Hi everyone I have been busy sunning myself today hehe I'm a teacher so enjoying my 6 weeks off! OH says at least I have time off to enjoy myself and relax now I'm not pregnant, I know he means well but inside I'm like grrrrrr I should have been having my 12 week scan and going back to school in September and announcing to everyone and rubbing my tummy and all this stuff he doesn't even think of! Sorry rant over! To give myself something to focus on I have embarked on a diet, lost 12lbs so far, my BMi is over 30 so I'm not giving the doctors an excuse to blame my miscarriage on, I'm getting it in the healthy bracket hopefully! (or get a BFP before I reach it fingers crossed!)
TMI alert!! I had a tiny bit of light brown stringy stuff when I wiped today, just the once and not since, never seen this before in my life, the body does some strange things after miscarriage what could this be?? I was hoping it was my AF but doesn't look like it!
Hi Mrs S sorry for ur loss

I started having sex again as soon as the bleeding stopped which was after 4 days for me, I had never charted or used opk's before but I am definitely not going to use protection when I so desperately want to be pregnant that's a bit silly, so I suppose I'm NTNP, I used opk's for the first time this cycle but have run out now so I'm waiting for AF and bd'ing every other night till then just incase, if I don't get a BFP I will start charting, I think the body does what it does,if your ready to be pregnant you will be, it's just emotionally are you ready, I knew straight away I wanted to be with my OH again and to feel close to him, I suppose we are just enjoying doing it right now haha