Trying preseed this time!

Hope - sorry AF got you :( Hope you're feeling better soon!

MrsK - Excellent news that the cysts have gone!!

Mrs.326 - How are you getting on?
All is fine & dandy over here. All of our nursery furniture will be in this weekend so I'm excited to get the majority of it finished. The cramps have come back though... Ah, the joys of stretching and growing :)

Best of luck to you all!! Here's hoping in the next 24 weeks, you'll all be experiencing these growing pains, too!
Furniture shopping is the best! How exciting! I cant wait until i can decorate our little ones nursery. So i went in to see my RE today. He gave me clomid 50mg (same as i was taking before) except i take it days 5-9 instead of 3-7. He did an us and everthing looked good. He couldnt see my tubes which actually is a good thing so im a little bit more hopeful for this month! Going back next thurs for an us again to see when we schedule the iui. :)
YAY for getting an IUI date :) I'm really hopeful for you as well!

When we get the nursery all put together I'll post pictures ;)
Hello all, Sorry i've not been on here for a while - I've been on holiday for 2 weeks.

I see that a lot has happened recently. Hope you're all ok? Even though we're all struggeling with this, everyone is so kind and strong for each other. I don't know where you all find your strength from, even me sometimes, I can't believe I'm still living a normal life with everything that goes on with TTC.

Quick update, I'm not pregnant, suprise, ha! I'm due to Ovulate this week - supposedly, still not sure if I even do with the low progesterone :( Gonna BD everyday this week, we've not tried that yet! With both our issues it's probably not going to work but, we'll see.

We have our first appointment with a fertility specialist tomorrow, so I'm nervous/excited and pray that we get some answers and GOOD NEWS for once.

Wish me luck guys.

Hope you're all ok, I think about you all loads. I don't discuss TTC with anyone but my OH so you lot are my savour so thank you x
Mrs 326 - can't wait to see the pics of your nursery furniture!! Sounds like your little boy is having a lot of fun growing and stretching :D

Hope - Yay for Clomid and the iui scheduling!

Kzee - good to have you back - did you have a good holiday? FX for you this cycle! And good luck with the fertility specialist tomorrow - let us know how that goes!! xx
Hi ladies, well, I had my appointment with the fertility specialist today and without being to optimistic (which is pretty hard) it went really well! I think, I hope!

So firstly, the Dr we saw was lovely and for once I felt like I was talking to someone who actually knew what they were on about! No offence to GP’s as obviously they don’t specialise in fertility but my God, mine was ridiculous and fobbed me off so much and actually, sometimes worried me more than I probably needed to! The specialist just seemed really happy to help, just told us the facts and didn’t sugar coat it or was patronising in anyway.

So basically, she went through my previous blood results and said that they were all normal, INCLUDING my progesterone, which I had to have repeated and have both come back slightly low (27 and 28.5 and supposedly it needs to be way above 30 to confirm ovulation). She said that my results, combined with regular periods suggest everything is fine. She even said that normal progesterone level has now been lowered to 20 in the UK. So now I don’t feel so worried/obsessed about even ovulating and feeling that BDing isn’t even worth it!

My OH’s sperm count is low, but she also said that it’s perfectly possible to fall pregnant naturally (assuming there are no other underlying problems that we are yet to know about)! That was great to hear, as we just didn’t have a clue how good/bad the results are, only my GP trying to get rid of us by telling us we’re fine but I couldn't help not really trusting his knowledge (he hadn't even sent our info to the referral specialist!). Also googling just scared me even more!

So even though she said that it could still happen naturally for us, because it hasn’t so far, we need to do more tests. I’m slightly behind most of you on here so the next steps are further sperm test and blood tests within the next 2 weeks and then onto the HSG, eeeek! That might have to wait slightly longer as the FS is going on holiday; got a lot of paper work to look through and then hopefully we can schedule everything in ASAP. Even though I’m really scared of more tests, or should I say I’m scared of the results.

One other thing she told us, was that the area in which we live in, providing we qualify, is good for IVF treatment should we need it. Apparently (hopefully) we could get 3 rounds on IVF on the NHS if our problems prove to be worse than anticipated. So I guess that’s good to know!

So feeling good about things, a bit scared and nervous about what’s to come but at least I feel a little better about the fact that initially our SA and bloods suggested that we BOTH have issues and now it MAY just be the low sperm count and not ovulation problems, fingers crossed. Feels like my worries have been halved – but with a little added new worries, but overall, I feel less in the dark, thank god! So for now, we keep trying!!

