The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)

Oh liv you poor thing, that was truly horrible for you! :(

You are going to be on fully ttc in no time and then you will have it all to look forward to and they will be secretly envious of you I'm sure :) xx
aw thanks elmo...its just frustrating how it comes so easy for some, like they literally dont even have to think about it, they just get pregnant which really is wonderful but then there are us who would do absolutely anything to have just one more baby....if only we were all able to have as many children as we liked.... Ideal world and all that....
Im punishing myself now and watching one born every minute! :eyeroll: lol xx
i havent watched it for a while...... Wish i hadnt now! :dohh: x
Ooooo I love obem! I love seeing that instant bond between mothers & their babies ☺

Day 14 of injections today! I think im doing rather bloody well 😆Af showed with a vengeance and im still quite heavy at day 5 but thats good because I know its doing its job 👍
I have my baseline scan in just over 2 weeks then begin stimming a few days later. I heard that keeping the uterus and ovaries warm during stims will help the eggs to grow so rather than buy heat pads, i got a cute socky doll that can be re-warmed in the microwave and used multiple times. Here he is 😊 xx


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Oh yeah 😆 and he's lavender scented so he smells lush! xx
oooh lovely! Xxx sorry af was a cow this time, but like you said, at least you know things are working as they should... You have been doing great! :thumbup: does it feel like its all happeneing pretty quickly now? Xx
Yea, it definitely feels real now, like we've got some momentum going. Ive got bruises on my belly from the few injections where i couldn't get the air bubbles out of the syringe. Ive just started on my second vial so seeing the sharps box fill up and meds dwindle is making me realise how close we are. Im still nervous about egg collection and the possibility of having no embryos to transfer but im hopeful of getting at least one normal.

How are you feeling, it must be a matter of weeks now until the vr. I have my egg collection the week before so im guessing its going to be a bit busy with updates here then xx
yikes to the bruises! :shock: but a little price to pay on gthe grand scheme of things! Have you mastered the air bubbles now? :thumbup:
Yep 37 days until the op so 6 weeks monday! :shock: i ordered a microscope too.... That should come tomorrow....i just want to see for myself that its zero :blush:....
Its weird because of the 2+ years we've been ttc, ive never once had a dream about anything ttc related..... Last night i dreamt that we scoped and saw 5 spermies! 2 sets of two were joined at the tips of their tails and one was swimming happily and boldly by itself and it was like it was saying 'im here' .... Im always one for saying 'it only takes one' and last night, it felt like i saw that 'one' .... Lets hope hey!? Xxxxxx
Are you going to scope when you get the microscope, you never know, the dream may be an omen 😉
Yea i think ive mastered it but the last bruise was because it was the last dose in the vial, I just couldn't shift the air so i knew i would bruise.
Af seems to be settling down now. My skin seems to have turned into that of a teenager, ive never had so many zits! Im hoping it'll go away now that flo is buggering off and my hormones level out xx
I appreciate your appreciation Elmo :thumbup:

Wannabeprego, i understand why your decision is a little difficult. You already know the problems associated with multiple pregnancies but want to maximise your chance of achieving pregnancy with a transfer. Transferring 2 only increases the chance of pregnancy by 8% but it increases the chance of multiple pregnancy 40%. I think 8% is huge so if I could, I would put 2 back.

I *should* be having my down reg bleed but af seems to have gone awol. I had the worst experience with my injection yesterday, the damn thing wouldn't go in so i had to get another syringe with a new batch of buserelin to try again. Thankfully the second injection was much easier but ive an unsightly bruise from the first attempt. Im already getting pretty fed up of it but just have to keep telling myself why we're doing it.

Hope you ladies had a lovely weekend xx

Thanks for the feed back hun!:thumbup: Everytime I think about draining our savings account and the high cost of the FET cycle I lean towards putting back 2 embryos over just one! The thought of having to go through it all again a second time and the cost makes me feel stressed! :wacko: Especially if I know I didn't give it the best shot I could the first time and wondering the what if's if we went all out the first time, if it would of been positive or not! :dohh:

Sorry that you are having a hard time with the injections! I still remember what it was like when I went though my IVF cycle! I am a big baby when it comes to needles so I had to have my sister and my DH do all of my injections for my cycle! I had some wicked bruising from one of the injections in my belly and I remember one of the medications burned like hell when it went in! It is exhausting and hard on your body but of course totally worth it in the end! :thumbup: Infertility sucks though and I still wish I could just miss a birth control pill like some of these fertile myrtles and get knocked up all easy! LOL! :growlmad:

Good luck and baby dust to you with your IVF cycle! I hope that you get lots of healthy eggs! :dust::dust:

Hi ladies,

hope you dont mind me joining in again! Was here just over a year ago when DH had his reversal. (Apr 2013) It was successful and we started TTC, we got married in Sept 2014 and then DH's dad was unwell so we kind of stopped trying. Fast forward to now and still no sign of BFP. We are now giving it 3 months of proper charting and trying then making an appointment for IVF consultation if we have no luck! I am so scared of spending so much money on IVF and being no further forward, but I dont think either of us would be happy if we didnt at least try!

