Tinsel Tots 2009

Scarlet congrats!!!:happydance: so excited for u!!!

Titi- being that I am using progesterone supps I dunno when af should be due. Going by ff my usual leuteal phase length is 13 days which is y I tested friday, but my average cycle length is 25 I think. Which should be tomorrow. But the progesterone will make my LP longer. So I am just flying by the seat of my pants ATM...
I tested with an IC that is supposed to register Something like 25. I don't really trust them, but would rather not spend money on a frer for a bfn.
Gl to you with the sore bbs! A good sign!
Scarlet congrats!!!:happydance: so excited for u!!!

Titi- being that I am using progesterone supps I dunno when af should be due. Going by ff my usual leuteal phase length is 13 days which is y I tested friday, but my average cycle length is 25 I think. Which should be tomorrow. But the progesterone will make my LP longer. So I am just flying by the seat of my pants ATM...
I tested with an IC that is supposed to register Something like 25. I don't really trust them, but would rather not spend money on a frer for a bfn.
Gl to you with the sore bbs! A good sign!

oops meant to hit quote & not thanks. I think it is a good sign then if you might be early still & not using frer. Will still hope & wish!!!!
I don't know about the bbs. They always get sore before AF but they seem different & I don't remember them being sore so early (started at 2dpo). I am charting all symptoms & stuff this cycle so I won't have to go through this again although I'm sure knew ones will pop up-does your witch play tricks on you too since you have been ttc?

Lauraly-I have never had an irregular cycle on antibiotics but wasn't charting then so don't know if that could affect OV or stuff....Not much help but I'm sure somebody on here will know!
ps-premomt, I LOVE your avitar-it is such a beautiful, inspiring bump!
Titi I also love yours! Is it of your wedding day?
Af has very rarley played with me, only by a few days that was before I was keeping track so thet may well have been chemicals! :shrug:
Since I've been charting, I've been regular. My temps usually drop the day af comes on heavy but Since my EP in jan- I've started spotting about 5 days prior to af showing.
But with this progesterone I've not had any of the same pre af moodiness or cramping or skin break outs. So either its really changin things or something else is going on...
Laur- I dnno if I said anything earlier re the meds, but I think it could depend on what they had you on.. But I really have no idea.

I just got back from a nice dinner with my parents and hubby. It was my moms birthday- she's a spry 47 years old and she chose a popular seafood place downtown!:munch: it was fab! We got a free round of drinks, and a brownie ala mode along with a fab dinner to celebrate. I really wanted the waitress to put a candle in it and sing to her, but she didn't... Still it was fun! And I have lunch and dinner for tomorrow with all the leftovers!!:happydance:
Hi all, hope everyone is well, not had much of a chance to get on here this week, been working loads.

Muncho - hope you are feelin better :hugs:

Scarlett - OMG!! Congratulations!!! Come on more tinsel tots - Wooo :happydance:

Titi - my boobs were so swollen and sore in the week before AF due, and I was so convinced it was preg sign - but then the witch arrived :cry: But it could be a sign for you - when are you testing?

Premomt - I'm like you by the sounds of it - always working! I come on when I can to catch up - which takes ages!

Emilylynn - Did you test???

Babytots - good that your results are normal, my periods were always irregular on the pill (previous to that coil and implant) but since I have come on pill (only 7 wks ago) i have had a normal cycle, af came exactly on cd28 - we'll see what happens this cycle. We have just been :sex: every other day to hope we dont miss it!

Well update from me... I'm cd7 and DING DONG THE :witch: IS DEAD!!! so now we can start :sex: again yay!!! She is due to make her next appearance on the 7th - so I will try to wait til shes late to test but dont think I have the will power!! lol

Is anyone else around cd7 or testing around the same time - I would really love to have a buddy to go through this with, not had one before - this is my second cycle ttc

baby dust to all

Good morning girls,
not much to report. My back is killing me today but I am pretty sure I slept on it weird as it hurts up by neck & shoulder blades. A little bleedy gums this morning but that is actually not abnormal for me. bbs actually much less sore last few days. Ordered some preseed on ebay for $9.99 USD. Using reverse physcology and stocking up on things for next cycle in hopes I won't need them :wacko:

Angelblue I am due for AF on Friday. They usually come on about 9 or 10 in the morning. I am NOT going to test before then (really hard!). I am hoping to still have a high temp at 6am when I temp. I have a baby shower to go to the day after so we've discussed here if I don't get AF I probably should wait until after baby shower to test. I'm REALLY regular though-so we'll see what happens Fri.

