Tinsel Tots 2009

Morning all! Sorry for making you crave Indian food Titi!!

Angel75 - I think we are roughly on the same cycle day and I too have been getting cramps. They have been going for a while now but they're fairly mild so I haven't been too concerned but this morning they were quite a bit stronger. I don't know if they're a good sign as it's too early for my AF and too early for implantation cramps. I also have had no other sign so it's not looking too good for me. How are your cramps today?

Welcome Blob! Hope your cycles sort themselves out soon.

Emilylynn - wow no wonder you are stressed. I know it's easier said than done but try and take a deep breath as stress wont help you at all with ttc. Focus on the fact that you both know you are good people and that hopefully justice will be served and the courts will agree with you and your oh. Have a nice big glass on me as a treat!

Premont - oh no! Fingers crossed it's not really the witch. xx

Hi Babybound - glad you popped in!!

Well I got the thermometer yesterday so I took my temp this morning before I got up and it was really high - 98.8. I have been feeling really hot in the mornings and I think I might be overheating (maybe I should turn the heating down a bit). What do you guys think? I'm on cd 21. Is a high temperature generally a good sign or bad, or do you need to have a comparison first?

agghh.. I can't stop analysing things!! Somebody stop me! lol x
Hi Fish & Chips!

Ive not been temping....but ive been getting SO hot at night and some times in the mornings too! Im hoping its a good sign! When are you testing?

Titi - ooooooooooooo nnnoooooooooooooo......im so sorry huni! Its ok that you tested before...im not mad! lol i hope your ok? :cry: best of luck for next month! If i get a :bfn: tomorrow....we can move on to next month together, and help & support each other all the way untill we get the :bfp: we want :)

Dee - Same goes to you to.....im so sorry :cry: But if i dont get :bfp: tomorrow all 3 of us can move on to next month together! :)

:hug: to both of you :)

Lil xxxxxxxx
Hi girls, fx for all you planning to test in the next 24 hours!!x
Im not temping or charting. If I dont get bfp this month tho I might start!!x
Hi lil_angel.. It's only my first test but it was as soon as I woke up today (which was quite late.. naughty me!!). I hope it's a good sign too.

Right you are all going to laugh at me!!!! I went back upstairs to test again (I know it's too late but just to see if it has gone down a bit).. well it seems my thermometer reads in Celsius not Fahrenheit and that I had the bad boy upside down!!! It was really dark and I didn't want to wake hubby up!!!

So with that new knowledge, it must have read 36.6 (97.88 Fahrenheit) so a much better temp!! Silly me.

Think it's still quite high though and I've ready up now so know it's a normal sign for ovulating!

Off to now go and examine my head!!! LOL! x
Hi Fish and chips yeah we do have similar cycles today is cd19 for me, no cramps yet but i've only been awake half hour haha. I've slept a good 11 hours last night - fair enough i might have been knackered from work but i'm sleeping really good this week. Have been getting clear/cloudy cm when i'm wiping (does that make sense!) nipples are still sore but not nearly as bad as 2 days ago. Boobs are looking good, bit pertier than normal and fuller. One thing that is confusing me tho i've lost a couple of pounds, normally i bloat like i don't know what the week before AF but to lose weight???!! The waiting game is awful isn't it i've still got 6 days till i'm gonna test. When do you think you ovulate in your cycle? What days? Just wondering if i've calculated mine far too early if i thought i was ov'ing around 12th? x
Hi Fish & Chips!

Ive not been temping....but ive been getting SO hot at night and some times in the mornings too! Im hoping its a good sign! When are you testing?

Titi - ooooooooooooo nnnoooooooooooooo......im so sorry huni! Its ok that you tested before...im not mad! lol i hope your ok? :cry: best of luck for next month! If i get a :bfn: tomorrow....we can move on to next month together, and help & support each other all the way untill we get the :bfp: we want :)

Dee - Same goes to you to.....im so sorry :cry: But if i dont get :bfp: tomorrow all 3 of us can move on to next month together! :)

:hug: to both of you :)

Lil xxxxxxxx

awwwwww thank you Lil Angel ur so sweet! Totally crossing my fingers for you-at least ONE of us should get BFP-I can't wait until you test!
Dee and I will make a lovely plan for getting BFP next month. I am going to start a journal too with next cycle so I can really see that I have all kinds of weird symptoms EVERY cycle so next time I won't read as much into it and be so crushed to find out I am not PG.