Sorry for the looooooooooooong story! How’s everyone else? Hope you’re all in good spirits despite all of our individual upsets. Take it easy and hope to hear from you all soon xx
Kzee - that's a great update! Sounds very hopeful and I'm so glad you were able to find a doctor that puts your worries at ease instead of creating more issues for you to stress about. Keep us posted throughout the process :)
So I ovulated today, went to fertility Dr for post coital test... & I am bummed to find out today that my Dr wants to do a lap. He said we can try insemination first but if the endometriosis he thinks I have, is bad it will be a waste, plus my deductable starts over soon... My fertility Dr thinks I lose too much sperm and on my post coital test he saw none... Has anyone had this test as well?
Sorry I've been MIA this baby stuff has me struggling!!!
mrswemyss - I don't have any advice for you as I've never had that test. I just wanted to send along some hugs :hugs: Keep us posted on what you and your OH decide to do.
Hi ladies, how is everyone coming along? I have been off the boards for a while, trying to take a more relaxed approach. My iui last month never happened. Long story short, my bloodwork came back showing I had hep c which is no way possible, so my RE sent me to a specialist and he redid all bloodwork and did liver ultrasound and everything came back normal. Because I had already taken the clomid in prep for iui, my dh and I decided to try naturally to not "waste" a clomid cycle. In the past clomid gave me 31 day cycles and today I am on cd32 and no sign of af. I tested Monday but bfn. I don't know when I ovulated because I didn't track anything. It felt amazing not being so "crazed" over ovulation sticks and bding on certain days, etc. This month was really calm, no symptom spotting, no website now I'm still waiting, if no af by Friday, I will test again.

Mrs.326, how are u doing? How is the nursery coming along? My business partner is also doing her nursery for her baby girl. It's tough to hear her talk about it but I have learned to not take everything in so much and leave it up to God. This will happen on his time! How is everyone else...I miss you gals! :hugs:
GL everyone! I'm not in my fertile window yet, but DH and I are using both preseed and soft cups. I hope the combination gets us our BFP!
Hi Hope! Good to hear from you, we've been so quiet on this board lately! I'm sorry to hear about the issues you had with the bloodwork, but glad it's all worked out now and everything is okay! FX'd this cycle of clomid works :)

The nursery is coming along! It's painted, all of the furniture is in, now we just have to hang the shelves and that's it! We're definitely in the home stretch! I can't believe in 84 days (give or take) I will be holding this baby boy in my arms! It's been such an easy pregnancy for the most part. I think about the ladies in this thread often and still keep you all in my thoughts! I know you'll be sharing your own pregnancy stories soon :)
It's so great to hear the pregnancy was easy....I'm sure delivery will be just as easy for you :) can't wait to see pics of your little one when he arrives. It feels like yesterday when you announced your bfp! Crazy how fast time flies.

Another thing I forgot to mention in my previous post is that I finally told my mom everything! I don't know if you all remember but dh and I hadn't told anyone we were ttc and the mc and everything in the last year. I finally told my mom as the stress of keeping it from her was becoming too much. I am so glad she knows now and I can talk to her....after all she is my mom and moms know best right, lol. Dh recently told his mom also so she can stop throwing comments around about "I can't wait to be a granma, bla bla" lol. So ya, that's been my month of august, lol. Let's see what sept holds! :)
Oh, I so hope you're right about delivery! That is the one thing I have dreams about over and over again... last night I had a dream I went into early labor and had not packed a bag yet... somehow DH and I got seperated at the hospital and he couldn't find my room and I refused to push without him. :haha: My dreams are always around the labor and it's a different experience every time... I also dream a lot that the baby turns out to be a girl and we name her Alexandria. I have no idea where that name came from... it wasn't even on our list for girl names, but it's the name that keeps coming up in my dreams. So wierd!

I'm sure the stress of keeping in everything you've gone through in the last year was a lot to carry by yourself. So glad you were able to open up to your mom! I know when I finally told mine (she didn't know when we were TTC either) she was so upset I hadn't shared anything with her and wishes she had been there for me throughout the trials. I'm sure it will make TTC much easier now that you have an extra shoulder to lean on if you need it. Please keep us posted if you test again! My fingers are super duper crossed!
It's so great to hear the pregnancy was easy....I'm sure delivery will be just as easy for you :) can't wait to see pics of your little one when he arrives. It feels like yesterday when you announced your bfp! Crazy how fast time flies.

Another thing I forgot to mention in my previous post is that I finally told my mom everything! I don't know if you all remember but dh and I hadn't told anyone we were ttc and the mc and everything in the last year. I finally told my mom as the stress of keeping it from her was becoming too much. I am so glad she knows now and I can talk to her....after all she is my mom and moms know best right, lol. Dh recently told his mom also so she can stop throwing comments around about "I can't wait to be a granma, bla bla" lol. So ya, that's been my month of august, lol. Let's see what sept holds! :)

I know what you mean. My mom wants a grandson SO BAD and my husband and I have been TTC for over 2 years with no luck. Since we found out he has low sperms count, we are doing insemination with a donor :spermy::spermy::spermy: so I can't tell her yet what is going on. I am glad you got to share with your Mother :thumbup:
DH and I are using preseed this cycle. Got a positive OPK this morning so we'll bd today and tomorrow using preseed. Please say a little prayer that it works this time! TIA & baby dust to all!!

prayers for you and thanks for the tip on that preseed. i'll use that with our donor because i am pretty darn nervous about having someone besides my husband :spermy::spermy::spermy:

Update on showed her nasty face yesterday. Looks like taking clomid days 5-9 delayed my ovulation to day 21 of my cycle. Previously taking clomid days 3-7, I would get my smiley on the digi on cd 16-17. Looks like I will be calling my RE tomorrow to start the IUI this month. Praying to GOD that this works. It will be the most amazing birthday gift for DH and also our 4 year anniversary if we get a BFP!!!!

Hope everyone is enjoying there weekend and is doing well!!!
:( So sorry, Hope! FX'd the IUI works and you get an awesome anniversary present this year :)

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