ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

De-Caf!! Eurghhhh!! I drank de-caf everything with Riley but i cant tolerate it this time, i did go off drinking coffee with Riley so it was just de-caf Tea i was drinking, i have my 2 small instant coffees in the morning & thats it :) i really feel it if i dont have anything haha!

Rileys lil bits for the morning all ready in the lounge, SO actually blew up ALL 25 balloons lol dunno where he gets that kinda breath from, i felt puffed out watching him :haha: Riley has a No4 helium balloon aswell :) hes excited about his birthday its so cute <3

Ooh Wooden flooring will look fab! Plus, easier to keep clean, spillages just mop them up, baby puke, wet wipe it up & you can hoover on it :thumbup:
Ahh what a cute bump! i say it did go down a bit ha, almost ready to pop out the princess:happydance::happydance: so exciting

Riley is excited for his bday hehe thats cute, will be fun unless baby decides to come lol can u imagine how mad Riley would be

Apparently, my brother was mad when i was born because it was grocery day and he was waiting for fruits all day then i showed p. He thought they spent all the money at grocery store buying a baby, not his fruits hehe Then he tried to sell me to whoever visited so he can buy his fruits:rofl:

DH is too depressed about being jobless so doesnt show much interest in me or the baby for now. I used the doppler the other day and asked him to come, he didnt come then hours later he asked if i found anything:growlmad: Really bothered me but whatever, i will give him credit for that since he is unemployed and worried. Maybe after the scan he will change a bit.
Hahaaa yeah id feel terrible, his sisters not even here yet & shes stealing his thunder Lol!!

HAHAAA Golden that grocery fruit story is bloody hilarious :rofl: lil children are so funny & how their lil minds think, hahaa i bet you take the p**s outta him about that now Lol!

Hubs is probably stressing about the jobless part in that he needs to find something before baby arrives, i think its a male protective providing thing! I have no doubt he'll come around hun.. Has he heard much back about the Interview he had last week? Fx'd he snap something up real soon, try not to stress over it if hes being un-interested.. I know its hard :hugs:
yea he is still proud that he tried to sell me because he thinks thats his little business mind hehehe little entrepreneur:happydance:

DH had phone interview and he said it went well but he didnt get a call from actual manager yet to set up in person interview. Also he got an response, they sent some questions and he said he answered and sent it. In one week he heard from 2 applications, thats petty fast so i donno why he is stressing.
Clairybell you have a perfect bump! Are u carrying the same as you did with Riley ?

When you are so used to caffeine and u don't have it for one day, you really feel it. I'm lying in bed now I'm so tired. I think I overdone it today too, cleaned a lot, went for a 1.5 mile walk and then played some tennis. I tried to jog but I couldn't.. 5 wks left I think I need to start taking advantage of this stage and rest. Yes wooden flooring will def be easier, my dad is doing it so I don't know how long it is going to take! Hopefully by next weekend it's done. Have u put your pushchair up yet?.

Aww bless him, I hope he has a lovely birthday. What cake did you end up getting ?

Golden, your story made me laugh! Sibling love haha I bet you bring it up every now and then. Like Clairybell said, OH is probs stressed and will be a lot easier when he finds something. I'm sure after the scan it will sink in. I think it's normal for men to take a bit longer for everything to sink in. We have an attachment as we are carrying the baby and get a natural bond. Men don't have that. Just try and get him involved as much as possible
Happy birthday Riley! I hope the party goes well and he has lots of fun!
Ah thankyou girls :) i saw my mum today, havent seen her for about 3 wks & she said she could see my bump dropped abit :shock:

Im carrying EXACTLY the same as i did with Riley, maybe to do with tilted back uterus or i just carry this way, you wouldnt even know i was pregnant from behind, only thing giving it away would be my lil waddle hahaa! It does make me wonder if shes breech though because im carrying the same but im sure all the pressure means shes head down :thumbup:

Flooring shouldnt take too long to fit, esp if its laying straight across & not diagonally, less cuts to do.. Or if its what they say is a 'floating' floor they just slot into each other :thumbup:

Not that im a guru in flooring haha SO is a self employed Carpenter/Builder ;)

