TTC 1st child 35+ (Please spoiler any PG news/announcements).

Hi ladies it's been a while since posting but I've been lurking. AFs been regular with AF coming 24th or 25th of the month for a while now. It's the 29th and she hasn't shown up. Did a cheapy which was BFN. Sent DH off to get proper ones. I'm scared to hope, scared to take the test. Would you do it or wait another week?
Hi everyone. Hope you all had a great Christmas or holiday.

I called my OB yesterday to get my results from my blood test last week. The nurse said it was low. 5.4 taken on the 20th day. Her words were "it doesn't appear you are ovulating". I lost it. Slumped in the floor and sobbed.

I am frustrated with the dr. I've explained that I BBT and have a monitor that clearly indicated that I ovulate but my LP is short. I figured they would be a little more proactive with my situation. Guess I'm wrong.

I'm on CD 27. I usually have a 28 day cycle but with the the emotions, meds and stress it will will prob be late this month only to devastate me when AF finally shows.

I feel like such a lab rat.

Thanks for letting me vent. I'm saying prayers for us all!!
Pad, I hate those emotional commercials. I hope your day gets better. :hugs:

Foxy, maybe you should wait it out. I know how you feel. I very slightly had my hopes up this past week when AF was late but she showed up a couple days later. Its so hard not to get your hopes up even when you are a smidgen late.

jdonn, I swear I have an aversion to doctors now. I got so tired of being treated like a data file of numbers and dates that I just needed a break. You are right, they don't care about the individual. Honestly, you know your body better than they do. I just read a wonderful book that talks about how if we get in tune with our bodies and know how to interpret it, a lot of times we prove doctors wrong. I believe in that strongly. Go with you gut and if you feel the need to, get a second opinion.
So now I am wondering how everyone else Christmas was?? Did you ladies all have a relaxing time, I bet Twinkle is in need of some rest since it sounded like she was going to be super busy. And HA - are you back home yet? If not, have a safe journey home xx

We're still at my parents' in Texas but today is our last day - we head out tomorrow for our two-day drive home. Up until yesterday, everything has been great - having LOTS of fun with our niece and nephew, visiting "old" friends, having a good time. I had a mini-meldown yesterday, though. I have PMS so I'm irritable anyway, and someone said something seemingly innocuous yesterday that set me off a little, so I had a good cry in private. But then last night we went out with friends, DH was the sober driver, and I took full advantage of that opportunity and got good and snockered last night! :drunk: I think it was just what I needed. :haha: Drunk enough to be silly, but not drunk enough to be hungover today. :thumbup:

Do you ladies have anything nice planned for New years eve?? I have to admit we don't do much really, I used to go out when I was younger but now we tend to stay in and cook a nice meal etc etc, plus there are usually a lot of fireworks locally and the dogs get all anxious so it's nice to stay home. After today I am really looking forwards to the weekend and a bit of a rest xx

Nope, nothing at all - we'll be arriving at home late that evening. Typically all we do is have a few friends over and get drunk playing board games, or working a giant puzzle, something where we can just enjoy the conversation and the company. :thumbup: (Wow, in two short paragraphs I sound like I get drunk all the time! I really don't, I promise!!) Even in our younger years, though, we never were the type to enjoy a big NYE party.

Am having a tearful day.. Baby 5 was due about now and Twiglet was the one both me and DH were most hopeful about... also saw an advert for the WSPCA on the TV and that set me off big time... hate to my soul the thought of animals being treated cruely and suffering. Never having love or freedom.....

Ooooo heavens here I go again...:cry: quick pass the tissues girls....:cry::cry:

One of my thoughts during yesterday's cry was, I wonder if this will ever get any easier? I'm sorry you're having a hard time... it's a hard time of year all around....

I called my OB yesterday to get my results from my blood test last week. The nurse said it was low. 5.4 taken on the 20th day. Her words were "it doesn't appear you are ovulating". I lost it. Slumped in the floor and sobbed.

I am frustrated with the dr. I've explained that I BBT and have a monitor that clearly indicated that I ovulate but my LP is short. I figured they would be a little more proactive with my situation. Guess I'm wrong.

I'm on CD 27. I usually have a 28 day cycle but with the the emotions, meds and stress it will will prob be late this month only to devastate me when AF finally shows.

I feel like such a lab rat.

Thanks for letting me vent. I'm saying prayers for us all!!

