TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

I agree with Butterfly, honey. :hugs::hugs::hugs: Try to focus on the positive - they are still accepting you into the program. His comment about dropping you at any time is just him covering his own a$$. Right now there is no reason to think that is going to happen. If he thought IVF wasn't going to work, he would drop you right now - you would be out of the shared risk program already and you're not. That means you have a shot, that at the very least this cycle is a go.

Go ahead and excuse yourself to the ladies room and cry - a low result is upsetting, and trying to deny that is only going to be more unsettling and make you want to cry even longer. Get it out of your system, and you will be better able to see the positive here: You are going to have IVF in a matter of weeks. Game on.

And if the worst does happen and they do drop you at some point, you can find a new clinic. One dr is not the end-all-be-all of IVF, and virtually every one of them offer some sort of shared-risk program. And if you feel this clinic has no confidence in your potential, then maybe they just aren't the right clinic for you. But again, I go back to my first point - they did not drop you from the program. So know that you have a back-up plan in place, and then set it aside and cross that bridge IF and WHEN you get there. You are not there yet.

Missyt - I'm afraid I am no help with IVF issues or AMH numbers but I wanted to send you lots of :hugs:

Stress can seriously affect the endocrine system in so many ways so I'm hoping you stress levels with your dad and brother have had a temporary effect on your hormone levels.

I'm also hoping you respond so well to the medication regime that you prove the doctors wrong and have a lovely number of follicles and mature eggs.

Lots of :hugs: for now and lots of :dust: for when you start your IVF x
Dear Missy, it is a real blow when you discover you have low amh. It took me a long time to get over it as I had always believed that our problems were down to my OH's :spermy: and not possibly my old eggs. However, think of the positives. I know of somebody with an amh of 2.0 who produced 10 eggs on 1st IVF and 12 on the 2nd (after DHEA). The thing is that nobody knows how each individual body will respond to the meds until they actually do the IVF. With any luck, you'll get a few good eggies, and, as we all know, it only takes one!! Are you doing ICSI or straightforward IVF? It might be worth investing a little bit more and doing ICSI, so that there isn't the issue of the sperm getting through.

But, you have got to give it your best shot. For that, you have to BELIEVE that it will work, and that you will be a mummy with your own eggs. It might be worth seeing if there are clinics nearby that specialise in low amh, and go to them.

Have a cry, though, I did, and it will make you feel better. But it does not mean that it's all over, so hang on in there. So, think positively and GO FOR IT!

Thinking of you and sending you HUGE hugs!
OMM sending lots of :hugs: to you :hugs:

HA - I can't imagine what a mix of emotions you are feeling right now but sending lots of :hugs: and lots of :dust: and hoping you IUI gives you a viable BFP which will go to full term x

Butterfly - hope you get all sorted before your flight back to the UK and hope O comes at the right time for you this cycle :dust: Really hoping this cycle is the one :dust:

Purple sending lots of :hugs: to you x

Dwrgi - sending you some :hugs:

Sorry to any ladies I haven't mentioned personally but sending :hugs: to anyone that needs one and :dust: to all wanting some.

AFM - I'm doped up to the eyeballs on painkillers due to pulling a muscle in my back this morning :nope: The old :witch: got me at the weekend and not sure how well this cycle will work as my DH is working away for the next 4 weeks (except weekends) so not sure how that lines up for ovulation this time but I'm not too disheartened over it.

So I'm concentrating on losing more weight and exercise more this cycle and looking forward to my November cycle as my ovulation day in November is being forecast by FF as occurring on the anniversary of me & DH meeting so hoping that means it will be a lucky egg - FXed :)
Dearest Twinks (Auntie Jackie),

Imagine our surprise when we got our mail today. :cry: :hugs: Thank you SO much for your loving-kindness. The book is just ADORABLE and the outfits we're excited for Amelia to grow into. They are SOOOoo cute. I am one day looking forward to celebrating with YOU as you hold your son or daughter. We continue to pray for you as you walk this frustrating journey and reach VICTORY! :hugs:
Hugs, missyt.