Riley had a lovely birthday today! He loved his party & gifts, he picked out a 3 wheeler Spiderman scooter & Star Wars Light Saber set (is that how they're said/spelt?) hes snoring on sofa with SO all cuddled up under our Red blanket hehe
Oh really, some people carry differently with boys/girls. Well not long now, only 3 weeks! I can't believe how quickly it has gone. When you had the scan, did they say she was head down ? Nice that your all bump and boobs. People say that from behind they cant tell I'm pregnant, but I feel massive some days. Baby has decided to push his bum right out above my belly button . When I had the scan I asked her to check what it was as it hurts she said its his bum.

Yeah I think it's the ones that slot into place. We brought it today so will make a start tomorrow. I'm going to leave the men do it whilst I go out. Always handy having a builder around.

Aw pleased he had a good day, you must all be so tired. When is ur next mw app ?
Yeah its painful when they push their bits right out!!! She was def head down at 34/35 wk scan & the midwife the other week said she was & its unlikely at 'this stage' of pg that they flip around 180degrees.. But i have known it to happen! Id still feel comfy going for a presentation scan though, but my 38 wk mw apt is this Thursday but not with my normal midwife as shes not back to work until the Friday & my sister gets married Friday! I'l mention im worried & she can send me on thursday eve ha ha they did that last time :)

Haha all bump & boob that is so the truth!!

Riley was up early this morning, could hear him in the front room/lounge playing with his Star Wars toy haha bless him!
Do you have to convience them to send you for a presentation scan ? How do u go about it and basically saying u don't believe them that the baby is head down haha

You must be looking forward to your sister's wedding.. I hope you don't go into labor, that would be so funny!

Aw bless him, couple of years time he will have a baby sister trying to get his birthday toys off him :happydance:
I could always lie & tell them ive been feeling kicks & weird prods low down & not as mych pressure haha! Nah, i think my original midwife said she'd like to send me for one around 37/38 wks because Riley was & im abit anxious about birth, i wouldnt want to go into labour get dilated & them see a butt or in Rileys case 'a foot' lol! Then be whisked off for an emerg csection, il raise it with midwife this Thursday & see what she says.

Omg my sister would hate that! Lol! Well she wouldnt but id hate that id be 'stealing her thunder' :haha: never say never though, babies will come when they are ready & not a moment sooner!

Hows your wknd been girls? Its been rainy this morning but Sun seems to be coming out now, maybe a trip to the park with Rileys scooter if the rain dries up, burn off the uncomfy huge yummy roast chicken dinner that im cooking hehe mmmmm ;)
I think I may mention to my mw at my 38wk app to try and get a presentation scan. If they are head down at 38wk, is it likely they will turn at 40 wks? My 38 wk scan will fall on bank holiday and they are only in every Monday so I don't know how it is going to work out, may have to see a diff mw at hospital instead. It's good that she will send you for a scan just to make sure. I have read that it at this stage they should stay head down, but there's always that chance. True you will only have 2 weeks to go by then!

I slept really badly last night, my back was hurting the whole night. I really hope my physio referral goes through quickly. Just come back from spending the day with my mum and sister. Roast dinner sounds yummy! I haven't had one in a while, we usually go to Toby Carvery. They do a lovely roast. I bet Riley has spent most of the day playing with his new toys.
Thing is when you read about breech babies turning, some dont do it until your in labour with mums expecting a breech delivery, i just think theres always that random chance if they can flip one way, surely they can do it the other?!

Whens the next bank hols then? I thought the next uk one was end of August? The midwife will probs arrange your apt the Friday before or on the Tuesday id of thought.. My apts are usually a day or 2 before my wks tick over :)

Ahhh we LOVE toby carvery <3 they do the best Crackling in those places mmmmm!!

Sorry your backs giving you grief hun.. The referral for physio shpuld come through really quickly as your in your last month of pg :hugs: Paracetamol doesnt really do alot for my pg aches n pains :(
So do you think I should ask for a presentation scan at my 38wk app ? If I act concerned that I feel his kicks low, will they book me in for a csection ? Don't want to be booked in just because I raise concerns. He has been head down since 31 wk app and was head down at the scan on Wednesday.