Thanks Premomt, it is our wedding-Florida beach 9-20-08. We're newlyweds but have actually been together 9 years this xmas.

Emilylynn-did you test?

Scarlett-how are you feeling? How did you tell OH/DH would love to hear the story.

:hugs: and :dust: to all!!!!
Im feeling ok thanks Titi, still in shock! DH is also in shock that it happened so quick and is now convinced he has super sperm! I fell pregnant with my son on my 2nd cycle but wasn't sure if I would fall so quick again this time. I thought we'd BD'd after I had ovulated so I really thought we'd be out this month.
Titi - does preseed work? Yeah probably best to wait til after shower to test, FX and good luck. I've got ages to wait until potential testing! But at least AF has finished so we can get on with some BDing!!!

Scarlett - ha ha, men! I bet he'll tell all his friends he has super sperm! You must be super fertile too! Congrats again - the first tinsel tot... show us the way! lol

OH is getting it tonight now af has finished lol!
Ha ha - oh I will - I'm gonna pounce on him when he gets home from work!!!
Hi Titi, yes I would wait until after the baby shower. It's such a horrible feeling when you get a BFN, it would ruin the evening for you. On the other hand if you got a BFP (here's hoping!!) then you would be too distracted and may just want to stay at home to celebrate. xx

Hi Fish & Chips-Do you know how long your luteal phase is yet? If you are more than 14/15 days out from your AF you could still be due to OV any day and maybe will get a + on the OPK soon. If your cycle is shorter though you could have missed it. I think I am ov about day 12. You could cover your bases with lots of :sex: tonight, tomorrow and maybe next day!!!
I got a 30 pack this month and was through them ALL by day 13-yikes!

Thank you for testing advice. I think you are 100% right on both scenerios-soooooooooo if I don't get my AFon 20th I will test after the baby shower on the 21st. I am really hoping and praying for Dee7509 & Lil_Angel that they get BFPs on that day too!!!!!!!

Welcome to all the new girls. I love this team. I could not wait to come home today and read what you were all up too. :hug:

Hi, sorry i've not replied yet. My husband got back to the UK on Friday so I've been a bit busy! I've still not had a + on the ovulation test yet. I have no idea how long my luteal phase is yet unfortunately as I've only just started using the chart etc. I've ordered a thermometer which I'll start using asap, so fingers crossed I should know next month.

Thanks for your help. x
Hey all,
May I please come in?

After speaking to Angelblue and MrsC I couldn't resist. Thought I'd say hello now, then read back through the thread.
I'm currently waiting for AF to get here, she's due today and obviously delayed in traffic from the horrid weather here in the UK.
I'm about to start my ttc journey for #1 after making my OH wait a year. I'm a teacher so it makes most sense to try for a Sept or Oct baby, but we decided to play the odds and go ntnp this month, yet the more we discuss it, we are trying really, just not using any special measures apart from :sex: when I believe I am fertile.

As for the cosmic ordering, I will try my very, very best to be festive this year in return for my bfp. It doesn't come easy for me, but I'll give it my best shot, will buy a tree and new decorations and everything (and join TinselTots)!

Well I look forward to meeting you all and will put the sig in as soon as AF arrives (doesn't feel official til then).

:dust: To Everyone xx :dust:
Yey!! Congratulations Scarlett!! That is amazing news!!!

Premont - I hope you are recovering well. I'm so sorry to hear your news but as GossipGirl said it doesn't mean game over by any stretch of the imagination.

Hi Fairygirl! Welcome to the group. Fingers crossed you get a BFP soon.

Well.. as mentioned in my last post I don't seem to be having much luck with the ovulation tests. Maybe I missed it? I reckon my luteal phase is about 14 days.. my cycles were always 29/30 days but last month it was 33 days.

Anyway we had lots of good times on Friday and should be at it again today so fingers crossed. It may be that we have missed our chance this month so fingers crossed for next month.

Oh and I tried the pre-seed.. that stuff is amazing!! lol x

I have been meaning to ask everyone.. do you tell your other halves about all the tests etc? I think it would freak mine out. He is desperate for a BFP but doesn't want us to take the romance out of our relationship.

