TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Dwrgi,omg that's so exciting ,hope everything goes well,ha and chris ,keeping everything fixed for u both,:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
HA sweetie it's normal to have lower numbers earlier on, honestly try to keep calm and wait untill Wednesday. I know it is easier said than done but I have asked this to a good few drs and nurses and they all said HSG can start rising rapidly. Even if not rapid, as long as it rises you are still pregnant. Are you on progestrones? BB asprin, or steroids at all? Please mention it to your dr and see what they say about it since you had 2 mc's and these meds are tried on women who had number of mcs, proved that they helped. I remember also having a full blood count along with my first HCG but not sure what parameters the dr checked to prescribe me with further blood thinners.

Yeah - because of the previous losses I've been on progesterone, baby aspirin and extra folic acid for a year now (in addition to my prenatal vitamin). My nurse confirmed I should continue with all that.

I think it would be easier to be optimistic if I had just the spotting or just the low numbers, but both together paints a pretty bleak picture. I'm really trying hard to just think neutral until Wednesday. That's a lot easier said than done, though.

And Dwrgi, I am so excited for you - 8 is amazing news! As for sleep, try some warm milk tonight instead of cold! :haha:
HA sweetie it's normal to have lower numbers earlier on, honestly try to keep calm and wait untill Wednesday. I know it is easier said than done but I have asked this to a good few drs and nurses and they all said HSG can start rising rapidly. Even if not rapid, as long as it rises you are still pregnant. Are you on progestrones? BB asprin, or steroids at all? Please mention it to your dr and see what they say about it since you had 2 mc's and these meds are tried on women who had number of mcs, proved that they helped. I remember also having a full blood count along with my first HCG but not sure what parameters the dr checked to prescribe me with further blood thinners.

OMM many many hugs to you. I hope that brownish stuff doesn't mean AF.. :hugs::hugs::hugs: This whole TTc business is so damn nerve wrecking. I wish I knew what else to say. You are on my mind.

Dwrgi :hugs::hugs: Good lord you seem to be doing much better than your dr suggested before tx. I am so hopeful for you. Grow follies grow and become beautiful mature juicy eggs. I hope your DH's spermies would match your eggs and you would have at least 4-5 good blastos. Not a minute later for that trigger is correct actually. A minute wouldn't be a big deal mb but you have to be precise. By the way did they ask yesterday for DH to clear his pipes? He's supose to get all the old spermies out before the collection so you have a fresh sample. It has to be 2-3 days before so better check with your nurse...

Don't worry Skye, he knows what's what and has done what he needed to do :spermy::spermy:!

Thanks so much for this-you have been so helpful! They don't seem to think I'll get to blasto because of my amh, but they didn't think I'd produce many follies either, did they?? So, fingers crossed!

And thanks for your kind wishes! You are a (very) star(ry Skye!).
well, the numbers are in...

today is 13 dpiui. My hCG is 24, and my P4 is 8. Both are on the very low end of normal.

My nurse said repeatedly to just see what Wednesday brings, reminding me that it's still very early, and repeating several times that all that matters is the rate of increase, not today's numbers.... She said to keep my progesterone suppositories at the current dose, drink lots of fluids, etc.

I really hate the waiting.... :(

Honey is the P4 your progesterone? If it is that is too low, it has to be above 10 in order to support a pg, and it should be above 15 on a medicated cycle. Your already on the supositories, it should be a lot higher than that!!!!

I am praying for your little sticky bean honey!!!!

Yes, and I know. :nope: I really don't think this is going to stick. :nope:

Im so sorry honey, i really hate to say this but i dont think it will stick either, you had a positive test 4 days ago right, the hcg should be way higher than 24. I will keep praying, because miracles do happen. Love you honey, please dont give up, this can and will work for both of us!! :hugs:

No, my first positive test was just yesterday.

OH REALLY!!!!!!!!!!!! Well now you have a good chance!!!!!!! OMG i thought you had tested a couple of days ago, ok that makes me feel much better!!! OK i am back to being positive for you honey!!!!!!!
Well ladies i am pretty sure i am out, i just went to the bathroom and had some dark brown when i wipe :nope: so i guess it was just the tests being stupid, dang!!!

It's not over till the evil w(b)itch sings so hang on in there Chris!! Dark brown could be implantation blood. Wait and see what happens! Good luck hun, and WILL that bean to stick!

Let us know what's going on!

Well your right, it might be implantation blood, i went to the bathroom and nothing, no blood at all, i even (Excuse the TMI) stuck the TP way up there and no blood, so i am going to pick up some first response tests tonight and we will see what happens. thanks honey, i appreciate the hugs!!
Well done Macwooly on your weight loss-that's absolutely AMAZING!! I am so proud of you, and this will so help you with your quest for a baby! Go go girl!!