DH became sick last night so we bd'd this morning and I laid down for @ an hr. We also bd'd Fri so I'm hoping we have our bases covered despite missing last night. I'm still receiving 2 strong positive lines on my opk so we'll skip tonight and bd tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed for everyone.
Yes you are surely right, missyt, they would have discussed donor eggs if they didn't think there was a good chance. I know it means nothing but I do have a good feeling that this will work out for you :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

ETA managed to miss a whole page when posting this :dohh:

Thanks Wooly, I'll be glad when all is done and I get home. Hope the back sorts itself out soon but int he meantime good job you have DH's painkillers :hugs:

MA - another gorgeous pic of Amelia :hugs: :awww:
Mommysangel - Amelia is adorable and I know you will be cherishing her every day :kiss:
Thank you ladies. Macwooly...we're so grateful for her. We'll never take her for granted. Our 10 year journey brought us here. I was also aware of someone who lost her baby the day before Amelia arrived who had a cerclage and still lost her baby from preterm loss. It makes me more grateful and more aware of the gift I have. It didn't come easy as for most of us here in this forum....but in the end, she was worth every bit of pain in my life for this little glimpse of heaven.

I continue to pray that same for everyone else trying.
Good morning All!! How are you today? I hope that everybody is okay?

Macwooly, so sorry that AF got you-I hate the witch. But, like Purple, November sounds like a very romantic time to get successfully BDing, so huge :thumbup: with that!! Also, good luck with the weight loss, I admire your perseverance. I follow the seafood diet religiously-I see food, and eat it... I am hopeless. I hope that your back is better-I think you've said before that you have back trouble. Hope it rights itself soon. Big :hugs:.

Pad, only two days to go and then it's CYPRUS!! Wehey, so excited for you! I am going to be crossing all fingers and toes for you!! Huge HUGE HUGE :hugs: and :thumbup: to you!!

MA-so glad to hear that all is well-it definitely does sound like a slice of heaven! Enjoy every second of it, although I'm sure that you already are!

Missy-how do you feel today, hun? I know that it's a huge shock to the system to get a result like that, but you must remain positive. I know that a number of clinics hold no store by the amh results, and just gauge how each individual responds to stimms. You are in this to win it, so don't give up now. I am sending huge :hugs: to you. :flower:

HA-I am glad that you have decided to go straight back into IUI. I think you're on a roll, so go with it. I think the more time you have away from asssisted conception, the harder it is to get back into it, so fingers crossed that this cycle will be the one for you! Good luck hun!

Butterfly-how's the packing going??? Hope that the end is in sight. It will be worth it when you're back in the UK and can get settled and sorted. Thinking of you hun!

Never-where are you? Haven't heard from you in a while. Hope you're okay hun?? xx

Hello Twinkle, Chris, North Star, Manuiti, Lava, Keekee, Constance, FM, Purple, Titi and everybody else I may have forgotten!

I have cut and pasted the post below, which I had in August after my failed IVF-what do you think of it guys? I saw it again when I went through my message folders. I'm not sure about the 'your time will come' bit. I think it's very creepy. Should I report it, or am I over-reacting (Who? Me? Never!!)

At home with a dodgy belly today, plus I was up half the night with Gwydion Gwyn the Husky King who was ill, so am shattered too. Am pretty certain that I ovulated late last night or in the early hours of this morning, according to the cramping I had. Luckily, OH and I :sex: last night, so fingers crossed that the timing is right. Quite late for me-perhaps acu, stress?? Who knows... So, in an effort to relax today, I am in bed with a hot water bottle and the cat. I'm trying to cut back on candida banned foods, and finding that my system is more sensitive than normal. Is this normal???

Anyway, love to you all, and huge :thumbup: that we all get our richly deserved BFPs soon!


Your IVF story is gutting me....
Hi there, I've not been on BnB a long time, but I've been following your posts here and there. I'm all about the 2 eggs. What did you do before IVF and during IVF to help make it successful? I have friends who've done it with and without success, but I know what helped them and have a knack for picking out good herbal or chemical routes.

You don't know me from Adam, so it's ok if you don't want any input. Your time will come.