Well, after being so unsure about the really faint line on the test I took yesterday I went and got a FRER test, and it's definately a :bfp: I can't believe it!

Scarlett83-OMG!! YAY!!!! Congratulations I think you have the first tinsel tot!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you!!!!!
Please share lots of juicy details with us stalkers:
Did you do anything different this cycle and first symptoms!!!!

This was the first time that we tried, and I was convinced we'd missed the right time anyway! Symptoms are sore boobs, lower back ache, tiredness, just usuall af symptoms really.

What cd were you on? x
-AngelBlue-I have not tried pre-seed yet. From what I have read it doesn't "help" make a baby but is one of the only lubricants that doesn't hurt the sperm. We had heard that lubricants were bad so had been using saliva (tmi-sorry) last 10 cycles as I somehow had missed that it too was hostile to sperm. So, scared and confused, we used nothing 7 days straight this cycle and jeepers it was a week after that before either myself or DH could even think about sex again. Now I've heard about preseed & imagining it will be Godsend!

-Fish & Chips-I was just using OPK tests first 10 cycles, thought that would be enough and now that I am charting I am addicted. It is soooooo informative I think you are right that it is really going to help you pinpoint better. I think the temping has been the most indicative for me of what is going on.

As far as telling the DH about tests, we really do share EVERYTHING but then again this is a man that planned our entire wedding side by side with me. He knows all the acronymns and jokes about them with me. After 10 cycles turns out DH was most excited to chart cervical position. He never even realized there was a hole in it (well, I hadn't either, somehow never thought about it) and was pretty amazed at that too. Once again, way TMI but if you can get them interested in it with you-whatever it takes. Seems most men that want a BFP still don't want to really be involved in the technical trying part. Mine really wanted more or less to "wing it" until it has become apparent that isn't working.
Now he will do what it takes but the BD part has now become more like a chore that week and very different from when we aren't "trying".

Well, after being so unsure about the really faint line on the test I took yesterday I went and got a FRER test, and it's definately a :bfp: I can't believe it!

Scarlett83-OMG!! YAY!!!! Congratulations I think you have the first tinsel tot!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you!!!!!
Please share lots of juicy details with us stalkers:
Did you do anything different this cycle and first symptoms!!!!

Congratulations! You're our inspiration now!!! Happy and Healthy nine months:happydance:
Hey Ladies!

Just a question...I just took my last antibiotic yesterday! Woo hoo!:happydance: I was pretty ill last cycle of ttc- 3 infections :cry:

We still tried last cycle though :thumbup: illness and all- but AF came :growlmad:...just 2 days late :dohh: This cycle I am using opk for the first time. Do you think the antibiotics could effect my chances at all this cycle- or my cycle itself??? :shrug: I started taking the meds about cd 25...10 dpo (of my last cycle) and finished them yesterday which is my new cd5.

Thanks for any input! :hugs:

I was on anitbiotics earlier this cycle and continued TTC, I don't think it hinders because I've read where people get pregnant on birth control because antibiotics causes the bc to fail...kind of convoluted explanation. Hope it's understandable! BTW, it did not affect OV date.
Muncho: Hope you're feeling well

Premomt - Fingers crossed for you, keep us posted!

Emilylynn - any update?

Welcome fairy girl! Hope you have a short stay with us!:dust:

Fish& Chips, OH knows everything! It doesn't affect the romance, for us, it helps us to know that we're giving it our best shot!

Titi - CP was an adventure for me too!
Hi Titi, umm maybe my oh will be the same. He is absolutely amazing but I think maybe it will take a few more months before he's willing to get all technical.

I am slightly worried that I'm not ovulating as I the test hasn't picked anything up and I don't seem to have much cm to analyse therefore I'm quite keen to start charting. Fingers crossed the thermometer arrives soon.

Oh.. and I didn't even think about there being a hole either! All I know is that you can get an idea about when you ovulate through your cervix position but I don't know much more than that.

So much to learn! x
I feed my OH little bits of info more or less daily. He is starting to get into the lingo and likes reading other peoples' banners over my shoulder.

Congrats to Scarlett, I love seeing BFPs. Looking forward to lots more :dust:
I hope Muncho as the creator of this thread is feeling ok?
Thanks for the welcome. I am full of cold and my tummy is cramping but to no avail. Ergh.

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