JDonn, have you seen an RE yet, or just your OB? If you haven't seen an RE yet, I would recommend you do so now. An RE will definitely be proactive... plus, if you really aren't ovulating, REs are the experts, not OBs, and they're the ones you'll want treating you. I know it's easier said than done, but try not to get discouraged by this. If you are indeed not ovulating, that's truly one of the easiest issues to correct. And remember not to get upset with yourself for being upset - first off, feelings are something to have, not something to judge - they aren't good or bad, they just are. And secondly, Clomid could turn ice queen Martha Stewart into a blubbering puddle of goo - that sh*t really messes with your moods! :hugs: Take a deep breath, and know we're all here to help you through.

Foxybaby, when did you ovulate? The accuracy of an HPT really has nothing to do with what cycle day it is, it's based on how many dpo you are.... Good luck!
"Jdonn, I swear I have an aversion to doctors now. I got so tired of being treated like a data file of numbers and dates that I just needed a break. You are right, they don't care about the individual. Honestly, you know your body better than they do. I just read a wonderful book that talks about how if we get in tune with our bodies and know how to interpret it, a lot of times we prove doctors wrong. I believe in that strongly. Go with you gut and if you feel the need to, get a second opinion."

I feel like I've reached that decision for a second opinion. I'm going to start looking during this cycle. I just feel like I know more about what is going on with me and someone needs to listen to me. I know I'm not alone in this and I feel for all of you. My poor husband felt so bad for me yesterday after my phone call that he came back to the house o make sure I was ok (he travels daily and I've been off work for he holidays).

On another note, if I see one more commercial for the ASPCA, I'm going to flood this room. Being emotional and hearing Sara McLaughlins gut wrenching lullaby and sad puppy faces are all not a good mix!!!!! UUURGH!
Jdonn, clomid made me an absolute nutcase. DH was really to commit me. One time I sent the laundry basket reeling at him. Hence another reason I'm taking a break and giving the natural approach a shot.
dear ladies, I am so so sorry that so many of us are feeling so low at the moment. I wish I had the words to make it all better (or some magic power to creating instant super sticky pregnancies for us all) I am thinking of you all and sending a ton of :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: in fact - I am scooping you all in for a giant Group hug and holding you all tight!

big loves xxx
[/QUOTE]JDonn, have you seen an RE yet, or just your OB? If you haven't seen an RE yet, I would recommend you do so now. An RE will definitely be proactive... plus, if you really aren't ovulating, REs are the experts, not OBs, and they're the ones you'll want treating you. I know it's easier said than done, but try not to get discouraged by this. If you are indeed not ovulating, that's truly one of the easiest issues to correct. And remember not to get upset with yourself for being upset - first off, feelings are something to have, not something to judge - they aren't good or bad, they just are. And secondly, Clomid could turn ice queen Martha Stewart into a blubbering puddle of goo - that sh*t really messes with your moods! :hugs: Take a deep breath, and know we're all here to help you through.[/QUOTE]

Thank you so much for that!! 1st time I've laughed in days. We have thought about a RE. Just not looking to redoing all of the tests again. And I know for sure I will NOT do another HSG. That's where I draw the line. I wonder how to go about finding a local RE? (I'm assuming that is a Reproductive Specialist?)
Pad & jdonn - Sending you both big :hugs::hugs:!

Would you do it or wait another week?

Your ticker says 8dpo. If that's right, I'd say to hold off a bit longer. Though if it were me, I know I wouldn't be able to wait. lol
Thank you so much for that!! 1st time I've laughed in days. We have thought about a RE. Just not looking to redoing all of the tests again. And I know for sure I will NOT do another HSG. That's where I draw the line. I wonder how to go about finding a local RE? (I'm assuming that is a Reproductive Specialist?)

Yep, RE = Reproductive Endocrinologist. And you shouldn't have to redo any tests - take your records with you. The RE might want to redo any he thinks were done on the wrong cycle day, but that's it. And as for the HSG, if it was done within the last 7 years and you haven't had any abdominal surgery since then, you won't need to redo it either. As for how to find one, start doing research on area IVF clinics - that's where you'll find the REs. All IVF clinics in the US are required to report their success rates to the CDC - you can find the info at or at Look for a clinic near you with good success rates. Just don't let the notion of calling an IVF clinic freak you out - most patients don't actually need IVF when they go there, it's just a name.....
hi ladies
I havent been here for a while, been getting over the last (3rd) miscarriage in october. I had recurrent miscarriage testing back in the uk ( i have been living in the canary islands for the summer) and all tests were negative, so i returned to the canaries with the instructions to chill which i have been.

It affected my partner quite a lot this time, initially i was wanting to try again immediately, but after thinking about it i said i'm not sure just yet, which confused the poor man but he understood. I was OV testing the last month, but used all the tests up until about day 19 and no OV so thought ah well, i'm not ready yet anyway....