dwrgi, I'm doing better today. I'm honestly not putting any faith in the AMH result because it doesn't makes sense to me or DH whatsoever. Theres a reason many clinic don't use that test and feel like its another means of the clinic trying to cover themselves and their oh so wonderful success rates. I saw a woman in there before me and oops, they left her information up on the screen. Her diagnosis said diminished ovarian reserve. Like I said, I put no faith in those numbers or they would've relied on them when we were going through the initial workup to find out why we weren't conceiving instead of diagnosing us as unexplained. It also doesn't make sense to that your numbers were low when you made some good eggs on your first IUI. Also, all the reasons why I supposedly have a low number don't even apply to me. So like I said, I'm not going to justify it anymore and I'm not putting faith in that test. My nurse called me in the afternoon and told me to start my injections on Thursday. Another reason I don't put faith in that number, if it was so important they shouldn't have perscribed me those meds and had them sent to before my results came back. I'm putting it out of my mind and going back thinking positive and that its going to happen. One of my friends reminded me that a doctor told her she'd never have children and now she has 3. BTW, that post is a little creepy.
Dwrgi - that post is a little creepy and if it makes you feel uncomfortable then report it :hugs:
dwrgi, I'm doing better today. I'm honestly not putting any faith in the AMH result because it doesn't makes sense to me or DH whatsoever. Theres a reason many clinic don't use that test and feel like its another means of the clinic trying to cover themselves and their oh so wonderful success rates. I saw a woman in there before me and oops, they left her information up on the screen. Her diagnosis said diminished ovarian reserve. Like I said, I put no faith in those numbers or they would've relied on them when we were going through the initial workup to find out why we weren't conceiving instead of diagnosing us as unexplained. It also doesn't make sense to that your numbers were low when you made some good eggs on your first IUI. Also, all the reasons why I supposedly have a low number don't even apply to me. So like I said, I'm not going to justify it anymore and I'm not putting faith in that test. My nurse called me in the afternoon and told me to start my injections on Thursday. Another reason I don't put faith in that number, if it was so important they shouldn't have perscribed me those meds and had them sent to before my results came back. I'm putting it out of my mind and going back thinking positive and that its going to happen. One of my friends reminded me that a doctor told her she'd never have children and now she has 3. BTW, that post is a little creepy.

Attagirl, I like your attitude! Go girl, and let's start thinking of a BFP for you!

I reported SS to adminstrator, as it goes!

Big :hugs:!
hi ladies, hope everyone is doing ok?

dwrgi - hmm - i would say that "your time will come" bit is probably meant to be reassurring, rather than sinister, maybe someone is having similar experiences and just wanted to relate, that would be my take on it anyways.

pad - I am very excited for you, only a few days and you'll be there, I just hope you get some nice sunshine and time to relax as well as your BFP!

HA - you are such a strong woman, and I am so rooting for you this cycle, this just needs to the one, its the only way I can put it xxx

Missyt - I am definetely no expert in IVF etc, but it seems like a lot of tests which are fairly new (like the amh) are later refined and used in very specific instances, and reading through this section of the forum others with amh readings on the lower side have gotten pregnant, so hope is not lost. I would also guess that if you FS thought there was little or no chance with you, he would have said no immediately with this results, because he would surely want to keep his figures looking good, so on purely a statistics kind of view, it would seem he does believe there is hope xxx

wooly - ouch! Im sorry about your back, I hope it feels better soon. nothing worse than that pain that gets you with every movement.

OMM - are you there?? are you ok?? any news about the compassionate care programme?? I am thinking of you xx

butterfly - 3 suitcases, I am impressed!! there is always more stuff than you think when you start sorting out things, be prepared the weather is going to feel quite chilly I would imagine, when you come back, it's really changed in the last few days x

MA - Amelia is so beautifu! xx

big loves to everyone, and hugs and :dust: also to twinkle, keekee, lava, skye, titi, never, northstar, forever, bear, constance, FM, carole and anyone else I have forgotten (sorry)

no news really from me, plodding along, still having the little bit of spotting (which I bored with now!) but otherwise ok, UK ladies - its very chilly!!
Best of luck with the move. I'm sure you will be relieved when you are settled.

So excited to start this new journey with you. I'm rooting for you.

Glad you are doing another IUI. You have success with it ... now we need a sticky bean! PMA! And when you don't feel positive, that's ok too. Hang in there! You can take comfort knowing you are doing everything you can do. It is going to happen for you!

Did you talk to the Compassionate Care program folks? Sorry if I missed it. What is the status?

Hey Purple .... Hugs! Stay warm.

Hi to Never, FM ... need to check your journals for updates.

I had low/borderline numbers & was given a diminished ovarian reserve diagnosis by my clinic, but still got pregnant on treatment so ignore that stuff and keep moving forward with your plans. If something they tell you to do in your treatment seems on an instinctive level to be wrong, speak up & ask your doctor b/c he seems to have faith that the protocol can work for you & hopefully will listen.

