TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hi guys! How are you all? I really hope that Irene has run out of steam!! Thinking of my American friends, particularly FM!

I've just got back from EC and writing this in bed. Have got a bad belly, similar to period pain, and have been told to have bed rest, so am taking that literally!!

Can't say that I'm over the moon girls, as in one ovary there were NO eggs, and in the other, they found TWO eggs, so that's my lot. I was hoping I would get 5. My FS was optimistic and said they looked good and it was better than none (do some people actually have NO eggs when they go for IVF?), but I'm not naive enough to think that a low number like this will result in a pregnancy, so feel quite upset. Devastated is actually the word. I know it's quality and not quantity, but I guess you hope for A quantity to give you a fighting chance.

The other thing is that my BF (who I cut contact with because she is preggers, and I couldn't bear to hear her stories of PG) has just had her second baby, a little boy, three days ago. I think wound and salt comes to mind. It's just so unfair.

Anyway, I am trying to be strong, but really don't feel like it any more. I'm going to get some rest and might write more later after the FS rings me.

Lots of love to you all, :flower:

Awwww honey two is wonderful, but i know how you feel, i am sending you lots of warm hugs. And as for your friend, remember i said all our babies are in a line waiting for us, well with your friend having hers, guess what yours is next in line!!!!! Love you honey, and i am praying so hard for you!!!
Good morning ladies!!!

HA i am praying and keeping everything i have crossed for you today, i woke up thinking about you!!! Come on baby grow grow!!!!

FM i sure hope Irene blows herself out before she gets to you!!

Purple how are you honey, your in my thoughts, i hope your feeling well still.

Never honey :hugs:

Woolie, any news? I am concentrating as hard as i can that af stays away!!!

Lava, Skye, Despie, Padbrat, :hugs: to all of you!!!
Woolie, any news? I am concentrating as hard as i can that af stays away!!!

Well about 9pm last night I had light AF (pale red) so thought today would be CD1 but got up this morning and nothing! Then about 12pm I had one small brown clot and nothing since.

So if nothing more happens today I'll do a HPT tomorrow morning.

I don't know if it a self-preservation thing but I don't feel anything and I'm not at all excited and think AF will be with me soon :shrug:
Dwrgi...:hugs: two are better than one or none...please look at the positives.

I know what you mean about bloody Facebook...someone has announced today they are pregnant...onky last week she was calling two of her children effing brats and wondered why she had them :cry:

Makes me so bloody angry.

Wooly...fingers crossed :hugs: pleased and I hope it only takes one shot too :hugs:

HA..any news hun?

As for all your lovely comments...thank you. Taking each day at a time, had a bit of a breakdown this morning and posted about Monday in my journal.

Have also started another new journal and hope you all don't mind that I called it my whatever journal.

Hugs, love and :dust: to everyone...I am reading...just not posting

Dwrgi - be gentle with yourself today - got my toes etc crossed for you.

MacWool - big hugs

FM - keep watching Irene's progress & sending up prayers

Never - a whatever journal is a great idea - we could all do with one of those!

OMM - glad you're around, you always have such supportive things to say!
Woolie, any news? I am concentrating as hard as i can that af stays away!!!

Well about 9pm last night I had light AF (pale red) so thought today would be CD1 but got up this morning and nothing! Then about 12pm I had one small brown clot and nothing since.

So if nothing more happens today I'll do a HPT tomorrow morning.

I don't know if it a self-preservation thing but I don't feel anything and I'm not at all excited and think AF will be with me soon :shrug:

Ohhhhhhh ok i will get excited for you!!!!! Has this ever happend before? OMG, come one bfp!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dwrgi...:hugs: two are better than one or none...please look at the positives.

I know what you mean about bloody Facebook...someone has announced today they are pregnant...onky last week she was calling two of her children effing brats and wondered why she had them :cry:

Makes me so bloody angry.

Wooly...fingers crossed :hugs: pleased and I hope it only takes one shot too :hugs:

HA..any news hun?

As for all your lovely comments...thank you. Taking each day at a time, had a bit of a breakdown this morning and posted about Monday in my journal.

Have also started another new journal and hope you all don't mind that I called it my whatever journal.

Hugs, love and :dust: to everyone...I am reading...just not posting


Thats all you can do honey, take it one day at a time, and you take as much time as you need, and i love that you called your new journal the whatever journal!! Sending you lots of hugs honey, i am here if you need to talk, after losing 4 of them, i totaly know exactly how your feeling. :hugs:
Dwrgi - be gentle with yourself today - got my toes etc crossed for you.

