ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

Morning lovelies

Was trying to catch up & reply last night but passed out holding my phone in bed ha ha zzzzZ!

Yay officially finished now :thumbup:

Haha i know, any oil can be used for the massage so il probs use the Almond oil :)

Yeah we had a rocking Moses basket with Riley but he was out of it by 7 wks ish, he grew loads lil porker ha ha! Basket was at end of bed but tbh he was on me practically all night cuddled up, feeding, suckling on nipple for comfort, i didnt mond as long as we both got some sleep :)

Iak - you had your baby shower yet??

Omg Golden its scan day baby YAY!!! I have to say, im so very excited for you right now hehe!!! :hugs: im sure it will all be fine hun!

Hope the second part of Antenatal class goes well Iak :) nothing too daunting to be shown Lol... I have midwife at 13:45 today! SO is getting my mini travel suitcase out this morning so i can pack it all ready eeee!

Had an email from Mothercare to say the Red carseat had been dispatched, fab!! Earlier than expected but great! I need to get a crib bumper, Mothercare do some breathable ones, makes the crib look more cosier :)

I STILL need to get Sandals for sisters wedding tomorrow lol! Talk about being organised - NOT! Its going to be a warm day today, clear sunny & 22degrees ahhhhhhh lovely!
Wow 7 weeks. He must of been a tall little one. Did you put him in a cot after that ?

Baby shower is on Sunday. I'm watching everyone today fuss round cleaning the garden whilst I sit here watching haha. The joys of being pregnant. Anternatal class was good, it was on caring for baby, health and wellbeing. Pleased I went, was good fun. They said to us 70% of women have tears, ouch. I did ask about the massage oil and they said best to do it after 37wks and doesn't necessarily mean u won't tear, she said if completely up to u. Got breastfeeding workshop next week and waterbirth workshop on 5th August.

How did your mw appointment go ? Good news about the cars seat! Looks like your all organised now. Hope you found some sandals!

Btw did you use to swaddle Riley? Don't know if to buy some swaddles or just use Muslin blankets.
I was gonna ask if you guys had the baby shower yet? Do you do it close to end?

I got 2 hours left to my scan and i think i had like million mini heart attacks, so nervous. Never felt like this before!!!! ahhhh wish me luck and pray that i come back with a good news.
My mum, sister, cousin's wife and her mum are organising my baby shower. I just know the location, day and time!

Golden! Positive thoughts!!! Plus drink plenty of water. Your going to feel like you want to burst during the scan. Wishing you lots of luck and praying it goes well. Looking forward to hearing all about it and seeing a pic :)
Ha! We r not that close, we just talk about my nephews and niece and pregnancy. She doesn't really know how to make conversation apart from babies. Tried for many years it just doesn't happen. My mum asked her if she wanted to be involved but she never offered if anything needed to be done or engaged with arranging the shower. I said to my mum that I only wanted my close ones involved.

It's a shame because me, my sister and my mum gave her a lovely baby shower when she pregnant with my nephew. Her own family didn't even bother. That's the last time we done that. She didn't appreciate it. My mum and sister r really excited arranging mine, I have no idea what they have in store for Sunday!

Golden - 1 hour left! Countdown is on :)
Evening ya'll :wave:

As weather was still quite warm, Riley went into the Travel Cot after we moved Moses basket out the bedroom but he was still boob feeding, by 4.5 months we moved him into his Cotbed in his bedroom, lots more room, cosy & he started sleeping better aswell as he started fully on bottle around 4 months old, plus with him & me stirring in the bedroom neither of us were getting much sleep..! That being said, he woukd wake every night up until not long after 18/19 months old when he finally was sleeping ALL night long consecutive days!

Omg Golden you must be having your scan RIGHT NOW!!! Eagerly awaiting updates & pics hehee!!! :hugs:

I wont be having a baby shower.. No ones throwing me one :( & notime for a secret one either, oh well..

Found some Sandals today from Accessorize.. Paid £22! Wasnt happy about it lol but they look nice on ;)

Carseat arrived this evening, 1 week earlier than expected!! Fab!!

Riley hated being swaddled, they do it in the hospitals but he just wanted his arms free & to be cuddled into my boobs lol they can smell the Milk aswell, its weird! Muslins wont keep baby warm to be swaddled, use those breathable knitted/woven blankets, cosy if baby boy likes it :)

Ooh i found some Perineal massage Gel in Mothercare today, £4.99 :thumbup: its not 'proven' to prevent tears but i think it just helps the skin inside & out to stretch abit more to reduce bad tearing if you were to.. I really hope i dont tear, im really weird & sensitive around my bits, if i gad to have stitches i dont think id have sex or poo again lol
Scan went well, we saw our little bean. Measuring 7w6d with 176hb. Will take a pic of the scan when I get home
So blurry because she has hard time finding it


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Ahhhh im going name your growing bean 'The Golden Snitch' hehe! Nice strong hb aswell, amazing hearing it isnt it??!! So glad all went well hun, i knew it would! Def just the one then yes? Lol

Baby girls heartbeat was really high at 7 wk scan, she was measuring 6wks & 5 days then but 12wk scan put me 4 days ahead! Her hb was something around 156bpm i think.. How was hubbys reaction? :)
Iak ur sil does sound like mine! Boring to hang out with. What nationality is she?

