To my MIL -
Stop trying to find ways to make me give you the baby to hold. Don't grab at her, don't tell me I should eat so you should hold her (while you eat), don't try and pawn my nephew off to other people so you can grab at the "new" baby, etc.
When I am holding LO and she is finally sleeping, don't come over as I rub her back, and start doing the same. Her back is tiny, and my hand is practically covering it... why do you have to push me out of the way?
When you change her, change her! Don't make it an event in itself, while she screams, thinking you can calm her down by doing it slowly and chatting her up. She doesn't care! She wants her bum covered! And, don't take off her diaper and leave her bare on your couch... she pees all over. Why is it she only does this when you change her? Oh, I know... cause you are too slow!!! She actually once went to change her, took off her diaper, folded diaper up, and got up to go throw it in the garbage before putting a new diaper on. LO peed, her clothes got soiled as a result, and I had to get down on the ground to clean her up, clean up the mess, and luckily, I had another outfit for her.
To my Mom -
Don't call here at 11 pm and expect me to chat you up. In fact, don't call here at anytime and expect me to chat on the phone for long. I am tired, trying to spend time with my husband, or dealing with the baby. Also, don't get off the phone with me and whine to dad about me "not wanting to talk to you" and then allow him to call me and bitch me out.
Don't let my sister LIE to my husband about things in an attempt to make me look bad and not say anything.
If I tell you I will not be answering the phone when I am bf the baby, accept it and move on... don't tell me you understand and then talk **** about me behind my back. It is MY time with MY baby, and something only I can do for her. I don't want to hear you trashing me for not interrupting our time together.
To my Dad -
Just butt out. You should know by now that Mom likes to cause ****... stop letting her.
To OH -
You CAN do dishes sometimes.
You CAN clean the bathroom.
You CAN do some laundry.
You CAN wake up when LO wakes in the middle of the night.
Stop talking so damn loud when she is sleeping.
Stop complaining about how tired you are. I will seriously leave for one day and leave you with LO and see how tired you are then. 24 hours of baby... think you can handle it? You have no idea how tired you can be, and you will never win this argument. Never.
To my Sister -
I just don't like you. You got rid of your kids since you split with your husband. You party all the time. You are abusive to people. Selfish. You've had it worse than everyone else in the damn world. I don't want you around MY baby. And... stop calling her "MY niece" everytime you mention her on Facebook. She is two months old and you've seen her once... for five minutes. She doesn't know you, she will be shy with you, and if I have anything to do with it, she will never see you. Hell, your kids you gave away have spent more time with her...
No one else pisses me off... yet.