TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

HA - oh my goodness, I am appalled by your hospital's lack of sense. they need a good kick up the Ass!! I am so sorry this has happened to you, and you need to ring then and shout and ask them, how do they think that makes me feel?????? huge :hugs: :hugs: for you xxxx (I'll happily ring them on your behalf if you like, Im getting lots of practice with my dad's useless prior consultant!!)
Asryellah - we have a Jack russell Terrier cross - he is low to the ground so that makes collecting a pee sample very interesting lol! - I love Yorkies - they are soooo cute!! have you cracked the whip with DH and his SA??? :winkwink:

and Twinks - I cannot even imagine trying to catch a sample from a cat Lmao!!!! :haha:

How is everyone doing today??

we may need to reform our "rolling up sleeves " brigade to go and sort out HA's hospital staff!!

Dwrgi - I love your avatar - is that one of yours?? if so it must have been last year (because of the snow??) Huskies are just so beautiful!

Butterfly - Ill second you on that = AF - STAY AWAY!!!!!!

Missy - Big :hugs: to you, I am intersted in the Chinese medicine you mention in your Siggy, have you started in yet. Is it in the form of pills, or do you have to deal with leaves and bits of bark (ive seen the chinese medicine shop near us and it looks a lot like loads of wood and stuff!)

Never - thinking of you and wondering how you are :hugs:

Northstar - are you back in the UK now or are you still in some lovely part of Europe??

Jdonn - How are you doing today?? :flower:

FM - :hi: hoping you are ok :flower:

big :hugs: for Pad and Omm - hope you ladies are ok.

Praying - thinking of you and hoping you are still feeling positive :)

and in case they are lurking --- :hugs: for keekee and wooly (I miss you!)

ok.... Im missing someone, Ill have to read back and try to fingure out who :wacko:

afm - still busy today, decorating and getting mum and dad registered with a new GP and taking them to do a "big shop" ready for next week. (sorry I realised I go on about all this a lot lately !) Cbfm still says "high" temp still up but M has started to flash, so AF is likely to be here soon :( but never mind - 2012 is going to be THE year for us all (I have decided!!)
ok, I forgot sara - sorry chick - hope you are well today and all ready for Christmas :)

and also Skye and lava - hey ladies, it's almost Christmas so then almost the new year and then almost time for those babies!! Big Loves xxx

carol & Titi - In case you there, :hugs: hope you are both ok??
The mystery pain is gone. Poof! Just like that. I woke up and I was pain free. Well, I'm still sore and I have mild pressure but NOTHING like yesterday and the day before. I suppose I was ovulating. I'm just happy I can walk upright again..... However, I'll still bite your head off in a second and spit it back out at you! I'm so pleasant to be around at this Christmas time....

I hit up my CBFM this morning with a reading of HIGH as expected so I guess ovulation is over. And as planned I went in for BW this morning. It was for Progesterone, I was told. I'll hear something about that maybe as early as tomorrow or next Tuesday b/c of the holiday. They went ahead and called in 100mg CLOMID, though. I am so apprehensive to take it since I felt so bad with just the 50mg. I told the lab nurses that my husband doesn't even like me anymore. They kept reassuring me that it's all worth it and I replied with "not if my husband doesn't like me and I have to do it all alone". Half joking....but half serious, too. I bet if we do some research, there is a CLOMID Divorce Group.

I am very tired today but I promised my nephew we'd go see a movie this evening so I'm on the hook for that. I just hope I don't fall asleep on him. Poor thing. I may lose my current Awesome Aunt title if I do. "Drool's not Cool!"

I guess now I settle in for my results and the TWW.... "Dear Sweet Baby Jesus- You could end all of this for us right now if only you would drop of load of babies on us!!! Your Biggest Fan, JDonn!"

Merry Christmas everyone! We will be traveling so I might not get to pop back in tomorrow.

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
Purple, my acupuncturist practices chinese medicine with herbs and tea. She also mentioned the qigong to me, which is a cross between tai chi and yoga. Supposedly be good for balancing the body. She gave me a book to read about chinese medicine and fertility. It was interesting. I feel like I've tried everything else so why not? She gives me a conconction of herbs in capsule form. She has all kinds of special blends. I know what you are talking about with the twigs and bark. I ordered a chinese tea once and it was twigs. It was so gross! But I think I boiled and steeped it too long.

Jdonn, glad the pain went away and good luck in your 2ww.

dwrgi, the same thing happened to me with my BF right before I started my IVF cycle. She told me she was pregnant and was only trying 2 months. She was 29 at the time and decided that she wanted to get off the pill since I was having such a hard time. I stopped talking to her. I needed to do it for my mental health. I'm not a selfish person and I don't feel bad about not talking to her anymore. I just know that I have to do what's best for me.