AF didnt arrive on monday when i was due, been having period pains but no AF so this morning i did a test and i'm pregnant again!
I havent told partner yet, i literally just found out, i'm in a bit of a panic, its difficult to be happy about it yet, i guess i should just try and chill, but after 3 miscarriages and being in a foreign country its not easy, partner is going to be over the moon but wonder whether i should tell him, i dont want to get his hopes up again and i am only just 5 weeks, the other issue is getting an early scan, easy if i was in the uk.

Just hoping for some support and advice really, guess my boozy NYE is out the door now :dohh:
missyt, I'm glad your RE is an EX-RE now :thumbup:. Hopefully you'll get your bfp the natural way now when resting from all the poking, pulling etc.

Jdonn, I've read soooooo many stories on not ovulating and then starting clomid and bang BFP. Maybe they'll up your dose and that's all it takes?:happydance:
There's also a condition called "unruptured follicle syndrome", which means all symptoms looks like you're ovulating but the follicle doesn't release the egg. That can be found out from dpo7 bloodworks and help follicle release egg with hcg-shot around ovulation time.

Yay it's friday, I hope all of you have a great weekend and great New Year
We will be having some mexican food, chips&dips, sweets :lolly: and that's it. Just relax and enjoy.
We were just at one party where we (I) had too much :wine: and still remember how I felt next no need for us to party now :winkwink:

ooh Sunny74 congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) so happy to have some good news here!!!!
ooh Sunny74 congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) so happy to have some good news here!!!!

Thanks Asryellah
I wish i could be happy about it, but having had 3 miscarriages i cant help but worry, i really dont feel strong enough to go through another miscarriage....
ooh Sunny74 congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) so happy to have some good news here!!!!

Thanks Asryellah
I wish i could be happy about it, but having had 3 miscarriages i cant help but worry, i really dont feel strong enough to go through another miscarriage....

*hugs* I'm praying for a sticky bean for you this time hun. I just went through my first miscarriage for the 2nd time (long story) and I can only imagine how I would be after 3. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Sadly, I'm officially back to this thread... again. Though we aren't able to officially try until my numbers go down past 5 hCG, I figured I would put some effort into getting myself back into threads that my limbo of the last several weeks had made me go quiet in. Hubby and I are having fun whenever we can, but obviously until the hCG is out of my system, my body won't ovulate. Hopefully that will happen soon...

So sorry that I went so quiet on you all.
hi ladies
I havent been here for a while, been getting over the last (3rd) miscarriage in october. I had recurrent miscarriage testing back in the uk ( i have been living in the canary islands for the summer) and all tests were negative, so i returned to the canaries with the instructions to chill which i have been.

It affected my partner quite a lot this time, initially i was wanting to try again immediately, but after thinking about it i said i'm not sure just yet, which confused the poor man but he understood. I was OV testing the last month, but used all the tests up until about day 19 and no OV so thought ah well, i'm not ready yet anyway....

AF didnt arrive on monday when i was due, been having period pains but no AF so this morning i did a test and i'm pregnant again!
I havent told partner yet, i literally just found out, i'm in a bit of a panic, its difficult to be happy about it yet, i guess i should just try and chill, but after 3 miscarriages and being in a foreign country its not easy, partner is going to be over the moon but wonder whether i should tell him, i dont want to get his hopes up again and i am only just 5 weeks, the other issue is getting an early scan, easy if i was in the uk.

Just hoping for some support and advice really, guess my boozy NYE is out the door now :dohh:

Sunny, I know how scary it feels to be pregnant again after recurrent losses. There's a fairly new thread for women pregnant after recurrent losses, and every one of them knows what you're going through and can give you all the support you need:

I think it's just what you need right now.... :hugs::hugs:
Sunny, I'm fx'd this one sticks for you and you have a healthy 9 months. Its very understandable that you are nervous. I know its hard but try to stay positive.

Dodger, I'm sorry you had to go through all that.

AFM, AF is officially over. I had a chiropractor appointment this morning and he gave me a few good cracks. Soon I'm off for a massage. I decided I need to start treating myself better.
Bugger...I somehow unsubscribed from this thread :hissy:

Struggling to keep up since OH is at home and moaning about me spending time on my phone or laptop but you've all been in my thoughts and I'll be back to following you properly once we go back to work next week :thumbup:

Hugs to you all :hugs:

I am 35 and trying for my first after just coming off Cerezette! Wish me luck!
jdonn, I just noticed your ff siggy!!! Where are you?! Is congratulations now in place??!!

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