Yesterday I cried most half the day but I am almost sure it was PMS because I don't ever get that kind of emotional about a bfn.. I mean-I was crying at the gas station, crying at the supermarket, crying in the car.........it was crazy. I feel tons better today and much more positive-everything happens for a reason I guess.

F&C and Muncho-Indian food is probably my favorite-and I don't get it much because we only have one restaurant about 35 miles away and I just cant seem to cook it!

Sonya-WOW the HSG actually doesn't sound very pleasant but really worth it if you could get a bean faster!! DH going for S.A. this week-we'll see what I need done after those results come back.

wow wish I had more time to reply to everyone else but out of time. Had a DA pass this week and have funeral/mass/service, etc. for most the day and catch up on work when I'm back.

love and dust to all
Hi Fish and chips yeah we do have similar cycles today is cd19 for me, no cramps yet but i've only been awake half hour haha. I've slept a good 11 hours last night - fair enough i might have been knackered from work but i'm sleeping really good this week. Have been getting clear/cloudy cm when i'm wiping (does that make sense!) nipples are still sore but not nearly as bad as 2 days ago. Boobs are looking good, bit pertier than normal and fuller. One thing that is confusing me tho i've lost a couple of pounds, normally i bloat like i don't know what the week before AF but to lose weight???!! The waiting game is awful isn't it i've still got 6 days till i'm gonna test. When do you think you ovulate in your cycle? What days? Just wondering if i've calculated mine far too early if i thought i was ov'ing around 12th? x

Hi Angel. I'm on cd21 today and I think I ov-ed on cd17. I got a faint positive on an OPK so I think that's fairly reliable. I'm still not up to speed with the cm and temping so am only going with the test.

My cycles have been fairly regular since coming off the pill at 29 or 30 days, although last month it was 33 days. Fertility Friend predicts that AF will come a week Monday so I've still got ages.

I never got sore boobs etc around my AF so so far this month all is normal.

Do you test every month on cd24? When are you expecting your AF? I usually only test if I'm late or just think there may be a chance of a BFP. Obviously no luck so far!

Aww.. Titi you poor thing, you must have been beside yourself. I am wishing you all the PMA possible and hope that it was just PMS and that you'll be lovely and happy for the rest of your cycle. Love and hugs x
Hi Fish and chips yeah we do have similar cycles today is cd19 for me, no cramps yet but i've only been awake half hour haha. I've slept a good 11 hours last night - fair enough i might have been knackered from work but i'm sleeping really good this week. Have been getting clear/cloudy cm when i'm wiping (does that make sense!) nipples are still sore but not nearly as bad as 2 days ago. Boobs are looking good, bit pertier than normal and fuller. One thing that is confusing me tho i've lost a couple of pounds, normally i bloat like i don't know what the week before AF but to lose weight???!! The waiting game is awful isn't it i've still got 6 days till i'm gonna test. When do you think you ovulate in your cycle? What days? Just wondering if i've calculated mine far too early if i thought i was ov'ing around 12th? x

Hi Angel. I'm on cd21 today and I think I ov-ed on the 15. I got a faint positive on an OPK so I think that's fairly reliable. I'm still not up to speed with the cm and temping so am only going with the test.

My cycles have been fairly regular since coming off the pill at 29 or 30 days, although last month it was 33 days. Fertility Friend predicts that AF will come a week Monday so I've still got ages.

I never got sore boobs etc around my AF so so far this month all is normal.

Do you test every month on cd24? When are you expecting your AF? I usually only test if I'm late or just think there may be a chance of a BFP. Obviously no luck so far!

My AF can be arriving anytime from 21st of the month to the30th!! (My last 4 after my mc have been 21 days, 30 days, then 24 days then 21 days again) so i figured if i wait to the 25th that might be a good average. Prob should wait till the 30th really but that feels sooooooooooo long away!! I need some patience dust aswell haha. Fingers crossed for both of us tho hun i'm sure we'll find out round about the same time eh? xx
Hi Fish and chips yeah we do have similar cycles today is cd19 for me, no cramps yet but i've only been awake half hour haha. I've slept a good 11 hours last night - fair enough i might have been knackered from work but i'm sleeping really good this week. Have been getting clear/cloudy cm when i'm wiping (does that make sense!) nipples are still sore but not nearly as bad as 2 days ago. Boobs are looking good, bit pertier than normal and fuller. One thing that is confusing me tho i've lost a couple of pounds, normally i bloat like i don't know what the week before AF but to lose weight???!! The waiting game is awful isn't it i've still got 6 days till i'm gonna test. When do you think you ovulate in your cycle? What days? Just wondering if i've calculated mine far too early if i thought i was ov'ing around 12th? x

Hi Angel. I'm on cd21 today and I think I ov-ed on the 15. I got a faint positive on an OPK so I think that's fairly reliable. I'm still not up to speed with the cm and temping so am only going with the test.

