TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hello my friends! missing 2 days on this thread = hours of catching up!

big big :hugs: to you all: OMM, Mac, Lava, butterfly, twinkle, MA, skye, purple, dwrgi, never, the list goes on and on (darn, who did I miss.....if it was you then :hugs: to you too!)! much love to you all! I really don't think I would have such a good time if it weren't for all of you.

AFM: DH and I celebrated our 6 month anniversary Saturday! I know 6 months isn't very long but I will be a little over 8 months pg when our 1 year comes up so i may not be in the mood to celebrate then! :) I bought us a small cake with our wedding colors (wine and ivory) and we went out for dinner to a fancy place overlooking the water (at a window seat too!), I put on my wedding jewelry and put my long hair into a bun and fastened my crystal haircomb around it.....with a beautiful strapless dress and heels, I felt wonderful, even with my little bump showing through my dress! We had a lovely night. Poppy was good and only made me a little nauseous :haha: then laid me up most of the day Sunday feeling blah in the heat!
Awwwww how sweet, thats great that you had such a good time and heck yea you have to celebrate your marriage all the time, DH and i are comming up on 4 years in Sept, i just cant believe it, man time sure flys!!
DWRGI: Thank you for replying! Thank you to all the girls. It's nice to be able to share experiences on here. :thumbup:

I haven't tried the temperature charting yet. Before we moved out of state, I was all over the place with the time I'd get up for work. Aren't you suppose to check it the same time every morning? And they suggest to check the temp even before you stumble out of bed, right?

Hello TTC11! Yes, you do need to chart at the same time each day-it does get easier the more you do it (i.e. remembering to do it), in the end you do it instinctively. It really helps me work out my ovulation days and then when I can expect my period. It's not an exact science as alcohol, room temperature, etc. can cause changes to temps; I read somewhere to take your temp vaginally, and I admit that I did this for a month, and the temps were more constant! It's personal preference though I suppose.

Anyway, hope you're okay. I guess seeing the doctor is the way to go first.

Good luck!:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
I'm out for this month :nope:
I'll be back later to comment on everyone's posts (even those who love marmite!) once I've stopped sniffling :cry:

So sorry that AF got you-I hate hate hate the witch! Hope you feel a little bit better-be kind to your self at this time.

Lots of love,
Dwigi and Skye... stand by guys cos I think I am gonna need everything you all know... had an email from an embryologist in one of the clinics I contacted and they think I may not need egg donation as they can definatly search and exclude the translocationed eggs...... the PGD process is exactly the same as IVF, except some checks go on for the eggys, so no doubt I will be crapping myself soon and begging for info!!

awww Purple... you are making me blush lol. No, it was another dress... got if off the internet, made to measure for 70 quid lol. My wedding dress was MASSIVE... no way I could have worn it in Aus for the renewal. May put up a wedding piccy so you can see what I mean lol!

Thanks Macwooly... all prayers still gratefully received lol.

Sorry about the crap weather spoiling your sales Butterfly... will be carrying on like this for a while too apparently... boo hoo. Maybe we should move to California lol

That is brilliant news Pad-it is incredible what science can do! yes, we will be here to support you through whatever you decide to do! If there is a dream worth having it's worth waiting for!!! Apparently!

Lots of love to you hun!
Purple - sorry it was a BFN :hugs:

Skye - parents are sent to try us sometimes - hope you and your Mum make it up soon :hugs: Thanks for all the yummy things - I'll have to enjoy reading them rather than eating them though as I'm still dieting!

Hi ttc11 - hope your stay is a short & happy one! :flower:

Padbrat - nice to see you honey - your picture always make think you're a fairy princess!! :wedding:

Dwrgi - I used to teach Reception (4-5 year olds for our US ladies) I left because I was really bullied by my headteacher. I love my job now - I still get to work with kids but I don't have to deal with power crazy heads or do all the crap paper work!