MacWool - big hugs

FM - keep watching Irene's progress & sending up prayers

Never - a whatever journal is a great idea - we could all do with one of those!

OMM - glad you're around, you always have such supportive things to say!

Awwww thanks honey, and its good to see you too, every time i see your avatar, it puts a smile on my face!!
Hi Ladies :hi:

first huge :hugs: for all - since the ladies on this thread are just the best!

OMM - you have such a lovely way of looking at things (for example the baies in a row, all lined up and ready) you are such a kind person, thank you for being you!

Twinkle - are you feeling better at all?? asthma is horrid! I hope you are resting good and looking after yourself

wooly - ok, I will hold my breath and cross everything that can be crossed for you, please please please :witch: - stay away!!

HA - how are you doing, did you have the second blood test done?? I am hoping with all my heart there is good news for you??

Dwrgi - two eggs is definitely better than none (even in my mathmatically challenged brain!) so now I am hoping that both start to divide and become beautiful healthy whatever -they -need -to -be's (blastocysts????) and then furthermore that both of those become babies (I hope you can manage twins!) Ohh and I love you new avatar pic - that pussy cat just looks like butter wouldn't melt!

FM - are you still there?? you haven't been blown away have you?? hope the storms have left you alone and safe!

never - extra :hugs: for you. I think the whatever journal sounds perfect - I may have a sneaky stalk. be kind to yourself and have some little treats - you deserve them! (actually have some big treats!)

Padbrat - I am thinking about you and sending some :dust: your way, you can stockpile in advance!

to anyone Ive missed - sorry, :hugs: Im tired and ready for home - but still have 2.5 hours left in work :(

afm - apart from the tired, Im doing ok, still terrified, worried about every little twinge or even non twinge, worried I might cough and dislodge the little ball of cells - I am trying to be calm - but it's flippin' hard! I love this forum but mostly this thread - it does help keep me sane - so thank you all xx
Well AF is still staying away but got a BFN today when I tested this afternoon :( So just waiting on the old :witch: I guess.

So I'm settled back in on the whatever wagon and we'll see when she turns up and what happens on the next cycle :)
Hey Macwooly-tomorrow is another day hun. Am so sorry that you got your BFN. Now is the time to treat yourself, so if not chocolate, what about a nice glass of wine???? xxx:flower:

Thanks Purple, and Never and OMM and Butterfly and everybody else who posted to support me.

Both the emrbyologist and FS have rung and they are delighted with the quality of the eggs thus far and apparently the SA was good too, but I can't help feeling so low, although the FS said it was the hormones. So, the embryologist (the 'Lovely Lyndon' as he is called on the thread of girls who are all having treatment at the same place) will call again in the morning at 8 and tell us whether either has fertilized (i.e. or both, or none). My abdomen is soooooo sore and I have been told to take panadol, and plenty before going to sleep especially. I'm also supposed to start taking the progesterone pessaries tonight.

So now I'm going to watch something funny on TV cause I could do with some cheering up, although all you guys have also worked your usual miracles!

Big :hugs: to you all!

P.S. Any news HA?? Thinking of you hun! xxxxx:flower::flower::flower:
I have spoilt myself to a slice of homemade ginger bread :)

I am praying so hard that both eggs fertilise :dust:
Wooly i am so sorry about the bfn :nope: sending you lots of :hugs:

Dwrgi, hang in there honey, you just rest up and concentrate on making a fantastic little home for those two little ones.

AMF OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I called my insurance company today, i wanted to find out if i could buy a seperate fertility policy so that dh and i could do an IVF cycle. The lady was super nice and gave me some numbers, then she said can i help you with anything else, and i said yeah just for the heck of it could you see how much money i have left on my policy for fertility, i figured maybe DH and I could squeeze in one more IUI. Well she checked and came back and told me that i have $8400 left!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All this time i thought i was almost out, and it turns out that with all the IUI's the only thing that was coming off my fertility was the actual IUI's Ladies this means that i will be able to do at least 2 IVF's, my doctor is a perfered provider, so they have an agreed amount that they pay, which is about $2800 for a cycle, with having $8400 left i would be able to do at least two IVF cycles, i will only have to buy the meds out of pocket!!!!! I figure i am going to try one IVF cycle with my own eggs (I just have to give them a shot) and if that does not work, then DH and I have decided to try another cycle with donor eggs. Ohhhh i am just so excited and freaked out right now!!!! God is good ladies!!!!!:happydance:
Wooly i am so sorry about the bfn :nope: sending you lots of :hugs:

Dwrgi, hang in there honey, you just rest up and concentrate on making a fantastic little home for those two little ones.

