TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Awwww thanks honey, yes i could get a beta, i only have to call my OB, i guess like you i am very cynical, in the fact that if it is a bfp will it stick. For me i have the fear of i go for a beta and i get the number then i go the second time and it does not double, and i get the oh i am sorry, i never even make it to a scan, like you i want to avoid all that, so i keep thinking i will just test and see what happens, besides i am still convinced its all in my head and AF will show any min lol. I am sorry to torture you ladies, and this may sound really stupid, but every other time i was pg, it was ok until i called my OB, then we lost the baby, so i am scared to death to call the OB lol.

Completely understand the concern and the superstition (for lack of a better word). That's kind of why I've always been able to resist testing early (before 14dpo) - I know how painful a loss is, so if I have a chemical I don't even want to know about it.... As for this one, idk, I was super excited yesterday morning but now am a little more philosophical about its chances. Nothing I can do but wait and see, so I'll wait and see with you. :hugs:

And thank you, FM - I could use a few prayer warriors and I'm hesitant to go tell my "real-world" friends before I have anything definitive to tell them....
FM - Thank you hun xxx - Im hoping this is a lucky month for all of us!!!! so maybe there is something in the water or megbytes around here. I soooo hope you catch that eggy this time :hugs:

OMM - this is sounding good!! I had to do several tests before I believed them, also weirdly my FMU wasn't as strong a line as afternoon ones - very odd!! I brought a digi in the end :hugs:

Thanks honey, yeah i swear i am backwards, i get better results in the morning with my OPK's but i get better results with a pregnancy test in the evening, my theroy is that FMU the HCG is all stuck at the top, so when i pee in a cup i get the bottom stuff and then i loose all the hcg lol. I did try a digi today, it came up Not Pregnant which i figured since i am barely getting a line on the other tests and the digi's need more hcg.

Oh i love that the luck is in the megabytes too funny!!! Yeah pass them along ladies!!!! megabyte baby dust for everybody :dust:
Awwww thanks honey, yes i could get a beta, i only have to call my OB, i guess like you i am very cynical, in the fact that if it is a bfp will it stick. For me i have the fear of i go for a beta and i get the number then i go the second time and it does not double, and i get the oh i am sorry, i never even make it to a scan, like you i want to avoid all that, so i keep thinking i will just test and see what happens, besides i am still convinced its all in my head and AF will show any min lol. I am sorry to torture you ladies, and this may sound really stupid, but every other time i was pg, it was ok until i called my OB, then we lost the baby, so i am scared to death to call the OB lol.

Completely understand the concern and the superstition (for lack of a better word). That's kind of why I've always been able to resist testing early (before 14dpo) - I know how painful a loss is, so if I have a chemical I don't even want to know about it.... As for this one, idk, I was super excited yesterday morning but now am a little more philosophical about its chances. Nothing I can do but wait and see, so I'll wait and see with you. :hugs:

And thank you, FM - I could use a few prayer warriors and I'm hesitant to go tell my "real-world" friends before I have anything definitive to tell them....

I hate that we have to go through this, you are so excited to see those two little lines, and yet so cynical that it will actually work, its just not fair that we have had to deal with this. I cant say that everything will be ok for you, but i can pray as hard as i can for your little one to stick. I can tell you to be excited, for however long this little one is here, YOU ARE PREGNANT RIGHT NOW!! Celebrate that life, for however long its with you!!:hugs:
I so know what you mean about not wanting the scan early, i hated it when i was pg the one time that we made it to a scan, and you have so much hope only to be told to come back in a few days, i just always wished that i could be like oh my af is late and then go to the ob, and they do a scan and wa la a beautiful heartbeat, instead of the come back in two days, come back in two days ugh. I am praying for you and your little bean, you really need to get your progesterone checked, that could be a cause for your spotting. I am glad you got to talk to your nurse today, just make sure when they do the beta they check that progesterone!!!! Sending you big hugs and lots of love honey!!!

They are indeed checking progesterone as well at all the betas. But since I'm already on the suppositories, if it's low I guess I'd have to move to the shots, and I really hope I don't have to move on to the shots.... :wacko:
I so know what you mean about not wanting the scan early, i hated it when i was pg the one time that we made it to a scan, and you have so much hope only to be told to come back in a few days, i just always wished that i could be like oh my af is late and then go to the ob, and they do a scan and wa la a beautiful heartbeat, instead of the come back in two days, come back in two days ugh. I am praying for you and your little bean, you really need to get your progesterone checked, that could be a cause for your spotting. I am glad you got to talk to your nurse today, just make sure when they do the beta they check that progesterone!!!! Sending you big hugs and lots of love honey!!!

