To Train Up A Child - your thoughts? WARNING - may be upsetting to read

Yeah that's pretty fucked up. Even though I previously said that spanking will be a option for us, that kind of stuff just makes me upset. I would never beat my child like this book is implying to do.
It makes me even more upset to have a Christian label on this book. It's one thing to obey your Father but I mean dang.
The more and more I'm reading the link the more and more pissed I'm becoming? Who are these people to say that God wants us to sit on our children and beat them until they are happy? To spank a 4 month old? WTF? The Pearls are SICK and they give regular Christians that raise thier children with love and understanding a terrible name.
This just breaks my heart... To think that there are children out there being raised like this... :cry: As a previous poster said there aren't any words to describe how wrong this all is.
Another radical spouting out ignorant drivel under the sheild of "God said so". Right. Any God worth respecting would be embarassed to be associated with such idiocy. Ever notice how people with the least education always think they know the most? - as if God only talks to people who didn't finish jr high school. Disgusting and I try to never use that word on here. That is my out and out opinion.

It really is disgusting how many people twist the bible to forward their own agenda. But sadly it happens in all religions. This book sounds horrid, I can't believe people actually follow it.
I have heard of this "training" before and it makes me absolutely sick to even think about, I can't believe anyone could actually use it
I'm not even going to say anything as I don't want to upset anyone but :shock: :nope:
My goodness, i just checked the website someone should report these parents.
:nope: :shocked: i cant believe that this book got 11 5 star reviews. thats disgusting. the parents who said it saved their lives, should be locked up for child abuse :nope: i dont know how any mother could push their son in a pond ! :nope:
A swift swat with a light, flexible instrument will sting without bruising or causing internal damage. Many people are using a section of ¼ inch plumber's supply line as a spanking instrument. It will fit in your purse or hang around you neck. You can buy them for under $1.00 at Home Depot or any hardware store. They come cheaper by the dozen and can be widely distributed in every room and vehicle. Just the high profile of their accessibility keeps the kids in line.

i feel sick
Its awful, basically condoning child abuse :cry: It should be grounds for the removal of children from the care of those who follow it.
I feel physically sick and upset. To the point where before I could write this I had to pick up my daughter and hold her so close and tell her how much I love her and will never hurt her.

if you are seeking to avoid the rod because you are an emotional coward or you are a product of contemporary philosophy, then not obeying God in this matter should not be considered an option. The Word of God teaches us the best method of child training, and proper use of the rod is a part of that program. Furthermore, if you abstain from use of the rod because you believe there is a better way, then you have revealed a fundamental flaw in your thinking that will leave a giant hole in any method you adopt.

If this is the case then I will take it on board that I am an emotional coward. I'm not the slightest bit religious, but I do believe that God would not wish parents to inflict abuse upon their children in order to 'train' them or for any other reason.

I really feel for any children that these people may have, and the children of any parents who were sick enough to buy this book, no matter what rating they gave it, in my eyes, buying this book is on a par with preparing for child abuse.
Just because I was curious if the book was actually still being sold..because it shouldn't be!...I checked on amazon and some of the reviews are sooo hard to read. If you go to and look it up, there is one that is rated highest 1 star review that cites a lot of what is said in the book..awful :(
What a sick book. I'm a Christian and think it's awful that someone would associate such behaviour with Christianity. I think the author has a really twisted idea of God because the whole idea of Christianity is that God is gracious and does not treat us as our sins deserve .... surely we should be extending grace to our kids too ?
if you are seeking to avoid the rod because you are an emotional coward or you are a product of contemporary philosophy, then not obeying God in this matter should not be considered an option. The Word of God teaches us the best method of child training, and proper use of the rod is a part of that program. Furthermore, if you abstain from use of the rod because you believe there is a better way, then you have revealed a fundamental flaw in your thinking that will leave a giant hole in any method you adopt.

If this is the case then I will take it on board that I am an emotional coward. I'm not the slightest bit religious, but I do believe that God would not wish parents to inflict abuse upon their children in order to 'train' them or for any other reason.

I really feel for any children that these people may have, and the children of any parents who were sick enough to buy this book, no matter what rating they gave it, in my eyes, buying this book is on a par with preparing for child abuse.[/QUOTE]

i am so glad that i have a fundamental flaw in my thinking!no way do i believe in a god that condones child abuse.

and for the reviewer on amazon who used this on her nephew-the mother should have pressed charges not said how wonderful it was now he was so scared so he probably never made a noise.
I did not read the whole thing but in my ages we were brought up that way, sort of. Kids would go climb fences, trees, run in the street....our parents would say IF YOU GET HURT THEN YOU KNOW NOT TO DO IT AGAIN. I agree, yes, but in my experiences with children I have to NOW disagree. I do beleive, let a child touch something and say no, or let the child go near it then say no, such as, I have DVD rack, I do allow my child to go up to it, I tell him no, dont touch. I do not always take himf rom it. I allow him to stand there and look. If he touchs it, I say put it back. If he doesnt put it back I take it from him and I PUT IT BACK. I then, as I am putting it back, I say, PUT IT BACK. It took me MANY times to get him to start to put it back, but hes only 17 months old. So for him to have done it once, without force or anger in my voice, means I have done well. I am deathly afriad of the water so I will no where near teach a discipline of water to my children and I just about threw up reading that about the pond. Now my ex does forceful discipline, he believes in the belt to teach a lesson. I do not. I do not hit my kids what so ever. Not even as infants. Hair pulling, is natural for a baby and to go do it to them is NOT showing to not do it, it is showing if its ok for us ok for them. some fucked up people I tell ya. I grew up in those ages, and its wrong. There is a fine line between parenting and neglect and that book, ugh, shocks me to no end.
My ex beleives withing legal limits of proper parenting, 3 good swats on the butt is good parenting. I picked up my 10 yr old son from his visitation with his dad, and had to witness the welts on his buttocks and I cried. I have not allowed him back as I fear whathe will do again. CPS will not do a thing because I have soul custody, so my right as a mother is to protect. Legal limits? Is there a legal limit?

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