The FS, Amanda, rang tonight and egg collection is Wednesday morning. Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhh! Trigger is tonight at 10.45 pm and not a minute later (well, she didn't say that but I'm hamming up the drama!!!). She is delighted with the follies and the womb lining as she reckons there are 8 follicles that will be potential contenders. I just hope now that they get good eggs that will fertilize properly!

How on earth am I now going to sleep??????!!!! OMG!

Andrea, if you're there, I'm thinking of you hun. :hugs::hugs:

Lots of love to you all,

OMG its really happening!!!!!! I am so freaking excited for you!!!!!!! And 8 is fantastic, you could be our very own Octomom lol. I am praying as hard as i can for you honey!!!!:hugs:
Chris ,still hoping for u Hun,and please stop sticking the loo roll up your vayjay,y are we all so obsessed with doing that stuff ?lol :haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
HA sweetie it's normal to have lower numbers earlier on, honestly try to keep calm and wait untill Wednesday. I know it is easier said than done but I have asked this to a good few drs and nurses and they all said HSG can start rising rapidly. Even if not rapid, as long as it rises you are still pregnant. Are you on progestrones? BB asprin, or steroids at all? Please mention it to your dr and see what they say about it since you had 2 mc's and these meds are tried on women who had number of mcs, proved that they helped. I remember also having a full blood count along with my first HCG but not sure what parameters the dr checked to prescribe me with further blood thinners.

Yeah - because of the previous losses I've been on progesterone, baby aspirin and extra folic acid for a year now (in addition to my prenatal vitamin). My nurse confirmed I should continue with all that.

I think it would be easier to be optimistic if I had just the spotting or just the low numbers, but both together paints a pretty bleak picture. I'm really trying hard to just think neutral until Wednesday. That's a lot easier said than done, though.

And Dwrgi, I am so excited for you - 8 is amazing news! As for sleep, try some warm milk tonight instead of cold! :haha:

Honey please forgive me!!!! In my error of thinking you had tested a while ago, i did not support you. Dont worry about the number, heck it has to start somewhere right!!! I know many women that had their first beta come out at 9 and had spotting and have beautiful healthy babies. As long as its spotting and not heavy bleeding your ok, spotting is common in the begining of a pregnancy!!!! Love you honey and i feel so bad for not being more positive and supportive!!!:hugs:
OMM and HA somehow I think you will both be ok and these babies will stick...
OMM I agree with Desperado LOL LOL!!!!!
DH just asked what I was whispering under my breath - had to confess it was sticky bean prayers for you lot - ah well he already thinks I'm crazy!
HA sweetie it's normal to have lower numbers earlier on, honestly try to keep calm and wait untill Wednesday. I know it is easier said than done but I have asked this to a good few drs and nurses and they all said HSG can start rising rapidly. Even if not rapid, as long as it rises you are still pregnant. Are you on progestrones? BB asprin, or steroids at all? Please mention it to your dr and see what they say about it since you had 2 mc's and these meds are tried on women who had number of mcs, proved that they helped. I remember also having a full blood count along with my first HCG but not sure what parameters the dr checked to prescribe me with further blood thinners.

Yeah - because of the previous losses I've been on progesterone, baby aspirin and extra folic acid for a year now (in addition to my prenatal vitamin). My nurse confirmed I should continue with all that.

I think it would be easier to be optimistic if I had just the spotting or just the low numbers, but both together paints a pretty bleak picture. I'm really trying hard to just think neutral until Wednesday. That's a lot easier said than done, though.

And Dwrgi, I am so excited for you - 8 is amazing news! As for sleep, try some warm milk tonight instead of cold! :haha:

Honey please forgive me!!!! In my error of thinking you had tested a while ago, i did not support you. Dont worry about the number, heck it has to start somewhere right!!! I know many women that had their first beta come out at 9 and had spotting and have beautiful healthy babies. As long as its spotting and not heavy bleeding your ok, spotting is common in the begining of a pregnancy!!!! Love you honey and i feel so bad for not being more positive and supportive!!!:hugs:

Oh honey, there's nothing to forgive - you didn't say anything I wasn't already thinking myself. :hugs: I know everyone on here has the best intentions and wishes for each other. And if it had been 4 days since my first test, I would have said the same thing you did and appreciated the candor.

Even if this pregnancy was off to a picture-perfect start I'd still have a hard time accepting it, given my history. That's just the crappy hand I've been dealt. The fact that it's off to an inauspicious start is oddly comforting, which I know sounds crazy - it just matches my expectations in a weird way. :wacko: I want to be excited, and I know one day I will be - either with this pregnancy or another. And I know I say I'm trying to stay neutral until Wednesday's numbers, but who am I kidding? The last 48 hours have been such a roller coaster I really don't know which way is up. I just hope Wednesday shows something definitive, whether that's good or bad - I don't want to have to hang on to uncertainty for a week or two.

