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TTC #1 clomid and Ovidrel

I only can try this one more month because we're low on money. :( this sucks really bad.
Grace they will more than likely tell you the size of your follicles during the US... they did each time that I went in for mine. I think the best size for them to be is around 20-22mm... but mine were 17&18 and they had me trigger 12 hours later. so who knows... but I would plan on them letting you know what size they are during the appt, they just might have to call you back with your blood results.

I am beyond cranky today... my job sucks... i hate them all and its frustrating! /end rant

yup that sounds right, i think the nurse said they want them to be 18-22 or something like that, i'll find out tomorrow and i'll definitly ask during the US how big they are!! so i can come here and update you before i get the "results and instructions" and im sure you are right, they will moreso be waiting on the blood work. so excited.
sorry about your job, but try not to let it bother you, just say to yourself, " I am finally pregnant, with a healthy little bean, NOTHING is going to upset me!":thumbup:
Okay. That probably means I'm not pregnant then :(

dont give up hope just yet. I had cramps when I got my bfp. remember every woman and every pregnancy is different. so dont give up until she arrives in full force. Did you start your prenatals? do you have to pay out of pocket for clomid and ovidrel?
Im praying for you girl.................... have faith.:hugs:
just checked my notes from my last RE appt. Said they want follies to be 20-22mm.

fingers crossed!
Yes. I have to pay for all medicines and sonograms out of pocket :( my insurance only covered diagnosis.
Pitbull I know what you mean... I have paid EVERYTHING out of pocket and it has cost us a fortune.... just to get pg last month cost us about $650.

Grace they wanted my follies to be about that... but settled for them being a smidge smaller. I applied for a job at Childrens Place, where I can actually benefit from a discount. We will see if they call back, I applied online. We are fortunate enough to be in a position where I dont NEED to work... but I choose to to keep myself occupied... but I REFUSE to go to work everyday to a place that I hate, and where I feel like I get verbally assaulted by other employees. Its a pain in the @$$. Anyway, I am off to bed soon... Grace what time is your appt tomorrow? Remember, its OKAY if they arent quite big enough... mine werent the first time and I had to go back a second time before they were ready to trigger.... so if they arent quite ready DONT BE DISCOURAGED!!
Have a great night ladies! Tomorrow is Monday Funday!
Hi girls,
Sorry to butt in here. I started 50mg of clomid and had a trigger shot last friday. I fall under the category of unexplained. I usually have quiet severe ovulation pains every month but I have had nothing after the ovidrel (ovitrelle) shot on Friday. Is this normal? Thanking ye in advance:)
Hey Mossie and welcome! I typically don't ovulate on own... have pcos... I had lot of cramping and severe o pain... but bluckey didn't have any... so I believe they are both normal... when did you take the shot?
Morning everyone and welcome mossie!

So, had my US this morning, I was ready for 20mm follicle and to do my trigger tonight! But nope........she found right ovary and took a bunch of pics, then she couldn't find left ovary, she was looking around forever :shrug:
then she finally did it on the outside through my belly. She said sometimes its hard to find the ovary. So she finally found my left ovary, phew!! :wacko:

So, then I said how big are the follicles are they 20mm yet? and she said oh no, they aren't big enough to measure yet :saywhat:
I was SOOOOOOO bummed!

I mean, I KNOW that I need to be patient and I KNOW that this is the road I need to travel to get my healthy little bean, but Im just bummed out! I was really hoping to do trigger tomorrow and bd this week and then get bfp in early november ! :dohh:

but thats OK. I need to stay positive and patient!!!!!!! OMG
If it takes a little while to get things "just right" then I need to be OK with that, I want my little one to be healthy and perfect so I dont want to rush things! :nope:

but im still kinda bummed. :(

Now I wait for them to call me this afternoon, they did bloodwork today too so once the RE reviews the bloodwork and US then they will tell me what to do next -
Hey Mossie and welcome! I typically don't ovulate on own... have pcos... I had lot of cramping and severe o pain... but bluckey didn't have any... so I believe they are both normal... when did you take the shot?

