TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Dwigi and Skye... stand by guys cos I think I am gonna need everything you all know... had an email from an embryologist in one of the clinics I contacted and they think I may not need egg donation as they can definatly search and exclude the translocationed eggs...... the PGD process is exactly the same as IVF, except some checks go on for the eggys, so no doubt I will be crapping myself soon and begging for info!!

awww Purple... you are making me blush lol. No, it was another dress... got if off the internet, made to measure for 70 quid lol. My wedding dress was MASSIVE... no way I could have worn it in Aus for the renewal. May put up a wedding piccy so you can see what I mean lol!

Thanks Macwooly... all prayers still gratefully received lol.

Sorry about the crap weather spoiling your sales Butterfly... will be carrying on like this for a while too apparently... boo hoo. Maybe we should move to California lol
dearest twinkle - I am so sorry! big :hugs: (and I won't eat any marmite before I hug you! xx)
Padbrat - I would love to see pics! I love weddings and wedding pics. It's probably daft on my part but I just do!
Padbrat and other ladies who are looking at IVF assisted conception there is a lady with a journal in the main TTC forum MissyMooMoo who has just achieved a BFP with donor eggs - might be some info on there that would be of interest.

I think she is 42?
Purple - sorry it was a BFN :hugs:

Skye - parents are sent to try us sometimes - hope you and your Mum make it up soon :hugs: Thanks for all the yummy things - I'll have to enjoy reading them rather than eating them though as I'm still dieting!

Hi ttc11 - hope your stay is a short & happy one! :flower:

Padbrat - nice to see you honey - your picture always make think you're a fairy princess!! :wedding:

Dwrgi - I used to teach Reception (4-5 year olds for our US ladies) I left because I was really bullied by my headteacher. I love my job now - I still get to work with kids but I don't have to deal with power crazy heads or do all the crap paper work!

Macwooly - sorry you're dealing with hard things at the moment - sending you hugs :hugs:

Butterfly - still love you despite your marmite liking!! :flower:

Rebekah - sorry I laughed out loud at Doug - I know it probably almost stopped your heart though!!:winkwink: You should definitely come to England :happydance:

Thanks for all the hugs ladies - it's been quite hard this time as it was the last chance to get a BFP before I go back to see the FS in 3 weeks time.
I'm still trying to lose the last 12 pounds that I need to get rid of to meet this time's target weight - done 2 hours on the wii fit today - am hoping if I do that for 3 weeks it'll make a difference!
Twinkie i admire your determination, you will get there. Fairy dust fairy dust loads of it xxx
Hi! I am new to this whole TTC thing.
It's weird, 15 years trying not to conceive and now I actually want to. Not sure when I stopped being scared of kids.
The whole "you are more financially secure at 35 is crap" I am poor as dirt. But time is against me so goin for it anyway...
Hi DH, Welcome! :hi: You'll love the ladies here. :winkwink:

Twinks, sorry to hear your out. ((sigh)) :hugs: :flowers:

It's okay to laugh. Poor Doug. You should have seen his face when the Peri told me I could get around and move. Thought he was going to faint! :haha: When she said it, he told her I was planning to go to my cousins wedding 45min.'s away and that the reception was in a castle over an hour away further. He was thinking she'd say NO WAY!! When she mentioned the next childrens hospital is close by I thought he would start sobbing. :rofl:

Honestly I think he's close to the edge lately. Don't worry you'll understand it all at some point. You may be out this time, but I'm not counting you out fact, I'm hoping we'll have an announcement within the next few months. That'd be nice! :winkwink:

Would LOVE to visit you! Now all we have to do is get Doug a visa, change mine to my married name now and I think we need one for Amelia when she's here. Doug HAS to get out and get some culture! :winkwink:

Love to all of you lovely ladies! :hug:
So glad you got such lovely news at your last set appt & YAY!!! for the upcoming scan. When is your shower? Are you planning your sweet surprise?

Thank you so much for your sympathetic post. I know you understand what my friend is going through. She has been so gracious during everything and has let me stay in close contact & support her. But, I need to stop anticipating the worst. My worrying is not going to prevent whatever is meant to happen to these babies, good or bad. You are right. I hope you and your husband are doing alright, healing slowly but surely, and gathering your strength for your next step towards motherhood. You are in my heart and I pray that many blessings come your way.

Lava, your friend is still your friend and even though it will be hard for you both a good friend remains a good friend regardless of life's hardships...:hugs: I know it is so hard not to worry, but I have learnt that it can never help, although it is completely natural xx

Me and Hubby are having our ups and downs, but hey, that is bound to happen. We will go and have one go abroad with PGD as the specialists say they can isolate my translocation and only give us back normal eggs. One last chance, but a chance non the less:flower:

You are a such a luv, thinking of me when you have so much on your mind. Thanks Lava:flower:

Oh honey i am so excited to hear this!!! I just know this time it will work, and after 9 months you will be holding your little one in your arms!!! I am sending you all kinds of baby dust so you can save up.
Hi Ladies,

this thread moves so quickly, if I miss a day or two it takes me a while to catch up.

never - glad your scan went well, that's good news.

