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TTC #1 clomid and Ovidrel

iPod at my signature when it says only 247 days to go and this DAMN this is gonna be a LONG 247 days!! I can't wait til I start showing and can feel the baby move!!

that will be awesome blucky!!! soon enough girl!
blucky, how are you feeling? are you going back to the dr on friday or waiting til nov 5th?
So RE just called. They want me to go back in on Wednesday at 7am for bloodwork and ultrasound. They said I had a few follicles on right ovary but they were small so they are hoping for a better response by Wed.
Wow... I missed a lot this am... lol

Mossie... I went to Ireland in 2005... stopped in Limerick City on way to Kilfinane... we had lunch and walked around a bit...

I'm surprised they had you trigger so early, typically they want follie to be at least 18mm prior to trigger...
Ovulation can be 24-36... well as late as 40 hrs after... you may have ovulated during night and didn't feel. I'm glad they are doing a progesterone test that will verify ovulation.

Grace... stay stong! I had to go back a couple times as well before trigger...
I actually didn't go yesterday, I don't like driving in city alone and bf had to work, so went this am... I start clomid tonight... I go back next mon for 1st follie ck...

Bluckey-congrats and it will be here before you know it!!
thanks dope. gotta stay strong. So glad we have eachother, all of us, for support.

what size were your follies everyone when they gave you the "ok" to trigger?

wondering if im going to need to go back again on friday? :shrug:
guess there is no way to know until wednesdays results.
Mine were 17 & 18... but waited 1 day then did trigger so ther were approx... 19 & 20... I order softcups from online so I'm gonna try them this time... hopefully they will work!
Mine had too be 18mm or bigger. Last time I had one 21mm and one 17mm and one 14mm I had to wait until the next day to do the ovidrel so the 17mm could catch up
Grace I feel a little better today than I normally do... craving fried foods and hot sauce... which I normally RARELY eat! I always seem to be hungry, then I eat (sometimes very little) and then feel really full and uncomfortable!

Dopey I used soft cups and I definitely think that they helped me!

Grace I dont think that I am going to the doc until the ultrasound...as long as I keep feeling good/decent then I will wait until November 5....although the wait will be brutal!!

Theres a link to the journal I started...hope you girls decide to check it out!
Mine were 17 & 18... but waited 1 day then did trigger so ther were approx... 19 & 20... I order softcups from online so I'm gonna try them this time... hopefully they will work!

Great idea dope, I put butt under pillow for 15-20 min and then put softcup in right before im going to get up. I TRY to not go pee for at least 30 min or so and I leave the softcup in for a few hrs!
Thanks for the info on how big your follies were. Here's hoping mine are decent by Wednesday but not sure if they will grow that much in 48 hrs? im probably going to have to go back again Friday morning, which is fine!

good luck to you pitbull mommy, when are you testing?????????? or are you waiting til you go to dr? how many dpo are you?
Thank you. :) I am testing Wednesday. If it was up to me I wouldn't test unless I missed a period because I hate taking pregnancy tests. But I have to take one Wednesday and if its negative I have to stop taking my progesterone pill. And I am 9 or 10 days dpo. I don't even feel pregnant so I doubt I am. I have been having period like cramps so AF will probably show soon. Even though AF isn't suppose to show until the 30th.
Wow... I missed a lot this am... lol

Mossie... I went to Ireland in 2005... stopped in Limerick City on way to Kilfinane... we had lunch and walked around a bit...

I'm surprised they had you trigger so early, typically they want follie to be at least 18mm prior to trigger...
Ovulation can be 24-36... well as late as 40 hrs after... you may have ovulated during night and didn't feel. I'm glad they are doing a progesterone test that will verify ovulation.

Grace... stay stong! I had to go back a couple times as well before trigger...
I actually didn't go yesterday, I don't like driving in city alone and bf had to work, so went this am... I start clomid tonight... I go back next mon for 1st follie ck...

Bluckey-congrats and it will be here before you know it!!
Do you have relatives in Kilfinane? Ya, after reading all of your post I am a little miffed wondering why she did do the shot early. She is known to be the best OBGYN in the country so I hope to God she knows what she is doing!! Maybe I did ovulate during the night but the pain I normally get is so severe I think I would wake up if I did ovulate during the night. Maybe the shot helped the pain in some way.....
I test tomorrow. I am sooooooooo nervous, I probably will have trouble sleeping tonight. :/
Question for you ladies:

I am cd13, we bd on cd10 & cd11, we skipped cd12&13 and will start again tomorrow, you think thats ok? I mean, yesterday my follies weren't even big enough to measure so I dont think they grew large enough overnight right? and as long as we bd again tomorrow, we should be fine. We also plan to bd 3 days in a row once I take trigger.

I wanna take trigger now!!!!!!:brat::brat::brat:
uuuuggghhhhh this heartburn is KILLING me!!

enjoy it girl, embrace it, be thankful for it!!! Think of all the ladies that would kill for heartburn and to be sick! I know you are thankful and Im soooo happy for you that you are pregnant! :happydance::happydance:

Do you have any other symptoms yet? how far along are you now? and what will you be when you go for us?
Question for you ladies:

I am cd13, we bd on cd10 & cd11, we skipped cd12&13 and will start again tomorrow, you think thats ok? I mean, yesterday my follies weren't even big enough to measure so I dont think they grew large enough overnight right? and as long as we bd again tomorrow, we should be fine. We also plan to bd 3 days in a row once I take trigger.

I wanna take trigger now!!!!!!:brat::brat::brat:
Sounds good to me! I was very sick today I threw up twice and was very nauseous:( I wonder is the trigger shot causing this?

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