AFM, no AF yet. I'm trying not to get my hopes up as I do feel a bit crampy. I refuse to test because I'm tired of seeing BFNs. I'm pretty ticked off because DH told me he is going on work travel the week I'm supposed to ovulate. If AF is just a few more days late it won't matter, he'll be back in time. I just feel like we can't afford to have a wasted month when we aren't together physically during my fertile week.
HA....that is so bloody outrageous :hugs: I hate all the reminders of losses at the best of times..never mind such blatant ones. I hope you are having a better day :hugs:

Purple..lovely hearing about all the house stuff and having your parents so close will be fab :hugs: what on earth is your CBFM doing :wacko: your avatar :cloud9: bet you're relieved you have broken up from work now?

Missy...I hope you have a surprise BFP :hugs: if not, I hope your DH is not away when you are next fertile. I also agree that you should try anything that you feel comfortable with to get your baby :hugs: ok?

Twinks...done your Christingle yet?

Butterfly...:dust: hoping that hag stays away :hugs:

NS...where are you at?

Welcome to the newbies...hope your stay in here is short :flower:


I had my first betas on Monday and waiting for yesterdays numbers to come back (should get them tomorrow) and I am hoping they double. Shall keep you posted and thank you for asking after me :flower:

:hugs: to you all

Ladies, I've been lurking these past few days, but am coming out of the woodwork for a few minutes here to address a few posts.

Welcome to this awesome thread. I hope your stay is short. I just wanted to make a quick suggestion. I hope you don't mind. During my IUI cycles, I tried both Clomid & Femara. I did get pg on my first Clomid cycle, but thought that I had more negative side effects from the Clomid than the Femara. Two of my friends who were on a combination of Clomid, then a trigger shot of Ovidril, and progesterone during the TWW described themselves as monsters & swear it was the Clomid. They had less problems when they switched to Femara & Pregnyl for the trigger. Anyway, all this to say that Femara works the same as Clomid with fewer apparent side effects and it might be worth discussing with your doctor. It's an oral pill you take for 4 days (I think) to bolster ovulation. It is slightly more expensive. My co-pay for Femara was $50 as opposed to $20 for Clomid. Anyway, studies show they they are equally effective, but you may tolerate the Femara better. Good luck. I hope 2012 brings the Baby train to all of you much-deserving ladies. I like your prayer!!!

Just to second everyone's horror at your hospital staff for that insensitive mailer. One of my good friends still gets emails and mailers from Babies R Us & Enfamil & her insurance company despite notifying them several times of her miscarriage this Summer. It is infuriating! I'm so sorry this caused you such needless extra pain. I say we send the TTC #1 35+ mob out to retaliate!!!

You are the sweetest daughter. I hope your parents' transition & move continues to go smoothly for your family. Enjoy your holidays.

My parents are coming over for Christmas dinner along with DH's mom despite her broken back & his aunt who just had her tooth pulled following a bad root canal. He will spend half of Christmas just driving - picking up all of our individual family members, bringing them to our little condo, then taking them home. This is when I wish we had a guest bedroom or pull out couch. Today, DH is running around picking up groceries and last minute Christmas gifts for everyone and his family's lists too today in the pouring rain. All this so we can have a nice Christmas. I hate that I can't really help, but I am so appreciative of all he is doing to ensure our family can be together this year. Our parents are all in their early 80's. Life is so precious.

If I don't talk with everyone, Merry Christmas! I wish you and yours many blessings. Love, L
Helllooooooo! Sorry I've been awol - been really busy getting Christmas sorted and work.

Dodger - glad you had a good visit with your OB. Fingers crossed for you.

Never & Purple - Glad you like my avatar. :thumbup: That's my boy. He's a rescue that I got when he was 13 months old. He's now 8 1/2 and currently passed out on the floor by my feet. Sweetest, best behaved dog (ie. won't even steal food off a nose level coffee table when he's left on his own) ever.

Purple - thanks for missing me. :hugs: and yeah, the cbfm is a bit confusing to start with. my guess is it's still getting used to you. mine tends to tie in with my temps ok now in that i generally ov (according to ff anyway) a day or two after the second peak reading. just stick with it.

Never - fingers crossed hun.

Dwrgi - yeah the whole family is now in S America. It's been 20 years since I was last on the same continent as them so I'm just loving this! :flower:

Missyt - fingers crossed and I'm glad you've found a counsellor.

HA - :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

And Welcome to Asryellah, Sara and jdonn.

afm - I left it all a bit late but the Christmas shopping is now all done, all wrapped and under the tree and all my Crimbo cards sent off (though I did leave it so late, most of them were home made ecards... ooops!). I've started work doing transcriptions. Pay's rubbish but it's more as something to do and keep me super busy while DH is away at work.

