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TTC #1 clomid and Ovidrel

Grace sleep tight, hope you feel better in the morning! You might have a busy weekend! haha

Pitbull I dont think there are any vitamins you can take, but you should be taking a prenatal vitamin now if you arent already. There is some stuff online called "Fertilaid" that some women swear by, but I tried it and it didnt do anything or work for me.

Dopey, anxious to hear about your test in the morning!

Morning! I am so glad I went to bed so early, Im still feeling "off" so I think I will do the same thing again tonight. I want to be 100% for Sat and next week with all the :sex: that I have coming! I am sooooooooooo excited!
I can't wait to try again and i can't wait to test again in early november. I just hope i am able to remain calm if 1) i get a bfn and 2) if i do get a bfp and then i need to wait and make sure its "all ok" :wacko:
Okay, thank you. I will start taking parental vitamins.

Are you saying that you are NOT already taking prenatal vitamins?
IF not, i would start immediately, they suggest taking them for at least 4 weeks before you ttc to help prevent birth defects...........maybe i misunderstood that post?
Blucky, how are you feeling? what time is your appt today? is it only for a beta check! hoping for a number over 60 WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
very exciting!
Oh crap dope, I am so sorry girl. that sucks! Ughhhh, really sorry as I know you were hoping for a bfp this time. Well, and forgive me if its too soon. BUT try to just move on and focus on next cycle. So today is cd1 then? and will you do the same thing again, clomid 3-7 and ovidrel? so, you will be able to test around Nov 19th or so - right before thanksgiving! I know it sucks :nope: and I will be so devastated if I dont get a bfp either but all we can do is focus on the "next time" and think positive.....

Thinking of you :hugs:
Dopey stay positive! How long have you been ttc again? It will happen! we will be knocked up at the same time! even if it isnt the exact same due season we will overlap in some way!

I know how disheartening that BFNs can be... but to be honest AF never really upset me bc I was LUCKY if she came on her own bc I NEVER had natural cycles until after surgery... Its tough but hang in there girl :hugs:

Grace my appt was supposed to be at 11am after I got done with my mid term but we were set free after we finished so I went early... had it drawn about an hour ago... cant wait to hear my results!! Praying and hoping for good results!! If the levels are good then I will have my first ultrasound on november 5...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I CANT WAIT! We will get to see our little nugget! My DH sent me a text this am that said "I love you and the lil nugget!"....was too sweet. :cloud9:

I started taking prenatals about 3 months ago, and will continue to do so! I am doing EVERYTHING I can to have a healthy baby and pregnancy!

I will post my betas when they call me back....I work 2-close BOOO so I better get a nap in now while I can! haha!
Dope, what Blucky said is right, we WILL all get our bfp's and just because we wont have the same due date, we will still go through this together. :hugs:

Blucky, so your US will be around the same time im testing!!! YAY! so exciting!
I am so praying for you that you get good numbers today and things continue to go smoothly for you! So they said if today is good then you dont need anymore testing until Nov 5th US ? thats awesome!

how do you feel? I still have this aweful headache. I can't believe how bad it is, totally worth it if I get my little healthy bean, i will be SICK everyday from now until next summer if I have to! :thumbup:
The nurse seemed to think that if my numbers were good today that I should be fine until Nov 5. FXd for good numbers!

I feel okay... peeing alot, heart burn, and really tired. Oh, and really hungry. I will accept feeling like crap for 9 months if it means I can have a healthy baby!
Thats great! I hope your numbers are good. when are they going to call you? and thats awesome you dont need to go back til November 5th! So exciting!

thats going to be a big day for both of us girl! and you to Dope and you'll be O ing around then right?!!

so glad we are in this together and can help eachother through......:hugs:
Thanks... all together I have been ttc for 6yrs... gl with your beta #s
ahhhhhhhh thats one hour. im dieing, you must be even moreso! lmao !
its 2:35!??! :haha:

and dope, 6 yrs?? OY, well I know some of that was with previous situation right? It will happen for you girl. Are you going with the same plan? clomid/ovidrel?
Yes same plan... if it doesn't work then they will check my tubes etc... and go from there.

Yes 5 yrs with ex... bf and I ... going to re since may, but on our own about 5/6 mths prior to re...

So glad your #s look good!

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