AMF OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I called my insurance company today, i wanted to find out if i could buy a seperate fertility policy so that dh and i could do an IVF cycle. The lady was super nice and gave me some numbers, then she said can i help you with anything else, and i said yeah just for the heck of it could you see how much money i have left on my policy for fertility, i figured maybe DH and I could squeeze in one more IUI. Well she checked and came back and told me that i have $8400 left!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All this time i thought i was almost out, and it turns out that with all the IUI's the only thing that was coming off my fertility was the actual IUI's Ladies this means that i will be able to do at least 2 IVF's, my doctor is a perfered provider, so they have an agreed amount that they pay, which is about $2800 for a cycle, with having $8400 left i would be able to do at least two IVF cycles, i will only have to buy the meds out of pocket!!!!! I figure i am going to try one IVF cycle with my own eggs (I just have to give them a shot) and if that does not work, then DH and I have decided to try another cycle with donor eggs. Ohhhh i am just so excited and freaked out right now!!!! God is good ladies!!!!!:happydance:

That is absolutely FANTASTIC news Chris-the best! And your strategy sounds good-check out egg quality with the first IVF and then if that fails, go for DE on the second. Flipping inspired!!!! Good luck hun-your little bean is getting closer!!!!!
OMM :happydance: Well done for checking your cover left and so pleased you have a plan in place.

God is good and praying one treatment of IVF gives you & your DH the blessing of a LO or LOs :dust:
Dwrgi-:hugs: I know it's hard to find hope but 2 good eggs is great, and it has to be comfronting that your dr says the quality is good. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you. Enjoy your day in bed with the remote and take the opportunity to eat whatever you want. I'm so rooting for you!!!!

Macwooly- Sorry about the bfn but it ain't over yet!

HA- I'm over here praying as hard as I can I can only imagine how hard the waiting is!!! I so hope you have a sticky bean.:hugs:

Never- :hugs: I will be stalking you in your new journal of course.

Purple- *waving*

OMM- that is fantastic about your insurance, I exhausted my $5000.00 lifetime with the medication.

AFM- so the hurricane has shifted a bit and not now scheduled to directly hit my city, but still expecting rain and winds. I live about 10 miles from the ocean, my city is right on the coast and I have been dealing with hurricanes my entire life. Hoping this one keeps moving back out into the ocean.

I am 2dpo right now with the usual annoying back pains that mean absolutly nothing but still have my fingers crossed that this is it!:happydance:
Hey Macwooly-tomorrow is another day hun. Am so sorry that you got your BFN. Now is the time to treat yourself, so if not chocolate, what about a nice glass of wine???? xxx:flower:

Thanks Purple, and Never and OMM and Butterfly and everybody else who posted to support me.

Both the emrbyologist and FS have rung and they are delighted with the quality of the eggs thus far and apparently the SA was good too, but I can't help feeling so low, although the FS said it was the hormones. So, the embryologist (the 'Lovely Lyndon' as he is called on the thread of girls who are all having treatment at the same place) will call again in the morning at 8 and tell us whether either has fertilized (i.e. or both, or none). My abdomen is soooooo sore and I have been told to take panadol, and plenty before going to sleep especially. I'm also supposed to start taking the progesterone pessaries tonight.

So now I'm going to watch something funny on TV cause I could do with some cheering up, although all you guys have also worked your usual miracles!

Big :hugs: to you all!

P.S. Any news HA?? Thinking of you hun! xxxxx:flower::flower::flower:

Hey Huni... I say 2 excellent quality eggs are more likely to be a baby than loads of crappy quality eggs... I am still :happydance: for ya... I think it is a fab news chick!

Mac... so sorry if was a BFN :hugs:

HA?.... any news??:flower:

Twinks.... hope you got some sleep chick:hugs:

FM... hope Irene buggers off!! and those quakes too....:thumbup:


That is brilliant news - and a good plan to do one with your eggs and one with donor :hugs::hugs::hugs:

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