ttc #1 - handy tips please :0)

Scan went well. It was a growth scan because the doctors thought he may be small but Baby is measuring fine and everything is well. I just carry small. He is 5lbs atm, you wouldn't think by looking at my belly. We are happy we got to see him for one last time before he arrives. We got some really good pictures too. He was waving and sticking out his tongue, so amazing. I really can't wait to see him now.

We had our first Anternatal class today too, so it was a very baby oriented day haha

Golden- not long at all! I feel like these weeks are flying! I bet you don't feel the same. Is your Doppler still the cupboard ?

Thats amazing! 5 pounds! my niece was only 6pounds when she was born. I think u are too skinny thats why you dont show much. Show us the pics plz!

I did try the doppler 2 days ago 6w6d, i couldnt hear anything except one spot and it was 125-130 so it could be something else but it was like heart beat. Im gonna try again tonight hehe i feel like i suck at using it.

Btw, do you live with ur fiance? will you guys be getting married? if so when are u planning? his parents are in London too? Happy Eid btw
eeee not long until scan Golden :hugs: im sure all is going well in there hun, my sickness never started until the morning of 6wks+5 days! I kept thinking where is it.. But it was just awful nausea/food aversions no physical sicking in the toilet thank god! My friends sickness came & passed sooooo quickly & she was very nervous about her scan & shes now 21+5 days pg ;)

Ooh how did the Antenal class go today? What kind of things did they go into? Omg im soooooo pissed at myself right now! I was convinced the Breastfeeding workshop on NHS was today 07/07 but it was Tuesday 05/07!! I missed it & im so gutted!! It wouldve been a great refresher :( oh well.. I can still remember bits from last time like 'Babies nose to nipple' & 'Babies tummy to mummy' etc..!

Ordered Red Maxi Cosy carseat today yay!! Im getting there..! :)

Baby girl measured at 5lbs aswell when i was nearly 35wks so baby boy is spot on Iak, boys are usually a tad heavier thsn girls :thumbup:
It's only an estimate, I don't how right they are but I have heard sometimes when they estimate the baby's weight they can be completely wrong or spot on. She estimated that if I go to 40 wks he should be just over 7lbs. We will have to wait and see. I like the sound of that though, he will fit in most of his clothes and plus don't want to push out a massive baby. Ahh your niece was so small and petite.

If you can't find the heartbeat I wouldn't stress. When I started using mine I read some people find it and some people don't. Tbh I think it's best to wait to use it later on but I know how u must feel that u want to try and find it. Try searching really far down.

Yes we do live together. Hopefully in the next two years, I didn't want to get married when I was pregnant so we decided to wait. Thank you, Bayram kutlu olsun to you and your family. Hope you had a good day.

Anternatal class went well. It was the labour and pain relief one. Didn't really learn a lot of news things, but was good to go. OH felt sleepy towards the end, bless him. I have the parenting one next week and the week after that is the breastfeeding one. Ahh Clairybell feel for you, I remember you saying that you were looking forward to have a refresher. Is there anywhere else around the area that does the same class ? Sometimes at a diff hospital. I have to do the waterbirth class at a diff hospital.

Aww pleased u getting there. How are you feeling? I'm now struggling to put my socks and shoes on. My back pain is doing my head in ? I think I'm going to start going swimming.

Will have to see how accurate the measurements are when they are born then. They should weigh roughly the same then. I'm so pleased everything was ok, I knew he measured me wrong. The women that done the scan was lovely though, she went through everything with us and done 3D and HD. He looks so squashed in there hehe


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oh iak! he is a cutie!! if i get a daughter, we will hook them p hehehe future investments :happydance: what a caring mom i am already.

Btw my niece was 6pounds 3ounces which is tiny but her height was 53cm, so she didnt fit in new born clothes. We started with 6-9months onesies then now she is 3.5 months old and her height is 65cm so she wears 9-12months. All the small clothes that we got, she couldnt wear them. So dont buy lots until he is out lol
Awwwwwww Iak he is a lil beauty <3 gawjus :hugs:

Eeesh ive given up trying to put socks on now Lol! I wear my ballet pumps with no socks or my new flip flops or slippers ha ha! I struggle trying to lift my legs to put into my jeans standing up or sitting down, its too much pressure on my pubic bone! Trying to dry my feet after getting out the shower.. Pahahaaa! That funny to watch, im wobbling everywhere :haha:

Ah 6lb baby i can imagine she was teeeeny Golden :) even early baby 'clothes' are sometimes too big aww..! Girls generally are slightly smaller than boys but i guess it depends if they are late/early etc..