Thank God I have a counseling appt first thing tomorrow morning!

And as for sticking tp way up your hoo-ha? <raises hand> GUILTY HERE! and when that's not satisfactory, I just stick my finger up there to sweep my cervix, as if it might have somehow disappeared in the hour since I did it last and I need to see if it's still there! :wacko: :rofl: :wacko: :rofl: :wacko: :rofl:
HA - I've got everything crossed for you and that the bean sticks!!!

OMM - it's not over until the :witch: is definitely there. Hang in there!

Dwrgi - EEeeeeee! How exciting! Hope you get some fabby eggs!
8 follies!!!!!!!!! woo hoo. Fabulous!

Please don't give up ladies! I know that the wait sucks! I know that it helps to manage expectations, but this is what my husband always reminds me - whenever I start that downward spiral of doubt after not seeing a heartbeat at an early scan, spotting, or worrying about testing results - he says the reality is that today, you are that much closer to holding your babies than you were two days ago. And it's just about taking each step at a time. I am so hopeful that you are pregnant with your sticky beans!
HA sweetie it's normal to have lower numbers earlier on, honestly try to keep calm and wait untill Wednesday. I know it is easier said than done but I have asked this to a good few drs and nurses and they all said HSG can start rising rapidly. Even if not rapid, as long as it rises you are still pregnant. Are you on progestrones? BB asprin, or steroids at all? Please mention it to your dr and see what they say about it since you had 2 mc's and these meds are tried on women who had number of mcs, proved that they helped. I remember also having a full blood count along with my first HCG but not sure what parameters the dr checked to prescribe me with further blood thinners.

Yeah - because of the previous losses I've been on progesterone, baby aspirin and extra folic acid for a year now (in addition to my prenatal vitamin). My nurse confirmed I should continue with all that.

I think it would be easier to be optimistic if I had just the spotting or just the low numbers, but both together paints a pretty bleak picture. I'm really trying hard to just think neutral until Wednesday. That's a lot easier said than done, though.

And Dwrgi, I am so excited for you - 8 is amazing news! As for sleep, try some warm milk tonight instead of cold! :haha:

Honey please forgive me!!!! In my error of thinking you had tested a while ago, i did not support you. Dont worry about the number, heck it has to start somewhere right!!! I know many women that had their first beta come out at 9 and had spotting and have beautiful healthy babies. As long as its spotting and not heavy bleeding your ok, spotting is common in the begining of a pregnancy!!!! Love you honey and i feel so bad for not being more positive and supportive!!!:hugs:

Oh honey, there's nothing to forgive - you didn't say anything I wasn't already thinking myself. :hugs: I know everyone on here has the best intentions and wishes for each other. And if it had been 4 days since my first test, I would have said the same thing you did and appreciated the candor.

Even if this pregnancy was off to a picture-perfect start I'd still have a hard time accepting it, given my history. That's just the crappy hand I've been dealt. The fact that it's off to an inauspicious start is oddly comforting, which I know sounds crazy - it just matches my expectations in a weird way. :wacko: I want to be excited, and I know one day I will be - either with this pregnancy or another. And I know I say I'm trying to stay neutral until Wednesday's numbers, but who am I kidding? The last 48 hours have been such a roller coaster I really don't know which way is up. I just hope Wednesday shows something definitive, whether that's good or bad - I don't want to have to hang on to uncertainty for a week or two.

Thank God I have a counseling appt first thing tomorrow morning!

And as for sticking tp way up your hoo-ha? <raises hand> GUILTY HERE! and when that's not satisfactory, I just stick my finger up there to sweep my cervix, as if it might have somehow disappeared in the hour since I did it last and I need to see if it's still there! :wacko: :rofl: :wacko: :rofl: :wacko: :rofl:

Thanks honey, i just felt bad that i was not supportive, i guess after the 4 that i have been through i knew the signs so well. When i thought you had tested 4 days ago, i thought of one of mine i had gotten a bfp at home on a thursday, i did not go for the blood test until tuesday, and the beta came back at 43, i knew that from thurs until tues there was no way it would be that low, the doctor called me all excited that we were pg, i however knew what was happening, and sure enough i went back two days later and it was down to 25. I know how hard this is for you, but i read Lava's post and she is right, one day at a time, you just picture that little one snuggling in, and i will keep praying as hard as i can that that little love bean, sticks and grows!!! I am not going to tell you to relax and not stress, i know thats impossible, but i will tell you that i am right there with you!!!!!:hugs:
Ladies, i am sorry, the first response test tonight is negative, so i guess this is AF that is trying to show. I feel bad that i said anything, you ladies are so supportive!!! So on to the next month for me, and tomorrow if i have full flow, i will hit the M on my new monitor, and the fun begins lol. Thank you ladies, i love you all!!!:hugs:
Twinkie :kiss::kiss::kiss::flower::flower::flower:

