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TTC #1 clomid and Ovidrel

No sign of af as of yet... if I'm correct (and my re agreed with me) on when I ovulated then today is 14 dpo... some minor cramps but technically I've had them on and off... mostly on... since I took the shot.

So as long as she stays away then I can go tomorrow or fri for blood test... not sure what I'm gonna do. My problem is this... I have to get my neice up every morning, give her breakfast, get her ready and take her to daycare... it just depends how well she cooperated in the am...

Ohhh I soooooo hope I get a bfp

Hi girl
why dont you just test? do you have any? i have a stack of wondfo's that i ordered from amazon. SO much cheaper then buying at store. 14dpo is pretty good girl! YAY! Im so hopeful for you! both of you!
we are all going to be pregnant together!!!!!!!!! :happydance:
Monday beta was 15...doc said chances of twins was REALLY high since I had 2 mature follicles and triggered them... Ill have an idea Friday hen they check my blood again.

DH wants twins... I think for our first baby I would prefer just 1 to start... But will take whatever I can get! eek!

It still doesn't feel real.... I'm going to have a baby.

Just know, that your beta could still be WICKED high on friday and it could still be just one little baby. there is really no way to tell for certain until you get that US and see how many little beans are in there. SO EXCITED FOR YOU!
OMG. you dont even know.
Yup, you are going to have a baby! OMG!
Yayy just about done with clomid!!

Friday I should find out when my first scan is.... I'm thinking right around Halloween.... I hope so bc I can't wait to see my little nugget!
DH started calling me mama bear last night and talking about our baby bear... Too cute!
Yayy just about done with clomid!!

Friday I should find out when my first scan is.... I'm thinking right around Halloween.... I hope so bc I can't wait to see my little nugget!
DH started calling me mama bear last night and talking about our baby bear... Too cute!

Thats awesome! and just so freaking exciting! I think its great you are both getting so excited. i would be. I can't wait to be there again, just keep thinking positive happy thoughts girl! you are going to be a MOTHER!
I'm gonna be a mommy to a human being....the ultimate responsibility! eek!!

I'm starving!! I never usually eat until 1-2 and I've been hungry EARLY lately... My nugget is already hungry haha!
yes you need to change those habits lady! with a little one, you need to try to eat something every 3-4 hours at least, even if its something small! YAY BABY IS GROWING!
how are you guys doing? im surprised you aren't more chatty. what is going on blucky? are you freaking out????
I havnt had the energy to freak out grace! all I have felt like doing is sleeping, and eating. I swear I always feel hungry!! and tired!! Oh, and I am peeing a lot already... I didnt realize the frequent urination started so early on.

im eating now, then headed to the grocery store so I can stock the house bc we are on E!! we hate grocery shopping haha

How are yall?
I was wanting to know if anyone has any success stories. This is my second month on clomid and ovidrel and timed intercourse. The first month I did 50mg of clomid and this month I did 100mg it worked both times but I just haven't gotten pregnant. :( right now I'm waiting to see if AF shows. I feeling really discouraged and I feel like it will never happen.
Hi pitbull mommy! Welcome... I took 100 mg of clomid, ovidrel and ti af was supposed to arrive yesterday... she's still a no show.

I did do a urine test at drs mon and neg, but it may have been early... if still no af I will test tomorrow.

But bluckeycharmed got her bfp on mon and she did same thing!!!

I've been told that using softcups can be helpful!
Welcome pitbull mommy, it WILL happen, have faith and think positive!

i am going to O next week so Im just catching up. hoping to do my ovidrel shot on Monday, we will see what ultrasound shows -

dope, how are you??????????????????????????????

yay blucky! feed that baby and sleep! and enjoy honey! so excited for you and im catching up!
Still no af... still holding out on testing... I will test tomorrow no matter what... just not sure I can handle another bfn...

Last night I was soooo tired, couldn't get to sleep though, was up til 3am... still so tired... gonna drive my neice to day care then come home and lounge til work

Its exciting you get to go to dr mon for a follie check! Can't wait to hear....
It's so hard to have faith. :( I want to do iui but me and my hubby don't really have the money. My insurance doesn't pay for any fertility treatments, so everything I spend is out of pocket.
My doctor told me to take a pregnancy test the 24th of this month. But that will only be 9 or 10 days since I ovulated. So would a pregnancy test even show positive that early? He also has me on progesteron pills and I'm suppose to stop taking them if I get a negative pregnancy test the 24th.
It's so hard to have faith. :( I want to do iui but me and my hubby don't really have the money. My insurance doesn't pay for any fertility treatments, so everything I spend is out of pocket.

Ughhh Im sorry about that, Its stinks how some insurances pay for 100% of everytthing and others pay 0%. thats just crazy to me.
It WILL happen :thumbup:
Still no af... still holding out on testing... I will test tomorrow no matter what... just not sure I can handle another bfn...

Last night I was soooo tired, couldn't get to sleep though, was up til 3am... still so tired... gonna drive my neice to day care then come home and lounge til work

Its exciting you get to go to dr mon for a follie check! Can't wait to hear....

OMG woman you are way stronger than me! but i hear you, getting that negative is tough so i get it. But NO AF YET! thats great! Oh im hoping this is your month! positive thoughts for a healthy little sticky bean in there!
i was very tired after I got my bfp, it was wierd to me how QUICKLY I felt pregnancy symptoms. Im praying for you girl!! xoxoxoox

and yes, can't wait til Monday, hoping I can do trigger shortly after and then its BD time. Poor hubby - he wants to bd now but I really dont want to. im just not in the mood :shrug: - he feels like i only want him for his sperm......... I think i need to give him some attention tonight :blush:
Lol!! Your too funny! Don't forget its better for sperms to be released and reproduced... you don't want them just hanging out and getting slow and lazy. ;)

Ohhh today I'm struggling, I have been researching which tests are the best and its killing me... but I wanna wait til tomorrow am... I will be 16 dpo and hopefully will get bfp.

Pitbull mommy... have you tried the softcups? I haven't personally but grace has and I think bluckycharmed used and both got bfp... they can give you more info...

Personally I think 9dpo is early... but I'm not a dr... ask why 9dpo? Most drs understand this is a sensitive subject and will explain... he may have a reason...

Today is going to be a very looooooong day!
I asked my doctor if I should use soft cups. And he said he has never seen them work. He told me a different way to keep the sperm in. You get two tampons and get them wet to where they expand, and you let them dry. Once there dry, you put them in a non medicated condom. But my problem is, is that I can't find any condoms that are non medicated, so I haven't been able to try it.
Omg my phone is not updating me on all these posts! There are so many, I'm gonna fire up the pc and respond to them all!! Haha prepare for a novel!

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