They est baby girl to be around 7.5lb, not far off Rileys birth weight, he was 7lb 5oz but piled on the lbs really quick! He looked massive to me at 6 days old lol
Yea she was tiny but tall, she is getting taller but not gaining much. I donno where she got those genes from because everyone in my family got weight problems lol.

Btw DH said we can tell his family after the scan, if everything is good. Im so excited because i hate keeping secrets and i was gonna die keeping this to myself hehe. His family is in Sweden and got no connection with mine so its safe to tell them.

When did u tell ur parents? its okey right? not so early?
Haha its hard keeping that kind of secret isnt it?! I had already told a couple of close friends & family by 6wks haha terrible! Im sure SO did aswell, he told loads of people with Riley which i was slightly miffed about, i recvd fb messages of congrats of people i hadnt even told & i had a go at him about it! Nothing like that this time :) how will you be telling Swedish family? By telephone, Skype? :hugs:
Thank you girlies :) OH made me laugh, he goes to the women who done the scan his nose looks abit squashed... And she goes it's normal he is in water and they look always look squashed. Bless him he was concerned. Also she added that he has massive testicles for a baby! We couldn't stop laughing and then she printed out a picture of them for us to take. So will be saving that for his 18th haha. OH looked very proud!

Golden- it's a date! Let's hope for a girl. Plus if you have twins and there is two girls he will have a choice haha. I was only saying yesterday that he won't be having no gfs until 18! Mummy's boy haha

Clairybell, I was quite impressed she done 3D and HD on NHS, was pleased we got some pics with 3D and didn't have to pay. They estimated him to be 7lb 4oz so will be good to see how much the babies do weigh. So newborn clothes should be ok ? I'm just going through all the stuff I need to get.. Ahhhh panic! My mum mentioned that she wants to get him a Sleepyhead. Have u heard much about them ? They are the new thing in haha. Clairybell I'm finding flip flops are far more easier these days. Nice weather too so we are all good. Btw do u think it hurts them when we put our trousers on I feel like I'm squashing him haha.

Golden- will u be telling your family too? I told my best friend after I took pregnancy test and we told my mum and OH told his dad after I had a scan at 9wks. We then told the rest of the family and close friends after my 12 wk scan. We then told other friends that are not so close when I was 17/18 wks. It's completely up to you. Some people tell family straight away. It's nice to have someone else know apart from OH. It's really hard not saying anything. I think after your scan you will have an idea on how everything is going and plus due date so why not they are family :)
Omg DH would be so proud of big testicles hehehhe Im glad it all went well! So excited to meet him.

So we will be telling them on Saturday, i will be 8w4d so its not that bad ha. I just dont wanna tell other ppl because i dont believe everyone wants my best to be honest so i will only be telling DH's family as his family will want our best for sure.

I already told my mom and my 3 best friends, but dont wanna tell my brother becase dont want my sil to know.

Long story short, we gonna tell them on Facetime. DH said he will show the picture of the scan to his mom and ask "who is this" hehehe DH is mama's boy so he is just excited to share it with his mom.

Pray that scan goes well and my plans dont hurt me later!
Aww how lovely. When will u be telling your family ?

How did your mum and best friends react ? I understand how u feel. Some people the less that know the better, but it's such a blessing that should be shared. OH hates things on Facebook for that reason.

Do you get on with your sil ? Be nice for your niece to have a little playmate.
Aww how lovely. When will u be telling your family ?

How did your mum and best friends react ? I understand how u feel. Some people the less that know the better, but it's such a blessing that should be shared. OH hates things on Facebook for that reason.

Do you get on with your sil ? Be nice for your niece to have a little playmate.

My mom cried when i told her and my friends, i told them over the phone because we dont live close so they were happy for me.

I will tell my brother and sil when im 12 weeks, and im sure sil will tell the world from there on hahahha no need for facebook. Plus DH doesnt wanna use fb for announcement, he thinks its not good.

I hav hard time liking sil, Im always good to her and of course my niece, im always there for her. But she did things at the beginning that put me off so we dont really hang out that much. I feel like she will ruin the play-dates too, she will make that into a competition like everything.

Also when i told them i have pcos, she told her mom about it and her mom announced it to everyone. Then they blamed dad. It gets ugly every time i tell her something. Thanks to her, no weveryone thinks i cant have kids.
Aww it's def different for mums with their daughters. My mum has 4 grandchildren from my brother and sil, but she is so excited as she knows it will be completely different. With daughter in laws you have to keep a lot to yourself. I think it depends on the relationship though.

