The Vasectomy Reversal Wives & Girlfriends Club. aka (VR WAGs)


Guess what came in the post today

Nappy Cream sample.. begins with a Bepantham or some such name!

How ODD??!!!!! i dont ever remember asking for it? its like a teeny sample in a box

Anyone else get one?


Guess what came in the post today

Nappy Cream sample.. begins with a Bepantham or some such name!

How ODD??!!!!! i dont ever remember asking for it? its like a teeny sample in a box

Anyone else get one?


ooh It maybe a sign, I got that stabbing pain that you were talking about probably a week before I was due on (but I didnt come on I got bfp) your not out till :witch: shows, fingers crossed for you x

v My dh results were'nt great they improved after the second sa but still not fab and we still did it so im sending you loads of positive mental attitude x

hope you's all have a fab christmas :hugs:
Ohhhhh didn't know stabby pains were a symptom lol.... So low down like on top of my hoo haa :haha: where ya bikini line is :wacko: got em real bad today :shrug:

Nappy cream being a sign would be tooooooo creepy for me!

Reversal..... I hope you have a wonderful christmas :) and a very healthy new year :hugs:
Mrsessex hope you dont come down with something for xmas fx xx

Me too thanks :hugs:

Got really weird stabby things going on inside above my pubic bone on the left, anyone else get that near period? Proper annoying :grr:

Yes i get this nearly every cycle, i went to the dr's last yr about it and they scanned me for cysts on ovaries but was all clear, the dr. said it was to do with ovulation etc:thumbup:

They're a REAL nightmare aint they!!!??!!!!

Mines the same!

Laid back aint the word :dohh:

I'd like them to be us for one month... one month of hoping & praying we'll get pregnant soon ..they'd soon change their tune


Same here, he says things like does it matter if its this time next yr, and i know it doesnt but the urge and hormones dont allow you to think like that:cry:


Guess what came in the post today

Nappy Cream sample.. begins with a Bepantham or some such name!

How ODD??!!!!! i dont ever remember asking for it? its like a teeny sample in a box

Anyone else get one?


Maybe its a sign!? no nappy cream here today, although no post for the last few days:shrug::shrug::shrug: :rofl: my postman is obviously scared of snow:haha:

V : like you said V it only takes 1 :spermy: to do the trick is your dh taking any supplements you could try those?:thumbup:

None of use know what our DH's sperm counts were before the vas so they might not of ever been the 20mill per mil they like, but they still worked:flower:
They will get stonger in time V:winkwink:

Sorry for the delay in posting today, been at my mum n dads again whilst dh finished their decorating , got home to a burst water pipe in downstairs loo... 2 pipes burst in 2 places on each pipe,:cry:
So we had to wait for the plumber this was 6pm and we were mean't to be going out for a meal for my dads b'day at 7.30pm.
We managed to get out the door at 7.40pm :haha: and not long got back..... im stuffed n frozen:thumbup:
Morning chicks :)

Sarah glad you had a nice dinner, but awful bout your pipes!!!!! That's really what you need right on top of Christmas! More bills! Hope it's all sorted now :)

V- were you getting jiggy with it last night? Although I see on fb your feeling rough? :hugs: how crappy!!! I hope you'll have enough energy for more :sex: :haha: seeing as your O'ing,,,? That right?

Well my cramps are gone now thank fook!!!! Which can only mean period is gonna come today/ tomorrow and I'm usually right :thumbup: feel quite 'cool' as in temp wise so that's another sign I think :wacko:

Looking forward to Crimbo now!

How is everyone else? X
Oh Sarah thanks bout the stabby pain thing, didn't like that this week, cor hope i ain't got cysts :o :o perhaps I should get checke??? Mind you my cycle is clockwork :wacko: or does that not matter?? Oooo errrr
They're a REAL nightmare aint they!!!??!!!!

Mines the same!

Laid back aint the word :dohh:

I'd like them to be us for one month... one month of hoping & praying we'll get pregnant soon ..they'd soon change their tune


Yea... lol. I've given up trying to explain to him. For all that it feels sometimes like he isn't bothered at all, I remind myself that he did go through the reversal op so it does show he's more than 'bothered' in his own way. But men, they just don't have the same wiring for it as we do. Like yourself I've been trying to chill about the whole thing, but still find myself, each month, getting hopeful and fantasising about having a baby in the month it'd be born if we'd done it this time. But at the end of the day, I just want to get preggy ASAP, have our baby and be rid of all the uncertain waiting and hoping.
He just likes the idea that it's a possibility!

Guess what came in the post today

Nappy Cream sample.. begins with a Bepantham or some such name!