Macwooly - sorry you're dealing with hard things at the moment - sending you hugs :hugs:

Butterfly - still love you despite your marmite liking!! :flower:

Rebekah - sorry I laughed out loud at Doug - I know it probably almost stopped your heart though!!:winkwink: You should definitely come to England :happydance:

Thanks for all the hugs ladies - it's been quite hard this time as it was the last chance to get a BFP before I go back to see the FS in 3 weeks time.
I'm still trying to lose the last 12 pounds that I need to get rid of to meet this time's target weight - done 2 hours on the wii fit today - am hoping if I do that for 3 weeks it'll make a difference!

Hmmm... power crazed Heads seem to be the order of the day! I won't even start on my Boss. He still has us going at 500mph with three days to go-it's absolutely crazy. Glad you have found a job that you are happy with-it's quite a feat these days!! And way to go with the weight loss. I think I'd have a heart attack if I did two hours on the Wii Fit so am very impressed with you! Way to go girl-you'll get there!! Remember what you're doing it for and that should keep you motivated!!

Big :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: to you hun!
Hi! I am new to this whole TTC thing.
It's weird, 15 years trying not to conceive and now I actually want to. Not sure when I stopped being scared of kids.
The whole "you are more financially secure at 35 is crap" I am poor as dirt. But time is against me so goin for it anyway...

Good luck DHime! Try not to worry too much about age-some of the age related stories to do with pregnancies that you here about are incredible! So good luck and let's hope you get your BFP soon!
Welcome TTC11-nice to meet you! I hope your stay on here is short and that you get your BFP very very soon. If you go to your docs, they will probably want to do a blood test on day 21 of your cycle to check that you are ovulating. I would go straight away anyway, and tell them that you have been TTC without success for over a year. At our age, they will show interest in this if you have been trying for six months without a result. Do you take your temperature daily? This helps you track your cycle and helps you pinpoint ovulation. Do you feel twinges mid cycle, which are ovulation pains? The biggest problem for female infertility are problems with ovulation. I also read that the biggest mistake with TTC is that people only have sex on days 12-14-ideally you need to be having sex on every other day from day 5 onwards to make sure that the sperm is fresh and healthy and also to maixmise catching your egg. I think the American posters may be able to help you better with Planned Parenthood... Good luck though! :thumbup:

Hia Purplelou-don't beat yourself up about testing early. The 2WW is one of the hardest things about TTC, and I don't know of many who stick it out until they are supposed to test! As Skye says, it is still very early, so hang on in there! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! And, yes, you are right, I can't wait till Friday-my body is completely exhausted, sort of bone tired. I slept for two and a half hours this afternoon (when I was supposed to be in the gym!!! Ha ha ha!), and on Friday when I came in. Just a slow crawl to the finish line now.... Anyway, hope you're having a good weekend? Big :hugs: to you!

Hi Twinkle, how are you hun? What did you used to teach? May I ask why you got out of teaching (or is it completely obvious????!!!!). Anyway, where are you at with your cycle? Hope you're okay? :flower::flower:

Hello Padbrat-so very lovely to read your posts, I think about you often. What a brilliant idea to try the new treatment-and it sounds realy promising. I am keeping all fingers and toes crossed for you! Please let us know where you're at, we are here for you with all the support and encouragement that you need! Huge hugs to you, hun! :flower:

Hey Butterfly-how did it go? Hope the pictures didn't get wet! It's like a day in November here, where is our summer? Did you manage to sell any pieces-your work is stunning! Thinking of you! :hugs:

Hi Lava, how are you feeling today? I hope that you are okay and trying not to worry too much. It sounds as though your pregnancy is going really well, I can't believe you're at 10 weeks already! That is so fantastic. Try and stay positive and not go to the 'bad worry place'! :flower::flower:

