Thanks ladies.
Bad news I'm afraid, it's terminal and there's nothing they can do, they're speaking in terms of upto three months. Macmillan are involved now and they are being brilliant but the only hope left is that they can get him comfortable enough and not have him in pain, Macmillan have taken over his care and told the drs to get him off morphine coz he's off his head, they've started weaning him off it already but tonight he's so confused and upset that he's convinced himself that it's a fake hospital and they're all lying to him. Dh and I are going to see him tomorrow but Flynn isnt, he's too confused and has been threatening to beat up his bil today so were keeping Flynn away till he's more lucid.
The hospital and Macmillan are working together to set up a plan to send him home, there's nothing they can do at the hospital so they are sending him home to die, we have to plan a meeting at a hospice for him to go for respite coz mil I disabled and is gonna struggle to look after him.
I can't cry. I have to be strong for everyone. I mustn't let them see how upset I am coz they all need support.
You ladies are the only ones I can tell that I'm dying inside and I don't know how to tell Flynn that there's only a 2% chance that his grandad will survive to see his second birthday.
Luckily he's too young to understand.