Trying preseed this time!

LOL! Still not working, you have to sign in with a google account???

Have you tried using photobucket? That's what I use and it seems to work.
Okay we go? lol this picture has last night and today at 11 am and 11 pm. Tonights I don't think as as dark as the rest. If....the picture works. Ugh.

What do you think?
It worked!! I definitely think those are positive... All but the last one from the second link. That's what my positives always looked like... My test line was never darker than the control line, they were always the same color.
So how is everyone doing!? All you newbies, where are you at in your cycle?

Mrs326 how are ya feeling? Any nausea?

Hope- are you still getting smiley faces?
Today is day 3 of positive OPK's for me. Do you guys count your DPO from the first Positive or the last positive Opk?- I haven't really had many symtoms- so I'm hoping I actually am ovulating.

I want to hear from all of you on how you are doing :)
Hope everyone has a fabulous day!
Hey!! I would count ovulation as the last day of a positive OPK considering you surge up to ovulation... Hope you guys got in lots of BD'ing!! :)

I feel great! No nausea, yet. The only thing that is really noticeable are the cramps and sore bb's! Every morning I taste metal/blood in my mouth but it usually goes away after I eat breakfast and my sense of smell is starting to rev up... that was actually one of my first clues. I just noticed today that I've been to the restroom 4 times already (it's only 2pm), and I normally don't go that often. I thought it would take a while to start peeing more frequently?? Maybe I just had a lot more water than usual... Our appointment is in 2 weeks... imagine the worst tww and multiply it by 100! I am so anxious I can hardly stand it, but I know it's better to wait so we can see all the things we need to see on the scan (heart, sac, etc.)

How are you doing? Are you officially in your TWW now?? :)
Hi guys, do you mind if I join? I have been keeping my eye on the forums for a while but I didn't join because everyone keeps saying how you need to not get stressed with ttc...well 11 months down the line I've had enough, so I have joined the site, got myself some OPK's and some preseed!! Think I may just have got a positive (or very close to a positive) on the OPK's today... CD 23.

Congrats Mrs.326 and everyone who has got their BFP's and good luck to everyone still waiting!

ps. (how do you put smily faces etc in messages??)
Mrs. 326 - those are the exact same symptoms I had the first time around. The sore boobs and the peeing was out of control for me. And I usually don't drink much water so where that pee was coming from I don't know lool.

Mrs. Kibler, I tested originally yesterday at 9am and again last night at 11pm and still smiley and this morning around 8 and still smiley. That was my last stick and I don't want to go and buy a brand new pack. When I remove the stick from the reader, I can see the blue 2 lines. Last night they were both dark and today's, one was lighter so I'm sure my surge is on it's way down.

Do you ladies think it's safe to go in on Wed for my day21 tests or Thursday?
Hi guys, do you mind if I join? I have been keeping my eye on the forums for a while but I didn't join because everyone keeps saying how you need to not get stressed with ttc...well 11 months down the line I've had enough, so I have joined the site, got myself some OPK's and some preseed!! Think I may just have got a positive (or very close to a positive) on the OPK's today... CD 23.

Congrats Mrs.326 and everyone who has got their BFP's and good luck to everyone still waiting!

ps. (how do you put smily faces etc in messages??)

Welcome Mrs B & thank you! :) The smilies can be added by clicking on the icon to the right of the text box, or you can simply type : ) (but together, without any spaces). There are a lot of cute smiley faces, and once you learn the lingo you can add them by typing what you want with ":" before and after the word(s)... like if you wanted a happy dance icon you would type ": happy dance :" (again, all together without spaces... it looks like this: :happydance:)

Hope that helps!

Mrs. 326 - those are the exact same symptoms I had the first time around. The sore boobs and the peeing was out of control for me. And I usually don't drink much water so where that pee was coming from I don't know lool.

Mrs. Kibler, I tested originally yesterday at 9am and again last night at 11pm and still smiley and this morning around 8 and still smiley. That was my last stick and I don't want to go and buy a brand new pack. When I remove the stick from the reader, I can see the blue 2 lines. Last night they were both dark and today's, one was lighter so I'm sure my surge is on it's way down.

Do you ladies think it's safe to go in on Wed for my day21 tests or Thursday?

