TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Carole so sorry to read of the horrendous time you've had lately :hugs: I do hope your health improves and that in the future under the care of a different doctor you can TTC again :hugs: Hope the government takes action and that you successfully sue him :hugs:
Oh Carole that is terrible, hoping that you get a speedy recovery and start feeling much better soon :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Hey Ladies,

I wanted to apologise for being absent from here for so long but it seems that it is never straightforward with me. After my OHSS scare I seemed to get better for a few days and then I thought I got food poisoning as had tummy cramps and a really bad upset tummy (it is very usual in this part of the world in summer when eating out) . The bad tummy went on for 2 weeks even after taking meds from the Dr at the surgery. I was putting on weight even though I was only eating a fraction of what I normally did and even then my body seemed to reject anything I put into it. Then nearly 3 weeks ago I collapsed at home in agony and starting vomitting uncontrollably. My husband found me on the bathroom floor and literally carried me to the car and rushed me to the ER. I was worked on for sometime and lost conciousness due mainly to the pain. I thought something had ruptured in my tummy. After scans and tests they realised that it was severe OHSS that had come about again( it was mid cycle at this point and I had just O) I was kept in the hospital for 8 days and can honestly say that I have never felt so unwell. I have been off work for a further 2 weeks whilst I recover and gain my strength back.Because of the crazy amount of drugs the IVF Dr gave me my organs inside were very unhappy to say the least and my bowel/intestines were severly inflamed but worst of all my pancreas is very much enlarged and unhealthy. The Dr at the hospital diagnosed that I now have insulin resistance syndrome/metabolic syndrome caused by all the meds I took. I am now on a super strict diet to try and reverse this and I am allowed absolutely no sugar not even honey, no carbs and no dairy. They are trying to get quick results for me but expect that I will have to continue on this path for at least 4-6 months before I can consider any further fertility treatment. I am lucky though that I collasped when I did as if it had gone on much longer I could have been really seriously ill. It is shocking that my pancreas is like this as to look at I do not look overweight, I am 6ft tall and a US size 8-10 in clothes and ate fairly healthy food and exercised.

So for now we are reporting the fertility Dr to the government to try and get them to take action against this guy and then suing him privately. We are arranging for our eggs to be moved to another hospital for storage until I am well enough to transfer.

So for now ladies I am taking a break from TTC for a while and will probably not be posting but may lurk every now and then to see how you are all doing. For those of you newly pregnant I look forward to reading your pregnancy updates with each scan that comes along and for the remainder I will be praying for your BFP to come along real soon. You ladies are a real inspiration and strength to all of us facing this hideous battle and I know I wouldn't be so sane right now if it was not for this thread.

Take care all and I hope to be back on this journey and posting again by Christmas x x

Oh honey how horrible!!!! I am so glad that your better now, what a nightmare that must have been, i so hope you feel totaly normal very soon, you poor thing!!! Its good to hear from you again, and i am sending you big hugs, man i so want to go over there and beat the crap out of that doctor right now!!!
carole - I'm so sorry! I didn't know what OHSS was so I just looked it up as I was curious about it and oh my, what a horrible experience you have had. :hugs: I am glad you are better now and good luck when you start the treatments again. :hugs::hugs:

MA - the cake was wonderful - it was a cassata torte - which is a white cake with coffee (or rum) soaked layers with a ricotta mousse fillings with mini chocolate chips! It was heavenly. We ate it at 11am, then at night too....:blush:

hello DHime! :hi:

dwrgi - I've never been overseas so I can't help with Turkey or Portugal (i barely get out of Boston Massachusetts!) but I hope you will find rest and relaxation wherever you go
but Skye - Scotland is one of the places I always wanted to go as I'm part Scottish.....enjoy your vacations lady!

Morning to every one else....hope today will bring happiness in some form to you all today.
OOh Carole can not believe how ill that stupid incompetent dr made you. Poor you. That sounds like the worst nightmare. But the drug regime they put you on sounded horrific especially starting to max your dose in the middle of the stims. I hope you can get a good compensation out of the guy and get him a good official punishment (warning etc) Sweety I hope you can arrange another cycle in the Uk once you are well and ready to have another go. With the frozen eggs I wish you all the best with them. You never know maybe you might get lucky with one of them. xxx
MA - the cake was wonderful - it was a cassata torte - which is a white cake with coffee (or rum) soaked layers with a ricotta mousse fillings with mini chocolate chips! It was heavenly. We ate it at 11am, then at night too....:blush:

Oh that sounds SO GOOD! :dohh:((FAINT)):haha:

Carole, how HORRIBLE! We've had our share of incompetent medical facilities. In all actuality we could have sued not only the Peri center but the hospital for malpractice in our sons death. IN FACT, when we met with the board of directors of the hospital, we were bribed with a flippin gas card "for our trouble"!:wacko: Hindsight, we should have walked away then and considered filing suit. :growlmad::nope:

Praying you get some justice in the matter! Good for you for speaking up and advocating for yourself!!
MA nice one that they distracted u with a gas card. Since you were grief struck ;( What is a flippin gas card anyway? I get very angry when medical people act irresponsibly and carelessly to their patients.

BTW Posh finally had her little bb girl. If that baby isn't genetically chosen I am a beaver.
MA nice one that they distracted u with a gas card. Since you were grief struck ;( What is a flippin gas card anyway? I get very angry when medical people act irresponsibly and carelessly to their patients.

BTW Posh finally had her little bb girl. If that baby isn't genetically chosen I am a beaver.

MA nice one that they distracted u with a gas card. Since you were grief struck ;( What is a flippin gas card anyway? I get very angry when medical people act irresponsibly and carelessly to their patients.

BTW Posh finally had her little bb girl. If that baby isn't genetically chosen I am a beaver.


I said that too - well not the beaver part - wish I had though!!
Carole - what a nightmare - so glad they caught it before something worse happened. I'm so sorry that it means putting ttc on hold for the moment. Take care of yourself, get well soon & we'll be here for you whenever you need us xx
Carole what a nightmare that must have been. Good on you for picking yourself up again. Look after yourself and keep well.
NMG - sounds like you had a lovely celebration!! congratulations

Macwooly - glad your FIL is improving xx have a fantastic anniversary and enjoy all the treats you lovely DH has planned.

carol - OMG!! it sounds like your doctor was just plain negligent. I am just glad that you are feeling better, and may you continue to improve back to full health.

skye - you are soooo right about the beckhams baby! lol!

big hugs to everyone, hope you are all having a lovely week :hugs:
Dear Carole, I couldn't believe your story when I read it, it sounded absolutely horrific. I am so glad that your husband came home when he did and took you straight to hospital. I hope that the diet regime does the trick and reverses the damage, and I am so sorry that you have had to put TTC on the back burner, but it is your health that counts now. I hope you sue that incompetent joke for as much as you can get-he shouldn't be allowed to practice.

Take really good care of yourself and we will be here for you whenever you need us.

Huge hugs to you hun, you shouldn't have had to go through this.
Dwrgi - I am soo excited for you starting your treatment. I will be keeping everything crossed for you! weirdly I used to work with a lady who had icsi treatment and I was just catching up with her on facebook - she had twins as a result of her first treatment cycle and her girls are now 8! hard to believe time passes so fast. anyway - I am hoping and praying that you are successful xx
How are you doing? :flower:

Love your new avatar picture! Beautiful! When do you get to go in and talk with your GP?

Sorry about your BFN, but I am very excited about your first FS appt in a few weeks. You are going to feel great having a medical provider as a partner in conception so it doesn't feel like it is falling all on you. I'm very impressed with your weight loss achievement! Way to go. :happydance:

That is wonderful news that you can try the PBD process without having to go straight to egg donation. I think that it is amazing what science can help us achieve. Please keep us posted.

DHime & TTC11,
Welcome! As for the comment about being poor as dirt, DHime, we are right there with you, but at 39 and 47, we could not put off TTC. We will figure it out as we go along. Very few people are completely prepared and ready financially for parenthood. There are lots of ways to save though.

What a wonderful anniversary dinner! That cake sounds absolutely Delicious!

I'm getting so excited for you about the ICSI in Aug. As your your vacation, either Turkey or Portugal sound amazing. I would love to go to both one of these days. That is great that your DH loves to plan everything. I will have to live vicariously through you on your travels.

Your beaver comment had me laughing. Those are some genetically lucky people breeding a superbaby, right there! :) As for a trip to Scotland, I spent a summer studying at Oxford and spent nearly every free weekend in Scotland. We did the Edinburgh tour which was nice, but we loved Aberdeen. We found a cozy B&B right on the coast and just settled in. We would take the train up from Oxford every chance we got. There is a great pub there, too, called The Globe. Not sure if it's still there, but we loved it.

congrats on your 4th year wedding anniversary! Time flies, doesn't it! I love steam trains and zoos too! What a fabulous celebration you will have!

