TTC #1 clomid and Ovidrel

Yup, i mean you really just never know, there are many things that "could" go wrong at any time during pregnancy. it really stinks that at any moment it could go bad, but i guess thats life. at any moment anything bad can happen. thats why you have to live life positively and be happy and enjoy because you just never know what tomorrow will bring. So, you can either spend your days stressed and worried OR spend them happy and thinking positive............

OY - please remember to send this advice back to me once i get my bfp and im freaking out every second. OK THANK YOU!?
Coffee sounds good when we are the size of blimps... Juice sounds better ;) you gonna fly me up there? Hehe

Lol grace I will bookmark this and send it back you you in a month or two!!
You girls are silly and make me laugh. Over 35 eh? I feel over 35. Have either of you been previously married? I got married when I was 22 and divorced at 24... Re-Met my DH at 25 and now happily married. This one oughta stick ;)
Grace I can't imagine having an ectopic pregnancy... As much as we do to GET pregnant I feel like the least a higher power can do is KEEP us pregnant. I'm terrified of having a m/c... My dog seems to think I'm a high risk for one. My DHs cousin had one at 12 weeks and brought up a good point the other day.... She said "you think the tww is hard you wait til u have to wait 3 months to see if it sticks... ".... This is so true... When I do finally get my BFP I think I will go apeshit crazy wondering if it'll stick... I'm sure I will symptom spot EVERY little thing and wonder if that was "it".

Enough of that rant! Like grace said we will have healthy babies and be mommies!!

Dope I totally understand what you mean about wanting to have that special moment. I too want to have something like that but I don't know if I will be able to hold in a BFP long enough to do something special. We are huge SC gamecock fans (#3 in the nation BABY) and I think I would get or make some kinda shirt to wear that said "lil gamecock on board" or "lil gamecock: ETA due date"... But like I said, I doubt I will hold it in long enough to do anything other than scream and cry to him. You think you're corny dope? What do you think about that! Haha.

It seems like it'll be forever before I get my BFP, but I'm more than halfway there. Only 6 days til I know for sure.

Sorry if there are many typos in this... I am sending it from my phone while in my medical terminology class. Ps- I just took a test and made it my B$&?@!! Haha pardon the French.

The ectopic was tough, at first they told me it was a chemical pregnacy because my numbers weren't doubling as they should, then they went down and they said they would just continue to go down as i lost the pregnancy, then the next week they went back up, it was so stressful. Then they said there was nothing in my uterus and that it was ectopic and that I had to get the methotrexate shot :nope::nope: - it was the hardest decision i ever had to make as i had to chose to terminate the pregnancy, my doctor told me there was no way the baby could survive if it wasn't in my uterus and that if i didn't get the shot that i could potentially die, but it was still a TOUGH and brutal choice. I am just praying that i dont ever have to go through that again. My dr said if i do have another, then she will want to go right to ivf after that. booooooooooo - sad stuff. OK ENOUGH. its ok and its over and everyone has speed bumps. its OK because i am going to have my healthy baby. I AM ! and so are you guys!
Coffee sounds good when we are the size of blimps... Juice sounds better ;) you gonna fly me up there? Hehe

Lol grace I will bookmark this and send it back you you in a month or two!!

yes, please please do. I am feeling emotional today. OMG i didn't even start clomid yet, my poor poor hubby. I think its just cause i have AF and i haven't had one in years. Plus we have this huge party tomorrow and I hate my MIL and she's coming so im anxious. and I have been estranged from one of my sisters and Dh invited her too so - ughhhhhhh.
I dont know whats wrong with me, i feel like just balling. :cry:
maybe im getting scared cuz i'll be ttc again. and its scary.
I'm sorry you're feeling emotional... I cry nearly the whole week of af and DH doesn't know wth is going on bc I'm not usually cryer. I hope u feel better :hugs:

Why do you hate your mil? If u hate her why did ur DH invite her?
Hubby invited her, she is not very nice, there a lots of reasons. she is very judgemental of people. everytime we go to her house the first thing she always says to DH is "oh, did you gain weight". she is very superficial and makes me uncomfortable.

I thing the biggest reason is at our wedding, during our reception, hubby came and got me (i was dancing with friends) and said honey my mom wants to do a family photo come here, he took my hand and walked me over to where she with her husband and her daughters *hubbys sisters. As DH and I stood next to them so photographer could take family photo, my MIL and SIL both yell out, NO NOT WITH YOU! Meaning, ME, the bride, they DIDN"T want me in their family photo. So i gave hubby the look of death and i walked away.

I hate them. :(
Hubby is trying to build their relationship as he wants out child to know his grandparents. I dont have any parents. My mom was a single mom and she died when i was 17. so DH's parents are all our children will have.
Holy crap she said that?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! what a bitch...sorry if that is too bold to say but DANG!! That is beyond wrong I would have had a fit! My ex husbands sisters were like that... I hated all 4 of them.
Holy crap she said that?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! what a bitch...sorry if that is too bold to say but DANG!! That is beyond wrong I would have had a fit! My ex husbands sisters were like that... I hated all 4 of them.

