim and im definitely feeling my ovaries swell, ive a constant dull ache like ovulation pain and its getting stronger every day.

Sorry af got you again 😢 get well soon. Congrats on winning the appeal 👍
Ah it didn't phase me one bit this month, I know the score now lol.
I'm so excited for you! Will keep checking back for updates x
hey ladies! :wave:

Wow i can so tell im back to free time has vanished! :nope: lol....
Elmo sorry af got you and you're feeling crappy with a cold! Hope it passes quickly for you xxxxxx great news about the school appeal and your little one doing so well in fs2!! Thats what i do! Im a nursery nurse in foundation! My class were all in today together (they had been split 1/2 morning and 1/2 afternoons for the past 2 weeks, ) but today were all in together, they had swimming, then PE then lunch all for the 1st time then went home after lunch! Talk about a busy morning! Same again tomorrow (minus the swimming and pe) then all in fulltime from monday. Im knackered!! Lol xx

Rachy, great news about the increase in your cardio output! :thumbup: and yay for the ov pains, its all happening rather quickly for you now hey! Xxxx

11 days until the vr...hubby hasnt mentioned it but im quite excited....i have to be...of course itl work! :thumbup: .......:blush:
Elmo, i used to get more disappointed about my temp dropping than actual af because that's what I expected :wacko:

Vickie, omg time is flying by! Im so excited about this & have every confidence in it working for you both again :thumbup:

Had my first stim scan this morning after 6 injections. I have 11 follicles between both ovaries all measuring around 10mm and a few smaller ones. Egg collection is expected to be weds/thurs if my ovaries play the game. My lefty was a little shy today and took some convincing to talk to the vag cam, she was so high up that we had to try some strange positions to see it but, I discovered im a natural contortionist!
Anyway, im to continue with my current dose & have another (hopefully last) scan on Monday.

Hope everyone else is ok! xx
hey all! :wave:

Aww lol contortionist! :haha: i can just picture it now! :rofl: hehe but im so pleased its all going well so far! Its my bday weds so that sounds like a goid day for some egg collecting! :dance: xxx

Hubbys bday today! Mine weds, then ems next sun! A busy week in the Dyer household! Lov eit though! A week tomorrow until the op! :shock: this time 5 years ago he was just walking off to be operated on! Wow 5 years ago! Lol xxxx cant believe it! Xx
@Rachy, I am glad that STIMS is going good! I hope you get lots of healthy eggs and embryos! :dust::dust: Good luck! :dust:

@live, Good luk with DH's reversal! I hope he gets lots of healthy :spermy: and you get your BFP soon after! :dust::dust:

AFM, so after debating with DH and nagging at him I got him to agree to us doing the FET this Spring 2016. I am just glad that he has agreed to something 100% and he is on board so I can plan for it. He was driving me nuts with uncertainty and I was stressing feeling like I didn't know what was going on! :wacko: The only part of this is that I don't like is that the baby will be due in the middle of winter when cold and flu season is at it's peak, and when newborns get sick it always is really hard on them! I wish I could be due earlier like the Fall of 2016 but I can't get DH to agree to do it any sooner, and I don't want to put it off any longer than the Spring because time is going so fast, I am not getting any younger and I would prefer for the kids to be closer in age! So I wish we were doing it sooner, but I am okay with this plan and I will stop nagging at my poor DH now! LOL! :haha::blush: Right now 6 months seems like forever to wait to do the FET! I just hope the time goes by fast and I can keep myself busy with my other hobbies! :dohh:
Elmo, how are you doing?

Vickie, only 3 sleeps to go :happydance:

Wannabeprego, is spring really the earliest he'll agree to, does he not understand that we have to carry them for 9 months 😉 My son was born in late November and within 2 days he had a horrible cold & chest infection, then he was constantly getting the winter vomiting bug. He was in and out of hospital until the weather warmed up.

So here's today's scan update:
My follicle count is:
15 others between 10mm & 12mm.

That's 27 in total and the 15 smallest have appeared since monday. My estrogen is quite high so they've reduced my menopur to 225iu because of an increasing risk of ohss. Ive a scan on Saturday morning, trigger that evening and egg collection on monday! Its later than originally planned but finally we're almost there 😆 xx
hey! :wave:

Ooh rachy! Exciting! You have loads, what great news! :dance: so egg collection mon for you, hubbys vr for me! Gonna be a good monday! :dance:

Ooh wannabe, thats good he has finally agreed to a date....have you mentioned you didnt fancy a winter baby? Whats 3 months sooner?? :shrug: xxx

We have a full on birthday weekend with ems 4 th birthday in sunday. We are going to the sea life centre in birmingham on sat then its her actual bday on subday so will have family over throughout the day xx
Good luck tomorrow Vikki! Will be thinking of you both really hope it's a great outcome for you.xx

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