My cycles have been fairly regular since coming off the pill at 29 or 30 days, although last month it was 33 days. Fertility Friend predicts that AF will come a week Monday so I've still got ages.

I never got sore boobs etc around my AF so so far this month all is normal.

Do you test every month on cd24? When are you expecting your AF? I usually only test if I'm late or just think there may be a chance of a BFP. Obviously no luck so far!

My AF can be arriving anytime from 21st of the month to the30th!! (My last 4 after my mc have been 21 days, 30 days, then 24 days then 21 days again) so i figured if i wait to the 25th that might be a good average. Prob should wait till the 30th really but that feels sooooooooooo long away!! I need some patience dust aswell haha. Fingers crossed for both of us tho hun i'm sure we'll find out round about the same time eh? xx

I think that sounds very wise! Make sure you keep me updated.. I will have everything crossed for you. I guess we will find out about the same time.. lets hope we get the news we want. x
Will do chick i'll send you a wee message and likewise let me know about you. Just got up for my brekkie and got a bit of backache going on and a dull aching feeling near my ovarys so i think my AF is due soon tho. If it is i'm going to go to docs can't be bothered having AF every 21 days!!!!
Fingers crossed it's not your AF and is implantation. If it is, I would definitely go to the doctors. I'm going to make an appointment and tell him we are ttc to see if I can get a general health check.
Hi girlies

It takes so long to catch up! Just want to say sorry to you guys that the witch has got - we ought to drop a house on her!

I am cd10 now - only came off sun, but started practicing and looking out for the big O this wkend! I am trying to be positive - my preggy friend said to me today to enjoy all the stages of this experience including the 'trying' as there are so many stages and they go so quickly! She actually made me stop and think - and shes right! I am going to try and enjoy this! (obviously I enjoy the BD part!)

So PMA and lots of babydust to all - anyone testing around the 7th dec?

x x x

Sounds like we are in the same boat, Angelblue! I'm cd12 and should be ov in the next few days as well! I have a 30 day cycle on average- so I will be testing either the 7th or 8th!!!! We should buddy up...if you want to!? :hugs: Its nice to know that there is someone here with a similar cycle to me! Well, good luck this cycle...enjoy all the upcoming bd! And LOTS of :dust:
I have a 30 day cycle and im on day 17 and nothing on the moniter yet boo! not even a high x
I only got a positive on CD17 and it was later in the day when my pee was more concentrated.. even then it was very faint. Fingers crossed it'll show up soon for you x
angel 75 - if it does arrive, fingers crossed it doesnt, but if it does I would def go to the docs - even if you werent ttc, every 21 days is a nightmare!!

Is anyone on here at a similar stage to me? My last AF was 23rd October. I have irregular cycles, but if you take the average of my last 4 cycles I am aiming for a 34 day cycle. (Last month was 31). I am now on day 28!
Hey All, Im new to this TTCing, came off BCP on 1st Septermber had 2 bleeds then nothing in October, hoping AF shows soon so i can start checking OV... on a downer at the mo with this all...
Twinklestar yeah defo visit to the docs is in order. I've been off the pill for about 14 months now and my periods have been all over the place then i got pg in may and since mc AF is still all over. Don't know if its anything to do with me having chemo 10 years ago and stem cell transplant but i guess getting pg in the first place is a good sign.

Had the oddest feeling when i just went out to the shops before, nausea hit me like a ton of bricks, i was hungry then i wasn't... had to force some dinner down me and felt better when eating but now feeling sick again. Very tired today aswell....ha its so easy to read into things isn't it!!
hi ladies i have been awol past 2 days my eldest has been ill and shes passed it onto df so i have been playing nurse. only popped on quickly to read through posts and say hello. will try and catch up later tonight once the girls are in bed.

hope everyone is well. x
16DPO and i still havent started....not sure how to feel so im trying to take my mind off it. me and my OH have talked about it and we arent so worried if i start AF this month. we've not been overthinking it this cycle. im testing tomorrow if AF doesnt show. got everything crossed but i wont be upset if AF shows.

well i got to go move my bedroom around now, need more room in there, too many clothes haha.....typical female :rofl:

fingers crossed to all those that are testing soon, good luck for next time to those that got AF and congrats to BFPs. x

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