If it was lighter today I'd say you'd be good to go in on Wednesday! :)

Hate to open old wounds, but how far along were you last time? The fear of miscarriage is in the back of my mind (as I'm sure it is with every new mom-to-be).
Mrs.326, i dont know for sure but i would guess around 4-5 weeks. My symptoms just stopped the week before my first prenatal visit which was at 6 weeks. When we went in, the doc said that he only saw a sac :( It was verrrry difficult and even now that we have been trying all these months since, in the back of my mind i cant help but be scared again. Then i get mad at myself to stop thinking this way because i will only make it worse by bringing stress to myself.

Dont let fear take over you. Just be positive and enjoy the 9 months!!! Fear is a very powerful thing so you cant let it win :)
Welcome Mrs B! Happy BD'ing to you :) :dance:

Hope- I think you should be fine to go in Wednesday! :)

Tonight my OPK was a little lighter than the last few days so I think my surge is over. I didn't check my cervix yesterday- I haven't really felt much different other than it being a pinch softer than the rest of my cycle. idk how much it usually changes- this is the first month I've been keeping an eye on it. So I think I can put myself into an official TWW! .....Can't wait.

Do you guys usually continue BD'ing everyother day till the end of your cycle? Or do you slow down a bit?.
Welcome Mrs B! Happy BD'ing to you :) :dance:

Hope- I think you should be fine to go in Wednesday! :)

Tonight my OPK was a little lighter than the last few days so I think my surge is over. I didn't check my cervix yesterday- I haven't really felt much different other than it being a pinch softer than the rest of my cycle. idk how much it usually changes- this is the first month I've been keeping an eye on it. So I think I can put myself into an official TWW! .....Can't wait.

Do you guys usually continue BD'ing everyother day till the end of your cycle? Or do you slow down a bit?.

Tomorrow will be my "official" tww at 1dpo :happydance: assuming that I ovulated tonight. I plan on dtd all through the weekend just to be safe. It's getting tiring already :blush: then I will probably go back to every other night starting next week. I really hope this is the month for us :hugs:
Mrs.326, i dont know for sure but i would guess around 4-5 weeks. My symptoms just stopped the week before my first prenatal visit which was at 6 weeks. When we went in, the doc said that he only saw a sac :( It was verrrry difficult and even now that we have been trying all these months since, in the back of my mind i cant help but be scared again. Then i get mad at myself to stop thinking this way because i will only make it worse by bringing stress to myself.

Dont let fear take over you. Just be positive and enjoy the 9 months!!! Fear is a very powerful thing so you cant let it win :)

That's just the thing - I'm worried I'm too positive, if that makes sense. I've read some things about miscarriages, and of course it worries me, but at the same time in my heart I feel like this is a perfectly healthy pregnancy and I won't have any issues... but I also don't want to be blindsided, so I'm trying to educate myself for any warning signs. Thank you for sharing! Again, so sorry for your loss and I appreciate you opening up.
You can never be too positive hun and if you feel that everything is alright, then it is :)

Luckily only my husband and sister knew about me being pregnant and then the loss of course, so i didnt have to deal with talking about it with tons of people. I had my time to grieve and shut down, but now, with time i feel i became stronger and I dont mind talking about it so please feel free to ask any questions. :)

My husband always says "what doesnt kill us, only makes us stronger." i live by those words now! :)
You can never be too positive hun and if you feel that everything is alright, then it is :)

Luckily only my husband and sister knew about me being pregnant and then the loss of course, so i didnt have to deal with talking about it with tons of people. I had my time to grieve and shut down, but now, with time i feel i became stronger and I dont mind talking about it so please feel free to ask any questions. :)

My husband always says "what doesnt kill us, only makes us stronger." i live by those words now! :)

Thanks! And I've already blown it on the not telling people part... It's just too much excitement to hold in! We told DH's parents last night - my mother-in-law likes to sew and so anytime we have pants that need to be hemed/tears in our clothes/etc. she mends them for us, so DH told her last night he had a pair of paints he needed her to stitch up... He asked her to check the pockets before she started working on them to make sure he hadn't left any notes or receipts in his pants and inside his pocket was a note that said "You're going to be a Grandmother!"... she read it out loud and her first question was "who is this for???" Hahaha! They were completely clueless. DH and I just laughed at them until they got it.