Hia Skye, so sorry to hear that you are down. I am sure that your mother is upset too if she left without saying goodbye. It is soooooooo easy to argue and fall out with family-I think we take our frustration out on each other as we know that we will always be there for each other. I am sure she understands that you couldn't look after her as much as she expected. You were clearly showing concern when you suggested that she had more help, she just took it the wrong way. Sounds as if she just wanted to vent. Don't be too down, hun, she will realise that you meant well and that you do care for her-it's obvious to me that you think the world of her, she will know this too. Is it worth sending her a letter just to let her know how you feel, that you are sad you parted the way you did, and that you meant no offence by suggesting local help?? At least you will feel that you have done something about the situation.... I hope you resolve it soon; it won't do you any good to be down, when you have your Little Bean on board. Parents though, eh? I have just come off the phone to my mum and she agitates me soooooooo much, yet my brothers partners think she is marvellous and have a really good relationship with her. We have never gelled, ever ever, and I feel it even more as my OH is so close to his parents (too close at times, think of 'Everybody Loves Raymond'!!). My parents don't even know I'm doing IVF next month-they get really embarrased when I mention my infertility as it is to do with SEX (shock horror, get the smelling salts Brian, she's talking about you know what again)!!!! I once told my Dad (who I can generally talk to) about trying Clomid, and he then told me that he and my mother both had high sex drives. OMG-I almost fell over, you soooooooooo don't want to hear that sort of information, but how can you go from Clomid to sex drives??? So, that's as far as he could go with relating and empathy! But, it is not good to have tension and worse to let it fester.... I hope you sort it out soon, hun!

There is so much I need to learn about IVF e.g. I didn't realise that you could buy your drugs separately to your clinic..... Where do you get your knowledge from???!!!! I wish I knew as much as you.... I had a scan on and there was a thread about this on there. From what I could work out, drugs for a treatment seem to come in at around £900 so I think the price is fair, it just seems like a lot of money (which of course it is!!). I think I have ovulated this month (oh the relief of not DTD to catch the egg-my first break in 42 cycles, bar when I was PG!!! I'm now going to start eating protein like it went out of fashion starting with an omelette tonight! As far as drinking milk is concerned, does it have to be full fat or can it be skimmed? I can't stand full fat milk... I still haven't got my head around it working; I instinctively think it will fail. My OH said that his swimmers seemed to be more plentiful this time, which suggest that his vits are working, so fingers crossed and recrossed and double recrossed!!!

Oh dear, I know I go on!

A big :thumbup: and hello to everybody else! I hope that you have all had a great weekend and let's face the next week smiling!!! Lots and lots of love to you all, Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Can i ask was that 900 pounds for all the IVF meds you would need? So that would be about $1450 us dollars, omg that is wonderful, i know here i checked into doing an IUI cycle on my own, which would have been just Gonal F and a trigger shot and it would have ended up costing me $4000 just for the meds!!

Hia Chris-yes, £940.20p in British pounds, through a pharmacist called Homecare something or other. I think Skye mentioned it in her post to me about meds. It's the pharmacy that the clinic use as they have a really good reputation. As Skye says, you need to look around for the cheapest option. I think the prescription included Gonal-F, Ovidrell (trigger shot), progesterone pessaries and the norestherone that I start next week to control the start of my next period.

Good luck hun! I think it is really worth going for!

Hope you are okay?

Lots of love
I've been craving cake since she mentioned it! :rofl: I'm dreaming of Wegmans vanilla coconut cake or triple chocolate. ((FAINT)) Instead, I opened up a greek yogurt. :haha:
Hi Skye, how are you? I hope that you are feeling a little bit better-it's never pleasant having a bad atmosphere amongst family. We are here for you if you need to vent!

I am going to ask you a completely off topic question, sorry ladies, but where in Turkey would you recommend for a summer holiday? I am STILL trying to organise my summer hols, and just haven't had the time to focus on it, but now that the Year 7 Midsummer Night's Dream play is over (last night-and it was brilliant!), I can go at it full throttle. I am after beach, sun, water boat rides and perhaps tennis, golf etc. to keep my OH happy..... I have heard that Olu Deniz is fab... any other recommendations??

Hope you're okay hun-sorry to bring such trivia on to here!

Love and hugs to you,
Hi! I am new to this whole TTC thing.
It's weird, 15 years trying not to conceive and now I actually want to. Not sure when I stopped being scared of kids.
The whole "you are more financially secure at 35 is crap" I am poor as dirt. But time is against me so goin for it anyway...

Hi DH, also poor as dirt but sure it will sort itself out if it happens!

Good luck and welcome :wave:
Hi DHime - welcome, hope your stay here is short :) we are also poor as dirt, but happy - I think it's the happiness that counts xx
NMG happy anniversary :)) Sounds so romantic and

MA cake, cake, strawberry and marzipan mmmm, yummm yummm!!!