I took the shot last Friday (the 19th)! it's weird because normally I have terrible pain.
thats awesome you did the shot on the 19th, so you probably O'd on 20th. So, today you are 2dpo. which means you can test in like 9 days or so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!

when do you plan to start testing? how was the shot? I can't wait to get mine!
did you have an US before they told you to take the shot?
Hi grace10209,
That is a bit of a bummer but like you said you want a healthy baby and it will be worth the wait!! Sometimes I feel like the only person going through this. TG for these forums. I don't feel so alone anymore.
thats awesome you did the shot on the 19th, so you probably O'd on 20th. So, today you are 2dpo. which means you can test in like 9 days or so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!

when do you plan to start testing? how was the shot? I can't wait to get mine!
did you have an US before they told you to take the shot?

I haven't planned on testing at all!!!!! I am too chicken... The shot was fine no pain what so ever!! Didn't even feel a pinch. For some reason I am convinced I didn't ovulate because of the lack of the usual pain. Having said that all those months when I do ovulate and have a bad pain I get a BFN!! I had an ultrasound on wednesday two days before the shot. I only had one follicle at 12mm.
thats awesome you did the shot on the 19th, so you probably O'd on 20th. So, today you are 2dpo. which means you can test in like 9 days or so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!

when do you plan to start testing? how was the shot? I can't wait to get mine!
did you have an US before they told you to take the shot?

I haven't planned on testing at all!!!!! I am too chicken... The shot was fine no pain what so ever!! Didn't even feel a pinch. For some reason I am convinced I didn't ovulate because of the lack of the usual pain. Having said that all those months when I do ovulate and have a bad pain I get a BFN!! I had an ultrasound on wednesday two days before the shot. I only had one follicle at 12mm.

Wow,. ok so one follicle at 12mm and they still told you to do the shot on friday huh? thats interesting and gives me hope! so maybe they will have me go back this wednesday and hopefully they will be 12mm and then they will have ME do my shot on friday. oh I hope. It was funny, for a while there I didn't even think she was going to be able to find my left ovary! I was like what the heck, where is it? LOL
Yes i hear you on feeling alone, but these threads help tremedously - especially this one as we are all going through the exact same thing, clomid. ovidrel, testing. etc !!
Wow,. ok so one follicle at 12mm and they still told you to do the shot on friday huh? thats interesting and gives me hope! so maybe they will have me go back this wednesday and hopefully they will be 12mm and then they will have ME do my shot on friday. oh I hope. It was funny, for a while there I didn't even think she was going to be able to find my left ovary! I was like what the heck, where is it? LOL
Yes i hear you on feeling alone, but these threads help tremedously - especially this one as we are all going through the exact same thing, clomid. ovidrel, testing. etc !![/QUOTE]

Well I am in Ireland the docs here might be a bit backwards;) 12mm is quite small but she seemed happy enough to do the trigger shot on Friday. TG she found the left ovary! LOL!
Wow,. ok so one follicle at 12mm and they still told you to do the shot on friday huh? thats interesting and gives me hope! so maybe they will have me go back this wednesday and hopefully they will be 12mm and then they will have ME do my shot on friday. oh I hope. It was funny, for a while there I didn't even think she was going to be able to find my left ovary! I was like what the heck, where is it? LOL
Yes i hear you on feeling alone, but these threads help tremedously - especially this one as we are all going through the exact same thing, clomid. ovidrel, testing. etc !!

Well I am in Ireland the docs here might be a bit backwards;) 12mm is quite small but she seemed happy enough to do the trigger shot on Friday. TG she found the left ovary! LOL![/QUOTE]

ya it was wierd! she was looking around for a while, inside and then decided to try outside???!??!! :saywhat: I was starting to think maybe I only had one ovary :wacko::haha:
Moss I never have O pain so I'm afraid I'm no help.... But maybe the trigger just made it easier for your body and if you didn't have to work as hard to O maybe you didn't feel it? I dunno just a guess...

And grace what did I tell you about it being early?? It took 2 u/s before mine were ready so BE PATIENT it will happen!!

I took my hubby to the airport this am bc he's in TX all week for work... Booo but its his last week of training so that's a positive at least!
So Mossie, what did they tell you to do next? just call them once you get BFP or AF????
I am a crazy person and I would probably start testing on 9dpo. I bought a ton of wondfos from amazon and I like torturing myself :haha:

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