Trying before AF?

I started ttc straight away coz I felt ready to. I think you have to imagine how you would cope if god forbid you were to miscarry again.....are you ready to cope with it now or do you feel you should wait a bit to emotionally heal? Personally the way I saw it is that here in the uk they won't test to see if anythings wrong until you have 3 mc's and so I thought that I didn't want to prolong this process, if I have something wrong I want to find out as soon as I can before it's too late. Physically your body should be absolutely fine to get pg straight away, and probably knows a bit more of what's going on this time round.
Hey mrs s I waited after my first but had no luck but I'm not waiting this time had my dnc on the 10th and my positive OPK on sun and Monday and hoping we hav caught it. Good luck Hun :hugs:
thankyou for the advise ladies. i do agree that if somthing is wrong i would like to know sooner rather than later especially as it had already been nearly 3 1/2yrs since our journey begun.
i think i will have to discuss things with my OH as it is up to him as well.
I'm just back from epu getting bloods done so need to wait 4 wks for the results hoping I'm pg b4 then. X
mrs s, welcome! i waited to try after d&c and now wish i hadn't been so conservative :)

cheryl, sounds like a plan!

flapjack, your advice on how to stay stress free is rad. get a case of the twitchy eye = laugh
&watch funny utube videos - very good advice, thanks
Again, I tried after the first MC, but kind of regretted it. I had a ridiculously long cycle after the MC and it made me hopeful I had a BFP. However, would I do the same again? Well, I am! I think I had a chemical last month and I am trying this month anyway.

In my head last month's BFP doesn't seem 'real' I have to look at the tests and remind myself that it did happen - "yes there are two pink lines there, they weren't evaps". I tend to refer back to the first MC and not focus too much on last month, last month just felt like a normal AF, although I have the HPTs to prove that wrong... Very strange!

It's all how you and your OH feel physically and emotionally. Are you using any fertility aids? E.g. Ovulation tests, preseed, Conceive Plus, temping and charting etc?

Well up at epu she took my file out and looked like a bloody photo album and I've only had 2, I think it makes us stronger and more determined to get our rainbows. Xx
Well up at epu she took my file out and looked like a bloody photo album and I've only had 2, I think it makes us stronger and more determined to get our rainbows. Xx

Good for you hun! It will happen! :dust:
We just started straight away, when the bleeding had tapered off to just spotting, looking back not sure if we rushed it a little. I think physically you can start straight away, emotionally however everyone is different and it's a very personal decision between you and your other half...:)
Hey Mrs S - welcome!

I also waited after my first only to mc again on my next pregnancy and decided to try straight away this time.

Bailey - so glad to see what you wrote I have been thinking that at least next pregnancy I will get a resolution - my rainbow or some answers so am ploughing on. And was wondering if anyone felt slightly in the same vein.
Thanks for the smeryness advice. Thinking I should chill a little and trust the smiley!
Hi everyone I have been busy sunning myself today hehe I'm a teacher so enjoying my 6 weeks off! OH says at least I have time off to enjoy myself and relax now I'm not pregnant, I know he means well but inside I'm like grrrrrr I should have been having my 12 week scan and going back to school in September and announcing to everyone and rubbing my tummy and all this stuff he doesn't even think of! Sorry rant over! To give myself something to focus on I have embarked on a diet, lost 12lbs so far, my BMi is over 30 so I'm not giving the doctors an excuse to blame my miscarriage on, I'm getting it in the healthy bracket hopefully! (or get a BFP before I reach it fingers crossed!)
TMI alert!! I had a tiny bit of light brown stringy stuff when I wiped today, just the once and not since, never seen this before in my life, the body does some strange things after miscarriage what could this be?? I was hoping it was my AF but doesn't look like it!
Hi Mrs S sorry for ur loss :hugs: I started having sex again as soon as the bleeding stopped which was after 4 days for me, I had never charted or used opk's before but I am definitely not going to use protection when I so desperately want to be pregnant that's a bit silly, so I suppose I'm NTNP, I used opk's for the first time this cycle but have run out now so I'm waiting for AF and bd'ing every other night till then just incase, if I don't get a BFP I will start charting, I think the body does what it does,if your ready to be pregnant you will be, it's just emotionally are you ready, I knew straight away I wanted to be with my OH again and to feel close to him, I suppose we are just enjoying doing it right now haha
flapjack10 - we tried charting at the begining but didnt work for me as i have such an eratic body temp drs told me to give up on charting lol.
so we just tried the natural way of bd'ing all the time and trying to enjoy the practice .
then about 5 months ago decided to to start using the clearblue fertility monitor so it would us the more specific time of the month that was important.
any way gave up with them after three months and kind of gave up on myself and tried to put the whole trying situation to the back of my head for a few months and low and behold that was when we got our BFP even if it was short lived.

but we are trying to look on the postives of everything and they are that we now know that i can actually get pregnant and that when we had the scan to confirm the m/c although heart breaking i also revealed thst my pcos seem to have all but gone.

thankyou ladies for all your support x x
I had a similar experience in that when I forgot about it I got a BFP. I was taking cerazette the mini pill for 2 years and when I came off it my cycles were all over the place and I was getting a period every 7-8 weeks, I ttc for a year with no luck so went back to the doctors who said oh just wait to see if your cycles return to normal, not helpful! Or go back on a different birth control pill to help regulate my cycles, I did that for 3 months and because I knew I couldn't get pregnant I completely relaxed, after 3 months when the pills ran out I just stopped and when my period came I was happy cus I thought oh my cycles have regulated, next month BFP and I was so shocked! But how do we relax now?? Lol I know I'm even worse now! And I understand if you have been trying for even longer it feels like you need to be pregnant NOW!! But apparently you are more fertile after a miscarriage so let's get our men to the bedroom!! Xx
Oh and good news about the pcos, I didn't know it could go away? So that's brilliant maybe that means it will be much easier to conceive now x
I also didn't known pcos could go away.

Flapjack - are you still being strong? Tomorrow is testing day isn't it?

Emmy - OHs can be useless mine has no clue sometimes!

AFM - POAS this morning - last OPK and negative. 3 dpo it is then! Still weighing up buying another pack as although I know I shouldn't try and read the lines I am noticing the test line getting darker... I am aware I am a bit crazy.
Oop lot to catch up on!

Still being strong - testing day is tomorrow! :happydance: Last night, I had mild cramps and lower backache, so think AF is on her merry way!

Storm - I don't think you're crazy (but I am crazy) if you're noticing the lines getting darker then maybe you should buy some more - just in case?

Love to you all!

Thanks hun! I've got so much positive stuff going on to distract me - if it's not a BFP I won't be distraught. I do think we didn't BD enough or at the right time either, so we'll see. Of course, I would be disappointed if it was a BFN, but I'm determined to stay positive.


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