Dwrgi, so you are getting your stuff from homecare at home? They are actually very reasonable, good for u. In fact I just reminded myself why don't I check how much my progestrone and heparine costs through them. Might be cheaper. Also skimmed milk is fine. Cotttage cheese, yogurt, all meat and pulses count. Milk just have a higher concentration of protein and 1 litre is ideal. You can google equivelant protein of a litre of milk and divide it into what else you wanna consume.

Turkey is super hot untill middle of August, just to let you know. When are u planning? Akyaka, Sarigerme, Gocek is where I fancy going which is on the south west coast. All the coast between Bodrum to Fethiye is quite lovely. (U can googe map to get an idea) Bodrum is very lively but also very touristy. Lot's of Uk tourists. Fethiye Oludeniz is interesting because of the sea is formed but not so much to do. (Worth seeing though) If you fancy hiring a car and have a tour around the coast staying a few days here and there you could easily do that. There is also Marmaris which has lovely sea side. You can chose a holiday resort in a good location there and chill out by the beach. But I think the there may not be much else to do.

You can also a have a boat trip from Bodrum. "Blue Tour" which they say is wonderful but you need to live with the rest of the people during the tour. Or you can have daily trips from anywhere on the coast. Just google you'll see many options.

Also there is North Sea "The black sea area" but that isn't very touristy. Has a great nature , perfect for hiking but it wouldn't be your typical beach holiday with good restaurants bar etc...

I would have suggested seeing Istanbul for a few days if you are going after September. Would be a bit of a nightmare in this heath though.

Hello Dhime and welcome to the thread.

Debs just sent u a msg on your mailbox xxx

Girls I'm wishing you loads of baby dust all...
I just phone healthcare at home and my meds were cheaper in my local pharmacy stil :)))

BTW Chris you might be using different meds to make the difference or more dosage. So you might be comparing apples and pears. Still a big price difference though ???? Might be worth getting the name of the items and dose and shopping around before you go for it. xxx

I'm still feeling very low with what happened. Fancy having a mini break from it all for few days and fancy going up north on my own maybe Scotland. Any suggestions girls?
I've been craving cake since she mentioned it! :rofl: I'm dreaming of Wegmans vanilla coconut cake or triple chocolate. ((FAINT)) Instead, I opened up a greek yogurt. :haha:

Well done you on not succumbing to temptation, in VERY trying circumstances!!

I just phone healthcare at home and my meds were cheaper in my local pharmacy stil :)))

BTW Chris you might be using different meds to make the difference or more dosage. So you might be comparing apples and pears. Still a big price difference though ???? Might be worth getting the name of the items and dose and shopping around before you go for it. xxx

I'm still feeling very low with what happened. Fancy having a mini break from it all for few days and fancy going up north on my own maybe Scotland. Any suggestions girls?

Dear Skye

Thank you so much for your good advice, as usual. I am so much more savvy through knowing you and gaining the benefit of your wisdom too! Interesting that your local pharmacy is cheaper than homecare.. We are awaiting our delivery on Thursday so it will be good to have them and that means it REALLY IS GOING TO GO AHEAD!!! OMG!!!

Hey, don't feel blue. It will blow over before you know it-from how you described it, perhaps your mum was being a bit over demanding, and there is nothing at all that you can do about that. Plus, you can't change anything, so why not send her a letter to make yourself feel better and close the chapter of that book! Better than procrastinating! And chin up!!

A mini break to Scotland sounds lovely. Or what about Bath, which isn't as far on the train, or Oxford, which are both lovely! I would always head for west Wales, but that is about four hours by train from London and you would then need a coach or taxi.... Cardiff is brilliant-a huge new shopping centre, and also Cardiff Bay which is, da da, on the water! Also plenty to do....

Your ideas about Turkey sound interesting and I shall certainly bear them in mind. I just cannot decide-Turkey or Portugal. My OH is going crazy as I clearly am allergic to planning and he is Mr Anal, plan everything three times over. I think he's slightly autistic myself :)haha::haha::haha:).

