Hi ladies! I think about you all the time!
Rosa and MrsM- I was hopeful to see a bfp when I got one here

it's ok though! It's going to happen soon! One time I did this psychic thing idk who it was may ethe other ladies would remember.. You go on there and answer questions and she " can tell you when you'll conceive" lol didn't work for me but there are a lot of positive reviews.. And hey.. $10 for a bit of fun.. What the heck!

ones name is gayle the other Jenny (like me but mine is spelled Jeni)
Brandi- so stoked it's a girl! And I love the name! We picked out our boy name (if) it ever happens -Austin

dh doesn't have a middle name so idk if we'll give him one. If it's a girl then it's Lilliana Isabel (lily bell
I haven't read back at all
Ready have you had your little one yet?
How is everyone doing?!
Afm- uh.. Craziness! Good news is my mom made it past the end of the year, bad news is we just put her in hospice 4 days ago so we expect it to happen within the next 3 weeks. I got to spend 5 days with her last month, and talk to her every day. Shes starting to get delusional (brain tumors more than likely with it growing so fast they're not even doing the scans now to see where they're at.) so she just goes in to these blank stares in the middle of the conversation them after a few minutes she comes back.
So between my mom, work, and now moving (our house is 2brm and with my dad moving here afterward we had to get a bigger house, 4 brm 2 living room 2.5 bath

I'm in love with it. And we'll just rent out our current house, I'm drained. Things are tense between DH and I, probably because I'm emotional a lot and am soo stressed but I've been nagging a lot and it's tough. Sometimes I feel like I'm dealing with this alone without his help..

im getting gray hairs!
So just an update on me.. Life is busy with family, work and getting ready for the new changes taking place.
Just wants to say hi since it's been a few weeks since ive been on.