I read that at 8weeks avg hb s 175 so that's why I don't think she measured it right. It was hard to measure. I think I'm around 8weeks but I will go by what she told me until next scan. I asked her about girls having higher hb, she said that's not true.

DH was really happy, he was expecting twins tho lol he treats me like I'm pregnant now. I guess it all became real for him.

We may FaceTime with his family in a bit
Evening to you too, Clairybell!

Yes got me worried when we went through sudden cot death and overheating babies. Did you try and swaddle him at night ? So many things to think about and I'm becoming overwhelmed. I think I'm going to be one of these mums that are checking their baby's temperature all the time.

Oh how do you know no one is throwing you one ? When did you have a baby shower with Riley ? Ahh glad you got your sandals and all goes well tomorrow. FX weather stays nice & your sister has a lovely day. Accessorize has lovely stuff esp for baby girls, but it is pricey.

Yay for car seat arriving, they took ages with your pushchair but made it up for car seat haha. What happened at your mw appointment ? Did you get the gel ? That's the one I saw online but they were out of stock.
Aww so pleased that it went well Golden. Yeah me and OH were convinced that baby was a girl because of the hb. I read so much into and we were shocked when they said it was a boy. The hb will slow down after a couple of months.

How exciting that you are telling your in laws :)
The scan lady said that to me at my 7wk scan that its deifficult to get a correct measure reading but its not a definate scan for dating as thats the 12wk one :thumbup: your lil Golden snitch is spot on for growth :thumbup:

How was Facetime & was everyone excited hehee!!

Omg Iak i worried ALL the time its natural & i still do now Lol! When Riley started sleeping through i panicked as he never did it before & i would go in & nudge him constantly & breathe a sigh if relief & then he would stir like 'oh f**k i just woke him' HAHAA!! Get yourself one of those digi Thermometres with the forehead & earpiece thingy, i have a Lloyds chemist one, only cost about £12-14, Tommee Tippee ones are stupidly priced like £30/50!! :shock:

I have the Gel but not used it yet, was too tired last night haha!

Well, im guessing if either of my sisters were throwing me a suprise shower it be in the next week or so, my one with Riley was 3/4 wks before due date but my you ger sister goes honeymooning for 2 wks on Monday & then im due baby when shes back, so think il not have one tbh, i had no random invites out this wknd so i think its a no no.. Boo! Its ok though:) oooh i bet you get made a big 'Nappy Cake' they're awesome! A 3/4 tier cake tower all made from diff size nappies, toys & lil outfits hehe!
Haha shit I woke him. Made me laugh. I'm going to be poking him making sure he is ok. Great thanks will look around for one instead. Let me know how the gel is, may get some next week.

Hope you are having a lovely time at the wedding. You will be exhausted by the end of today. Share some pics too! Aww well atleast u had a baby shower when you pregnant with Riley. Did your sister have a baby shower with all of her children ? If you lived close, I would of said come along to mine and get involved!

I went to the dentist for my filling and I told her I didn't want the injection, so she was like it's going to hurt if I do it without and we can try and see how far we get. So I said I will have it done after I give birth. Anyways she filled the whole with something in without doing the injection or numbing it. I didn't feel anything but I think it's like a temporary filling, I have no idea what it is. She told me not to eat for 30 mins. So I'm going to go back after baby is born to sort it out properly. When I was talking about the injection, in the back of my mind I remembered what u said about getting it numbed without injection.. I felt like like saying "well Clairybell didn't have to have an injection." Ahhaha she would of been like wtf is Clairybell!:haha::haha:

I've got such a sweet tooth today to make it worst, induged in a bag of sweet n salt popcorn.

Btw Clairybell- Next sale starts tomorrow at 8 am online. My sil said their sale is quite good for kids. She gets abit overexcited and gets there for 5 am for the in store sale. I'm going to have a look online, they do have lovely outfits. Don't understand what's the point going instore at 5 am, it's not like children need to try the stuff on.

I went for a long walk yesterday, ended up going up this big hill. Silly me! My bump start getting hard and slight BH. Feeling it abit on my legs today.
Wedding was lovely but such a long day, i was awake around 530 as Riley climed in our bed, then fell back to sleep in the middle between me & SO! Pair of the snoring lol! Wedding was at 2, we never left Winchester until 715 this evening, i am pooped! I only got a couple of snaps of Riley & few bits n bobs bit non of me & SO.. I had a small glass of Bucks Fizz which is reeeeeally minimal low alcohol, i think the whole bottle totals to 1 unit Lol but i disnt even drink the full small glass flute!