Anyway, it would be very good to have something to look forward to it, so get yourself on pronto!!!

Big hugs to you, hun,
Hi! I am new to this whole TTC thing.
It's weird, 15 years trying not to conceive and now I actually want to. Not sure when I stopped being scared of kids.
The whole "you are more financially secure at 35 is crap" I am poor as dirt. But time is against me so goin for it anyway...

Hello :hi: Hope you don't wait too long for your BFP :dust:
Dwgri - sorry never been to Turkey so no help to you but hope you manage to get a fab holiday and relax :)

NMG - so pleased you got to celebrate your wedding anniversary even if it was early :thumbup:

Lots and lots of :hugs::hugs: to all the other ladies on this thread :hugs:

AFM - FIL's health continues to improve as much as it can with all his medical conditions :) And I'm celebrating my 4th wedding anniversary later this week and DH has the most fab things planned for us :) I get to be a 6 year old again as it involves steam trains which I love and a zoo which I love a little more :) Exactly the distractions I need to keep my mind off the TWW :)
Dwgri - sorry never been to Turkey so no help to you but hope you manage to get a fab holiday and relax :)

NMG - so pleased you got to celebrate your wedding anniversary even if it was early :thumbup:

Lots and lots of :hugs::hugs: to all the other ladies on this thread :hugs:

AFM - FIL's health continues to improve as much as it can with all his medical conditions :) And I'm celebrating my 4th wedding anniversary later this week and DH has the most fab things planned for us :) I get to be a 6 year old again as it involves steam trains which I love and a zoo which I love a little more :) Exactly the distractions I need to keep my mind off the TWW :)

It all sounds really lovely-you have a very thoughtful and loving husband who obviously cares for you very much! Have a great time!

Hey Ladies,

I wanted to apologise for being absent from here for so long but it seems that it is never straightforward with me. After my OHSS scare I seemed to get better for a few days and then I thought I got food poisoning as had tummy cramps and a really bad upset tummy (it is very usual in this part of the world in summer when eating out) . The bad tummy went on for 2 weeks even after taking meds from the Dr at the surgery. I was putting on weight even though I was only eating a fraction of what I normally did and even then my body seemed to reject anything I put into it. Then nearly 3 weeks ago I collapsed at home in agony and starting vomitting uncontrollably. My husband found me on the bathroom floor and literally carried me to the car and rushed me to the ER. I was worked on for sometime and lost conciousness due mainly to the pain. I thought something had ruptured in my tummy. After scans and tests they realised that it was severe OHSS that had come about again( it was mid cycle at this point and I had just O) I was kept in the hospital for 8 days and can honestly say that I have never felt so unwell. I have been off work for a further 2 weeks whilst I recover and gain my strength back.Because of the crazy amount of drugs the IVF Dr gave me my organs inside were very unhappy to say the least and my bowel/intestines were severly inflamed but worst of all my pancreas is very much enlarged and unhealthy. The Dr at the hospital diagnosed that I now have insulin resistance syndrome/metabolic syndrome caused by all the meds I took. I am now on a super strict diet to try and reverse this and I am allowed absolutely no sugar not even honey, no carbs and no dairy. They are trying to get quick results for me but expect that I will have to continue on this path for at least 4-6 months before I can consider any further fertility treatment. I am lucky though that I collasped when I did as if it had gone on much longer I could have been really seriously ill. It is shocking that my pancreas is like this as to look at I do not look overweight, I am 6ft tall and a US size 8-10 in clothes and ate fairly healthy food and exercised.

So for now we are reporting the fertility Dr to the government to try and get them to take action against this guy and then suing him privately. We are arranging for our eggs to be moved to another hospital for storage until I am well enough to transfer.

So for now ladies I am taking a break from TTC for a while and will probably not be posting but may lurk every now and then to see how you are all doing. For those of you newly pregnant I look forward to reading your pregnancy updates with each scan that comes along and for the remainder I will be praying for your BFP to come along real soon. You ladies are a real inspiration and strength to all of us facing this hideous battle and I know I wouldn't be so sane right now if it was not for this thread.

Take care all and I hope to be back on this journey and posting again by Christmas x x

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