I can't wait until you guys have exciting "how did you tell them" stories :) Speaking of - how are you guys feeling?? :):)
You can never be too positive hun and if you feel that everything is alright, then it is :)

Luckily only my husband and sister knew about me being pregnant and then the loss of course, so i didnt have to deal with talking about it with tons of people. I had my time to grieve and shut down, but now, with time i feel i became stronger and I dont mind talking about it so please feel free to ask any questions. :)

My husband always says "what doesnt kill us, only makes us stronger." i live by those words now! :)

Thanks! And I've already blown it on the not telling people part... It's just too much excitement to hold in! We told DH's parents last night - my mother-in-law likes to sew and so anytime we have pants that need to be hemed/tears in our clothes/etc. she mends them for us, so DH told her last night he had a pair of paints he needed her to stitch up... He asked her to check the pockets before she started working on them to make sure he hadn't left any notes or receipts in his pants and inside his pocket was a note that said "You're going to be a Grandmother!"... she read it out loud and her first question was "who is this for???" Hahaha! They were completely clueless. DH and I just laughed at them until they got it.

I can't wait until you guys have exciting "how did you tell them" stories :) Speaking of - how are you guys feeling?? :):)

What a cute way of telling them! Nice and personal.

I think I'm starting my tww today. Yesterday my
Opk was still very dark, this mornings was light for sure. I feel fine. No symptoms. Just very exciting. My dh is do cute I keep getting texts from him every day, ” so are you like still ovulating? Should we do it tonight?” He likes to be so informed on everything! :) pretty sure the conversations we have are not normal. Lol.
Awe! Thats so sweet that he is so into it :) And I don't think any TTC conversations are normal! Haha!! :) A lot of really personal "I never thought I'd talk to anyone about this" kind of topics ate brought up on a regular basis. LOL
Mrs.326 - OMG that was such a creative way to tell your in-laws!!! I always think to myself how I would want to tell my parents and in-laws, but then I stop myself because I don't want to get ahead of myself again, lol. I always thought initially I would surprise my husband as well in a cute way, but when we were testing the first time around, he begged me that anytime i would poas, that he would be right there with me, lol. Of course the ONE time I decided to test before he woke up in the morning, was the time I got my i had to literally shake him out of bed, haha! Wow, that was 9 months ago....I just had a nostalgic moment, lol. Crazy thing is, I would have been due any day now...literally. That's insane how fast time flies when all you think is ttc; I don't remember anything else in the past nine months.

MrsKibler - Totally hear you on the convo part. We even made up like code words we use so if people happen to hear or be around, they won't know what we are talking about....especially when he wants to know if we are bding tonight or at what time, bla bla lol. I am 2po and i just have af like cramps which i never do this early, sore/erect nipples and feel extremely gassy. I'm trying to stay calm and not over think until I get my bloods done and back next week to see if I even ovulated stronger.

TWW is torture!!!! :(
Mrs.326 - OMG that was such a creative way to tell your in-laws!!! I always think to myself how I would want to tell my parents and in-laws, but then I stop myself because I don't want to get ahead of myself again, lol. I always thought initially I would surprise my husband as well in a cute way, but when we were testing the first time around, he begged me that anytime i would poas, that he would be right there with me, lol. Of course the ONE time I decided to test before he woke up in the morning, was the time I got my i had to literally shake him out of bed, haha! Wow, that was 9 months ago....I just had a nostalgic moment, lol. Crazy thing is, I would have been due any day now...literally. That's insane how fast time flies when all you think is ttc; I don't remember anything else in the past nine months.

MrsKibler - Totally hear you on the convo part. We even made up like code words we use so if people happen to hear or be around, they won't know what we are talking about....especially when he wants to know if we are bding tonight or at what time, bla bla lol. I am 2po and i just have af like cramps which i never do this early, sore/erect nipples and feel extremely gassy. I'm trying to stay calm and not over think until I get my bloods done and back next week to see if I even ovulated stronger.

TWW is torture!!!! :(

Just a quick update- Been having my usual cyst pains as I do at this time in my cycle- so idk if that means I didn't ovulate or it could be another egg causing the cyst. I've been VERY bloated last 2 days, and gassy too. Don't think this is our month but who knows :)

I hope every one is feeling fabulous and had a great Monday!!! :)

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