I was extremely worried about you reading your post, not to mention, steaming mad about that doctor who caused your OHSS. Your husband is a hero, swooping in and rescuing you while you were on the floor, carrying you to the car, getting you to the ER. Thank God he was there for you. I hope he helps take good care of you as you recover. Just focus on getting well, and dealing with that horrible doctor/practice, and then you can go to another clinic that you trust for your future treatment. I'm so sorry that this happened to you. We are here for support!

If you are lurking, I love your new avatar pic as well! Hope you are doing well. :hugs::hugs:

Hi to Butterfly, Northstar, and anyone else I missed!

For those you don't feel like reading about my 2nd OB appt. I'm hiding this next part so you don't have to.

I had the best day today! :cloud9: We had a great appt. I've gained 6 lbs since I started fertility treatments and 4 in the last 10 weeks. We got to hear the babies heartbeats on a handheld Doppler. It was awesome! I was worried we would have to wait until our specialist appt & another U/S to get some reassurance that they were still hanging in there, but hearing the heartbeats was wonderful and gave me some peace of mind. We go for our Nuchal Translucency screening to check for Downs and other birth defects on Monday and I'm a bit nervous about getting worrisome results, but right now, I'm just trying to enjoy today!

Also, DH & I are are planning an early 40th birthday trip in mid-September at the beach near Seaside, FL. Four nights! Aaaah, I can just imagine the sand btn my toes and the waves crashing! I so need a vacation! I feel like I've been on an emotional roller coaster - happy one minute, stressed and scared the next so I am very excited to have this little trip to look forward to. :wacko:

Have a great evening, everyone!
DHime: Welcome. :flower: I'm new too. And I hear your pain. How many times have I said, "I have time, no babies to keep me down, I'm so young." Ha. Then 36 comes around and I wonder if it's too late, did I miss my opportunity? Or yes, like you mentioned one day I'll have more money saved up for babies.

I don't know if you've been trying for long, but I know I feel 'over it'. Been trying for over a year, stopping for a few months due to gallbladder issues. And seeing all my friends getting pregnant on their honeymoon nights, don't help matters. haha.

Well, good luck to you!:dust:
Skye....:rofl: :rofl: The beaver comment is too funny! :rofl:

AFM, Doug and I had a LOVELY day today. I got out and we went minivan shopping because our Santa fe is a safety issue. We ended up with a used minivan at an AWESOME interest rate, they gave us over what the car was worth and there's only 29k miles on it. Looks brand new on the inside. We were EXTATIC! :happydance:

After that we went to dinner at Smokey Bones for pulled pork, smoked wings and veggies.

OF COURSE I still had cake on the mind. Instead of buying the whole cake I wanted, I settled for mini cupcakes where I'd only have to eat one or two and not the whole darn thing. :haha:

All in all, our day was just LOVELY!
Lava - Im doing ok thank you :hugs: I was excited to read about your appointment - thank you for sharing

MA - congrats on your new transportation! and as for cake - I think Amelia might enjoy a big cake ! :rofl:

Happy wednesday to all of you lovely ladies :hugs: and :dust: to you - hope you have a great day xx
Oh my gosh! DRAMA!! Doug and I lost our Title to the car so we spent HOURS last night combing through the WHOLE HOUSE!! Didn't find it and we were STILL up at 5am this morning. :wacko: I'm praising God right now for His favor because the dealership will allow us to get a copy for a fee and it will be sent to them INSTEAD of not receiving the car at all. ((relief))

We're up on 3 hours or less of sleep, have to pick up the car later and we are EXHAUSTED and pretty much worried ourselves sick. It doesn't help that I'm a basket case in stressful situations. I honestly need to be more relaxed and less aggressive during these moments. :wacko:

Praying everyone has a lovely day. :hug:
Hello lovely ladies :flower:

I hope you're all well.

Apologies for the short, selfish message, but we had our GP appointment this morning and it wasn't good.

The Dr jumped straight in and said to DH "there were no sperm at all". Not even one little, lonely swimmer. It's known as Azoospermia and the next step is to see a FS, but from the GP's response of 'there's adoption or a sperm donor' as options, I'm not particulary hopeful.

So, I'm going to step away from here for a bit as we'll no longer be TTC. I don't think I've cried this hard since my mum died. Hell, I promised her that I'd tell my children about her each and everyday... :cry:

I wish you all much love, luck, :dust: and :hugs:


Charlotte xx

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