They are indeed checking progesterone as well at all the betas. But since I'm already on the suppositories, if it's low I guess I'd have to move to the shots, and I really hope I don't have to move on to the shots.... :wacko:

Oh good good, i am glad your on the suppositories, and yeah the shots are so not fun, i know i went through them, all i can suggest is get an ice pack and freeze the area before the injection, works like a charm lol. When will you find out the results of the beta?
I so know what you mean about not wanting the scan early, i hated it when i was pg the one time that we made it to a scan, and you have so much hope only to be told to come back in a few days, i just always wished that i could be like oh my af is late and then go to the ob, and they do a scan and wa la a beautiful heartbeat, instead of the come back in two days, come back in two days ugh. I am praying for you and your little bean, you really need to get your progesterone checked, that could be a cause for your spotting. I am glad you got to talk to your nurse today, just make sure when they do the beta they check that progesterone!!!! Sending you big hugs and lots of love honey!!!

They are indeed checking progesterone as well at all the betas. But since I'm already on the suppositories, if it's low I guess I'd have to move to the shots, and I really hope I don't have to move on to the shots.... :wacko:

Oh good good, i am glad your on the suppositories, and yeah the shots are so not fun, i know i went through them, all i can suggest is get an ice pack and freeze the area before the injection, works like a charm lol. When will you find out the results of the beta?

Sometime this afternoon - don't worry, I'll post! :haha:
HA & OMM I am keeping you in my prayers and hoping that you are at the start of full term pregnancies x
Dear Never-I have sent you a PM (not that buffoon Cameron), but wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and I so wish I was there right now to take care of you and give you such a hug. Big love to you hun,
HA & OMM I am keeping you in my prayers and hoping that you are at the start of full term pregnancies x

WSS...couldn't have said it better myself. Sending prayers and sticky :dust: your way....

Never...hang in there....thinking TONS of positive thoughts for you.....
Hi guys! How are you all? There is such a lot going on right now, it's all very exciting (although so desperately sad for dear Never).

Congratulations Skye on passing your driving theory test-that's brilliant news! Attagirl! When is your due date? You may well give birth on your practical test-well, wouldn't that be a story???!! I understand how you feel about being cautious; you're bound to feel like this after the heartache you went through to get your little bean. But Little Sky is digging in nicely and I am absolutely positive she will make it safe and sound to this world. Try not to worry unduly hun, although apparently worrying and pregnancy are happy bedfellows. Friends of mine who have kids say that the worrying just gets worse as they get older-as parents you never stop worrying! Great! I hope you have a safe trip to Turkey, and that your mother gets well soon. Remember that you will need some taking care of too, so I hope you get some r&r from time to time. I shall miss you, hun, and hurry back to us!!! Any tips and advice for EC and ET and the dreaded 2WW? I shall be thinking of you! Bon voyage, and lots of love! xxxx :thumbup::flower:

HA-how are you today? A beta test sounds a good move, and progesterone, as suggested by Chris, likewise. I know somebody on FF who found out she was preggers and then started spotting immediately. She was told by the FS to take THREE progesterone suppositories a day and the bleeding stopped. I hope that your spotting stops soon so that you can start to relax (as if!!). I am thinking of you! Lots of love, Axx:hugs::hugs:

Hello Chris-how are you doing? Gosh, so exciting! I really hope that the PG line sticks-you so deserve your BFP. I am keeping everything crossed for you! Let us know how you get on! Huge :hugs: hun and lots of love! xxxxx

Hi Lava-thanks so much for telling us about Never. I hope that you are okay? I can't believe that you are now almost 4 months gone! Is that right??? Seem to remember reading it on your ticker, but I have an atrocious memory so could have just made it up! Big :hugs::hugs: to you too!

Hello Purple-I am sooooooo amazed by how cool you are! Hats off to you girl!! But am sending big hugs your way too! :hugs::hugs:

Macwooly-good to hear from you! How are you doing?? Hope you're okay. Stay with us-we all keep each other sane! :flower::flower:

Hi FM! How are you? I love the attitude-you catch that bean this month girl! And that's an order! Let's keep all fingers and toes crossed for a BFP in 2 weeks time for you! You sooooooo deserve it! Lots of love and hugs! xxxx :hugs:

Everybody else-hello! Hope you're all well???

