TTC #1 clomid and Ovidrel

Yes definitly stop reading on line. I do it too, searching for hopeful stories and then I come across a bad one or two and it totally stresses me. The hard thing is that nothing is ever certain, bad things can happen anytime. during preg, right after birth, 1st year, 2nd yr, etc. You just never know. So all you really can do is ENJOY the day and be thankful for the blessing that you have while you have it. DO NOT STRESS until you have a reason to.

I know = easier said that done, but im good at giving advice, just not taking it. lol

Im sorry about your DH. Maybe he's just stressed because now you actually ARE having a baby - whereas before you were just trying, so now its real and maybe that scares him.
Did you say that he has other kids? i can't remember.

then again, he could be moody for something that has absoultely nothing to do with you, it could be work, a friend, family, you never know.
Yeah he has two other kids. But he doesn't see them cause the baby mamma's ran off to another state. And he has a court order saying he can see his daughter every Thursday and that he has her every other weekend. And every other summer. But he hasn't gotten to see his daughter in over 5 years. I think it's messed up. Women shouldn't be able to do that anyways, I think he is stressed out about me being pregnant. But there Is no need for him to be a total ass too me for no reason. Last night he kept slamming the bathroom door open on me, cause he was mad that I shut the door. Like wtf? Why would he get mad bc I shut the door. So now my wrist is all bruised up because he kept slamming the door open and hitting my wrist. And he was calling me all sorts of names last night. I'm getting really fed up with his attitude. He blows up about every little thing. I'm sure y'all didn't want to hear about it, but I needed to vent. Lol.
Yeah he has two other kids. But he doesn't see them cause the baby mamma's ran off to another state. And he has a court order saying he can see his daughter every Thursday and that he has her every other weekend. And every other summer. But he hasn't gotten to see his daughter in over 5 years. I think it's messed up. Women shouldn't be able to do that anyways, I think he is stressed out about me being pregnant. But there Is no need for him to be a total ass too me for no reason. Last night he kept slamming the bathroom door open on me, cause he was mad that I shut the door. Like wtf? Why would he get mad bc I shut the door. So now my wrist is all bruised up because he kept slamming the door open and hitting my wrist. And he was calling me all sorts of names last night. I'm getting really fed up with his attitude. He blows up about every little thing. I'm sure y'all didn't want to hear about it, but I needed to vent. Lol.

First, I need to say that you can always vent here. That is what we are here for :hugs:, Secondly, Im sorry that he is being such a jerk. What names was he calling you and why? were you guys fighting and he was calling you names during the fight? or was he just doing it completely out of nowhere?

My DH can be REALLY mean at times but its few and far between.

Its also odd the story about his ex and his two kids, IF he has a court order that he is to see his daughter every thursday and every other weekend, then why on earth isn't he? I mean, if she took the girl away - he should have called the police and they would have FORCED her to bring her back. A court order is solid so if he wanted to see her, he could have made it happen (because he has that order). Maybe thats it, maybe he's feel guilty that he never did anything or called police about seeing his daughter and now he's feels guilty that he is having another child?

I dont know, im just grasping at straws here, but it kinda makes sense, guilt would make me stressed and moody.

But im sorry, he should know better. you are NEWLY pregnant and the first trimester is so delicate, he should be doing everything possible to keep you CALM and happy.

But, IF he is going to be a jerk, then fine, let him, decide that you are NOT GOING TO ALLOW HIM to mess up this pregnancy for you. let him be a jerk, thats fine. but dont let it get you down. whats most important now is you and that little one.

I hope none of this sounds cross, im really trying to support you.
He tried to see her, they said he would have to hire a lawyer and take her back too court. Trust me he has called a ton of places trying to find his daughter and too try too see her, and everyone says that he needs to hire a lawyer and that he can't do anything. And also if he hired a lawyer, he would need to know her address, and he cant find Her. he Called, facebooked, emailed her family, and no one will reply too him. Anyways, he got mad about something and he called me a "bitch ass hoe." For no reason. I was playing around with him and he took it seriously and said your a "bitch ass hoe."
yikes! sorry he called you that. clearly he is stressed about something, im not excusing his behavior.