Sorry to hear about your back. I feel your pain. I am having lots of aching in my ribs, hips & back, which is probably normal with twins, but the pain is enough to make me cry out sometimes. I hope yours starts feeling better soon & you get some relief.

Nothing new to report. We have another warm today predicted in Atlanta, with a drop into the 50's tomorrow. I'm excited about cooler temps. Btn work, home projects, and trying to maintain some semblence of a social life with my girlfriends, I am exhausted. I really need to start slowing down. This Sat is DH's birthday. I bought him a gift certificate for a local craft beer market & will take him to dinner on Sat at a great little farm to table restaurant called Cakes & Ale. A beer theme bday this year! My bday is the following weekend. We are just going over to my parents' house for dinner as we are all on a tight budget.

Hi to everyone else that I didn't address individually! Have a good week.
Lava, thanks so much for reassuring me. I remember there was something funky going on with your numbers but I didn't realize they actually diagnosed diminished ovarian reserve. And look, you got twins on your first IUI. You are right, I'm not going to give it another thought or freak out and start driving myself crazy by searching the internet.

I hope everyone has a great day!
Brrr - you're right purple - it IS chilly!! I've brought out the slippers!! I'm hoping the rain stops this afternoon as the garage think my car should be fixed by then -

Dwrgi - hope you're feeling a bit better this afternoon.

Lava sounds like you've got a lovely birthday planned for your DH - mine would love that!!

Missy - glad the ladies have been able to reassure you somewhat - big hugs to you :hugs:

keekee, lava, skye, titi, never, northstar, forever, bear, constance, FM, carole, OMM, Pad, HA, Never & FM (Yay I found a group hug smiley!)
Dwrgi - having re-read that PM you got, I think maybe it was someone trying to sell you something, since they have a "knack for picking out good herbal " remedies.

Twinkle - I love that huggy smilie, makes me feel cosy!!
OMM, how are you doing? You were on my heart this weekend.... :hugs:

Oh thank you sweetheart, i am doing ok, and i so appreciate you thinking of me.

For all my lovely ladies, thank you so much, i am sorry i have been gone for a bit, i have been lurking and reading just not posting. I found out on friday that we were denied the Compassionate Care program, which was also the same day that AF showed up :cry: so much for having two eggies to catch. So its official, that we are done, the Compassionate Care program turned us down because get this we make too much money, funny since we dont have any money to spend on the meds lol. Its ok though, i guess i was ready to give this up, i was just so tired of doing it, and worrying and wondering about it, its really nice since this is the first time i have truly let it all go. DH and I are planning a vacation for next spring, and right now thats what is keeping us going, especially since i swear we are being tortured with baby stuff, we went out shopping this weekend and everywhere we went there were tons of babies, and every TV program we have watched someone is pregnant lol. We also threw out the two bibs we had hanging up in our bedroom, one said I love mommy and one said I love daddy, and we had a couple outfits that we had bought, i put those in a zip lock bag and put them up in the attic in a keepsake box i have of my baby stuff, maybe one day my niece will have a baby and i will give them to her. I have also taken all the baby websites off of my favorites on my computer, except for this one of course, i wont leave you ladies!! :hugs: but enough of me, i am well, sad but doing ok, and now i will be the permenant driver of the whatevers wagon. I just need a bit more lurking time and then i will be back to support all of you beautiful women.

HA, i am glad your going for another round of IUI, i will keep you in my prayers that you get a super sticky bean.

Dwrgi, honey i would fight for your IUI's stupid people, why do they think they can rule what we do!!

MissyT, honey do not pay attention to that low AMH, my AMH was low too, it was at 0.57, but all my other levels are perfect and normal, my RE said that its not just one that can tell but all the levels, so you just ignore that doctor of yours, and think positive. Only God knows if the IVF cycle will or will not work, not these stupid doctors that take one test and figure its the Holy Bible of everything, they dont know how you will respond to the treatment until they do it, and what gets me is that the only thing the low AMH means to them is that you wont produce a ton of follies, but how do they know that, look at me, i am 44 and the last time i did an IUI, i was 43 and i did it with clomid and 75ml of gonal f for a back up and i had 3 mature eggs, ON CLOMID!! So they dont know shit!!!! :haha: You are going to do this IVF and its going to work, because i said so lol. :hugs:

Purple, Never, MacWooly, Lava, Skye, Twinkle and Butterfly- (dang i know i am missing someone), i love all you ladies, i am here, just kind of quiet for now :hugs:

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