How ODD??!!!!! i dont ever remember asking for it? its like a teeny sample in a box

Anyone else get one?

That is sooo weird!! Very strange? I would so see it as a sign!! xx

v My dh results were'nt great they improved after the second sa but still not fab and we still did it so im sending you loads of positive mental attitude x

hope you's all have a fab christmas :hugs:

Thanks hunny!! :thumbup: it means alot :hugs: and I am confident that'll it'll work at some point, maybe not as soon as we thought but we're still getting busy!! :winkwink: xx

V : like you said V it only takes 1 :spermy: to do the trick is your dh taking any supplements you could try those?:thumbup:

None of use know what our DH's sperm counts were before the vas so they might not of ever been the 20mill per mil they like, but they still worked:flower:
They will get stonger in time V:winkwink:

Sorry for the delay in posting today, been at my mum n dads again whilst dh finished their decorating , got home to a burst water pipe in downstairs loo... 2 pipes burst in 2 places on each pipe,:cry:
So we had to wait for the plumber this was 6pm and we were mean't to be going out for a meal for my dads b'day at 7.30pm.
We managed to get out the door at 7.40pm :haha: and not long got back..... im stuffed n frozen:thumbup:

Sarah, thank you, you're exactly right! I know he has four children from before but it doesnt mean he had a high sperm count at all does it, he could have just been lucky and if thats the case, it can happen again!! :thumbup: xx

Sorry to hear about your burst pipes!! gutted!! But glad you made it out to dinner still!! :dohh: for things happening around xmas!! The last two christmas' I've had no car!! 2 yrs ago I went to cambrisgeshire to visit family and broke down, had to be towed home xmas eve! :growlmad: then last year, I went to pick my parents up and some old lady in her car skidded on the ice straight into the side of my car!! spent the whole of christmas in the garage!! so started Jan off with all the hassle of insurance claim etc!! :growlmad: well sean did, I let him do it all xx
Morning chicks :)

Sarah glad you had a nice dinner, but awful bout your pipes!!!!! That's really what you need right on top of Christmas! More bills! Hope it's all sorted now :)

V- were you getting jiggy with it last night? Although I see on fb your feeling rough? :hugs: how crappy!!! I hope you'll have enough energy for more :sex: :haha: seeing as your O'ing,,,? That right?

Well my cramps are gone now thank fook!!!! Which can only mean period is gonna come today/ tomorrow and I'm usually right :thumbup: feel quite 'cool' as in temp wise so that's another sign I think :wacko:

Looking forward to Crimbo now!

How is everyone else? X

Morning!!! :wave:

Yes we went to bed early last night!! :winkwink:, i didnt think DH would be in the mood for it, but he was fine (think because I was that made him alright) Facebook? I haven't updated that since the weekend? I'm feeling fine, but thank you! :hugs: I'm not due to Ov until xmas eve/day so we'll see, so far I haven't had any ov cramps or anything? I ALWAYS get ov cramps, and always on my left side, but not a thing! Perhaps I'll ov late this if 21 days isnt long enough!! :growlmad: lol.

I really hope you dont get your period :cry: I'd be gutted for you!! I want at least one of us to get that BFP this cycle!!! xx

Guess what came in the post today

Nappy Cream sample.. begins with a Bepantham or some such name!

How ODD??!!!!! i dont ever remember asking for it? its like a teeny sample in a box

Anyone else get one?


I have to say I'd be a bit freaked if I got that! Although we have bepanthen in the house anyway as it's recommended for smearing onto new tattoos to help them heal! It's good stuff! I hope we get to use it for its intended purpose soon!
:dohh: that was not you on fb :dohh: im such a div !!! :haha: you look like another friend and i quickly thought it was you what a wally!!! glad your ok!!

OMG @ the woman hitting you in your car that christmas!! nightmare!!!!!!!! ice is sooooo scary :( i HATE IT!!!!!!

Glad you got some :sex: :thumbup: good stuff!! let the lil swimmers wait for that egg :D...hey if its any consilation....i hardly get any pains leading up to O ...or ewcm... only get it as im ovulating ..or bout 3 days before just slight stabby pain left or right..

Love your optimism for me :haha: doesnt matter if i get :witch: my mind.... it'll happen when it happens...nothing we can do to force it :hugs: i'd like it before im 35 me another 6 months :haha: we'll see!
Oh Sarah thanks bout the stabby pain thing, didn't like that this week, cor hope i ain't got cysts :o :o perhaps I should get checke??? Mind you my cycle is clockwork :wacko: or does that not matter?? Oooo errrr

i get really bad ov pain, but i didnt know or heard of it before and i was worried because it would really stab and ache for days.. but had a scan she checked everything, kidneys, ovaries, lining of uterus etc she said it was all fine and no scar tissue from cysts.
The dr said that sometimes one can develop as your egg is maturing and pop on its own and cause a bit of pain.