I had an internal ultrasound and AMH test before his reversal and all was good, they suggested I may require short protocol if we went on to IVF because of those results although I am not that sure what that entails. I have a science background and even with that I struggle to understand some of the info they give you!

Welcome to the group! :flower: Good luck with TTC! :dust::dust: Fingers crossed you get your BFP and won't have to do IVF! Either way you will find greast support from these lovely ladies on this thread! :winkwink: Good luck with your IVF cycle if you end up going that route! :dust::dust:

Having a reeeeal bad day today. It's so selfish of me but one of my good friends who I have been talking to a lot about our ttc struggles messaged me this morning and told me out of the blue that she is there months pregnant with her fifth baby. They weren't trying and I had no idea she was pregnant. I couldn't have guessed just how hard it was going to hit me, I almost immediately started sobbing and haven't been able to stop all day. Then had a huge row with DH because of him not being of any comfort and not being supportive and me basically resenting him for having the vasectomy. I know a lot of it is because I am due on today or tomorrow and I'm sure I will sort myself out but boy have I felt sorry for myself today xx

Big hugs to you hun! :hugs::hugs: Infertility really isn't fair! I still haven't forgot the pain of LTTC and one moment that sticks in my mind is when my Mom and I were at some gardens walking around and everywhere there were baby strollers and pregnant ladies. I literally started crying well we were there, telling my Mom how desperate I was to have a baby! I was so depressed and sad! The one thing that I can say is that I will never take my twins for granted because of what I had to go through to have them!
hey all! :wave: how you all doing? Xxx glad things have calmed down rachy! :dohh: for all the zits! Hormones ay?! Lol
I got my scope, and scoped....nothing...or im just not very savvy with the zooming etc but i was at it for ages and didnt see a thing. Oh well...never mind...i didnt expect to see any anyway. It was more for after the vr to see if theres anythign before we have our 3m sa. :thumbup: xx
hey all! :wave: how you all doing? Xxx glad things have calmed down rachy! :dohh: for all the zits! Hormones ay?! Lol
I got my scope, and scoped....nothing...or im just not very savvy with the zooming etc but i was at it for ages and didnt see a thing. Oh well...never mind...i didnt expect to see any anyway. It was more for after the vr to see if theres anythign before we have our 3m sa. :thumbup: xx

Hi hun, I am doing good. DH, the twins and I just had vacation last week. We took the twins to an amusement park, Children's museum and a water park! The twins really had fun I think! I think my daughter's favorite was the museum and my son's was the water park! Today DH is back to work though and our vacation is coming to an end! :nope: I just posted a few photos of the twins at the water park in my journal if you want to peek. The link to my journal is in my siggy. I also had to move up my fertility consult for my FET to next monday since DH was on vacation last week, he couldn't take off more time .

I am sorry you didn't see any :spermy: under the microscope! :hugs: The redo of the reveral will be here B4 you know it and I have everything crossed and I am sending you good luck that your DH ends up with lots of :spermy: this time! :hugs:
hey :wave: aww sounds like you had a great time! I saw the pics on fb! They really did look like they had so much fun! Xxx

Thanks hun, I just want it to come round now amd get ttc back on track! Im due to ov end of this week I think then that will be my last ovulation as the next one will be post vr! :thumbup: but literally the week of the vr so no shot until oct :dohh: xx
Hey Vic, I feel your pain, the amount of time we've sat at that bloody microscope is unreal, but supposedly it will be really obvious if there is something there... Hubby has his redo sat then I'm ovulating in the post VR period grrrr! Then next ov he's away with work although days he's going to fly back for that weekend lol if he gets a positive SA we will store some for future iui since we know ICSI is not an option....

Saturday needs to hurry up!
Hey everyone! Hope you are all ok!

Rachy you getting near to the time to change the medication to the stimming one yet? (I don't know all the right jargon just yet but fingers crossed I soon will lol)

Just had an amusing conversation with a foreign nurse at the clinic, I phoned to ask "how long hubby has to wait without cleaning the pipes before the SA" and she just was not getting it, she kept saying random things like "we will be able to tell you when the next appointment is after this appointment"

I was like - No - your misunderstanding me "HOW LONG DOES HE HAVE TO GO WITHOUT EJACULATING!!!!"


Anyway she says 3-5 days and DH is not happy, that means we can't have sex the whole of our child free weekend and will probably miss my ovulation (although I know that doesn't make much difference I do like to think we are in with a tiny chance each month lol)

Do you think it seems a bit excessive? Would 2 days be ok? Just think the morphology and antibodies will look even worse after 3 to 5 days as well x
That made me giggle 😂😂😂
I remember when dh had to book his sa with the fertility clinic. We arranged it so that his analysis was just before my baseline scan, at the desk dh was asking for an hour before so we ended up bickering with me shouting "it'll only take you 5 minutes" We had the waiting room in stitches 😅. I wouldn't worry about abstaining longer, you'll be doing icsi so the antibodies won't affect anything.