MA - what an amazing pic of amelia, thank you for sharing!

Dwrgi - I bet you are looking forwards to your holidays, and the stress relief that it brings!

butterfly - big :hugs: I hope you are feeling better, we will be your rock to lean upon whenever you need it.

padbrat - sending you big cyber :hugs: ups and downs are a part of life, and I think with all you and your DH have been though, it is to be expected. I will be keeping every part of me that is crossable, crossed, when you have your next treatment xx Also - I don't think Ive said it before, but you =r wedding picture (in your avatar is just beautiful!)

Skye - are you having fun with your mum? My mum lives quite a distance away (at the moment) although they have announced recently that they are planning to move up near to us which we are very happy with) so I know it's lovely to see them when they visit (although we have our own little ups and downs!)

lava - I really hope you can avoid worrying too much, although I can understand it is soooo hard. I love reading your ticker to see what your tiny babies are up to.

FM - if you are lurking - :hugs: hope you are doing ok.

twinkle, macwooly, OMM, missy, NMG, northstar - huge hugs for you ladies! how are you doing?

AFM - I admit to doing a really stoopid thing - I tested this morning (11DPO) and of course it was negative. I had sort of talked myself into there being a chance of bfp - because yesterday I had a sudden rush of fatigue, you know the kind where you just have to have a nap. my temps are not indicating bpf is likely (except today - but the bedroom was very hot this morning) and then I felt all sad and dissappointed. if someone wants to give me a kick up the behind - please feel free.

I am sorry about the BFN honey and no i wont give you a kick up the behind, what i will do is give you a hand and help you climb back on to the whatevers wagon :hugs:
OMM...I knew I forgot someone! Thank you for your kind comment. Such a beautiful woman! :flower:

Please forgive me, I'm exhausted around the clock and am having a hard time functioning. :rofl: :wacko:
Welcome TTC11-nice to meet you! I hope your stay on here is short and that you get your BFP very very soon. If you go to your docs, they will probably want to do a blood test on day 21 of your cycle to check that you are ovulating. I would go straight away anyway, and tell them that you have been TTC without success for over a year. At our age, they will show interest in this if you have been trying for six months without a result. Do you take your temperature daily? This helps you track your cycle and helps you pinpoint ovulation. Do you feel twinges mid cycle, which are ovulation pains? The biggest problem for female infertility are problems with ovulation. I also read that the biggest mistake with TTC is that people only have sex on days 12-14-ideally you need to be having sex on every other day from day 5 onwards to make sure that the sperm is fresh and healthy and also to maixmise catching your egg. I think the American posters may be able to help you better with Planned Parenthood... Good luck though! :thumbup:

Hia Purplelou-don't beat yourself up about testing early. The 2WW is one of the hardest things about TTC, and I don't know of many who stick it out until they are supposed to test! As Skye says, it is still very early, so hang on in there! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! And, yes, you are right, I can't wait till Friday-my body is completely exhausted, sort of bone tired. I slept for two and a half hours this afternoon (when I was supposed to be in the gym!!! Ha ha ha!), and on Friday when I came in. Just a slow crawl to the finish line now.... Anyway, hope you're having a good weekend? Big :hugs: to you!

Hi Twinkle, how are you hun? What did you used to teach? May I ask why you got out of teaching (or is it completely obvious????!!!!). Anyway, where are you at with your cycle? Hope you're okay? :flower::flower:

Hello Padbrat-so very lovely to read your posts, I think about you often. What a brilliant idea to try the new treatment-and it sounds realy promising. I am keeping all fingers and toes crossed for you! Please let us know where you're at, we are here for you with all the support and encouragement that you need! Huge hugs to you, hun! :flower:

Hey Butterfly-how did it go? Hope the pictures didn't get wet! It's like a day in November here, where is our summer? Did you manage to sell any pieces-your work is stunning! Thinking of you! :hugs:

Hi Lava, how are you feeling today? I hope that you are okay and trying not to worry too much. It sounds as though your pregnancy is going really well, I can't believe you're at 10 weeks already! That is so fantastic. Try and stay positive and not go to the 'bad worry place'! :flower::flower:

Hia Skye, so sorry to hear that you are down. I am sure that your mother is upset too if she left without saying goodbye. It is soooooooo easy to argue and fall out with family-I think we take our frustration out on each other as we know that we will always be there for each other. I am sure she understands that you couldn't look after her as much as she expected. You were clearly showing concern when you suggested that she had more help, she just took it the wrong way. Sounds as if she just wanted to vent. Don't be too down, hun, she will realise that you meant well and that you do care for her-it's obvious to me that you think the world of her, she will know this too. Is it worth sending her a letter just to let her know how you feel, that you are sad you parted the way you did, and that you meant no offence by suggesting local help?? At least you will feel that you have done something about the situation.... I hope you resolve it soon; it won't do you any good to be down, when you have your Little Bean on board. Parents though, eh? I have just come off the phone to my mum and she agitates me soooooooo much, yet my brothers partners think she is marvellous and have a really good relationship with her. We have never gelled, ever ever, and I feel it even more as my OH is so close to his parents (too close at times, think of 'Everybody Loves Raymond'!!). My parents don't even know I'm doing IVF next month-they get really embarrased when I mention my infertility as it is to do with SEX (shock horror, get the smelling salts Brian, she's talking about you know what again)!!!! I once told my Dad (who I can generally talk to) about trying Clomid, and he then told me that he and my mother both had high sex drives. OMG-I almost fell over, you soooooooooo don't want to hear that sort of information, but how can you go from Clomid to sex drives??? So, that's as far as he could go with relating and empathy! But, it is not good to have tension and worse to let it fester.... I hope you sort it out soon, hun!