I would say it was ov pain and nothing to worry about, dont think your cycles being reg or not affect cyst's people have them without even knowing sometimes. You can always get it checked out if you get it again but im sure its normal :hugs:

If you look at my chart you'll see how many days on the trot i get pain, and its tablet taking ov pain :(

Yes V your right, one of us has gotta have a xmas/new year :bfp::happydance:
Ohh no Sarah the stabby pains wasnt around O ... they have been the last few days :wacko: I O'd around 13th Dec :dohh: think we got crossed wires :haha: i dont get pain around O really :shrug:

Glad your all ok though :hugs:
Hey everyone,

The :witch: got me today :sad2:

I really dont understand whats going on with me?? I have been spotting for about 4 days now and i have come on 3 days early?
I was suppose to have an appointment with my gynecologist today, but he had to cancel and i havent been given another appointment. SOOOO ANGRY because i've been waiting 3 months for that one!!

I'm just so upset and cross at this whole situation and OH is not helping by saying, nothing's wrong.... chill out it will happen when it happens.... ( and my favourite) if you get this upset and angry every month maybe you should go talk to someone about coping with this!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRR!

Sorry, really had to rant. Thank god we're going out to a party tonight, i'm going to have a couple of drinks to calm down. :wine:
:hugs: I'm sorry you're feeling shit

Hubbies really are twits at times ain't they. They really have no clue what we're going through

Sometimes period can come early it's nothing bad.... 3 days isn't too alarming. I've been 3 days early before :hugs:

Enjoy the party tomorrow xxxx
Hey everyone,

The :witch: got me today :sad2:

I really dont understand whats going on with me?? I have been spotting for about 4 days now and i have come on 3 days early?
I was suppose to have an appointment with my gynecologist today, but he had to cancel and i havent been given another appointment. SOOOO ANGRY because i've been waiting 3 months for that one!!

I'm just so upset and cross at this whole situation and OH is not helping by saying, nothing's wrong.... chill out it will happen when it happens.... ( and my favourite) if you get this upset and angry every month maybe you should go talk to someone about coping with this!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRR!

Sorry, really had to rant. Thank god we're going out to a party tonight, i'm going to have a couple of drinks to calm down. :wine:

sorry the witch got you I hope its your month next month x
Hey everyone,

The :witch: got me today :sad2:

I really dont understand whats going on with me?? I have been spotting for about 4 days now and i have come on 3 days early?

I'm just so upset and cross at this whole situation and OH is not helping by saying, nothing's wrong.... chill out it will happen when it happens....
Sorry, really had to rant. Thank god we're going out to a party tonight, i'm going to have a couple of drinks to calm down. :wine:

Do all men come out the theatre with that saying tatto'd on there arse, cos mine say that too grrrr!! they just dont get it do they:dohh:

i had spotting this last cycle i started spotting on cd24 and got my af on cd27
my cycles vary from 26days 27days and 28days sometimes i even have a 21day cycle im sure its just the way my body works with stress etc..
but im on Vit-B 50 complex to try and lengthen my LP and period slightly:thumbup: if its something your worried about have a read of the below link xxx

vitamin B6 increase progesterone thread
Do all men come out the theatre with that saying tatto'd on there arse, cos mine say that too grrrr!! they just dont get it do they:dohh: xxx

Yep mine did an all

Favourite saying are

"it'll happen when it happens"
"sperm meets eggs job done"
"stop reading baby forums" :haha:
Do all men come out the theatre with that saying tatto'd on there arse, cos mine say that too grrrr!! they just dont get it do they:dohh: xxx

Yep mine did an all

Favourite saying are

"it'll happen when it happens"
"sperm meets eggs job done"
"stop reading baby forums" :haha:

:haha: if only this was all we had to do it would be great.
Do all men come out the theatre with that saying tatto'd on there arse, cos mine say that too grrrr!! they just dont get it do they:dohh: xxx

Yep mine did an all

Favourite saying are

"it'll happen when it happens"
"sperm meets eggs job done"
"stop reading baby forums" :haha:

:haha: if only this was all we had to do it would be great.

Your quite right there, give them a day with our hormones:haha::haha:

yes i have 2/3 there Mrsessex i'll update you when i get "Sperm meets eggs jobs done" :haha::haha:

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