My husband (34yrs) and I (33yrs) have been TTC for about a year now. I tracked symptoms and temps like a mad woman at the beginning, but had to stop because it became overwhelming. I had a loss in my family and had a super stressful past year (moving states, buying first house, wedding, horrible job, car accident, gained 30 lbs). My doctor and I discovered that I had a few anovulatory cycles due to bouts of depression from my brother passing away and all of the stress noted above.
Fast forward and my grieving process has become more tolerable, we've moved and are more settled, the wedding is over and I took a month off from working because I am starting a new job in a week. I feel like I am in a better position now to full force TTC. I am going to track temps again, symptoms and take Ovulation tests. I am also going to schedule that 3 day after AF test with my doctor. She feels that I will have no problem getting pregnant because my cycles are 29 days exactly every cycle for years (except those anovulatory cycles last year), but honestly I DON'T BUY IT!! We've been BD every month during the times when I am ovulating and NOTHING is happening. Not one sore BB, not one symptom and I am PISSED. My husband and I are frustrated. I often think that I will never get pregnant and I'll never feel what it is like to be a mother. I am SUPER FRUSTRATED.
Does anyone have any advice? What worked for you? Did you eat certain things, consistently exercise, drink more fluids, cut anything out?