AFM-the scan this morning went really well. There are EIGHT follicles in my left ovary and at least four in my right (although I counted another two little ones). The endometrium is also looking really good, and the nurse (Debs-who is just lovely) was delighted with everything. Two follies are 20mm, with others on 19, 18, 15.... God, I don't know, I wasn't paying much attention by then! But, EC will either be on Wednesday or Thursday with trigger either tonight or tomorrow (I'm waiting for her to phone me with the instructions). Debs was very straight and said that it is highly unlikely I'll have enough to go to blasto, with my age and amh, but fingers crossed we get some really good eggs during EC, and she said "it's not impossible" to get a PG, which didn't fill me with hope, but I'm strengthened by her delighted reaction to my endometrium and follicle count. But who knows what lies ahead!

So more chicken and milk shakes for me, and lots of rest! I'm just shattered-and my ovaries are sooooooo tender, especially when I need to pee (which is ALL THE TIME). OH has been in to see every scan and I am so glad that he has as he seems to be more a part of things.

Anyway, huge hugs to you all, and lots of love to all you wonderful women!

Wow Dwrgi, that sounds brilliant with all those follies, that is great numbers. Am really hoping that this is the one for you and you too get your BFP, what a tense tww it will be once you get there :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Lots of follies that is awesome!!!! FX for you and anything else that can be crossed, please update us as soon as you hear from her.
Dwrgi so pleased your scan went well and keeping you in my prayers x

AFM I'm doing ok. Lost 11.5lb in 4 weeks with another weigh in tonight. I'm hoping I've done enough to get another 2.5lb off and then I can celebrate losing my first stone :)

AF is due tomorrow and I've had my pre-AF migraine but no spotting which I am hoping is a sign my weight lose is helping to settle my hormones a bit better as my weight was causing me to be a little oestrogen dominant.
Excellent news on the follies, Dwrgi!! :happydance: I'm sure nurse Debs is just trying to temper your expectations, but come on - they thought they'd only get 2 eggs out of you! I know that not all mature follies necessarily release mature eggs, but with 2 20s, a 19, 18, 15 and others, you're going to have more than 2 eggs to be sure! No reason to think you won't have a similarly good fertilization rate, too. :thumbup: Grow follies grow!! :happydance:
Hi there. I haven't been on this site for ages so thought I should reintroduce myself. I'm 36 and my husband is 34. He's got 2 kids from his previous marriage and I don't have any. He works abroad for 9 weeks at a time and is home for 3 weeks in between which makes the whole ttc thing a bit challenging as we don't get to try every cycle and sometimes when he's home I'm not ovulating. It's all a bit frustrating at times. He's just gone back to work but it would seem that I ovulated a couple of days ago so hopefully we're in with a chance this time. But if not, then next time he's home, we're going to head off to the doctor to get some initial tests done and go from there.

Hope everyone is doing ok and fingers crossed for all of us.
Hi there. I haven't been on this site for ages so thought I should reintroduce myself. I'm 36 and my husband is 34. He's got 2 kids from his previous marriage and I don't have any. He works abroad for 9 weeks at a time and is home for 3 weeks in between which makes the whole ttc thing a bit challenging as we don't get to try every cycle and sometimes when he's home I'm not ovulating. It's all a bit frustrating at times. He's just gone back to work but it would seem that I ovulated a couple of days ago so hopefully we're in with a chance this time. But if not, then next time he's home, we're going to head off to the doctor to get some initial tests done and go from there.

Hope everyone is doing ok and fingers crossed for all of us.

Welcome back, manuiti! Feel free to pop in and out as you please - lots of us do. :shrug: Have you considered having your DH freeze some sperm when he's home? Then you can do IUIs whenever you ovulate and it would completely remove the hurdle of his work schedule....
Oh no, Andrea, i am so very sorry, i know there are no words that will make you feel better, i am just going to pray for peace and comfort for you and your dh, i am sending you all kinds of hugs and love. :hugs:
Welcome back, manuiti! Feel free to pop in and out as you please - lots of us do. :shrug: Have you considered having your DH freeze some sperm when he's home? Then you can do IUIs whenever you ovulate and it would completely remove the hurdle of his work schedule....

Thanks for the lovely welcome! :) Yeah, we're now seriously considering going down that route if I'm not pregnant this time. It would make things so much easier if we were able to try every cycle. I think we both felt a bit funny about the idea of me getting pregnant when he's not actually here. Silly I know. :blush: But I think we're getting over it now! lol
Dwrgi, fantastic news about the follies, i so cannot wait until your retrevial and then your bfp!!!!! Yea for milkshakes, hmmmmm that sounds really good right now lol.

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