i dont understand the thing about his daughter, if he has a court order for visitation and she violates the court order all he has to do is call police. He does not need a lawyer if he already has the court order in place. if she "took" the daughter then that is against the law and kidnapping. She can't just TAKE the daughter out of town/state if he is the father and has a court order for visitation.
That would be illegal and an arrest warrant would be made for her.

anyway, maybe he's feeling guilty about the daughter thing, or maybe he's stressing about work or something.

either way, im sorry he's being a jerk to you. right now, its the last thing you need.
does he "get" how fragile 1st tri is?? can you talk to him?
Maybe if you calmly talked to him and said look " I can't be stressed out or upset now, im pregnant" then maybe he would realize what he's doing and maybe take his frustrations out on someoen else. ??

is this normal behavior for him or is it completely out of character? OR, do you think maybe you were being bitchy and he just responded to you? when we are pregnant our hormones are wild so maybe you were short with him first?
I am feeling very confused today, it is now 7 days since I took the trigger shot for the first time. I don't know if I should be using cheap HPT's to see if the HCG is leaving my system or just wait until Dec 7th when I go to have my blood work done. I can say that since yesterday I have been feeling like a pulling and twinges in my lower stomach, I don't know if that is the HCG still in my system and it's a side effect or if it is possibly an early sign. One side of me says wait until Dec 7th and the other side says no take an HPT Dec 5th. I just don't want to get my hopes up. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
I'm testing out the trigger using wondfos. You might want to test it out, if today is 7 days after you can start testing, if you get a bfp today then it's still the trigger but if u test again tomorrow and next day the line will start to get lighter and lighter .
Of course if you test and each day the line gets darker - instead of lighter / then u know its bfp!

Unfortunately the trigger mimics pregnancy hormone, I had twinges and pulling, and cramps last month and completely convinced myself I was preg, then I got bfn and my RE said there's no way to know if the preg symptoms u feel are "real" or if they r from trigger, no way until you get blood test or bfp after testing out trigger I mean.

When did you take shot? I did mine last sat, my tests are fading and I hope by Sunday they'll be negative.

Good luck! I hope u get ur bfp!

How many days past trigger will dec 5 be ?
I'm testing out the trigger using wondfos. You might want to test it out, if today is 7 days after you can start testing, if you get a bfp today then it's still the trigger but if u test again tomorrow and next day the line will start to get lighter and lighter .
Of course if you test and each day the line gets darker - instead of lighter / then u know its bfp!

Unfortunately the trigger mimics pregnancy hormone, I had twinges and pulling, and cramps last month and completely convinced myself I was preg, then I got bfn and my RE said there's no way to know if the preg symptoms u feel are "real" or if they r from trigger, no way until you get blood test or bfp after testing out trigger I mean.

When did you take shot? I did mine last sat, my tests are fading and I hope by Sunday they'll be negative.

Good luck! I hope u get ur bfp!

How many days past trigger will dec 5 be ?

Thank you so much for reply. I did my trigger on Friday November 23rd, so Wednesday Dec 5th will be 12 days. Looks like I will get some tests to see if lines are getting lighter or darker.
Texas laws are messed up. And he has been a jerk like this before but not lately.
I'm testing out the trigger using wondfos. You might want to test it out, if today is 7 days after you can start testing, if you get a bfp today then it's still the trigger but if u test again tomorrow and next day the line will start to get lighter and lighter .
Of course if you test and each day the line gets darker - instead of lighter / then u know its bfp!

Unfortunately the trigger mimics pregnancy hormone, I had twinges and pulling, and cramps last month and completely convinced myself I was preg, then I got bfn and my RE said there's no way to know if the preg symptoms u feel are "real" or if they r from trigger, no way until you get blood test or bfp after testing out trigger I mean.

When did you take shot? I did mine last sat, my tests are fading and I hope by Sunday they'll be negative.

Good luck! I hope u get ur bfp!

How many days past trigger will dec 5 be ?

Thank you so much for reply. I did my trigger on Friday November 23rd, so Wednesday Dec 5th will be 12 days. Looks like I will get some tests to see if lines are getting lighter or darker.

You are welcome! And I'm one day behind you! Praying for both of us! Goodluck!
Hi girls. Hope all is well. I am about to post bump pics! feeling pretty chunky today haha
I guess wearing black is no longer slimming.... :dohh:


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OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wohoo::wohoo:

You look so fabulous! Look at those TWO babies! ughhhhh
such a beautiful momma, you look great~!

how are you feeling????