OMM awwww sweetie:hugs::hugs::hugs: :wacko:

HA :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: Please please please little HA please stick in :dust::dust::dust:[-o&lt;[-o&lt;[-o&lt;
Thank you for your kind thoughts :hugs:

OMM...I'm sorry :hugs:


I'm going to be lurking for the time being but hoping that you all get super sticky beans before you know it :hugs:

Never - there are just no words good enough! I am so sorry. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

twinkle - you are so sweet and kind :hugs:

Dwrgi - ohh!! this is soo exciting!! so can I ask (since I have no idea about this stuff) the eggies get collected on wednesday, and then they get mixed with swimmers....and then when do they get tucked back inside?? and at what stage would they be then?? sorry if this is too nosey...I am really fascinated. oh and I not calm at all lol. I have constant butterflys and worry about every twinge and I go to the bathroom about 1000 times per day to check for bleeding (sorry tmi)Im just good at concealing it (NOT!)

Butterfly - is your OH back from holidays now? because I have a feeling september will be a good month for ladies on this thread :flower: :hugs:

FM - I am keeping everything crossed for you this O was THE one!! :hugs:

wooly - oh my goodness - 11 1/2 lbs is amazing weight loss! go wooley :happydance: go wooly :happydance: how did you get on with your latest weigh in?? :hugs:

Manuiti - welcome back :hi: I hope this month is successful for you, TTc is so hard without the add complication of DH working away :hugs:

HA - everything that can be crossed is crossed for you. I am sending sticky :dust: your way by the bucketful :hugs:

skye - wow times seems to be flying! it seems like you little girl will be here so soon!! well done on your theory test :hugs: I had to laugh about your "clearing the pipes" comment to Dwrgi lol! it sounds like her DH should be having a jolly good nose blowing session hehehehe

lava - how are you doing? and how are those twinies?? are you feeling well in your self?

OMM - i want to beat that :witch: with her own broomstick. I hope she stays away for you. big :hugs: and loves your way xx

I know I have missed some people - I am sorry, it's early in the morning here and I am not a morning person! so :hugs: to you if I missed you xx

afm - nothing new here really, I went to see the GP on friday, which was early but I had a couple of concerns I needed to address. one was if I was immune to chicken pox, as I work as nurse in a GP surgery and therefore come into contact with lots of kids with chickenpox, obviously it's not good to catch it in pregnancy. I had blood tests to check immunity about 5 years ago and all was well so he reassurred me about that. also when I was about 30 I some issues with chest pain which were investigated, I was reassurred at the time but advised that if I ever got pregnant I should see a haematolgist, now at that time I was not ever contemplating having children so I sort of forgot about that bit, but he said he would dig out my old notes and check and maybe discuss with a haematologist to see if anything needs doing. he also booked me into the midwife for 5th september (also early) so for now I am just watching my diet and trying to not worry (impossible)
Never :hugs: :hugs: One day you will hold your rainbow baby :hugs:

Dwrgi praying all 8 follicles release an egg to give you the best chance. Sending loads of :dust: and can't wait to hear how it all goes with you

Twinkle sending loads of :dust: and hoping all went/will go well with HSG (sorry can't remember when you were having it :dohh:)

Purple praying your LO is settled in snug now for the next 9 months. Please try not to worry :hugs:

FM praying this was/is your cycle and sending lots of :dust:

Skye hope you have a nice holiday. Keeping your mum in my prayers x

HA praying your LO is snuggling in deep and will be keeping you company for the next 9 months

Lava hoping your LOs aren't giving you cause for concern and praying all keeps going well with your pregnancy

Manuiti Hello :hi: Hope you caught that egg this cycle :dust:

Butterfly hope AF is being kinder to you today and you catch that egg this cycle :dust:

OMM so sorry it looks like the witch is on her way and this wasn't your cycle :hugs: Sending lots of :dust: for you and got your seat on the whatever wagon all comfy for you :dust::hugs:

Padbrat, Missy, MA sending you lots of love and :hugs: and hoping you are well

AFM well no weight lose at my weigh in last night :( But no gain either :) AF was due today but no sign of her yet but I am the whatever wagon and will see what the next few days bring. I had my pre-AF migraine 4 days ago and usually that turns up 2 days before AF which confused me but no other symptoms. But then I have no symptoms which could lead me to believe a BFP is going to occur. If no AF by Friday then I'll do a test :)

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