Hope everyone has a love Christmas.
dwrgi and mauiti, your doggies are so cute. I just loves dogs. I don't know what I do without mine. I really don't.

AFM, AF showed this morning. That means that DH will be out of town when I'm ovulating. I'm so pissed. I feel like I just can't deal with anymore set backs. We are leaving for MA today to spend it with my family. I wanted to leave over an hour ago but DH insisted on making a run to the dump. So I'm already in a bad mood, between AF arriving and getting a late start. He is one of those people that is always late. I'm always early so it bugs the crap out of me when he drags his feet and takes his time when I think we should've been on the road already. The dogs are going nuts because they know they are going somewhere. They saw us put their crate in the car.
Hey ladies, I just wanted to pop in while I had a chance today and wish you all a Merry Christmas. I'm anticipating a busy day at work and of course a busy weekend.:xmas16:
Hi lovely ladies :) :xmas9:
I know lots of people are travelling in the next day or two and welcoming family etc, so I just wanted to send you all a big :hug: and kisses and Christmas loves and wish you all a happy Christmas and New year and a wish that 2012 will be the lucky year for us all and that this time next year we will ALL be celebrating Christmas with our new babies or be heavily pregnant! (please please please!)

Just wanted to echo Purple...

Merry christmas all...hope you all have a decent day with families and loved ones. 2012 has got to be the year for all of us :flower:


My numbers doubled so another hurdle done. Scan in three weeks to check for HB

Just wanted to echo Purple...

Merry christmas all...hope you all have a decent day with families and loved ones. 2012 has got to be the year for all of us :flower:


My numbers doubled so another hurdle done. Scan in three weeks to check for HB


So delighted for you Never!!!! Way to go girl!

Merry Xmas to you, and to everybody else.... will write more tomorrow... doing dinner tonight and the doorbell should go in one hour!!!! Aaaargghhhhhhh.
am gonna be on one of my AWOL seshs as am off seeing family...

but had to say....

Skye and Lava... loves to you and babies

HA... frikking shocking hun! Am outraged!

Purp, Dwrgi and Butterfly... gotta happen for us right??? Luvs luvs luvs


Just humongeous Merry Xmas guys.... roll on 2012!! XX
To echo purple, never, dwrgi and pad, big :hug: and massive Xmas wishes for everyone, And yes, let's see more BFPs in the new year :thumbup:

missyt - :hugs: for AF. I feel your pain with DH being away. So :hugs: again!

Never - fingers crossed for you hun... roll on 3 weeks time.

And also from me too, a huge


to all of you wonderful ladies. Thank you all just for being you and here's hoping that 2012 will be the year for all of us!
Wishing all my favourite TTCers (and Mummys to be) a very happy and peaceful Christmas :xmas6:
I apologize for my short absence - we were traveling and I didn't have time to come on here and catch up before now....

Thank you all for so much support - when I opened that letter DH was at work and my neighbor (who's in her 50s and had several miscarriages herself over the years, so she's always ready with a hug) wasn't home and I felt so alone... but coming on here fixed that. You all are so wonderful it makes me want to cry. Santa himself could not have gathered together a more amazing group of women if he tried.

That %&*%^ letter really messed me up. I was absolutely shattered for about two days - useless, exhausted, weepy... it just really took the wind out of my sails. I'm feeling better as the days go on... I am trying to just let go of it for now and I'll formulate some sort of action plan for what to do next after the holidays.

(Oh, and to those of you who asked, AF is due sometime this week. We can't start IVF on the next cycle because we'll be at Disney World when I would have to be stimming, so our IVF will probably start the last week of January.)

I hope you all have a lovely Christmas. Those of you in the TWW, here's hoping for a lovely Chirstmas surprise. Those of us not in the TWW (and yes, I include myself in that because we used bc this month), here's to lots of nog in our egg nog! :xmas12: And to all of us, here's to a new start in the new year.
Missy-HUGE :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: hun as my AF is about to show too. Grrrrr... booo hisss. You are so right in what you say-I can't take anymore of this shit either. Life is sooooooo cruel, but out with the old and in with the new, and I am certain that 2012 is going to be OUR year, so hang on in there! My advice to you-put TTC to the back of your mind over Xmas, focus on enjoying yourself, getting together with friends and family and just relaxing and laughing!! Will be the the tonic that we ALL need. But, I have a good feeling in my water (it's not the wine...) and I know that we will get there. Have a lovely Christmas, Missy, and I am thinking of you,

Lots and lots of love,

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