Ooh Next have a Sale on hmmmm.. I may have to take a look online ;)

Ah there must be nerves on that part of your mouth where filling needs doing! There was none on my Wisdom tooth, Just wait until after like you said, your still exempt from paying :thumbup:

My sister only had a baby shower with her 4th baby, me & my younger sister organised it, i not sure why we never did any with the other 3 lol how bad is that??! :haha: but .. We were alot younger & i never thought it was a common thing to do.. :shrug:

Eeeeeeverything makes my bump go rock hard lately! Even standing up from the toilet does it ha ha! But its bloomin uncomfy! Me & Riley will be out all day tomorrow, hoping to take him to the Farm & then strawberry picking again :) weathers nice & need to be out the house when they start ripping the roof off, loadsa wood will be chucked onto the garden & Riley will want to run about & help but its too dangerous, so its a treat day for him, he'll love the farm :) he was very little when i last took him so im excited to have some 1-1 time before new baby arrives :hugs:

What are you girls doing this wknd or tomorrow?
You must be tired! how did the sandals and the dress work out ? plessed it all went well. Ahh Buck fizz, we always have some in the house but no one ever drinks it.

Yeah I will do, she said she wanted to do some X-rays as I have just registered at that dentist which can only be done after I give birth so will go back in September.

Not a lot of people have baby showers with each child. Think it's quite common to only have it once. It's hard when you are not organising it. I can't wait to do my sister a baby shower, I have so many ideas. Well that's when she has a child haha

I know, even when I get up in the morning to pee, I struggle to get out of bed. I have really got uncomfortable since week 35. I hope these 4 weeks fly by. Lucky you, you only have 2 weeks. Although I am really going to miss being pregnant and feeling him inside kicking about. My emotions are running wild!! Sounds like you have a lovely day planned for the two of you, not long until he is not the only child. Times now really do count, soon he will be a big brother.

I have just had a panic, I got out the box that I put the clothes that I have brought baby and it's literally nothing. Around 5 newborn/0/3 months baby grows, 4 newborn trouser and 3 shorts, some socks, mittens, loads of vests all diff sizes, a jacket for winter, a couple of bibs and one pair of booties. Oh and like 2 outfits for newborn. I'm going to be looking at next sale. I don't know how much to get. Feel like he needs loads!

So yeah tomorrow morning will be looking at the sale, then cooking cupcakes. I promised my nephews I will bake orea cupcakes for Sunday. FX it goes well hehe. Rooms should be finished tomorrow so will be putting furniture back ect. Just need to buy a new mattress for our bed and fit the new blinds when they arrive.
Oh Golden your due is 24th February. May change at 12 wk scan. Did they book you in for that scan or will u wait to hear from them ?
The new Sandals went really well but were uncomfy as my feet inflated later in day haha ouch!!!

Honestly you will get given loads at baby shower & people will just drop off there saved baby clothes lol & you will sieve through & find oober cute stuff! Wait until baby shower & then go out shopping :) 0-3 clothes wont fit baby until at least 4 wks i reckon, newborn clothes is so big on them too haha so if your worried, maybe just grab a couple more newborn romper suits long & short sleeved perhaps? Wow if i am late & you are ontime, they could be born same time haha i said this to a girl on the 'General chattter' thread i chat on aswell! Have loadsagun at your baby shower though eeee :) lotsa cake & nibbles mmm lovely haha!!

Its a weird feeling being so near the end, excited for labour & holding baby but really going to miss being pregnant! SO has said recently he really doesnt want anymore :( he has 2 boys & 1 girl on way, although he doesnt see his first born son.. I know il get broody in a couple of years though, he was even talking about getting a vasectomy!! I wasnt impressed tbh as in a few yrs he may change his mind, think he was thinking out loud but still annoyed me! Oh well!

Golden, how you feeling today? Hope you sickness is not too bad hun.. :hugs:

I done abit of shopping for baby this morning online. Got some stuff in the sale but will be going out next week to get everything I need. So how many sleepsuits and vests do I need in newborn and 0-3 months ? I ve got a feeling you will be on time or not that much over. Hahah baby girl is the size of an Oscar! You've got a winner in there Clairybell!

Today has been non stop! I haven't even done the cupcakes and I'm exhausted. We been rearranging the rooms, went out with my sister, she forgot her ID so I had to go in and get the vodka and they looked at me with my bump thinking pregnant women buying vodka! I felt like saying it's not for me!

I'm so excited for labour! Strange isn't it. Aww let's see in a year or so and see if he says the same thing. I think a 3rd will be nice. OH wants 6!

How was your day at farm? Lovely weather for it.

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