There is so much I need to learn about IVF e.g. I didn't realise that you could buy your drugs separately to your clinic..... Where do you get your knowledge from???!!!! I wish I knew as much as you.... I had a scan on and there was a thread about this on there. From what I could work out, drugs for a treatment seem to come in at around £900 so I think the price is fair, it just seems like a lot of money (which of course it is!!). I think I have ovulated this month (oh the relief of not DTD to catch the egg-my first break in 42 cycles, bar when I was PG!!! I'm now going to start eating protein like it went out of fashion starting with an omelette tonight! As far as drinking milk is concerned, does it have to be full fat or can it be skimmed? I can't stand full fat milk... I still haven't got my head around it working; I instinctively think it will fail. My OH said that his swimmers seemed to be more plentiful this time, which suggest that his vits are working, so fingers crossed and recrossed and double recrossed!!!

Oh dear, I know I go on!

A big :thumbup: and hello to everybody else! I hope that you have all had a great weekend and let's face the next week smiling!!! Lots and lots of love to you all, Axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Can i ask was that 900 pounds for all the IVF meds you would need? So that would be about $1450 us dollars, omg that is wonderful, i know here i checked into doing an IUI cycle on my own, which would have been just Gonal F and a trigger shot and it would have ended up costing me $4000 just for the meds!!
Hi ladies. New to site, so bare with me, hope this goes through ok. :blush: Can't figure out how to start a new thread.

Me and my husband have been trying to conceive for over a year now. Every month I get excited during the week after the fertility phase, hoping and praying this is the month! Then I get my period and get the ho-hums again. It is a very frustrating process when all my friends are getting pregnant on their honeymoon night, ha. Been taking vitamins, eating healthier, less stress, even buying the ovulation predictor tests from the store.

My question. Does anyone know what tests they will do if I go to the doctor? I don't have insurance right now, just moved to a new city. Thinking of calling Planned Parenthood because they could be on the cheaper end? My friend starting taking Clomid and that seemed to work for her ttc process. Anyone else have any thoughts or advice for me and/or anyone take Clomid to get faster results? :hugs:

Hello and welcome, i believe they will start with some blood tests, usually on cycle day 21 or so, then they will probably want to do an ultrasound to make sure that everything is good there. not sure what else, for some reason right now i cannot remember what they did when i started this lol. Wishing you all kinds of luck, and you came to a good place these ladies in here are wonderful!!
Hi! I am new to this whole TTC thing.
It's weird, 15 years trying not to conceive and now I actually want to. Not sure when I stopped being scared of kids.
The whole "you are more financially secure at 35 is crap" I am poor as dirt. But time is against me so goin for it anyway...

Hi DHime, and welcome, and i am with you i am poor as dirt too, but thats ok, we are rich in knowledge and we will love our kids!!
OMM...I knew I forgot someone! Thank you for your kind comment. Such a beautiful woman! :flower:

Please forgive me, I'm exhausted around the clock and am having a hard time functioning. :rofl: :wacko:

Awwww as are you, lol, its ok, i was not on here for a few days, busy busy weekend lol. so now i am trying to catch up lol.
OMM...I knew I forgot someone! Thank you for your kind comment. Such a beautiful woman! :flower:

Please forgive me, I'm exhausted around the clock and am having a hard time functioning. :rofl: :wacko:

Oh and i laughed about your husband, poor thing, you make sure he gets home ok!!:haha:
Hello my friends! missing 2 days on this thread = hours of catching up!

big big :hugs: to you all: OMM, Mac, Lava, butterfly, twinkle, MA, skye, purple, dwrgi, never, the list goes on and on (darn, who did I miss.....if it was you then :hugs: to you too!)! much love to you all! I really don't think I would have such a good time if it weren't for all of you.

AFM: DH and I celebrated our 6 month anniversary Saturday! I know 6 months isn't very long but I will be a little over 8 months pg when our 1 year comes up so i may not be in the mood to celebrate then! :) I bought us a small cake with our wedding colors (wine and ivory) and we went out for dinner to a fancy place overlooking the water (at a window seat too!), I put on my wedding jewelry and put my long hair into a bun and fastened my crystal haircomb around it.....with a beautiful strapless dress and heels, I felt wonderful, even with my little bump showing through my dress! We had a lovely night. Poppy was good and only made me a little nauseous :haha: then laid me up most of the day Sunday feeling blah in the heat!
CAKE! :happydance: Oh you said the magic word...CAKE!!

17P injections are making me nauseated but CAKE. I just wanna stick my face in a big fat cake! YUMMY! :rofl:

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