Im busting at the seems in this torturous waiting period so please allow me to live vicariously through you! tell me everything!
You dont wanna live vicariously through me! Here is a summary of my week:

I was sick with an upper resp infection from Sat-Wednesday, then Thursday night I did something to my back that was EXCRUCIATING-ly painful and I have just been laid up in my recliner. It feels a little better today...I don't know if I have a slipped/herniated disc or what, but whatever it is I am pretty sure it is pinching a nerve... the weird thing is when I wake up after lying down all night... I feel much better... but the more I walk throughout the day, even if it is just up and down to go to the bathroom, the worse it hurts. Every time I take a step with my left foot its unbelievably painful. Anyways, I don't really see a point in going to a chiro bc I cant have xrays done anyway, and my OB said to just alternate ice and heat for the pain, and to take Tylenol.

On a better note, DH and I :sex: last night for just the 3rd time since we conceived our twins... he is still so scared he is going to hurt me and the babies but I was NOT taking NO for an answer last night! Back pain and all... Lol sorry if TMI! Afterwards I was laying still and trying REALLY hard to see if I could feel the babies bc I am sure they were moving around... but I still cant feel them... even though I am sure they are both a lil more than an inch by now, I guess bc they are in so much fluid that they are cushioned pretty good! People with singletons say they can feel them around 3 months so I am getting close and cant wait (I say that now, but will change my mind when they are kicking the *$%# out of my ribs/bladder). The app on my phone tells me by the end of this week (which is wednesday for me) that they will be the size of limes... I am guessing a tad smaller but still... they are already growing so fast!!
Omg that's so awesome about their size - I'm sorry about your back, hopefully as your body adjusts to preg, the pain will go away, glad you got some bd'ing in!

Sorry you weren't feeling good this week, do you work full time? And go to school? What will u do when babies are born? Ahhhhh babies!!!!

When can u find out the sexes?

How many days after neg did you start testing again?
I only work 3-4 days a week... I dropped to pt when I went back to school... Left a job making 45k to go back to school bc I hate retail.... Even though that is where I am now :DOHH: I am in school full time but only have 3 weeks left... I'm not taking classes next semester bc I will be far too preg and if I go into preterm labor (heaven forbid) I will end up failing the classes and losing the $ spent on them... I'm done with prereqs after this semester anyway and I am on the waiting list for my prog I just have to wait to get in.

Not sure when we will find out the sexes.... If I don't find out by my January scan I will book a private 4d gender scan to find out... Our anatomy scan is scheduled for march but the nurse thinks we will find out well before then. I'm gonna get my maternity shots done in march too I think. The sooner the better! I will be 12+ weeks at my next scan on dec 18... Wonder if I will be able to find out then? Ill have to google and see when the genitals develop!
No, not yet but close, I am hoping by tomorrow or monday- I plan to test once per day til neg and then wait 2-3 days and start again.

I so want a preggo belly like yours! I KNOW it will happen for me, I am just not patient. remember what thats like? lol

you really look great! what is the program you are waiting to get into?
what will you do when babies are born.

I work fulltime but will likely switch my hrs around, do like 10 hrs Monday and then 6a-12 the rest of week. and work about 5 hrs at home each week, so I can still do 40. Thank god I can work from home! I really dont want to do 40hrs of daycare each week.

I can't believe you are almost 2nd tri already! with TWO BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well keep in mind... Most women don't show this much this early.... But twins apparently are a diff story!!

I'm waiting to get into the surgical technology program... I want to working in the operating room and I will be kinda like the doc/nurse assistant. I wanted to do nursing but the waiting list for that is over 3 years... And after I get this degree I can always go back and get the other.

I dunno what I plan to do when the babies get here... If I can get into the program and startu classes in the fall I will go back to school then... If I have to wait til next year then I will just work some part time, but I plan to be home with the babies for a few months first. My DH makes good money so technically I don't have to work, I just know to be where I want to be in life and the level of comfort I want financially I will work.... I want to work anyway... Just minimal work right now and right after the babies.

Once I get my degree I will work full time and my in laws will likely watch the kiddos... But I supposed we will cross that bridge when we get there.

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