I dont start stims til the 5th of September, its coming round really quickly. Im on day 18 of Suprecur. Baseline scan in 2 weeks 😆 Im still bloody spotting. When is your appointment at lwc?

Wannabeprego, looks like the twins really enjoyed it. Children are so much fun at that age 😊

Vickie, I found a fix for the zits lol, the meds have dried my already sensitive skin so ive switched cleansers and its improving already :thumbup:

Charlie, good luck with the vr redo, keeping my fingers, toes & legs firmly crossed for you 😉 xx
Hey Vic, I feel your pain, the amount of time we've sat at that bloody microscope is unreal, but supposedly it will be really obvious if there is something there... Hubby has his redo sat then I'm ovulating in the post VR period grrrr! Then next ov he's away with work although days he's going to fly back for that weekend lol if he gets a positive SA we will store some for future iui since we know ICSI is not an option....

Saturday needs to hurry up!

hey charlie B!! :wave: roll on saturday! I hope it all goes ok! Keep us posted wont you! :thumbup: if i ovulate around my normal time this month then i also will be ovulating during healing time so my first shot will be end of oct :dohh: but if I ov 3/4 days later than i have been then we may be in for a september shot! The first time after the op will be him doing it himself to see how it feels and i will be there collecting it and inspecting it under the microscope (even though its very unlikely that there will be anything there that soon after the op):blush: :haha:
Keep us posted with how it goes though! :thumbup: we may look into saving some aswell....think its £350 for 3 years i read somewhere....we'll see....:thumbup

Hey everyone! Hope you are all ok!

Rachy you getting near to the time to change the medication to the stimming one yet? (I don't know all the right jargon just yet but fingers crossed I soon will lol)

Just had an amusing conversation with a foreign nurse at the clinic, I phoned to ask "how long hubby has to wait without cleaning the pipes before the SA" and she just was not getting it, she kept saying random things like "we will be able to tell you when the next appointment is after this appointment"

I was like - No - your misunderstanding me "HOW LONG DOES HE HAVE TO GO WITHOUT EJACULATING!!!!"


Anyway she says 3-5 days and DH is not happy, that means we can't have sex the whole of our child free weekend and will probably miss my ovulation (although I know that doesn't make much difference I do like to think we are in with a tiny chance each month lol)

Do you think it seems a bit excessive? Would 2 days be ok? Just think the morphology and antibodies will look even worse after 3 to 5 days as well x

:haha: :haha: thAt made me laugh!! I would have loved to have been in the room while that conversation was going on!! :haha: :haha:

Sean had to abstain for 3 days before his sa, they didnt advise leaving it longer, id say 2 days would be ok :thumbup: xxxx

That made me giggle 😂😂😂
I remember when dh had to book his sa with the fertility clinic. We arranged it so that his analysis was just before my baseline scan, at the desk dh was asking for an hour before so we ended up bickering with me shouting "it'll only take you 5 minutes" We had the waiting room in stitches 😅. I wouldn't worry about abstaining longer, you'll be doing icsi so the antibodies won't affect anything.

I dont start stims til the 5th of September, its coming round really quickly. Im on day 18 of Suprecur. Baseline scan in 2 weeks 😆 Im still bloody spotting. When is your appointment at lwc?

Wannabeprego, looks like the twins really enjoyed it. Children are so much fun at that age 😊

Vickie, I found a fix for the zits lol, the meds have dried my already sensitive skin so ive switched cleansers and its improving already :thumbup:

Charlie, good luck with the vr redo, keeping my fingers, toes & legs firmly crossed for you 😉 xx

yay glad the zits have cleared! The week before af comes i get the odd spot and my face feels all oily and yukky xxx

Hey, ladies, been awhile since I've been here, trying to catch up!

live_in_hope, remind me when the VR re-do is? I know it's coming up quick!

Rachy, egh, the HORMONES...GAHHH

Elmo, our clinic has only ever had my DH abstain for 2 days, they say more than 2 days is actually detrimental to the sample, and from our experience I'd have to say that's true

So, I did a fresh IVF/ICSI cycle in July and it failed. We didn't even get one embryo. I had 9 good follicles, only 4 eggs, only 2 mature, and none fertilized, so we didn't even get to be PUPO for a bit.

So that SUCKED. My doctor highly recommended that we move on to donor eggs, as this was the second cycle I've done that's ended like this. And so we've decided to buy frozen donor eggs. I'm doing a "mock" cycle right now, to confirm my lining grows well with the meds, and then I should be able to do a transfer in mid-November.

I'm excited! I feel like another fresh cycle on me would just be so much more of a gamble, and I feel like the best odds for us to get a sibling for our daughter is donor eggs. I love the fact that with donor eggs, I get to be pregnant again and carry our new child. So yah, I'm excited that we have a real shot at this!

Oh, and our baby girl turned ONE last week! Crazy!

Hope everyone else is doing well!

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