ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

My scan is on Thursday 2:40 so i will leave work afternoon and go. Im definitely bloated so not sure what it is. I used the doppler and found a hb but i think it was my hb because its slower than the ones i watched on youtube. But i sent it to one of my friend that found hers at 7weeks, she said she can hear the baby too, its 3 sounds overlapping.

Never been pregnant but Sil said last months were really painful as baby pushes down. Plus the baby is getting heavier.
Oh I thought your scan was tomorrow. I hope it goes well! Being bloated is normal, it's so uncomfortable. Baby's hb will be more obvious in another months time. Usually when you find the placenta, the baby is hidden near to it. Most people confuse the placenta to the baby's hb.

Yeah I think it's just the weight and being in the last month. Can't believe im due 1 month on Wednesday.
Time flies ha! cant believe u are due next month hehe

I had a dream and we were expecting twins, i was so scared. I didnt know how i would take care of them lol We shell find out on Thursday but i feel like im having just one baby and DH thinks its twins.

Time is passing so slow for me!!!
Hey girlies

Ive been working today & last day this Weds woop! :thumbup: I passed out pretty early last night & was struggling to post Lol! Lots of chatter gone on though hehe!

Waaah Golden just looking, your like 8eks tomorrow!! Thats gone super fast!! Eee looking forward to your scan on Thursday & seeing some pics :) Bloated-ness is reeally common but could be your carrying doubles hehe so your lower tum is pushed out more.. You never know :)

Omg men are a nightmare when they're stupidly drunk arent they??! Ive had SO once before years ago off his face puking & saying he thinks he is going to die & almost had me calling a bloody Ambulance!!! Then he passed out hugging the toilet 5 mins later :rofl: i had no pity for his BIG hangover the next day!! Hope your hubby is feeling more normal today though hun!

Im sure your Niece doesnt look at you as a stranger hun, they forget & then remember things so easily when they are very little, nothing personal to you though :hugs: Dont stress too much about going around there all the time - unless you sant to of course :) When baby comes along you'll have your own routine going & probs only come by once a week..

oooh yay you ordered the Moses basket, lovely! When does it arrive? Our Carseat doesnt arrive for another week & half, gonna be screwed if baby turns up early :shock: Lol! My friend lives 2 mins from the hospital so she said if that happens we can grab her Maxi Cosy from birth carseat on way through :) even though Mothercare said they'd loan us one until ours arrives!

No they wont book you for a csection on concerns of thinking bubs is breech, they'll scan first to check.. If your worried just mention it to midwife but you sound like your feeling pressure just like i am urhhh! Are your stabbing pains going right through your vag bits? Lol sorry tmi.. Mine are, feels like shes punching my cervix from the inside? My sister used to call is 'Fanny Stabbing' HAHAA!!!

Keep using the Doppler every couple days or so Golden & you'll def start noticing the galloping horse sound which is babies heartbeat, its hard to determine when that ickle, when you hear it on thursday you'll know what sound to be looking for hehe!

Im sure ive missed bits to reply on.. Let me peruse back
Ha yes, Riley was proper pooped at the end of his birthday! Busy day for him but he had loadsa fun :)

I never went to any post natal groups but i did go to some local baby/toddler groups & met new Mums & babies, was nice to chat & let off steam about knackered i was & how clingy on the boob Riley was haha! Makes you feel normal knowing other new mums are going through the same :thumbup:

OUCH... Stabbing in my girl bits again!

Oh forgot to add about the tightenings on the belly, definately braxton hicks, sometime mine are really uncomfy esp when im walking about, i need to stop walking as it hurts! Then it passes after a couple of mins, its the Uterus gearing up for labour!
I'm excited for you Golden! Hopefully Thursday will come around quickly :)

I think that must be a men thing, mine was the same he started throwing up in the sink instead of the toilet, it was disgusting. I was just as drunk so I had passed out in bed but the next day I had flashbacks of him trying to get the sick out of the sink! Then he started moaning the next day about how I didn't help him. I have the best night sleep when I have had a drink haha. These days I wake up at 5:30\6 am wanting breakfast.

Not long then, seems like this we are on a countdown, Wednesday and Thursday! Pleased you have organised your car seat. Hopefully it will come before baby comes! Good job you have a plan B.

Yeah I may do that at my 38 wk app or just go with it. He is poking his butt out and I feel like my stomach is swollen. He is def pushing down. is this a sign of not going all the way to 40 wks ? My referral came through for physio, it's in 2 weeks, earliest appointment they had. We been in central London this evening, walked around and then went to the iMax. I feel so tired, think that will be one of the last times I do that.

So postnatal groups very helpful, good to know. They do lots of them groups around my area. Will have to attend some, be good to talk to other new mummies. How's your packing going for the hospital ?

Moses basket is expected to arrive tomorrow or Wednesday. Came home to one of the room finished with wooden flooring, looks lovely. Bless my dad was doing it all day. Just one more room now!
So i think ive purchased the whole of the shopping centre today lol! Everything bought for apart from cosy snuggly insert for buggy & a water spray bottle & nibbles for my hospital bag as i forget them haha!