YUP! His sisters suck too. One moreso than the other but YES. Now, can you see why im emotional and HUGELY anxious today. Honestly, i should be excited for this party and Im not, i dont even want to go. I know im crazy :wacko: and I need to just egnore her as there will be A TON of people there but its hard, ANYTIME i have to be around her, i dont want to eat anything so i can lose weight and I need to take a valume just to calm my nerves....... LMAO! kidding on the valume, although i do have panic attacks. ughhhhh - THANK GOD i "can" drink tomorrow. maybe i'll just get hammered. :haha::haha::haha:
How long have yall been married? Do they know yall are TTC or about your previous loss? Just wondering. I would personally tell my MIL to straighten out or she would have limited access to her grandchild... but that is just me. Is your DH a "mommas boy"? That could explain it some. Either way it stinks.:growlmad:

My DH is an only child and his mother absolutely loves me, and I love her. She was will me throughout the entire wedding planning and we see them (willingly) about 4 times a week. I guess I got lucky :shrug:

The party is tonight? Is it at your house or somewhere else? What are you dressing as? I have no clue what I am doing/being for Halloween. We have a party next weekend that we MIGHT go to it just depends on the results I get this week.
so I was looking at some stuff online and I think I am going to start testing on Sunday... like for real... Starting Sunday (9dpo) I will have a 50/50 chance of a positive showing up so I am going to take a break tomorrow and start back Sunday. FX!
How long have yall been married? Do they know yall are TTC or about your previous loss? Just wondering. I would personally tell my MIL to straighten out or she would have limited access to her grandchild... but that is just me. Is your DH a "mommas boy"? That could explain it some. Either way it stinks.:growlmad:

My DH is an only child and his mother absolutely loves me, and I love her. She was will me throughout the entire wedding planning and we see them (willingly) about 4 times a week. I guess I got lucky :shrug:

The party is tonight? Is it at your house or somewhere else? What are you dressing as? I have no clue what I am doing/being for Halloween. We have a party next weekend that we MIGHT go to it just depends on the results I get this week.

Its not a halloween party, its a Turkey Fry Party. we do one once per year around this time, its huge. My DH Fries turkeys all day, its soooooooooo good. have you ever had fried Turkey? OMG. its crazy The party is tomorrow, it starts at 2pm and will likely end about 2am or so. We just build our house last year and all entire street is all couples our age so everyone comes and we invite friends/family, etc. So lots of kids, dogs, etc. We have two dogs. It is usually a great time, i just need to get out of this funk. I NEED to NOT let them bother me. Its MY House and I WILL HAVE FUN! lol
Fried turkeys are DELISH! I love them... my fil cooks them sometimes! Sounds like a good time! If I lived closer I would def come check it out.
so I was looking at some stuff online and I think I am going to start testing on Sunday... like for real... Starting Sunday (9dpo) I will have a 50/50 chance of a positive showing up so I am going to take a break tomorrow and start back Sunday. FX!

OMG you are a nut! you can't wait. Like, if it were me (and this may change come nov 4 or 5th) LOL but "if" it were me, i would say, im NOT going to test til 12dpo and then I wont allow myself to test or i'll be afraid i'll jinx it.

its dumb. I mean, will you be bummed if its neg? IF you are OK with it being negative because its too early then i say go ahead and test. but if its going to really bum you out, then i say just wait.

DH and I have been married for 3 yrs and together for 7 - he is not a mommas boy, not at all> he really can't stand his mom either, he didn't talk to them around the time he and I met, he had put some distance there because they just stink, BUT then he felt bad and wanted to try and reconnect, even though they are aweful at times. So, he is TRYING to reconnect with them. Especially now, seeing we are goign to have a baby. :wacko:
I am so indecisive, I kinda wanna just wait until Tuesday before I start testing... but who am I kidding... I know I wont be able to wait that long. I just wish I was busy 100% of the time so I didnt think about it so much and THEN I would be able to actually wait to test. grr
NO ONE KNOWS we are ttc. He does not want ANYONE to know until we are in 2nd trimester and safe. especially his family.

He knows I told my bff and my sister - they will keep our secret.

yes he will be frying all day - my guess is he'll do 8+ turkeys. people just love it.
he's got a keg, and i think one of the neighbors is making warm mullen apple cidar something. lots of food. and people.

its a good time. and next year i'll be a momma.

so, blucky when was the first day of your last period?
I ask because I am a nut and I'll show you. See if I get pregnant this cycle, my due date will be July 18th as my AF started on Oct 11. LMAO

now thats crazy! hehehehhehehehee
Sept 19 was the first day of my cycle...Gonna tell me when I would be due? hehe

Send me some turkey? nom nom nom

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