Silly iPhone has put there is a bank holiday on 1st Aug. You are right, next one is 29th August! That works out well. My mw app are always on a Monday. Did you go to postnatal groups?

Oh yes and their massive yorkshires! Getting hungry thinking about it, may have to go in the next couple of weeks.

I try to avoid parcatemol unless I have a major headache. I find they don't do anything for pains. My referral was only done on Tuesday so I don't think I will hear anything in the next 2 weeks, will be shocked if I do. I've been using an ice pack whilst sitting down and using birth ball but only works for a bit then the pain is back. Only 5 weeks to go :/
Sorry ladies, I have been busy with my drunk husband since last night!
He went to party with his friend and I had to go pick him up because he was so drunk. He puked everywhere and was scared that he is gonna die hahaha then I couldn't sleep beside him because of the smell. But he kept waking p and calling for me. So didn't get a good sleep and I was annoyed but at least he has fun.

I saw on fb Riley looked exhausted after his bday! Such a cutie

Last night my mom and sil were here, had some bonding time with my niece. Seems like she doesn't know me:( makes me sad because I try seeing her couple times a week but I really don't have time.
Hey Golden! Did you tell your in laws that you are expecting ?

Ew since being pregnant, the smell of alcohol makes me feel physically sick, esp spirits. I bet he has got a nice hangover today :) Hope you got a lay in today and are both resting.

Aww I'm sure she does, she is still little. When I was in America for a year I felt like that too, I used to get my family to send me videos of them all the time and FaceTime them. With my nephews I knew they would remember me and used to ask about me all the time but my niece was only 3 months when I left and felt like when I came back she wouldn't remember me, but it was fine I spent lots of time with when I came back and she is so close to me. You will be surprised when they are little who they know, even the sound of your voice she will know. Is she quite attached to your sil? My sil is obsessed to have them with her 24-7 when they can't walk and it so hard to build up a relationship, but now she is walking she is more active so she can't constantly be on her lap haha

I finally ordered the Moses basket.. One thing ticked off!
Yea DH has a bad hangover and I just took a four hours nap! It was great but gotta get up and do laundry.

Well I never thought niece was not remembering me but when I went to pick them up yesterday, she gave me her after a bath and she was already fussy so she kept crying. So sil said "oh she cries when strangers hold her" and I was just surprised that I'm all the sudden a stranger then she was like owe auntie is not a stranger even tho u don't see her often. Then my brother was like at least u guys can bond today. Then mom grabbed her and she was still crying. Anyways whatever, when she grows p she can speak for herself instead of sil.

Which basket you ended up ordering?

We haven't told inlaws, we gonna tell them after the scan
naps are the best. Take it easy today.

Ahhh your not a stanger! I wouldn't feel bad over what they said. You shouldn't push yourself to go there every single day.

It's all white and comes with rocking stand and mattress. Just need to get some fitted sheets for it. Pleased it's been ordered, been debating for ages what one to get. Should be coming in the next few days :) We are getting the bedrooms done, wooden floors done, new doors, new blinds. So I will have to wait for that to all be done to organise everything.

Bet you can't for scan, not long now!
Are you setting up a nursery too? What colours did u use? I can't wait to decorate the nursery, that's the best part lol

Floors gonna be awesome, easy to clean. Our bedrooms have carpet so I don't like it that much, like if DH puked on it yesterday I would have to buy a new house lol

First time of my life I'm excited it's Sunday and Monday tomorrow, I usually hate Sunday's because there is work tomorrow but this week, I'm getting close to my scan heheh so excited. Above my pelvic area is hard today, I'm assuming that the bump.
Part of a nursery, more like a room that I will keep all his clothes and use to feed in at night. I have a nursering chair so will put that in there. It's opposite our room. We are hopefully moving before the end of the year so not really decorating a nursery. Yeah that's the only bad thing about carpet, also I find it will be less dusty with a baby to have wooden floor.

Ahh do you have a morning scan ? Are u bloated ?

I've been having really sharp pains down below and an urge to pee, I don't whether I'm having braxton hicks or what. Guessing baby is pushing his head down.

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