I cannot find ANY suitable pretty sandals to go with my dress this Friday :shock: ive honestly been everywhere! Il end ip wearing flip floos at this rate & it'll then probs rain lol!

Fab news your refferal came through Iak! Getvstarted on them soon so you can benefit right near the end of pg :) hope it eases some of the pains...

Uhhh its startd peeing with rain! Im up the school collecting Riley, no coat or anything, he has no coat & im in bloody flip flops arghhh im gonna get soaked! Its a few mins walk from car to school! It sounds worse sat in car but hoping i wont get tooooo wet when i get out in a minute lol!
Yay what did you get ?

You would think that there would be loads of sandals seeing as it's summer. Might be abit late to get online. Flip flops it is haha atleast you will have the excuse that you are pregnant and are getting swollen feet.

Yep pleased it came through quickly, just have to wait 2 weeks for the appointment now. Atleast I can have a couple of weeks whilst I'm pregnant if baby has arrived by then.

Arghh it has not stopped today, hope you don't get too wet. It's been on/off all day. Really felt like going for a nice walk in the park today too. Hopefully brightens up for Friday. Would hate to get married in the rain.

Moses basket didn't arrive today, was estimated for today-tomorrow.
heheh just go with slippers , no one will see! unless ur dress is short.

We are M&M and Jelly bean today!! isnt jelly bean smaller than blueberry, this app is confusing me. Ovia app shows me the babies hand! so tiny but cute.

There is this curry smell in my car that only i can smell, its driving me crazy!!! i dont even eat curry, how can my car smell like it. I dont like that i can smell everything:wacko: i was touching ground beef yesterday, felt so grossed out. DH thinks the faces i make while im cooking are priceless.

Its raining here non stop too! which makes my curls go wild... tarzan has better hair than me.
These apps don't make sense haha

Yep your sense of smell is going to get stronger. I could smell ciagratte smoke from outside when I drive, the person was nowhere near the car. I couldn't cook at the beginnin, our apartment that we lived in had no windows in the kitchen and it used to make me sick. OH used to cook and we used to go to a lot of restaurants haha.

Ahhhh Golden don't you just love mediterranean hair :wacko:

Only positive about this rain is that my hayfever is not as bad today! Yay!
ugh we cant go out because i feel bad that DH is jobless lol

I do have patio door in the kitchen but still smell is so strong. On Saturday, i told sil to change the diaper because she peed so much, she was like how did u know heheheh i can smell it! how did i know lol

I never got the hot flashes so i rather it be hot as hell! because im so cold. when did heat hit you?
Yeah I'm so pleased I don't live there anymore. Use to make feel physically sick. Haha oh god you are an expert haha. Probably in the last 5/6 wks but wouldn't say I'm hot all the time, just when it is sunny I feel it a lot more. I do have hot flushes every now and then but nothing major.
ugh i dont feel good today, i got nausea mixed with heartburn, very very dizzy, im just keep zoning off while working. Also got burning sensation just above my pelvic bone as if af is here.

I wish i could go home :cry:
Make sure you are drinking enough water and are eating. Have some snacks whilst u work. You may have low iron that is making you feel dizzy. I bet you can't wait for maternity leave. What month can you start your leave ?
Doc said my iron is good, not sure why im feeling so hazy tho. I forgot my water bottle at home and dont wanna drink the one here. They drink tap water at work and i dont like that. I may go buy some drinks on my break.

Mat leave i will take after xmas if im not having twins so i will have Jan and half of Feb. If im having twins then i may take earlier.

One of the girls here gave birth yesterday at 36weeks, 4pounds baby. So Clairey fx u dont sabotage ur sisters wedding hehe
Try having something with abit of sugar in it. For some reason Xmas doesn't seem that far away. Do you think it's twins? Is there a really good chance of having twins when taking clomid ?

Oh wow 36wks, I would be in a panic. I have so much to sort out before baby arrives.
Although that would be so funny if Clairybell went into labor whilst her sister were saying her wedding vows :haha:
Well doctor that gave me clomid, told me that there is a high chance of having multiples. Then two girls on here that took clomid couple cycles before me are expecting twins. So there is a high chance. I will feel overwhelmed with two but whatever God had planned for us, i will be grateful regardless:kiss:

She said her water broke at 5pm and baby was out by 6:15 with 5 pushes! You better get ur stuff ready hun, u never know when ur son wanna come out :happydance: but with his Turkish genes, i dont think he will wanna come out early hahahha
So abit like IVF. Exactly whatever you have one or two or even three, girl or boy is a blessing.

Yes I'm planning go get everything next week. Yes that's what my family have said haha and to make it worst my OH is always late. So I have no chance but he may surprise us. I hope he comes on his due date haha.
I hope he comes August 12 instead, 13 is such an ugly number hehe i hate odd numbers.

DH wanted a March baby because of his bday being March 15 so he would like me to push the due date to March hehe like 10days!

I feel like baby shopping is so overwhelming, whole new wardrobe for a person! i just hope DH finds a job so his depression doesnt shadow my shopping spirit when the time comes.

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