Sounds like you have a similar relationship to her as I do with my sil haha. OH's sister is lovely but my brother's wife is an odd one! I bet when she told everyone that really hurt you. That's all you needed with ttc and the whole world knowing and blaming your dad. Well you proved them all wrong, you guys have a baby on board!!! :D
Yea I like DH's sisters, but they are far so it might be different if we lived in the same city.

Sils sil is pregnant almost same due date as mine and she is keep telling me about how she is pregnant and how it took her only two months to concieve.

Mom said "ur kid will feel different because I would feel closer" but I doubt it because she lives with my brother and takes care of my niece so she will feel more special.

I don't really mind it tho, as long as I have this baby healthy without problems, mama's love will be enuf
I'd ignore your sil Golden & good for her that it took 2 months to get pg, sometimes its not that easy for everyone else! & this baby or 'babies' (hehe) that you are carrying will be so loved & blessed as you have waited soooo much longer for them :hugs: i cant wait for you guys to have your scan hehe!

Im quite lucky SO only has 1 brother, hes lovely, his wife is lovely but abit boring & serious with stuff zzzZ! Mil is ok, bit opioniated when shes had a drink & think she knows it all which is irritating but ignore her haha!

Haha Boys testicles are HUGE inside :haha: Rileys were aswell, they wete big when he was born aswell, all inflated lol! But just fyi - they are easy to clean with dirty nappies, just mop around with baby wipes :)

Ive not heard of 'Sleephead' but i just Googled them & i saw them in John Lewis on Tuesday! They look super comfy! Bsby boy will be comfy & snoozy spolit hehe let yor mum purchase if shes wishes ha ha!!

Lol Iak i always think im squishing her when i lean down to pick things up, sometimes i forget i need to kneel or squat.. Its the getting back up that i struggle with aswell ha ha like a sloth whale leaning & grabbing onto everything HAHA!! Nah im sure they're fine in there but it makes us oober uncomfy :(

Just had a big ol cuppa Milky coffee as didnt sleep great & have bits n bobs to do today, she us going wild in there now Lol!

Rileys 4th Birthday tomorrow - 9th July :) have balloons, a helium balloon, couple of tshirts & couple of gifts for him to open up hehe im excited! Then off to the Toy shop in morning for him to pick out a 'main present' thrn his suprise softplay playcentre party is 11-1pm :)
Very harsh to throw it in your face. Some people conceive quickly and others don't. You are a strong women, you don't negativity around you. Just ignore it, you got your baby to look after now.

Clairybell it was the way she said "the biggest I have seen" Haha
I know how u feel it's coming to a point that I'm taking forever to decide what shoes. I'm enjoying this weather though I decide to walk to grab a coffee, it's lovely outside. Ahh baby boy does the same, goes crazy when I have a coffee even if it's

I don't know if it's worth £100 though, another company called Poddle Pod does the same thing for half the price.

Busy day today then. Has Riley's chickenpox cleared up ? We have someone coming to professional clean the carpets in the rooms, so have to stay in and wait for that to be done. After that's done I can finally start organising!
Thanks girls, i really dont go to my bros house that often. Just once a week to see my niece, she grows fast so try to keep p with that.

My mil and fil dont know english so we cant really talk hehehhe i was supposed to learn arabic and talk to them or swedish but that never happened so far we get along well just smiling and nodding lol

I had to google sleephead too and not sure why its 100pounds? thats bit much i think.

Next week is the scan, im so excited and nervous. Days are not passing fast enuf ugh!
HAHAA the biggest balls ever!! Lol i love it! Nice job Daddyo hehee!

Wow that Sleepyhead was £100 :shock: hmmm.. Im sure there are cheaper ones as you have seen! They look sooooo comfy though, imagine if they did them in adult size ahhhhh <3

Rileys completely over his chook pox, all scabby lol!

Ah bet the carpet looks brand spanking new now :thumbup: its nice to get organised as you can relax then :)

I was looking at my bump pic.. It kinda looks like ive dropped a bit & its poking right out haha il post!
The sleepyhead is basically a mattress that helps them sleep I don't know how but it's got really good reviews.

Not long now Golden! It's weird you say that the days fly by for me. I ve decided to try and not have coffee everyday and only have decaf. I am exhausted today! i went for a long walk my legs and feet ache so much. How is OH doing with you being pregnant?

Clairybell are you all ready for tomorrow ? Ahh bet Riley is going to have so much fun! Let's see your bump :)

We decided to not get carpet cleaned and get wooden flooring down instad will be done this weekend or next week.

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